Zhanghua Bus Station

1.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Zhanghua Bus Station

地址 :

No. 563號, Section 1, Zhongzheng Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan 500

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : http://www.changhuabus.com.tw/
城市 : Changhua County

No. 563號, Section 1, Zhongzheng Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan 500
任語 on Google

打電話去問總站客服問題被掛電話,只好打電話去鹿港站問。總站的客服是怎樣,我全程“不好意思.請問.謝謝”我是那種不理智或是無理取鬧的人嗎?還是因為我是學生所以你們才用這種態度?希望google評價能改成一顆星都不給的那種,彰化客運真的是爛到連一顆星都不想給,之前座公車的時候也是,不確定悠遊卡有刷成功,問了一下司機,然後司機就很不耐煩的回覆,很傻眼!之前座13號公車的時候,司機也是用很不耐煩的口氣讓我座其他地方,我又不是故意座那裡,而且那個座位也不是博愛座,就算是要我讓位子給長輩座也沒必要那種口氣吧!況且扶那位長輩下車的時候走的慢也很不耐煩而且長輩和他道謝還和他說“我趕時間你快一點”。還有一次座到鹿港的直達車,中途按下車鈴,司機也很不耐煩,後來有人一直按,司機就把下車鈴給關了,乘客問他為什麼不停車也不回答,還說什麼“我在開公車不要吵我”,剛開始在總站的時候也沒有人提醒是直達車,就算是乘客自己沒有看清楚座錯,司機也不至於這樣吧?到底有沒有搞錯,很多司機都在那邊抱怨遇到奧客,你們很多也都是爛司機阿,你以為我們乘客遇到你們就不ㄙㄨㄟ小?^ ^,如果你們想要別人尊重你們,你們自己也要檢討一下吧!要不是彰化只有兩家客運,你以為會有人座彰化客運?? 不過還是有遇到一個人很好的司機,在車上一些長輩問問題他都會回答,長輩們想和他聊天他也都會回應,不過就只有遇過一次?
I called to ask the customer service of the main station and was hung up, so I had to call to Lugang Station to ask. How about the customer service of the main station, I am "sorry. Excuse me. Thank you" throughout the process. Am I the kind of irrational or unreasonable person? Or because I am a student so you only use this attitude? I hope that Google’s evaluation can be changed to one that doesn’t give one star. Changhua Passenger Transport is really so bad that you don’t even want to give one star. It was also in the previous bus. I’m not sure whether the card has been successfully swiped, so I asked the driver. , Then the driver responded impatiently, dumbfounded! Before seat number 13 bus, the driver is a very impatient tone of my seat elsewhere, I did not mean to stand there, and that seat is not a love seat, even if you want me to let seat to the elders seat did not need it Take a breath! Besides, when helping the elder to get out of the car, he was slow and impatient, and the elder thanked him and said to him, "I'm in a hurry, you hurry up." There was also a direct train to Lukang. The driver was impatient when he pressed the bell on the way. Later, when someone kept pressing the bell, the driver turned off the bell. The passenger asked him why he didn’t stop and didn’t answer. What else did he say" I do not quarrel I open bus ", beginning at the terminus when no one alert is a train, even if the passengers he did not see the seat wrong, the driver will not have this right? Are there any mistakes? Many drivers complained about encountering Ouke there. Many of you are also bad drivers. Do you think our passengers are not too young to meet you? ^ ^, if you want others to respect you, you have to review it yourself! Had it not been for Changhua's only two passenger transports, do you think there would be a seated Changhua passenger transport? ? However, there are still met a man good driver, he will answer in the car some of the elders asked questions, elders want to chat with him and he will respond, but only come across once ?
邱苡汝 on Google

位於彰化火車站前,這裡車水馬龍,客運處設置在這裡是給遊客很大的便利性,但同時也是讓這裡交通變的更塞。 服務人員態度一般,但有任何資訊也都可以提供詢問。 這裡是屬於開放式空間,因此常有些遊民的,也導致這裡有時讓人觀感不佳。
Located in front of Changhua Railway Station, there is a lot of traffic here, and the establishment of the passenger terminal here is a great convenience for tourists, but it also makes the traffic here more congested. The attitude of the service staff is average, but any information can be provided for inquiries. This is an open space, so there are often nomads, which sometimes makes people look bad.
劉彩雲 on Google

During the week, there are not many people
吳怡芳 on Google

If you can't wait for the car to improve after you have the app, be sure to hold your hand firmly when getting on and off the car.
Ism Chang on Google

多次目睹不特定司機面對乘客問答無耐心, 口齒含糊,態度粗魯 更有次聽聞司機,大聲談論現時缺人,即便記過、交通違規也不可能裁員之言論。
I have witnessed many times that an unspecified driver is impatient with passengers’ questions and answers. Slurred speech, rude attitude I even heard the driver talk loudly about the current shortage of people, and even if they record demerits and traffic violations, it is impossible to lay off workers.
特級除濕G on Google

2022/4/17 早上10:10 彰化市中山路上253號的司機 硬要外線超車 我騎車把逼到路肩 路肩只有半台機車寬而已 有夠垃圾 準備來去投訴了7414
2022/4/17 10:10 am Driver at No. 253 Zhongshan Road, Changhua City I insisted on overtaking on the outside, and I rode my bike to the road shoulder. The road shoulder is only half the width of a motorcycle. There is enough garbage. I am going to complain about 7414.
Fujioka on Google

服務台基本是詢問事情的地方!2022/3/18 8:00整有人詢問服務台人員事情,眼神無直視對方,且講話口氣無法正常回應有問題的消費者,無能力的人無論你是志工或者有支薪人員,不要佔著這個位置,讓有熱忱的人來做這個職位。
The service desk is basically a place to ask things! 2022/3/18 8:00 At 8:00, someone asks the service desk staff about things. They don't look directly at each other, and their tone of speech cannot respond to consumers who have problems. People who are incompetent, whether you are a volunteer or a paid employee, don't take advantage of it. Hold this position and let people with enthusiasm fill this position.
施勝雄 on Google

The transportation service in Changhua County is acceptable, but the number of trains in nearby Taichung City is much less. Of course, it is not possible to park in Taichung City like the urban bus station, so the remaining cars are more inconvenient.

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