Woshiju-Hefaminsudi1105hao-Tuijiantesecaoyuanhaijingminsujiatingqinziluyouminsuzhusushengtaijingguandaolantuijianminsujingdianluyoudingfangzhusueluanbidengtafujinjinlongpan Park - Hengchun Township

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Woshiju-Hefaminsudi1105hao-Tuijiantesecaoyuanhaijingminsujiatingqinziluyouminsuzhusushengtaijingguandaolantuijianminsujingdianluyoudingfangzhusueluanbidengtafujinjinlongpan Park

地址 :

No. 658號, Buding Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946

電話 : 📞 +889998
網站 : https://booking.owlting.com/hiddengemhouse
城市 : Pingtung County

No. 658號, Buding Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946
吳思慧 on Google

民宿前有一大片草原,非常適合小孩奔跑,房內的露台很大,椅子很舒服,坐著放空時間一下子就過了,除了看得到一大片草原還看的到海,美不勝收。 早餐是我吃過最豐盛精緻的,非常厲害。 房內的裝潢很舒適,床很好睡,來這邊真的不需要再安排行程,因為會完全不想出門
There is a large grassland in front of the homestay, which is very suitable for children to run. The terrace in the room is large, the chairs are very comfortable, and the time to sit and relax is passed by at once. In addition to seeing a large grassland, you can also see the sea, which is so beautiful. The breakfast is the richest and most exquisite I have ever eaten. It is very powerful. The decoration in the room is very comfortable, and the bed is easy to sleep. I really don’t need to arrange the itinerary when I come here, because I don’t want to go out at all.
Wei Hsiang Chiu on Google

There is a large grassland in front of the B&B. The owner of the B&B takes good care of the grass, and the children can run with confidence. The room is spacious and the view is also great, making people stay in the homestay all day and feel the boss's intentions. It's worth staying again next time you come to Kenting
Jennifer Tsai on Google

在這渡過了美好的聖誕夜及聖誕節。推薦給想要遠離墾丁大街鬧區,早上起床想要看到一望無際的大草原及遠方海景的朋友。可以感受到老闆用心經營民宿,選用的備品及裝潢也很有質感。很怕給了五星以後就不好訂了? 最重要的是老闆人很好也很熱心,對我們提出的要求都盡力達成。謝謝?對老闆感激在心!
Spent a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas here. It is recommended to those who want to stay away from the busy area of ​​Kenting Street and get up in the morning and want to see the endless prairie and distant sea view. You can feel that the boss is carefully operating the homestay, and the selection of accessories and decorations are also very textured. I'm afraid it will be difficult to book after giving five stars? The most important thing is that the boss is very nice and enthusiastic, and tries his best to fulfill all the requirements we put forward. Thank you ? to be grateful to the boss!
張雅芳 on Google

很幸運的chloe 感謝小妹&ken 精心策劃墾丁之旅 夢幻波浪綠草!!! 墾丁私房「台版紐西蘭」仙境 漫步大草原超療癒 一到沃鉐居 貼心小吳夫妻就在門口迎接大家 帶我們介紹每個房間 獨立包棟質感超好 每個房間都很有特色 不同主題 chloe住在203邊居 一進門打開只有一句話 哇~四周落地窗一覽無遺 讓人想光著腳丫在 綠油油的草地奔跑翻滾 房間的空間寬敞 佈置溫馨及舒適 獨立的露台可以享受 不被打擾空間 一早看日出 傍晚看著落日餘暉 夜晚滿天星斗映入眼簾 任何時間都可以欣賞到大自然的美~ 最厲害要來了 第一天早餐 牛肉松露頓飯 讓我回來兩天 而已又想吃 第二天早餐 紅燒牛肉麵 你們會愛上 無法形容~
very lucky chloe Thank you little sister & ken Well-planned trip to Kenting Dreamy wavy green grass! ! ! Kenting Private House "Taiwan Version of New Zealand" Wonderland Walking on the Prairie Ultra Healing Once you arrive at Woqiju The intimate Xiao Wu couple will greet you at the door Walk us through each room The texture of the independent package is super good Every room is unique different themes chloe lives in Bianju 203 As soon as the door opens, there is only one sentence Wow ~ floor-to-ceiling windows all around Makes you want to be barefoot The green grass runs and rolls Room is spacious Warm and comfortable setting Separate terrace to enjoy undisturbed space Watch the sunrise in the morning Watching the sunset in the evening Starry night comes into view You can enjoy the beauty of nature at any time~ The best is coming Breakfast on the first day Beef Truffle Meal let me come back for two days just want to eat breakfast the next day Braised beef noodles you will love indescribable~
Wendy on Google

蜜月環島來到最後一站,入住沃鉐居三天兩夜,一開進民宿所在的大草原時,遠遠就能看見有人已經在門口等待我們入住,貼心地幫忙拿行李、介紹房間,等到我們打開冰箱時看見老闆準備的蜜月驚喜時,真的感動到不行,在這裏入住,有回到家的感覺,有人迎接、出門有人說掰掰,老闆很熱情,願意分享很多生活經驗彼此交流。 民宿設施新穎、房間就有飲水機不用再自己裝水燒熱水,Netflix 、Disney+看到飽,落地窗讓整個草原盡收眼底,每天的早餐都很有誠意,可以感受老闆在早餐上的用心安排,這次入住才剛退房就急著想再訂下一趟旅程再來住一次!
We came to the last stop on our honeymoon around the island. We stayed at Woyu Residence for three days and two nights. When we entered the prairie where the B&B is located, we could see someone waiting for us at the door from a distance. He kindly helped us with our luggage, introduced the room, and waited for us. When I opened the refrigerator and saw the honeymoon surprise prepared by the boss, I was really moved. When I checked in here, I felt like I came home. Some people greeted me and went out. Some people said goodbye. The facilities of the homestay are novel, there is a water dispenser in the room, and there is no need to fill up water and boil hot water by yourself. Netflix and Disney+ are full. The floor-to-ceiling windows give a panoramic view of the whole grassland. The breakfast every day is very sincere, and you can feel the boss's careful arrangements for breakfast. , I just checked out this time and I am anxious to book another trip and stay again!
Kari on Google

廣闊的草坪 開闊的視野 身處台灣最南端的空間 瞬間抽離北部忙碌腳步 是該好好享受一下慢活生活了! 晚間在外用餐回來 竟然漆黑道路上看到野生梅花鹿 讓我們又驚又喜! 民宿內簡單溫馨的佈置讓人很放鬆 許多小細節中可以感受得到民宿主人的用心 甚至準備了瞬熱飲水機在房內 對於有帶小朋友的家庭這點超棒 陽台放置了躺椅 大露台還有一座大涼亭 可以好好的發呆過生活 第二天的早餐是中式的麵類 無論是牛肉麵和羊肉麵 大家都讚不絕口 聽說老闆的西式早餐也很有水準 下次再找機會來嚐嚐
expansive lawn broad vision The southernmost space in Taiwan Instantly get away from the busy footsteps of the north It's time to enjoy the slow life! Back from dinner out at night Spotted wild sika deer on the dark road Let's be amazed and delighted! The simple and warm layout of the homestay is very relaxing Many small details can feel the owner's intentions Even prepared an instant hot water dispenser in the room Great for families with young children Deck chairs on the balcony Large terrace and a large gazebo You can live a good life in a daze The next day's breakfast was Chinese noodles Whether it is beef noodles or lamb noodles Everyone raved about it I heard that the boss's western breakfast is also very standard I'll have a chance to try it next time
Carol Chiang on Google

When we went to the homestay, we followed the navigation but couldn't find the homestay. Fortunately, the owner of the homestay used the phone to guide us to reach us smoothly, and from a distance, we saw the owner standing at the door to greet us, and the initial impression was very good. The homestay is clean and warm, the fragrance and bath products used are very good, and the fragrance is unforgettable. The outdoor prairie with blue sky and white clouds is even more beautiful. Sitting on the reclining chair on the balcony of the room and watching this beautiful scenery is really a great enjoyment! There are also pasture rolls on the grasslands that are very suitable for taking pictures, and children also like to roll, just one pasture roll can play for a long time! For breakfast, I chose braised beef noodles, which is exquisite, delicious and not greasy. I heard that the menu will be changed when I stay here. I must stay for a few more days when I visit next time. I look forward to having a delicious breakfast again ?.
Shen-wen Lien on Google

一開始要預訂有點猶豫… 不是怕花錢, 而是怕CP值不高, 但是周邊因為一直訂不到想要的飯店, 最後硬著頭皮訂房了, 也真的還好訂房了… ‘幾乎是在台灣住過最好的民宿’ 這是住完之後給他的唯一評價… 先說說住宿空間 整間民宿只有三間房間 分別是 兩人房✖️1、四人房✖️2 每一間住房空間都很大 而陽台幾乎跟住房一樣大 而且打掃的一塵不染 你可以光腳走路而不帶一粒沙 而且躺椅沙發都幫你準備好了 很適合不安排任何行程就賴在民宿裡面 看雲、看海、看山、看草原 發現陽台的盆栽裡正有鳥媽媽在孵蛋 警戒狀態的鳥媽總是趁沒人時才回巢 請入住兩人房的旅客放輕音量及動作 避免打擾牠們 進入房間第一印象就是有五星級飯店的特有香氛 這很讓我驚艷,因為很多國內五星級飯店也沒有 只在國外遇過。 房內設施: 除了牆面其他都是大片落地窗 全自動遙控窗簾+嵌入式冷氣 即熱式飲水機非常方便 有寶寶的家庭泡奶粉會很方便 房裡的崁燈可調整亮度 你能找到最舒適的光源 羽絨枕頭及棉被 獨立筒床墊 超大液晶螢幕+內建Netflix & disney + 只能說舒適的住宿環境+完美的陽台 五顆星 再來是一泊一食的早餐 直接就破題了-媲美高級餐廳的料理 第一天: 乾煎雞胸燉飯+乾煎鮭魚燉飯 燉飯香氣十足、入口粒粒分明 配菜: 綠蘆筍炙烤香濃爽脆,而且巧妙的把蘆筍特有味道蓋過 半熟荷包蛋,很普通的配菜,但加上老闆添加的香料,增添了不少的風味,味道直接上一個層次,很用心? 主菜: 雞胸,真的很厲害,檸檬醃製入味,但不會過酸,很恰當的點綴,加上雞胸肉本身香嫩又帶點嚼勁,這個很屌 鮭魚,也不錯吃,但是煎的稍乾,有點可惜 第二天: 清蒸鱸魚麵+清燉羊肉麵 麵條十分滑嫩Q彈,湯頭也很美味 配菜:菇類都相當新鮮沒有特有的菇味 主菜: 鱸魚,超厲害?,一般鱸魚就是清蒸,但老闆又特別加上香料,讓野生鱸魚在味蕾呈現鮮甜之外,又因香料帶出了不同的味蕾感受,很讓我驚艷 羊肉,帶皮羊肉,加上枸杞清燉,沒了羊騷味,而多了甘甜味,也是厲害 簡言之,被民宿耽誤了的大廚? 民宿周邊: 因為剛收割了牧草 強烈建議去草原打滾? 另外據老闆說民宿附近有一群梅花鹿住在這邊 連兩天吃早餐時都撇見兩隻小鹿?身影, 雖然一閃而過, 但是確定周邊有梅花鹿,就看大家的人品了。 民宿也養了三隻鵝及一隻黑狗, 看著鵝群搖搖擺擺逛草原及狗狗活潑的在草地飛奔 真的超級療癒??? 很完美的住宿,優質,而且價錢比較過後其實很可以 應該會是回頭率最高的民宿了 感謝民宿主人及工作人員,提供完美的住宿環境?
Was a little hesitant to book at first… Not afraid of spending money, But I am afraid that the CP value is not high, But the surrounding area has been unable to book the desired hotel, In the end, I took the plunge and made a reservation. It's really good to book a room... 'Almost the best B&B I've ever stayed in Taiwan' This is the only evaluation I can give him after the stay... Let's talk about accommodation There are only three rooms in the entire homestay respectively Double room✖️1, Quadruple room✖️2 Every room has a lot of space And the balcony is almost as big as the house And it was spotlessly cleaned You can walk barefoot without a grain of sand And the recliner sofa is ready for you It is very suitable for staying in the homestay without arranging any itinerary Look at the clouds, the sea, the mountains, the grasslands Found a mother bird incubating eggs in a potted plant on the balcony The mother bird on alert always returns to the nest when no one is there For guests staying in double rooms, please lower the volume and movement avoid disturbing them The first impression upon entering the room is the unique fragrance of a five-star hotel This is very surprising to me, because many domestic five-star hotels do not have Only met abroad. In-room facilities: Except for the walls, there are large floor-to-ceiling windows Fully automatic remote control curtain + embedded air conditioner Instant hot water dispenser is very convenient It is very convenient for families with babies to make milk powder The light in the room can be adjusted for brightness The most comfortable light source you can find Feather pillows and quilts Independent tube mattress Large LCD screen + built-in Netflix & disney + Can only say comfortable accommodation + perfect balcony five stars Then there's the all-you-can-eat breakfast Straight to the point - comparable to the cuisine of a high-end restaurant first day: Dry Fried Chicken Breast Stew + Dry Fried Salmon Stew The stewed rice is full of aroma, with distinct grains in the mouth Side dishes: The roasted green asparagus is fragrant and crunchy, and cleverly covers the unique taste of asparagus Half-boiled poached egg, a very common side dish, but with the spices added by the boss, it adds a lot of flavor, and the taste goes to a higher level, very attentive? main course: The chicken breast is really good. The lemon is marinated and delicious, but it is not too sour. It is very suitable for decoration. In addition, the chicken breast itself is tender and chewy. This is very cool. Salmon, also good to eat, but a little dry fried, a pity the next day: Steamed Sea Bass Noodles + Braised Lamb Noodles The noodles are very smooth and tender, and the soup is delicious Side dishes: Mushrooms are quite fresh and have no unique mushroom flavor main course: Sea bass, super amazing?, usually the sea bass is steamed, but the boss specially added spices, so that the wild sea bass is not only fresh and sweet on the taste buds, but also brings out different taste buds because of the spices, which amazes me Mutton, skin-on mutton, stewed with wolfberry, without the smell of sheep, but with more sweetness, it is also powerful In short, the chef who was delayed by the homestay ? Around the guesthouse: Because the pasture has just been harvested It is strongly recommended to go to the grassland to roll ? In addition, according to the boss, there is a group of sika deer living here near the B&B Even two days of breakfast, I saw two deer ? figures, Although it flashed by, But to make sure that there are sika deer around, it depends on everyone's character. The homestay also raised three geese and a black dog. Watching the geese swaying around the grassland and the dogs running lively in the grass Really super healing ??? Perfect accommodation, good quality, and the price is actually very good It should be the homestay with the highest rate of return. Thanks to the host and staff for providing the perfect accommodation?

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