Xitou Park

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Contact Xitou Park

地址 :

No. 330, Xitou St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220

電話 : 📞 +88789
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 330, Xitou St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220
Peko Lin on Google

住在公園旁本來是一件美好的事,殊不知搬來後才知道,每天從早到傍晚,有幾位固定棋友伯伯會在公園這邊下棋,可怕的事了,每天都在大聲叫囂、怒罵棋友,而在家工作的我,實在是很不甚其擾? 假日阿伯依舊出來,連小朋友打球、嘻鬧聲,都非常的臨近?
Living next to the park was a wonderful thing, but I didn't realize that after I moved in, several regular chess players would play chess in the park every day from morning to evening. The terrible thing was that they were loudly playing chess every day. Shouting and scolding my chess friends, while working from home, I really don't bother much? Abo is still coming out during the holiday, even the children playing ball and making noises are very approaching?
Joshua Tei on Google

A park with a sports field, a children’s playground, and a horizontal bar area is very quiet beside the rezoned area.
James Chen on Google

板橋區溪頭里位在江子翠地區,1980年從江翠里畫分而出,因該地區舊時地名稱做「溪頭」,故以此為里名。溪頭里長郭東勝積極建設地方、造福里民,並致力營造地方特色,深獲里民愛戴,去年里長選舉贏得連任。 郭東勝表示,溪頭里地處大漢溪畔,里內有溪頭公園,設有廣場、健康步道、遊樂場、鐘塔、籃球架、涼亭等設施,是里民主要休憩場所,為營造地方特色,已向農業局申請在公園內栽種百棵櫻花,將溪頭公園打造成特色公園,吸引外地人到此觀光,活絡地方經濟。 郭東勝說,過去溪頭公園因市地重畫後,綠地增加一倍,但因照明不足、沒有休憩座椅、周邊路面地面不平且常有違停狀況,民眾抱怨「晚上很暗,怕危險不敢去。」因此他向區公所反應及向市議員陳情,已徹底解決問題,現在他計畫要將溪頭公園再升級。
Xitou Li in Banqiao District is located in Jiangzicui area. It was drawn from Jiangcuili in 1980. Because the old place name of this area was "Xitou", it was named after this li. The chief of Xitou, Guo Dongsheng, actively built the locality, benefited the local people, and devoted himself to creating local characteristics, and was deeply loved by the local people. Guo Dongsheng said that Xitou Li is located on the bank of Dahan River. There is Xitou Park in the li, with squares, health trails, playgrounds, clock towers, basketball hoops, pavilions and other facilities. An application has been made to the Agriculture Bureau to plant hundreds of cherry blossoms in the park, making Xitou Park a special park, attracting foreigners to visit here and revitalizing the local economy. Guo Dongsheng said that in the past, after Xitou Park was repainted, the green space was doubled. However, due to insufficient lighting, no resting seats, uneven road surface and often illegal parking, people complained, "It's dark at night, afraid of danger. Dare to go.” Therefore, he responded to the district office and complained to the city councillors. The problem has been completely solved, and now he plans to upgrade Xitou Park.
藍波波 on Google

從雙十路這邊進來 旁邊種的櫻花樹開的很漂亮 裡面有公廟 有廁所 有垃圾桶 有涼亭 散步走走很適合
Entering from Shuangshi Road, the cherry trees planted next to it are blooming beautifully There are public temples, toilets, trash cans, and gazebos inside. Good for walking
Arthur on Google

2022/4/13 6:40 這裡最大的優點我認為就是能夠遮蔽陽光的老樹,這裡的老樹又大,又高,葉子又多,這是哪些新蓋的公園遠遠比不上的。查了之前的報導,曾經被利慾薰心的人砍掉16顆老樹,真的是太可惜了。附近的哪些新公園,例如江子翠時光公園,華江一二三木頭公園,稚匯公園都沒有廁所,沒有遮陽的大樹,裡面的那些設施大概也只有傍晚之後才有辦法用,在白天,夏天的烈日是會把人曬暈頭的。若是等移植的小樹長好,少說要十幾年吧。 華江一路和溪頭街兩邊的機車停車格都還蠻多的,但是停的機車也是很多。有廁所,籃球場,羽毛球場,健康步道,涼亭,翹翹板,溜滑梯,鞦韆,多種體健設施。
2022/4/13 6:40 I think the biggest advantage here is the old trees that can block the sun. The old trees here are big, tall, and have many leaves. This is far from the new parks. After checking previous reports, it was really a pity that 16 old trees were cut down by people who were greedy for profit. Which new parks nearby, such as Jiangzicui Time Park, Huajiang One Two Three Wood Park, and Zhihui Park, do not have toilets or big trees for shade, and the facilities inside are probably only available after the evening. The hot sun can make people dizzy. If you wait for the transplanted tree to grow well, let’s say it will take more than ten years. There are quite a lot of locomotive parking spaces on both sides of Huajiang 1st Road and Xitou Street, but there are also many locomotives parked. There are toilets, basketball courts, badminton courts, health trails, pavilions, seesaw boards, slides, swings, and a variety of fitness facilities.
H Thomas on Google

M T on Google

Excellent park
紹SHAO on Google


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