彌生軒 YAYOI 新莊宏匯店

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 彌生軒 YAYOI 新莊宏匯店

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Section 4, New Taipei Blvd, 3號彌生軒 YAYOI 新莊宏匯店6樓

電話 : 📞 +8889
網站 : https://www.yayoi.com.tw/
城市 : New Taipei Blvd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Section 4, New Taipei Blvd, 3號彌生軒 YAYOI 新莊宏匯店6樓
劉千慈 on Google

The whole is very ordinary, and the rice I got is super wet, super soft and rotten and sticks together. It tastes super like porridge. It has already reacted. After changing a bowl, it is still the same, it is basically the same pot, consumers are not stupid... .It's not like changing a bowl of the same poor quality and a little more weight means that you are doing something, and finally react, and finally get normal rice, the waiter also said that it is another pot, maybe the original one has been boring all the time. That way. Yes, since there is another pot, you should change that pot when you react for the first time == Really don’t test consumers easily, and then read the comments and I found that someone had this trouble earlier, I don’t know why they didn’t Improvement, in short, probably won't patronize again, after all, nothing special.
關里歐 on Google

The food is delicious, but the price is slightly higher
Lucky Lee on Google

服務很棒很到位,餐點好吃,老父母有很棒的用餐體驗 謝謝你們?
The service is very good, the food is delicious, and the old parents have a great dining experience. Thank you ?
于程 on Google

那麽, 就我個人來說,好吃對我的意義,不能不說非常重大。 本人也是經過了深思熟慮,在每個日日夜夜思考這個問題。 拉羅什夫科曾經說過,取得成就時堅持不懈,要比遭到失敗時頑強不屈更重要。這不禁令我深思。 了解清楚好吃到底是一種怎麽樣的存在,是解決一切問題的關鍵。 好吃,到底應該如何實現。 要想清楚,好吃,到底是一種怎麽樣的存在。 每個人都不得不面對這些問題。 在面對這種問題時, 本人也是經過了深思熟慮,在每個日日夜夜思考這個問題。 培根曾經說過,閱讀使人充實,會談使人敏捷,寫作使人精確。這句話語雖然很短,但令我浮想聯翩。 總結的來說, 富蘭克林在不經意間這樣說過,讀書是易事,思索是難事,但兩者缺一,便全無用處。這不禁令我深思。 孔子曾經說過,知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。這句話語雖然很短,但令我浮想聯翩。 每個人都不得不面對這些問題。 在面對這種問題時, 我認為, 日本諺語在不經意間這樣說過,不幸可能成為通向幸福的橋梁。這啟發了我。
Vesper Lu on Google

?蔬食食記 回訪率??⚫️⚫️⚫️ 香炒纖蔬定食 NT310 | 換飯+30 醬料跟湯底都是葷食,並沒有提供全素料理 蔬菜有高麗菜、紅黃椒、鴻禧菇跟甜豆,雖然份量不少,但可以再加個蓮藕比較符合這個價格。 小砵菠菜好吃,醃蘿蔔不會過鹹過甜剛剛好,味噌湯還行但沒有到很好喝。 起司玉子燒 NT180 製作時間比較久一點,熟度掌握剛剛好,印象中的鹹玉子燒是需要加高湯的但沒有吃到高湯的鮮味,隨餐附的醬店員說是番茄醬加美乃滋就沒有特別沾了,假如會再訪不會再點它。 - 我想很多人會拿YAYOI跟大戶屋做比較,而大戶屋整體比YAYOI 略勝一籌。接待茶水是用好喝的熱茶、桌上也都有提供各式醬料給客人搭配白飯,YAYOI就只有白開水,但有需要的話可以跟服務生要七味粉。服務生的接待客人SOP也沒聽到什麼接待語,雖然個人對這個並沒有特別在意,但大戶屋的接待方式確實大大加分,感覺YAYOI就只有小砵菜比較好吃而已。 尤其兩家餐廳賣的品項真的70%以上相近,YAYOI 也沒有比較便宜~希望可以再稍微下點成本或其他內部政策來與對手競爭取得自己的特色優勢。
?Vegetable Food Notes Return visit rate ??⚫️⚫️⚫️ Stir-fried Fiber and Vegetables Set Meal NT310 | Rice Replacement +30 The sauces and soup bases are all meat dishes, and no vegan dishes are provided Vegetables include cabbage, red and yellow peppers, hongxi mushrooms and sweet beans. Although the portion is quite large, adding lotus root is more in line with the price. The small port spinach is delicious, the pickled radish is not too salty or too sweet, and the miso soup is okay but not very tasty. Cheese Tamagoyaki NT180 The production time is a little longer, and the degree of maturity is just right. I remember that the salted tamagoyaki needs to be added with stock, but the umami of the stock is not eaten. The sauce clerk that came with the meal said that it was tomato sauce and mayonnaise, so there was no special dip. , if I will visit again, I won't click it again. - I think many people will compare YAYOI with big houses, and big houses are slightly better than YAYOI. The reception tea is made of delicious hot tea, and various sauces are provided on the table for guests to match with rice. YAYOI only has boiled water, but if you need it, you can ask the waiter for seven flavor powder. The waiter's SOP for receiving guests did not hear any words of reception. Although I didn't particularly care about this, the reception method of the big family house really added points. I feel that YAYOI only has small port dishes that are more delicious. In particular, the items sold by the two restaurants are more than 70% similar, and YAYOI is not cheaper. I hope that the cost or other internal policies can be slightly lower to compete with competitors to obtain their own unique advantages.
Kevin Liang on Google

The Nanban Fried Chicken is tender and juicy with a crispy skin that goes well with the tartar sauce. The refreshing, sweet and sour dried radish can relieve the greasy feeling of eating fried food. The most intimate thing is the dried radish. The rice and miso soup can be refilled indefinitely. His rice is also very delicious. Come here for 3 to 400 yuan.
台灣黑熊 on Google

1.預定10人,無法併桌,預定時就應該説清楚 2.甜醬油超級鹹,裹了一堆粉的肉、蝦泡在甜醬油內,那個粉變的好可怕? 3.朋友吃雞排,油到吃了四盤蘿蔔才能解膩 4.點餐平板設計不良,單一個定食品項一堆,有10幾頁,找個餐滑半天,再細分一下子項目或增加注音、代號點餐,可能會好些 5.總體而言餐點cp值低,硬體設計不良 6.員工沒有任何服務感,不會招呼沒有服務,詢問餐點差異說不出個所以然。 杏子跟大戶屋都會想回訪,這個真的就算了
1. If you book 10 people, you cannot share the table. You should make it clear when booking 2. The sweet soy sauce is super salty, the meat and shrimp wrapped in a pile of flour are soaked in the sweet soy sauce, the flour becomes so terrible? 3. When a friend eats chicken chops, it takes four plates of radishes to get rid of the fat. 4. The design of the ordering tablet is poor. There are a bunch of single order items, with more than 10 pages. Find a meal and slide it for a long time, and then subdivide the sub-items or add phonetic and code names to order meals, which may be better. 5. In general, the cp value of the meal is low, and the hardware design is poor 6. The staff does not have any sense of service, will not greet no service, and can't tell why they ask about the difference in the meal. Both Kyoko and Otoya would like to return to visit, this is really okay
A QQ on Google

不會再來第二次了,蘿蔔煮的肉又老又難咬,壽喜燒的也是,而且鰻魚飯本身的醬汁還有一股炸豬排醬的酸味,可能是本人經歷不夠沒有吃過這種特色味道,但是菜單上也沒特別告知⋯⋯⋯ 結帳或用餐全程也沒有人來詢問餐點味道、然後這樣還要服務費10%,真的是不知道要收什麼意思?並不是我花錢就大爺,而是餐飲業應該要有最基本的對食材的尊重吧!那個肉都煮多久了?那麼難咬是怎樣?我在吃的是便當店的配菜嗎? 真的蠻生氣的、如果有退錢的選項,我一毛錢都不想花在這裡!
I won't come back for the second time. The meat cooked with radish is old and hard to bite, as is the sukiyaki, and the sauce of the eel rice itself has a sour taste of tonkatsu sauce. It may be that I have not experienced enough. There are special flavors, but there is no special notice on the menu... There is no one to ask about the taste of the meal during the checkout or meal process, and then there is a 10% service charge. I really don’t know what it means to be charged? It's not that I spend money on the uncle, but the catering industry should have the most basic respect for ingredients! How long has that meat been cooked? So hard to bite how? Am I eating a side dish from a bento shop? Really angry, if there is a refund option, I don't want to spend a dime here!

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