Xiufeng High School

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Xiufeng High School

地址 :

No. 201, Zhongxiao E Rd, Xizhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : http://www.sfhs.ntpc.edu.tw/
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 201, Zhongxiao E Rd, Xizhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221
Hui Wen tsai on Google

設備報修了不知道拖多久才來修 修了還是壞的 總務也不是很想解決學生的問題!他說的好像 沒辦法 是理所當然 無法確實分配資源
The equipment is repaired, I don’t know how long it will take to repair it, but it’s still broken. The general affairs are not really trying to solve the students' problems! What he said seems to be impossible, of course, unable to allocate resources reliably
無名小卒 on Google

啟民翁 on Google

校史:1955台北市五省立中學汐止聯合分部,1963基隆中學汐止分部,1964台北縣立秀峰初級中學,1968台北縣立秀峰國民中學,1997台北縣立秀峰完全中學, 2006台北縣立秀峰高級中學,2010新北市立秀峰高級中學。校訓:活力,創新,尊重,負責。 校園景色: 50周年校慶紀念石碑,蓮花池,涼亭,入口段巨石拱橋裝飾,穿堂的校史及校徽校歌介紹。操場邊的老榕樹爲汐止區珍貴樹木---編號661.
School History: 1955 Taipei City Provincial Middle School Xizhi United Branch, 1963 Keelung Middle School Xizhi Branch, 1964 Taipei County Xiufeng Junior High School, 1968 Taipei County Xiufeng National Middle School, 1997 Taipei County Xiufeng Complete Middle School, Taipei County 2006 Xiufeng Senior High School, 2010 New Taipei City Xiufeng Senior High School. School motto: vitality, innovation, respect and responsibility. Campus view: 50th anniversary commemorative stone monument, lotus pond, pavilion, giant stone arch bridge decoration at entrance, introduction of school history and school emblem and school song in the hall. The old banyan tree by the playground is a precious tree in Xizhi District --- No. 661.
Yen-Chou Chen on Google

??2021/7/15: 體育館很寬闊,最近,常被當做用來打疫苗的場所。 ??校風純樸,環境整潔,汐止區不錯的國高中之一。上下學交通方便。讀書風氣良好。
?? 2021/7/15: The gymnasium is very wide. Recently, it is often used as a place for vaccinations. ??The school style is simple and clean, the environment is clean, one of the good junior high schools in Xizhi District. Convenient transportation to and from school. The reading atmosphere is good.
SARAH YU on Google

有國中部跟高中部,國中部原本在忠孝樓跟仁愛樓,高中部只有在信義樓裡面的三層樓而已。有一次忠孝樓走廊的天花板塌下來,學校請人來補強,校長有在朝會的時候跟我們說天花板是因為年久失修才會掉下來,已經有請廠商來全面補強了,但是後來又有一次換教室內的天花板掉下來,還好學生已經離開座位才沒有被砸到,之後這棟樓就封起來了,說要等經費下來之後拆掉重蓋,不過最近經過看到那棟樓還是在。 原本民風自由的學校在換校長之後變成監獄,還曾經因為學生在校內沒有穿制服而叫警察來把人帶走,手機統一裝在箱子裡放在辦公室的規定也很奇怪,不是應該要教學生自律嗎?管東管西反而會讓學生叛逆吧
peter peng on Google

On weekends and holidays, there are generally open basketball courts and playgrounds, which are suitable for playing sports.
藺老大 on Google

In my country's middle school, most of the students are of poor quality. If they don't study obediently, they will only form gangs. The teachers also follow the gangs. It is super naive. A female music teacher bullies one-eyed students.
楊雅茹 on Google

因為投公投才有機會進來? 校內空間好大喔
I have a chance to come in because of the referendum ? The school space is so big

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