Yilan County Police Bureau

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Contact Yilan County Police Bureau

地址 :

No. 546號東港路1段 Yilan City, Yilan County, Taiwan 260

電話 : 📞 +889878
網站 : https://ilcpbil.e-land.gov.tw/Default.aspx
城市 : Yilan County

No. 546號東港路1段 Yilan City, Yilan County, Taiwan 260
大佑Dayo on Google

林宗諭 on Google

Guan-Ting Wu on Google

Lili on Google

The police are handsome and nice
陳衍裕 on Google

延平派出所副所長李俊賢,承辦員警吳永望,值勤員警孫賀青,對外縣市民眾因自家未成年不肖兒偷開自小客車至宜蘭溜達,接獲焦急民眾至派出所請託能幫忙協尋時,展現出人民保姆精神,積極處理,將心比心,完全把事情當成自己事處理的態度在在讓當時焦慮不已深怕不肖兒無照闖禍家長的我感動不已…之後果真在當日的下午查獲人車,效率之高,堪稱人民保姆表率,且於之後才知在我請託之後 當時受託員警孫賀青已立即將此事情PO至同仁群組並即刻開始協尋,才能如此快速尋獲並立即聯絡於我,又在我趕赴派出所時,承辦員警吳永望積極熱心協助我開車至羅東地區把我車上遺失之物品大至都找回,而副所長李俊賢則在我們家屬抵達時也提供協助並溫馨慰問,且一一安撫我們家屬情緒,如此人民保姆,再再讓身為事主的我們家屬內心感動不已,在此除要向延平派出所全體同仁致謝以外,更要向以上所提三位波麗士大人深深一鞠躬,深深加深深加深深的感謝及感動以外,也想墾請縣府警局局處是否可稍加予以獎勵,慰勉一下如此優秀讓市井民眾感動及感謝不已的好員警,在此我要深深再次感謝~
Li Junxian, deputy director of the Yanping police station, Wu Yongwang, police officer on duty, and Sun Heqing, police officer on duty, showed that when people from counties and cities secretly drove from a minibus to Yilan because they were underage children, they received anxious people to the police station and asked for help. The people’s nanny spirit, active handling, heart-to-heart, completely treating things as their own, moved me, who was so anxious at the time and fearful that unlicensed parents would injure their parents... After that, I found people and cars in the afternoon of the same day. The efficiency was high. , It can be called an example of the people’s nanny, and only later learned that after I asked At that time, the entrusted police officer Sun Heqing had already PO this matter to the colleague’s group and immediately began to coordinate the search, so that he could find it so quickly and contact me immediately. When I rushed to the police station, the contractor Wu Yongwang actively assisted me in driving to Luoyang. The eastern area recovered most of the missing items from my car, and the deputy director Li Junxian also provided assistance and warm condolences when our family arrived, and calmed our family’s emotions one by one. In this way, the people’s nanny will let him be the victim. Our family members were deeply moved. In addition to thanking all my colleagues at the Yanping Police Station, we also want to bow deeply to the three Polis lords mentioned above. In addition to deepening and deepening our gratitude and moving, we also want to I would like to ask whether the county police station can give me a little reward, and I would like to express my appreciation to the excellent policemen who have moved and thanked the people in the city. Here I would like to thank them again~
熊榮 on Google

Donggang Road is the road I must pass every day, it should be counted as the jurisdiction of the district police station~ The illegal parking of the road section is staged every day, and there is rarely a chance that the outer lane can be opened from the beginning to the end~ Helpless???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
林倧緯 on Google

感謝宜蘭延平派出所 (孫員警), 也感謝派出所裡其他警員的幫忙, 幫忙找回阿公掉落五萬多元的錢包, 很不好意思,打擾到你們用餐的時間 再次感謝我們偉大的人民保姆!
Thanks to Yilan Yanping Police Station (Sun Police), Thanks also to other police officers in the police station for their help, Helped to retrieve the 50,000 yuan wallet that Grandpa dropped, I'm sorry to interrupt your meal time Thank you again for our great people's nanny!
楊淑涵 on Google

To the director of Yanping Branch Bureau, thank you for my mother’s discomfort on the evening of 9/19. After asking about the location of the hospital, I enthusiastically answered and escorted the police car to Yangming Hospital with the whistle of the police car. Thank you sincerely ??

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