Xueshan Cirque

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Xueshan Cirque

地址 :

Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan 424

電話 : 📞 +88799
網站 : https://www.taiwan-panorama.com/Articles/Details%3FGuid%3Df1104ae2-b716-47f4-a191-79433b2f0168%26CatId%3D10
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan 424
徐崇宇 on Google

This snow condition is Taiwan's version of the Alps
鳥人法爾科 on Google

Snow Mountain No. 1 Ring Valley is located to the northeast of the main peak of Snow Mountain. It has an oblong shape with an opening facing northeast. It is about 1,400 meters long and 600 meters wide. The highest point of the ring valley is the main peak of Snow Mountain. At the northeast of the long axis, the altitude is about 3,350 meters above sea level, roughly on the upper edge of the cliff leading to the lower part of the Black Forest Mountain House, with an area of ​​about 870,523 square meters. The land ownership in the whole area is state-owned, belonging to the Dongshi Forest District Management Office of the Forestry Bureau of the Executive Yuan Agriculture Committee, and the 24th forest group of the Dajiaxi Business District, which is classified as a security forest. The whole area is also located in the ecological reserve of Xuepa National Park.
Lu Sylvie on Google

雪山圈谷是由數萬年前的冰河時期所留下,也就是"冰斗",雪山一號圈谷整片景緻非常壯觀,大概在9.4~9.5k上去可以欣賞日出或是直接攻頂看! 上去建議輕裝上就好(可以把食物放好在圈谷,下來攻頂後想補充食物或水可在此休息一下) 五月中後左右會有高山杜鵑可看~~很值得來一趟
The Snow Mountain Circle Valley was left by the ice age tens of thousands of years ago, which is the "ice bucket". The entire landscape of the Snow Mountain Circle Valley No. 1 is very spectacular. You can enjoy the sunrise or directly hit the top at about 9.4~9.5k. Look! It is recommended to pack lightly when you go up (you can put the food in the ring valley, and you can rest here if you want to add food or water after you go down to the top) There will be alpine rhododendrons to see around mid-May~~ It's worth a visit
江佰川 on Google

It's so cold and freezing, and the waterproof hiking shoes are soaking wet, but the 70 cm thick snow scene is so charming!
廢物大師MasterFay on Google

出黑森林到圈谷底 壯闊美景盡收眼底 圈谷往主峰的這1公里超累 走三步喘一下
Out of the Black Forest to the bottom of the circle Magnificent panoramic view The 1 kilometer from the circle valley to the main peak is super tiring Take three steps and take a breath
林芳蘭 on Google

The beauty of the snow-capped mountains lies in the magnificence and grandeur of this circle of valleys. I really want to run along the ridgeline (just thinking about it) to look at the mountains and see the clouds and realize the insignificance of human beings.
郭春霞 on Google

雪山圈谷是目前賞雪的好地方。前往雪山主峰的中繼站。今年雪況特別的好,拍照玩雪吃雪都是不錯的選擇。到了圈谷,你有多重選擇,登頂從來都不是唯一的選項,更何況是多雪的今年呢!把握今年的雪況,好好跟雪做好朋友,不要因為單一的目標而錯失多種可能。 4月4日又下雪了,相信雪山圈谷一定又變漂亮了,如果最近有機會到圈谷,一定要帶齊雪地三寶-冰斧、冰爪和頭盔,才能玩得平安又盡興。期待在山上與大家相會,共度美好的圈谷時光。
Snow Mountain Valley is a good place to enjoy snow at present. Go to the relay station on the main peak of Snow Mountain. The snow conditions are particularly good this year, and it is a good choice to take pictures, play and eat snow. When it comes to Circle Valley, you have multiple choices. Climbing to the top is never the only option, not to mention the snowy year! Grasp the snow conditions this year, make good friends with snow, and don't miss multiple possibilities because of a single goal. It snowed again on April 4th. I believe that the snow-capped valley will become beautiful again. If you have the opportunity to visit the valley recently, you must bring the three treasures of snow - ice axes, crampons and helmets, so that you can play safely and happily. Looking forward to meeting you all on the mountain and spending a wonderful time in the valley.
Michael Kao on Google

Amazing place!

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