奕賢骨外科診所 附設復健.X光

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Contact 奕賢骨外科診所 附設復健.X光

115, Taiwan, Taipei City, Nangang District, Section 4, Bade Rd, 776號奕賢骨外科診所 附設復健.X光
Fan-Chiang Jane on Google

Not bad, the doctor was very patient and explained clearly when looking at the locomotive accident and trauma.
shinji Kaku on Google

The attending doctor, rehabilitation doctor, and medical staff are all very kind and patient, so that patients and their families can face the diagnosis and treatment in a relaxed manner. The professionalism of the doctor is reassuring and willing to trust the doctor's diagnosis and follow-up treatment.
周少鼎 on Google

The nurse in charge of the registration has a very poor attitude. When registering, he told me that the number is 27, but when the doctor arrived on the 20th, he said that I was the 17th in a very bad tone, and asked me why I didn't go in. I think this way of handling is very For some reason, the procedure does not provide the patient with the receipt of the registration number. When I told the patient orally, I was not sure about the number and asked again. I also heard that it was the 27th, and finally did not admit that I made a mistake. Otherwise, I really don't want to come to a clinic that doesn't respect patients.
Emma Cheng on Google

感謝松山奕賢骨科的院長吳奕賢醫師!這是第二次求診,第一次是在半年前,那時門診時間其實已過了,很感謝貼心的掛號小姐詢問過院長後,院長仍繼續為路過卻無法再走路的我醫治!附設的復健中心老師也態度親切。今天第一次做蠟療,好新鮮喔! 我要在此鄭重、誠摯的推薦奕賢骨科的吳奕賢院長與復健中心專業的老師們。謝謝他們醫治我。
Thanks to Dr. Wu Yixian, the dean of Matsuyama Yixian Orthopedics! This is the second consultation. The first time was half a year ago. At that time, the outpatient service had actually passed. I am very grateful to the caring lady who asked the dean. The dean continued to treat me who was passing by but unable to walk! The teachers in the attached rehabilitation center are also kind. Was the first wax treatment today, so fresh! I would like to solemnly and sincerely recommend the director of Yixian Orthopedics Wu Yixian and the professional teachers of the rehabilitation center. Thank them for healing me.
Shu Chih Zhan on Google

This is the first time I visited this community clinic. I thought the location was convenient, but the rehabilitator's explanation was unclear. According to the regulations, the last report was before 9 o'clock. The health education let me know that if I did not do complete physical rehabilitation treatment according to the regulations, I would not refer my relatives and friends to see the doctor.
戴明輝 on Google

20190827星期二 今天是骨刺病發第74天 也是第50次來南港八德路奕賢骨科外科復健診所 進行椎間盤突出物牽引術復位復健治療 這74天來 除了感謝大家的幫忙外 也感謝真善美聯誼會副會長詹苡湞使用該公司所代理的日本高科技儀器 為我做了3個多小時的身體調整整復與按摩 謝謝 真善美聯誼會未來的會長苡湞 奕賢骨科外科復健診所 位於臺北市南港區八德路四段776號1樓 屬於健保特約診所 看診一次 可以有6次的物理儀器復健療程 每次的復健療程 只需付費50元 其餘的復健診療費由健保局負擔給付 臺灣真是個寶島 有健保真好 從6月15日星期六 椎間盤突出症骨刺病發到7月6日星期六 總共22天 因為真的實在是疼痛難耐 所以這22日都沒有出門去上班 還好其中十幾次有去骨科診所做牽引術椎間盤突出物復位復健 所以 7月7日星期日 身體狀況真的是有大為地好轉 也剛好因為基隆有音樂活動怕塞車 若梅決定延遲了一天才出遊 太久沒有走動了 出去走走讓肌肉運動運動也不錯 回來後 就不會有之前那麼疼痛的感覺 也不再像之前那樣疼痛難熬難以入眠 晚上真的睡得很香甜 人啊 要活 真的還是需要出去運動運動活動活動 當肌肉休息一陣子之後 重新讓肌肉細胞活絡起來 啟動自體修復細胞系統 這樣復原就會比較快 那天的活動 真的很棒 風景漂亮 原住民原味餐廳好吃便宜實在 半天的活動 去了好幾個景點 都很近不太遠 也不會感覺太累 這樣逍遙自由的感覺真的很好 這陣子也謝謝若梅 玉梅 新艷 虹萍 還有蘇姐姐 特別的關心 幫忙介紹醫療院所 幫忙預約掛號 幫忙陪伴看診 對病症復原真的都有極大的幫助 謝謝大家 也有去蘇姐姐特别介紹的地方看中醫 診脈熱敷敷藥拿藥 感覺好多了 謝謝若梅 謝謝蘇姐姐 謝謝詹苡湞 也謝謝玉梅 新艷 虹萍 幫忙介紹安排到慈濟醫院做 X光檢查以及核磁共振檢查 核磁共振算是比電腦斷層還新的技術 檢查的會比較清楚 也比較貴 而且沒有輻射 不用打顯影劑 對身體的影響也比較小 整個核磁共振檢查過程 感覺起來就像在躺著聽音樂會一樣 還好有健保能看免錢 6月24日星期一 朋友安排到 新店慈濟醫院 做過X光檢查 檢查結果 椎間盤突出現象 並不嚴重 7月6日 新店慈濟醫院 安排加做核磁共振的檢查 7月15日複診醫師檢視詳細檢查結果 共計有兩節椎間盤突出現象 還好不是很嚴重 不需要開刀手術治療 應該可以自動痊癒 兩個半月來的復健治療 已經好多了 前往奕賢骨科外科復健診所 牽引術的復健治療療程我應該還會再繼續進行一陣子 希望能跟往常的慣例一樣 除了完成椎間盤突出物復位目的外 還能再增高兩公分 把長久以來脊髓椎間盤被壓縮的兩公分再拉回來
林廷祐 on Google

Great doctor
Azrin on Google

I had a sprained ligament. Went to this orthopedic clinic the day after. Used my NHI then went to see the doctor after 5 minutes. Dr touched my foot to assess my condition and then took 2 xrays. Explained to me it's a minor sprain. Then got an ankle brace and some painkillers. After that given low level laser therapy and electric cold compression. Total cost was 700nt. All in all a fantastic experience.

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