沐正農場_阿里山高山茶 x 紅茶-金萱茶-烏龍茶-茶葉-茶包-茶葉禮盒-春茶-冬茶

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Contact 沐正農場_阿里山高山茶 x 紅茶/金萱茶/烏龍茶/茶葉/茶包/茶葉禮盒/春茶/冬茶

地址 :

604, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Zhuqi Township, 67號沐正農場_阿里山高山茶 x 紅茶/金萱茶/烏龍茶/茶葉/茶包/茶葉禮盒/春茶/冬茶

電話 : 📞 +88998888
網站 : https://shp.ee/cfba3mf
城市 : Zhuqi Township

604, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Zhuqi Township, 67號沐正農場_阿里山高山茶 x 紅茶/金萱茶/烏龍茶/茶葉/茶包/茶葉禮盒/春茶/冬茶
林家琪 on Google

很漂亮的茶園,農場主_為人親切、誠懇。 阿里山茶真的物美價廉,cp值超高
Very beautiful tea garden, the farmer is kind and sincere. Alishan tea is really good and cheap, and the cp value is very high
劉禹彤 on Google

Through the recommendation of a friend, I found this tea shop that can also be purchased on shrimp skins. The packaging is very careful, and the vacuum packaging of the tea is not damaged. The packaging is not like ordinary tea shops. It is very textured. I ordered Alishan high mountain tea and Ali Camellia tea, the two types of tea are both very strong and suitable for cold brewing. The tea shop also provides instructions on how to brew. You can follow their steps. The point is that their CP value is super high! Compared with the actual tea shops in the past, the price is very affordable, and I will definitely repurchase next time
Andrea Yu on Google

愛喝茶的我想戒掉手搖飲改喝自己泡的茶,在蝦皮上搜尋到這間的評價很不錯,加上又是阿里山茶,就下單來試試看。因為是第一次購買所以先買了金萱裸包,出貨速度很快、包裝也完整無損,很棒! 泡下去茶香味四溢,喝下去口感很好,一點也不澀,金萱獨有的奶香令人回味~天氣熱的時候冷泡一杯也一定很棒?? 裸包很適合自己在家泡,下次會想回購送身邊愛喝茶的朋友。看別人分享鐵罐或禮盒裝的照片看起來也非常有質感呢~
If I love to drink tea, I want to quit the hand shaker and drink my own tea. I searched on the shrimp skin and found that the evaluation is very good, plus it is Alishan tea, so I ordered to try it. Because it is the first time I bought it, I bought the Jinxuan naked bag. The shipping speed is very fast and the packaging is intact, which is great! The tea is full of scent after being soaked, the taste is good, and it is not astringent at all. The unique milky fragrance of Jin Xuan is evocative~ It must be great to make a cold brew when the weather is hot?? Naked bags are very suitable for self-made at home, next time I want to repurchase for friends around me who love to drink tea. Seeing others share the photos in tin cans or gift boxes also looks very textured~
老吳拖露生活 on Google

第一次喝到老闆家的阿里山紅茶,令我非常驚豔,立馬跟老闆追加7斤來分送給親友。 非常推薦?
The first time I drank the Alishan black tea from the boss's house, I was very amazed. I immediately added 7 pounds to my boss and distributed it to my relatives and friends. very recommended ?
Chiachieh An on Google

I have been buying tea from a tea shop in the Alishan area for five years, and I make reservations with the tea garden every year before making tea, but this is the first time I have tried to buy tea on the shrimp peel, and it is also because of the impact of the epidemic. When I received the product, I liked the tea cans of this tea shop very much. The pattern design on the tea cans is very detailed, and each can of tea is carefully packaged with a buffer material, which can feel the store’s intentions. . This time I bought 2 teas, namely Gaoshan tea and Jinxuan tea. The aroma and taste of the two teas are great, and both have great sweetness and flavor. I especially like Jinxuan's fragrance. When I fill it with water, I can smell a mellow fragrance. It has a light milky fragrance in the mouth. The flavor is unique and sweet. It is sweet but not bitter. I suggest you You can use water temperature above 90 degrees to brew Jin Xuan, which will help the fragrance spread
max grace on Google

茶老闆服務非常親切,有問必答。 茶葉真的好喝,喝過的都說讚。另外,茶葉的包裝也很美,適合當伴手禮送給親友。
譚小蘭 on Google

非常具有嘉義特色的茶葉禮盒,獨特的高山茶香氣,而且包裝精緻有質感,香、韻、甘、甜。完全不苦澀❤️ 送禮自用兩相宜,感謝敬文一整個下午的介紹。 下次再來試試其他高山茶?
A tea gift box with very Chiayi characteristics, the unique aroma of high mountain tea, and the packaging is exquisite and textured, fragrant, rhythmic, sweet and sweet. Not bitter at all ❤️ Both gifts are suitable for personal use. Thank you Jingwen for his introduction throughout the afternoon. Next time come to try other high mountain tea ?
星雲大師兄 on Google

我是一個每天都要泡2-3次茶的人,一天不喝茶、渾身不對勁。 而買茶我也很龜毛,只找茶農購買(因為怕買到來路不明的茶或添加亂七八糟的) 今年春茶開始前我就在網路上搜尋評價不錯的茶農,對比2-3位茶農後,就決定找沐正農場-阿里山高山茶,立馬跟茶農約試茶。(想不到是位青農跟我年紀差不多) 以往喝過蠻多山頭的茶,梨山茶重潤、杉林溪重香、阿里山茶重的是韻。 而今年的阿里山春茶,讓我很是驚艷。茶湯濃郁甘甜,喉韻極好,而且後勁十足(回甘度)品質真的是5顆星。 這裡雖沒有其他山頭的茶,但阿里山的紅茶、金萱茶、茶包還是有的。茶農老闆的話不多,但誠意十足,值得信任。 此趟前行不僅備足了自己的茶,也多買了一些茶葉要分送給親友、長官。 真的很推薦喔⋯⋯

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