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Contact 白榕蔭堂墓園(白崇禧將軍墓)

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Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110

城市 : Taipei City

Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110
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Liuzhangli is good feng shui
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jendral panglima TAIWAN ber agama muslim
The commander-in-chief of TAIWAN is Muslim
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From afar, the unique Islamic architecture is quite chic, it is really a majestic cemetery
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白崇禧與夫人及部份子女身後合葬於臺北市信義區六張犁回教公墓內白榕蔭堂墓園,該墓園為臺灣地區少見的伊斯蘭式建築,2013年經臺北市府指定為古蹟。 白崇禧(1893年3月18日-1966年12月2日),字健生[1]:78。穆斯林,伊斯蘭教名奧馬爾(阿拉伯語:عمر‎)。廣西桂林臨桂人[2]:4617。中華民國陸軍一級上將,有「小諸葛」之稱。中國國民黨桂系(新桂系)將領[2]:4617。地位僅次於李宗仁。1923年起任廣西討逆軍參謀長,廣西綏靖公署及桂軍第二軍參謀長,國民革命軍副總參謀長、東路軍前敵總指揮[2]:4617。保定軍官學校畢業。 李宗仁和白崇禧人稱「李白」,是國民黨內最具實力的地方軍事勢力──桂系的中心,多年來一路合作無間。二人最初一同加入國民黨孫中山在廣州的革命陣營,又聯手驅逐廣西的舊軍閥。1927年任淞滬警備司令[2]:4617。國民黨北伐時,率廣西軍隊攻至山海關。後任第四集團軍副總司令兼新編第十三軍軍長[2]:4617。北伐成功後,和蔣中正及其他地方勢力多次開戰。1929年蔣桂戰爭失敗後,與李宗仁等退回廣西[2]:4617。八年抗戰爆發後,二人動員廣西的軍隊抗擊日軍,合作指揮多場大戰,屢有勝果。 1931年後,白崇禧歷任中國國民黨中央執行委員、國民政府軍事委員會副總參謀長兼軍訓部長、桂林行營主任、國防部長、戰略顧問委員會主任、華中軍政長官[2]:4617。然而,國民政府未能保住在中國東北的戰果,局勢對國府愈趨不利,桂系最終亦無法保住中華民國的半壁江山。去臺灣後,白崇禧被委任為總統府戰略顧問委員會副主任委員[1]:78。1966年病逝於臺北。 白崇禧為著名作家白先勇之父。白崇禧篤信伊斯蘭教。民國時期,他捐款興建了多所清真寺、發展穆斯林教育,在政治和經濟上給予中國穆斯林許多方便。另一方面,據其子白先勇回憶,白崇禧對於少數穆斯林不合時宜的風俗習慣,例如:女性不得受教育、女性戴面紗等,極為反對[3]。白崇禧對宗教採寬容態度,時常為佛教、道教寺廟題字、撰聯,諸如暖暖安德宮[4]、關渡宮附設之廣渡寺[5]、梧棲朝元宮[6]、延平郡王祠[7]等,不勝枚舉。 資料來源維基百科
Bai Chongxi and his wife and some of their children were buried together in the Bairong Yintang Cemetery in Liuzhangli Muslim Cemetery, Xinyi District, Taipei City. The cemetery is a rare Islamic architecture in Taiwan and was designated as a monument by the Taipei City Government in 2013. Bai Chongxi (March 18, 1893-December 2, 1966), the word Jiansheng [1]: 78. Muslim, the Islamic name Omar (Arabic: عمر‎). People from Lingui, Guilin, Guangxi [2]:4617. A general of the ROC Army, he is known as "little Zhuge." Generals of the Chinese Kuomintang Gui Family (Xin Gui Family) [2]:4617. The status is second only to Li Zongren. Since 1923, he served as the chief of staff of the Guangxi Rebel Army, the Guangxi Appeasement Commission and the chief of staff of the Gui Army Second Army, the deputy chief of staff of the National Revolutionary Army, and the former commander-in-chief of the East Route Army [2]:4617. Graduated from Baoding Military Academy. Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi are called "Li Bai," and they are the most powerful local military forces in the Kuomintang—the center of the Gui family. They have worked together for many years. The two initially joined the Kuomintang Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary camp in Guangzhou, and jointly expelled the old warlord in Guangxi. In 1927, he served as Songhu Garrison Commander [2]:4617. During the Northern Expedition, the Kuomintang led the Guangxi army to attack Shanhaiguan. Later he served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Fourth Army and the new commander of the Thirteenth Army [2]:4617. After the successful Northern Expedition, he fought many wars with Jiang Zhongzheng and other local forces. After the defeat of the Jiang Gui War in 1929, he returned to Guangxi with Li Zongren and others [2]:4617. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in eight years, the two mobilized the army in Guangxi to fight against the Japanese, and cooperated in commanding many battles, with repeated victories. After 1931, Bai Chongxi successively served as executive member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, deputy chief of staff and minister of military training of the National Government Military Commission, director of Guilin camp, minister of defense, director of the Strategic Advisory Committee, and chief of military and political affairs in Central China [2]:4617. However, the Kuomintang government failed to keep the results of the war in northeast China, and the situation became more and more unfavorable for the government. In the end, the Guangxi family could not keep half of the Republic of China. After going to Taiwan, Bai Chongxi was appointed as the deputy chairman of the Presidential Office Strategic Advisory Committee[1]:78. He died in Taipei in 1966. Bai Chongxi is the father of the famous writer Bai Xianyong. Bai Chongxi believes in Islam. During the Republic of China, he donated money to build many mosques, develop Muslim education, and gave Chinese Muslims a lot of convenience politically and economically. On the other hand, according to his son Bai Xianyong's recollection, Bai Chongxi was extremely opposed to a minority of Muslims' untimely customs, such as women not being educated, women wearing veils, etc. [3]. Bai Chongxi has a tolerant attitude towards religion, and often writes inscriptions and essays on Buddhist and Taoist temples, such as Nuannuan Ande Palace[4], Guangdu Temple attached to Guandu Palace[5], Wuqi Dynasty Yuangong[6], Yanping Junwang Temple [7], etc., are too numerous to list. Source Wikipedia
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The place where a generation of famous Muslims sleep.
熊大Bear on Google

「白榕蔭堂墓園(白崇禧將軍墓)」 (台北-信義) 白崇禧何許人也? 陸軍一級上將、中華民國第一任國防部長,但現今其最為人知身分,應是白先勇之父。 墓園裡建有圓頂涼亭紀念白將軍老婆,築有清真寺紀念白將軍本人,身處其中頗有乘著飛毯show you the world遊歷伊斯蘭國度之感。只是從各種會在課本上民國史出現的名人題字,還是會時刻提醒你此處安息著黨國大老。 是說看起來墓園裡還有幾個空位,不知道有沒有留給先勇的。
"Bai Rong Yin Tang Cemetery (General Bai Chongxi's Tomb)" (Taipei-Xinyi) Who is Bai Chongxi? The first-ranking general of the army and the first minister of defense of the Republic of China, but today he is the most well-known identity and should be the father of Bai Xianyong. In the cemetery, there is a dome-shaped pavilion to commemorate General Bai ’s wife, and a mosque to commemorate General Bai himself. Being in one of them is quite a tour of the Islamic kingdom on the flying carpet. Just from the celebrity inscriptions that will appear in the history of the Republic of China in the textbooks, I will still remind you that the party leader is resting here. It means that there seem to be several vacancies in the cemetery.
C JH on Google

汽機車可開到墓園現場 (路邊看到政治受難者公園的指示 進來就對了 ) 映入眼簾的巨型牌樓 讓我想起大三巴牌坊 此處居高臨下 相當有氣勢 可看到圓頂建築和月亮標誌 這裡好像沒有路燈?? 只要懷著崇敬欣賞的心態 即使隻身一人在這 也不會感到害怕
Motorcycles can be driven to the cemetery site (If you see the directions for the Political Victims Park on the roadside, just come in) The giant archway that catches my eye reminds me of the big three-bath archway Condescending here, quite imposing You can see the dome and the moon sign. There seem to be no street lights here?? As long as you have the attitude of respect and appreciation, even if you are alone here, you will not be afraid

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