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Contact 高雄新秘-Winni小閔妝髮造型工作室

地址 :

813, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Mengzi Rd, 540號高雄新秘-Winni小閔妝髮造型工作室

電話 : 📞 +8899888
網站 : https://winnimakeup-stylist.business.site/
城市 : Mengzi Rd

813, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Mengzi Rd, 540號高雄新秘-Winni小閔妝髮造型工作室
Julie Hong on Google

進鳳張 on Google

J.C on Google

張洪鳴 on Google

Listen patiently, keep improving, new secrets, works can speak ?
吳佳臻 on Google

小閔老師很貼心和細心~ 一開始從夢時代的愛Wedding找到小閔老師,在粉專看過老師的作品後,覺得這就是我喜歡的感覺,展現新娘個人特色與氣質自然的妝感,真的大大擊中我的心? 所以我第一個詢問的新秘就是小閔老師,在詢問的過程中,我提問了很多問題,因為我是個很焦慮的新娘,會想在事前把所有事情都搞定,很感謝老師在忙碌之餘,還是很有耐心的幫我解答~? 也是因為老師讓我感到很安心,所以我決定把自己交給她,也很幸運110/11/14這個大日子,我還能預定到老師的時間(尖叫?) 當我選定的禮服出來後,我有提供幾種喜歡的造型參考和我自己的想法給老師,老師會依照自己的專業判斷,是否適合,如果不適合也會依照相似的方向給予造型建議,還會做成圖文並茂的簡報,大大推用心? 宴客當天,真的很佩服老師的巧手,在很趕很趕的時間裡,把我畫得這麼美?,還幫我拍這麼多美照,每套造型結束也都會跟在我的身邊,隨時幫我調整到最完美的狀態,真的非常感謝~~? (完全沒時間去試妝,宴客當天就直接交給老師,還能這麼美,是不是很厲害??)
Teacher Xiao Min is very caring and attentive~ At the beginning, I found Teacher Xiao Min from the love of the dream era. After seeing the teacher’s work in Fan Zhuan, I felt that this is what I like. The natural makeup that shows the bride’s personal characteristics and temperament really hit my heart ? So the first new secretary I asked was Teacher Xiao Min. In the process of inquiring, I asked a lot of questions. Because I am a very anxious bride, I want to get everything done beforehand. Thank you very much for being busy. I am still very patient to help me answer~? It’s also because the teacher made me feel very at ease, so I decided to give myself to her. I am also very lucky that on the big day of 110/11/14, I can still book the teacher’s time (scream ?) When the dress I selected came out, I provided several favorite style references and my own ideas to the teacher. The teacher will judge whether it is suitable according to his professional judgment. If it is not suitable, he will also give styling suggestions in a similar direction. Make a presentation with pictures and texts, and push it hard ? On the day of the banquet, I really admire the teacher’s skill. He painted me so beautiful in a very hurry, and helped me to take so many beautiful photos. After every set of modeling, I will be by my side. , Help me adjust to the perfect state anytime, thank you very much~~? (I don’t have time to try on makeup at all. I just give it to the teacher on the day of the banquet. It’s still so beautiful. Isn’t it amazing?)
Wen You Ting (Joe) on Google

非常幸運上到小閔老師的一日彩妝課程。 會選擇小閔老師看主要有幾項原因:1.作品的妝感及風格我覺得非常好看,是我喜歡的類型。2.粉絲專業有放一些影片,在還沒上過課之前,從這些影片我覺得小閔老師應該是一個非常細心的人,幫客人上妝的手法也很輕柔而且很注重細節,會注重細節的老師我覺得備課上面一定會相當用心。3.這個工作室有網站!!!雖然有網站好像不是特別的重要,但我覺得這是一個加分項,我覺得一個小工作室還會經營網站相當新潮?而且需要付出更多時間,覺得這個人一定非常用心經營他的事業。 上課的內容其實到網站上也寫得非常清楚,一開始是介紹一些原理及認識彩妝品會有哪些東西。老師也會有印一份講義,雖然我是那個老師沒說要寫筆記我就不會寫的那種人.....再來就是開始化妝了。由老師先完成半邊臉,不得不再次提到,老師的上妝手法很厲害,除了幫我設計適合我臉型的妝容,細心度也是非常變態,看到有稍微要補的地方馬上再補。非常能想像當老師的客人一定非常幸福,因為老師要求每個地方一定要是最完美的。其實老師在操作的過程中我有點害怕,因為老師是直接先完成半邊臉,我這金魚腦的容量會不會記不住......輪到我操作的時候果然老師剛剛的順序我幾乎快忘了,有記得一些手法而已。但是老師還是會在旁邊細心指導並監督我是否操作正確,其實前面的害怕的白害怕了。完成後覺得自己真漂亮? 老師在過程中也會一直拍照記錄,真的拍超多的??很期待看到都拍了些什麼 哈哈。 最後老師會推薦一些他覺得好用的產品以及在課堂中有用到哪些產品,有開架有專櫃,而且如果自己有帶彩妝品不會用的也可以拿出來跟老師請教。 [總結] 如果你想學彩妝的話,小閔老師絕對是不錯的選擇,老師的專業程度、細心程度、教學方面以及溝通都非常的棒,本人也很漂亮聲音也很好聽哦!!!也不藏私的跟學生分享。學費方面我覺得以這次學到的東西與體驗蠻值得的,之前有上過其他彩妝課,以價錢/時數比我覺得跟外面沒有差很多,但是我覺得我的收穫跟上課體驗比我之前上的彩妝課還要棒!希望這篇評論可以幫助到想學化妝的人。(這邊的評論太少了!!!,我當初沒有參考到學生的評價,希望留這一篇供參) P.S.我沒有拍啥照片,附上一張老師讓我拍刷具的照片。
I am very fortunate to attend the one-day make-up course of Teacher Xiao Min. There are several reasons for choosing Teacher Xiao Min: 1. I think the makeup and style of the works are very beautiful, and they are the type I like. 2. There are some videos for fan majors. Before taking the class, I think Mr. Min should be a very careful person. The way to help guests with makeup is also very gentle and pays attention to details. He will pay attention to details. I think my teacher will be very careful in preparing lessons. 3. This studio has a website! ! ! Although having a website does not seem to be particularly important, I think this is a bonus. I think a small studio will run a website that is quite trendy and needs more time. I think this person must be very careful to run his business. The content of the class was actually written very clearly on the website. At the beginning, it was an introduction to some of the principles and understanding of the cosmetic products. The teacher will also print a handout, although I'm the kind of person that the teacher didn't tell me to write notes and I wouldn't know how to write... Then I started to put on makeup. The teacher finishes half of the face first, and I have to mention again that the teacher’s makeup technique is very powerful. In addition to helping me design makeup that suits my face shape, the meticulousness is also very abnormal. When I see something that I need to make up, I will make up immediately. I can imagine that the guest who is a teacher must be very happy, because the teacher requires that every place must be the most perfect. In fact, I was a little scared during the operation of the teacher, because the teacher directly completed half of the face first, will the capacity of my goldfish brain be unable to remember...When it was my turn to operate, it turned out that the teacher just ordered me Almost forgot, just remember some tricks. However, the teacher will still carefully guide and supervise whether I am operating correctly. In fact, the fear in front of me is totally scared. After finishing, I feel that I am so beautiful. The teacher will always take pictures and record during the process. I really took a lot of photos. I am looking forward to seeing what I have taken. Haha. Finally, the teacher will recommend some products that he thinks are easy to use and which products are useful in the classroom. [Summarize] If you want to learn makeup, Mr. Min is definitely a good choice. The teacher's professionalism, attentiveness, teaching and communication are very good, and he is also very beautiful and has a very good voice! ! ! Do not share with students privately. In terms of tuition, I think it’s worthwhile to learn and experience this time. I have taken other make-up courses before, and I think it’s not much worse than outside in terms of price/hours, but I think my gains and experience in class are better than before. The makeup class was awesome! Hope this review can help people who want to learn makeup. (There are too few comments here!!!, I didn't refer to the students' evaluation at the beginning, I hope to leave this one for reference) P.S. I didn't take any photos, and I attached a photo that the teacher asked me to take a brush.

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