Yuan Zhi Beef Noodle Restaurant

2.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Yuan Zhi Beef Noodle Restaurant

地址 :

No. 71號, Section 2, Xingren Rd, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320

電話 : 📞 +889
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 71號, Section 2, Xingren Rd, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320
楊春亮 on Google

I just ate it once after I changed the owner, but it was not delicious, but now I don't dare to eat it. Now I want to eat it, but I don't dare to eat it when I see the comments that it is unpalatable~
Pericles Mayer on Google

品質 新鮮度 跟幾年前差了很多 以前上一代經營興仁牛肉麵的時候誠懇很多 現在感覺像為了營運而營業 配菜都放到餿掉了 怎麼吃?
The quality and freshness are much worse than a few years ago When the previous generation ran Xingren Beef Noodles, I was very sincere Now it feels like business for business The side dishes are all sour. How can I eat them?
李俊霖 on Google

Changed the management and ordered the same curry ramen that I used to eat. The taste has not changed. It seems that I can continue to try other dishes.
林美琪 on Google

現在外面一個雞排就賣80了 這間香雞排飯90 雞排好吃又大片 居然還有腿排便當才賣65。。。
現在外面一個雞排就賣80了 這間香雞排飯90 雞排好吃又大片 居然還有腿排便當才賣65。 . .
許雪蘭 on Google

感受特別差、第一次進來點餐、女員工態度很差、點完了後跟她說可以內用嗎、還態度很差的回我說(下次早點說)?傻眼 後來來送餐居然隨隨便便的把餐點放桌上、你們覺得消費者被這樣對待是對的嗎 難道對待消費者不應該有基本的禮貌與尊重嗎⋯⋯我下次絕對不來了
I felt very bad. The first time I came in to order, the female staff had a bad attitude. After ordering, I asked her if I can use it internally. I also told me with a bad attitude (say it earlier next time) ? Dumbfounded Later, I came to deliver the meal and put the meal on the table casually. Do you think it is right for consumers to be treated like this? Shouldn't there be basic courtesy and respect towards consumers... I will definitely not come next time
冰心 on Google

中午外帶了一份招牌牛肉拉麵,小份,其實住在附近近5年,一次都沒吃過。 若不是10多年前在元智大學求學的另一半說:以前附近都沒這麼多吃的,只有這家牛肉麵,不然大家都往中原跑,可以吃看看,味道是否可以 否則,我應該還是不會進去消費,因為動線讓人困惑,點餐結帳在裡面,料理台在外面。 雖然這樣,雖然有人給不太好的評價,但中午還是坐滿,雖然不是很明亮,但坐位多,是蠻多人消費的,所以我想餐點還是有一定的水準。 我外帶還裝了蠻大包的酸菜,本人很愛酸菜,老闆娘也是不怕人吃。 沒有直接回家,因為臨時想到有事要辦,就又耽誤了接近半小時,到家打開麵,還是熱的喔!最近外面可冷了 肉份量多,但稍硬稍柴,湯頭不錯,酸菜不錯
I took out a signature beef ramen at noon, a small portion. In fact, I have lived nearby for nearly 5 years and haven't eaten it once. If it weren’t for the other half who was studying at Yuan Ze University more than 10 years ago, said: There was not so much to eat in the neighborhood before, only this beef noodles, otherwise everyone would go to Central Plains, you can eat and see if the taste is good Otherwise, I should still not go in for consumption, because the moving line is confusing, the ordering checkout is inside, and the cooking table is outside. In spite of this, although some people gave me a bad comment, it was still full at noon. Although it was not very bright, there were many seats, which was consumed by a lot of people, so I think the food is still of a certain standard. I also packed a large bag of sauerkraut to take out. I love sauerkraut, and the proprietress is not afraid of people eating it. I didn't go home directly, because I thought that I had something to do, and I was delayed for nearly half an hour. When I got home, I opened the noodles and it was still hot! It's cold outside recently The meat is a lot, but it is a little harder, the soup is good, and the sauerkraut is good

1.最近來了兩次,吃了肉絲蛋炒飯跟混沌湯過,味道都還不錯! 2.目前感覺跟以前比起來,沒差太多,人潮多的時候也是要等。
1. I've been here twice recently, and I've eaten fried rice with shredded pork and egg and Chaos Soup, both of which taste good! 2. At present, I feel that it is not much worse than before, and I have to wait when there are many people.
Phoebe Weng on Google

換人經營後一直聽說不好吃所以遲遲沒消費,今天突然很想吃炸雞腿就還是來吃吃看,順便給一個比較有內容的評價給大家參考一下? 1.雞腿飯還不錯吃,雖然沒有跟換人經營前一樣好吃,但比起一般便當的還是很不錯? 從前的雞腿:皮比較脆、醃的比較入味,吃肉的時候都會有醃料鹹甜的味道。 換人經營後的雞腿:裡面的肉很軟嫩多汁,整體醃料差不多但就是沒以前那種入味到連肉絲都有鹹香鮮甜味,就是一隻比一般雞腿表現的再好一點的雞 腿,沒以前那麼令人驚艷~皮比較濕潤一點、不脆有點軟,但還是比一般便當店雞腿還好吃 2.控肉:很好吃很像阿嬤會煮的味道 但是有某一種藥材(?)的味道特別突出?不知道是八角還是啥?很像阿嬤不小心失手多放幾顆的感覺 非常還原阿嬤料理精髓? 3.便當配菜:沒以前那種每一樣都很好吃我會每根菜都吃光光的感覺 但就是一般配菜 我大概會吃個一半 中規中矩
After changing the management, I have always heard that it is not delicious, so I have not consumed it. Today, I suddenly want to eat fried chicken legs, so I still come to eat it. By the way, I will give you a more content evaluation for your reference? 1. The chicken leg rice is not bad, although it is not as good as before the replacement, but it is still very good compared to the normal bento? Chicken thighs in the past: the skin is crisper, the marinade is more delicious, and the marinade will taste salty and sweet when eating meat. Chicken drumsticks after the replacement: the meat inside is very soft and juicy, the overall marinade is similar, but it is not as tasty as before, even the shredded pork is salty and sweet, it is a little better than the general drumstick The chicken drumsticks are not as amazing as before~ The skin is a little moister, not crispy and a little soft, but it is still better than ordinary bento restaurant drumsticks 2. Meat control: It's delicious, very similar to the taste of grandma's cooking, but there is a certain herb (?) that has a particularly prominent taste? I don't know if it's an octagon or what? It's very similar to the feeling of grandma accidentally throwing a few more, very restore the essence of grandma's cooking ? 3. Bento side dishes: Not as good as before, I would eat all the vegetables, but I would probably eat half of the normal side dishes, which is quite satisfactory

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