Zhanghuaxianshengangxiangxingang Elementary School

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彰化縣新港國民小學 - 活力-希望-健康-快樂 - Sgps.chc.edu.tw

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Contact Zhanghuaxianshengangxiangxingang Elementary School

地址 :

No. 60, Heping Rd, Shengang Township, Changhua County, Taiwan 509

電話 : 📞 +88798
網站 : http://www.sgps.chc.edu.tw/
城市 : Changhua County

No. 60, Heping Rd, Shengang Township, Changhua County, Taiwan 509
Chung Wei Chiang on Google

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easy to use
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I used to run here often.
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My daughter studies here ?
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Passing! Xingang Elementary School Wall!
張雅瑩 on Google

A book on the quality of mainland humans, I don’t have a wedding hat, but I’m driving in a national exam.
吳秉鴻 on Google

The students went out to take the Changhua passenger bus, which was noisy for several times, so that the passengers could not take a good rest. I hope that they can improve afterwards.
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新港國小學校歷史介紹: 大正六年三月三十一日(西元1917)核准設立和美線公學校埤仔墘分校,班級數二班,校址在今本鄉汴頭村,學區包括和美鎮塗厝、嘉寶、田心、湖內、地潭各里 大正九年四月三十日(西元1920)核准廢止埤仔墘分校 大正九年五月一日(西元1920)核准設立埤仔墘公學校,埤仔墘公學校脫離和美公學校獨立,任命教諭(教務主任)石川龜一為埤仔墘公學校校長 大正十年五月十九日(西元1921)變更校名為「埤子墘」公學校 大正十年五月三十一日(西元1921)任命教諭江南孫一為埤子墘公學校校長 大正十二年三月二十四日(西元1923) 第一回畢業生卒業,卒業生22名 大正十二年三月三十一日(西元1923)核准設立新港分教場於線西社新港第二八四號地,同年四月一日授業開始 大正十四年二月十七日(西元1925) 興建二間教室的校舍(屋頂以台灣瓦片砌成) 大正十四年三月十日(西元1925)新港分教場校址遷移至線西社新港第二一三一、二一三二∼一、二一三五∼一、二一四二、二一四三號地 大正十四年三月十一日(西元1925) 埤子墘公學校校長由訓導(訓導主任)米山真三郎遞補 昭和二年三月三十一日(西元1927)廢止新港分教場;新港分教場更名為「新港公學校」;並將埤仔墘公學校與新港分教場學生合併。本校由埤仔墘遷移至原新港分教場位置 昭和二年九月二十九日(西元1927)將埤子墘教室的建材移至現址,興建兩間教室的木造校舍一棟、新建木造廁所一棟(屋頂以日本內地製瓦片砌成) 昭和三年十月五日(西元1928) 建木造辦公室一間、教室四間(屋頂覆以日本內地製瓦片砌成) 昭和四年三月三十日(西元1929)將宿舍建材由埤子墘移至現址,建造木造宿舍一戶(屋頂覆以日本內地製瓦片砌成) 昭和五年二月五日(西元1930)將工友室建材由埤子墘移至現址,蓋木造工友室一間(屋頂覆以台灣製瓦片);將木造茅草屋頂之宿舍一戶由埤子墘移至現址 昭和五年三月三十日(西元1930) 新建磚造石綿瓦堆肥舍一棟 昭和五年四月一日(西元1930) 新港公學校校長由訓導(訓導主任)笠野岸松遞補 昭和五年九月六日(西元1930)舉辦新港國語講習會,三個月後結業者共計:男三十五人,女三十人 昭和五年十月一日(西元1930) 新建磚造石綿瓦倉庫一棟二戶 昭和六年一月二十四日(西元1931)校地第二一三一號地當中一分四厘的地,由全體保甲民(鄰里居民)傾三天的勞力將土剷平 昭和六年五月八日(西元1931) 舉行新港國語講習所開所式(當時國語指日語) 昭和六年八月二十一日(西元1931) 舉行第九屆畢業典禮,共九十人出席 昭和七年三月二十一日(西元1932)第十屆畢業生,男生共二十九人、女生四人。新建浴室一間(屋頂覆蓋台灣製瓦片) 昭和七年四月一日(西元1932) 增加一個班級,全校編制共八個班級 昭和八年三月十六日(西元1933)成立新港青年團。舉行第十一屆畢業典禮。同日並舉行新港國小講習所畢業典禮 昭和八年三月二十五日(西元1933) 新任校長由訓導(訓導主任)岸本將秀遞補 昭和八年四月一日(西元1933) 全校編為八個班級 昭和八年十二月二十九日(西元1933) 舉行皇太子殿下御名命奉祝儀式,儀式後舉行旗行列式 昭和九年三月二十日(西元1934) 舉行第十二屆畢業典禮 昭和十年三月二十二日(西元1935) 舉行第十三屆畢業典禮 昭和十一年三月(西元1936) 舉行第十四屆畢業典禮 昭和十一年四月一日(西元1936) 增加一個班級,全校編制共九個班級 昭和十二年三月十八日(西元1937) 舉行第十五屆畢業典禮 昭和十三年三月十六日(西元1938) 舉行第十六屆畢業典禮 昭和十四年三月十六日(西元1939) 舉行第十七屆畢業典禮 昭和十五年三月十五日(西元1940) 舉行第十八屆畢業典禮 昭和十五年六月十八日(西元1940) 舉行創校二十週年紀念儀式並舉行運動會 昭和十六年三月十六日(西元1941) 舉行第十九屆畢業典禮 昭和十六年四月一日(西元1941) 全校共編成十八個班級,同年開始實施國民學校制 昭和十七年三月十五日(西元1942) 舉行國民學校第一屆畢業典禮(光復前第20屆) 昭和十八年三月十七日(西元1943) 舉行國民學校第二屆畢業典禮(光復前第21屆) 昭和十九年三月十八日(西元1944) 舉行國民學校第三屆畢業典禮(光復前第22屆) 昭和十九年四月一日(西元1944) 核准成立新港青年學校 昭和二十年三月十八日(西元1945) 舉行國民學校第四屆畢業典禮(光復前第23屆) 民國三十四年十二月十二日(西元1945) 接收工作完畢,第一任校長黃添旺接任(民34.8.15光復) 民國三十五年三月二十八日(西元1946) 光復後第一屆畢業典禮 民國三十六年七月四日(西元1947) 光復後第二屆畢業典禮 民國三十九年七月一日(西元1950) 新港鄉成立,校名改為台中縣新港鄉新港國民學校 民國三十九年十月二十一日(西元1950) 彰化縣成立,校名改為彰化縣新港鄉新港國民學校 民國四十一年九月二十日(西元1952) 本鄉創立第二所國民學校-大同國小,將本校十一班編入;剩餘十八班,更校名為新港第一國民學校 民國四十二年八月一日(西元1953) 校名改為新港國民學校 民國四十八年七月一日(西元1959) 本鄉奉命改為伸港鄉,本校亦改為伸港鄉新港國民學校 民國五十一年五月四日(西元1962) 第二任校長黃嘉和先先接任 民國五十七年九月(西元1968) 校名改為新港國民小學 民國五十八年九月(西元1969) 分設伸仁國民小學一所,當時為二樓校舍十三間教室,由本校分出十三班 民國五十九年十月十五日(西元1970) 第三任校長曾明顯先生接任 民國六十一年十一月(西元1972) 設伸東分校,分五六年級共四班,借用原伸港國中校舍 民國六十二年三月一日(西元1973) 正式分設伸東國民小學一所十五班,校舍利用原伸港國中原址 民國六十三年三月一日(西元1974) 施能鑫督學代理校長(曾明顯校長退休) 民國六十三年九月一日(西元1974) 第四任校長楊春木先生接任 民國六十四年九月四日(西元1975) 本校遷入現在新校舍,計廿四班,學生一千二百多名 民國六十五年五月一日(西元1976) 第五任校長易禮恭女士接任 民國六十九年九月二十七日(西元1980) 第六任校長譚克成接任 民國七十三年十月三十一日(西元1984) 興建司令台一座、七十三學年度自然增班教室二間樓梯一間 民國七十四年三月十六日(西元1985) 第六任校長譚克成退休,並由代理校長姚細雄接任 民國七十四年九月十二日(西元1985) 第七任校長邱深先生接任 民國七十七年九月十二日(西元1988) 第七任校長邱深逝世,校務由教務主任姚細雄代理 民國七十八年九月一日(西元1989) 第八任校長洪天河先生接任 民國八十三年二月一日(西元1994) 第九任校長陳德雄先生接任 民國八十三年九月五日(西元1994) 完成改善水源二處、教室全自動紫外線殺菌設備二十間、控制室一間 民國八十四年一月十三日(西元1995) 完成教育廳補助興建PU球場一座 民國八十五年三月三十日(西元1996) 完成圍牆重建工程暨校門二座 民國八十五年五月三十日(西元1996) 完成運動場PU跑道及周邊設備工程 民國八十六年十二月十四日(西元1997) 辦理創校八十週年校慶社區運動會,新建教室大樓(忠孝樓)落成 民國八十八年二月十二日(西元1999) 姚細雄先生接任本校第十任校長 民國八十九年十二月六日(西元2000) 完成視聽室設備工程 民國九十二年二月一日(西元2003) 第十任校長姚細雄榮退,馮幼中女士接任第十一任校長 民國九十二年三月(西元2003) 學校自籌經費班班有電腦 民國九十二年三月二十三日(西元2003) 建校八十五週年校慶與藝文作品展暨社區運動會 民國九十二年八月(西元2003) 完成南棟教室三樓頂PU防漏工程、三樓女兒牆工程 民國九十二年十月(西元2003) 完成鋼筋骨架風雨停車場 民國九十二年十一月三十日(西元2003) 改善三十七間教室照明設備 民國九十三年八月一日(西元2004) 成立資源班一班 民國九十三年八月(西元2004) 完成壓克力多功能球場一座 民國九十四年七月(西元2005) 榮獲教育部九十三學年度「九年一貫課程-標竿一百」推手英語教學成長團隊優等獎 民國九十四年十一月(西元2005) 修建南棟教室二、三樓女兒牆及忠孝樓一樓無障礙空間廁所 民國九十四年十二月(西元2005) 完成數位多媒體英語聽力教室設備 民國九十五年三月(西元2006) 增設一座低年級美式組合遊戲器材 民國九十五年七月(西元2006) 榮獲彰化縣九十四學年度雙語環境評比國小組特優 民國九十五年十一月(西元2006) 完成校園無障礙設施改善工程 民國九十五年十二月(西元2006) 建置電子佈告欄 民國九十六年四月(西元2007) 完成改建西側校牆及六股圳之護岸工程 民國九十六年九月(西元2007) 完成東側校牆整修工程 民國九十六年十一月(西元2007) 舉辦創校九十週年校慶 民國九十七年十二月(西元2008) 設立英語村,建置餐廳、超市兩間情境教室 等等..................(文多不及備載) 歷史悠久的純普民風學校
The history of Xingang Elementary School: On March 31, the sixth year of the Taisho era (1917 AD), the Hemei Line Public School was approved to establish a branch of Hemei Line Public School, with two classes. The school site is in Biantou Village, this town. Heart, Lake, Ditan Geli On April 30th, Taisho 9th year (1920 AD) approved the abolition of the Pizaichang branch On May 1, Taisho 9th year (1920), it was approved to establish Pizai Changgong School. The Pizai Changgong School was separated from Hemei Public School. The instruction (dean) Ishikawa Kameichi was appointed as the principal of Pizai Changgong School. On May 19th, the tenth year of the Taisho era (1921 AD), the school name was changed to "Piziqian" Public School On May 31st of the 10th year of Taisho (AD 1921), the instructor Jiangnan Sun Yi was appointed as the principal of Pizichang Gong School The first graduates graduated on March 24th, 12th year of Taisho Year (AD 1923), 22 graduates On March 31, the 12th year of Taisho (AD 1923), it was approved to establish the Xingang branch teaching field in Xianxishe Xingang No. 284, and the teaching began on April 1 of the same year. On February 17, the 14th year of the Taisho era (1925 AD), a school building with two classrooms was built (the roof is made of Taiwan tiles) On March 10th, Taisho 14th year (1925), the site of the Xingang branch teaching site was moved to Xianxishe Xingang No. 131, 212∼1, 2135∼1, 21142, 214 Number Three On March 11th, 14th year of Taisho (1925 AD), the principal of Pizichang Gong School was supplemented by Shinsaburo Yoneyama (Director of Discipline) On March 31, Showa 2 (1927), the Xingang Branch Teaching Ground was abolished; the Xingang Branch Teaching Ground was renamed "Xingang Public School"; and the students of the Pizai Chang Gong School and the Xingang Branch Teaching Ground were merged. The school moved from Pizaiqian to the original location of Xingang branch On September 29th, Showa 2 (1927), the building materials of the Pizichang classroom were moved to the current location, a wooden school building with two classrooms was built, and a wooden toilet was built (the roof is made of tiles made in Japan ) On October 5th, Showa 3rd (1928), one wooden office and four classrooms were built (the roof is covered with tiles made in mainland Japan) On March 30th, Showa 4th year (1929), the building materials for the dormitory were moved from Piziqian to the current location, and a wooden dormitory was built (the roof was covered with tiles made in mainland Japan) On February 5th, Showa Five (1930), the construction materials for the workers' room were moved from Piziqian to the current location, and a wooden worker's room was built (the roof is covered with Taiwanese tiles); the dormitory with a wooden thatched roof was built from the same house. Ziqian moved to current location On March 30th, Showa Five Years (1930), a new brick-made asbestos tile compost building was built April 1st, Showa Five Years (1930 AD) The principal of Newport Public School was supplemented by the Discipline (Director of Discipline) Kishimatsu Kasano The Xingang Mandarin Seminar was held on September 6th, Showa Five Years (1930). The number of students who graduated after three months was 35 men and 30 women. On October 1st, Showa Five Years (1930), a new brick-built asbestos tile warehouse was built with two households On January 24th, Showa 6 (1931), a quarter of a quarter of the school grounds No. 131, land was leveled by all Baojia people (neighborhood residents) for three days. On May 8, Showa 6 (1931), the opening ceremony of the Xingang Mandarin Workshop was held (the national language at the time was Japanese) On August 21, Showa 6 (AD 1931), the 9th graduation ceremony was held, and a total of 90 people attended On March 21, Showa 7 (AD 1932), the tenth graduates consisted of 29 boys and 4 girls. Build a new bathroom (the roof is covered with Taiwanese tiles) On April 1st, Showa 7 (AD 1932), one additional class was added, and the school has a total of eight classes On March 16, Showa 8 (1933), the Xingang Youth League was established. Held the eleventh graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremony of Xingang Elementary School Workshop was held on the same day March 25th, Showa 8 (AD 1933) The new principal was replaced by the instructor (instructor) Masahide Kishimoto April 1, Showa 8 (AD 1933) The whole school was organized into eight classes On December 29th, Showa 8 (AD 1933), a ceremony for honoring His Royal Highness's royal name was held, and a flag parade was held after the ceremony The 12th graduation ceremony was held on March 20, Showa 9 (1934 AD) The thirteenth graduation ceremony was held on March 22, Showa 10 years (1935) The 14th graduation ceremony was held in March of Showa 11 (1936) On April 1, Showa 11 (AD 1936), a class was added, and the school has nine classes The 15th graduation ceremony was held on March 18, Showa 12 (1937) The 16th graduation ceremony was held on March 16, Showa 13th year (1938) The 17th graduation ceremony was held on March 16, Showa 14 (1939) The eighteenth graduation ceremony was held on March 15, Showa 15th year (1940) On June 18th, Showa 15th year (1940), the commemorative ceremony of the 20th anniversary of the school was held and the sports meeting was held The 19th graduation ceremony was held on March 16, Showa 16 (AD 1941) On April 1, Showa 16 (AD 1941), the school was organized into 18 classes, and the national school system was implemented in the same year On March 15, Showa 17 (AD 1942), the first graduation ceremony of the National School (20th before Liberation) was held On March 17, Showa 18 (1943), the second graduation ceremony of the National School (21st before the restoration) was held On March 18, Showa 19 (1944), the third graduation ceremony of the National School (22nd before the restoration) was held On April 1, Showa 19 (AD 1944), the establishment of Xingang Youth School was approved On March 18th, Showa 20th (1945), the 4th National School Graduation Ceremony (23rd before Liberation) was held On December 12, Republic of China (1945), the reception was completed, and the first principal Huang Tianwang took over (Republic of 34.8.15) March 28th, 35th year of the Republic of China (1946) The first graduation ceremony after the restoration July 4, Republic of China (1947) The second graduation ceremony after the restoration Xingang Township was established on July 1, 1999 (AD 1950), and the school name was changed to Xingang National School, Xingang Township, Taichung County On October 21st, 1949 (AD 1950), Changhua County was established and the school name was changed to Xingang National School, Xingang Township, Changhua County On September 20, Republic of China (1952) Hong Kong established the second national school-Datong Elementary School, and incorporated 11 classes of this school; the remaining 18 classes were renamed Xingang First National School On August 1, 1953 (AD 1953), the school name was changed to Xingang National School July 1, Republic of China (1959) Hong Kong was ordered to change to Shengang Township, and the school was also changed to Shengang Township Xingang National School May 4, 1962 (1962), the second principal Huang Jiahe took over In September 1967 (1968), the school name was changed to Xingang Elementary School In September of the 58th year of the Republic of China (1969)   A Shenren Elementary School was established. At that time, it was a second-floor school building with 13 classrooms, and 13 classes were split from the school. October 15, 1970, the third principal Mr. Zeng Mingyan took over In November 1st of the Republic of China (1972), the Shendong branch school was established, divided into 4 classes in grades 5 and 6 and borrowed from the former Shengang Junior High School building On March 1, 1973 (AD 1973), a 15th class of Shendong Elementary School was officially established, and the school building used the original site of the Shenkang National Primary School. March 1, Republic of China (1974) Shi Nengxin, the acting principal of superintendent (the principal once obviously retired) September 1, Republic of China (1974), the fourth principal Mr. Yang Chunmu took over September 4, Republic of China (1975) The school moved to the current new school building, with 24 classes and more than 1,200 students May 1, Republic of China (1976), the fifth principal Ms. Yi Ligong took over On September 27, 1980 (1980), the sixth principal Tan Kecheng took over On October 31, 1984 (A.D. 1984), a commander's platform was built, and two classrooms were naturally increased in the 73rd academic year and one staircase. On March 16, Republic of China (1985), the sixth principal Tan Kecheng retired and was replaced by the acting principal Yao Xixiong September 12, Republic of China (1985), the seventh principal Mr. Qiu Shen took over On September 12, 1987 (A.D. 1988), the seventh principal Qiu Shen passed away, and the school affairs were represented by the dean of academic affairs Yao Xixiong September 1, 1989 (1989), the eighth principal Mr. Hong Tianhe took over February 1, Republic of China (1994), the ninth principal Mr. Chen Dexiong took over September 5, 1983 (1994) Completed improvement of two water sources, 20 classrooms with automatic ultraviolet sterilization equipment, and one control room January 13, Republic of China (1995) Completed the construction of a PU stadium with subsidies from the Education Department On March 30th, Republic of China (1996), the wall reconstruction project and the second school gate were completed May 30, 1985 (1996) Completed the PU track and peripheral equipment project of the sports field December 14, 1997 (A.D. 1997) The 80th anniversary of the founding of the school was held for the community sports meeting, and the new classroom building (Zhongxiao Building) was completed. On February 12, 1999 (A.D. 1999), Mr. Yao Xixiong took over as the tenth principal of the school Completed the audio-visual room equipment project on December 6, 2000 (AD 2000) February 1, Republic of China (2003), the tenth principal Yao Xixiong retired, and Ms. Feng Youzhong took over as the eleventh principal March 2002 (2003) The school self-funded classes have computers March 23rd, 1992 (2003) The 85th Anniversary of the Founding of the School and the Art and Literature Exhibition and Community Games August 2002 (2003) Completed the PU leakage prevention project on the top of the third floor of the classroom in the south building and the parapet wall project on the third floor October 2002 (2003) Completed the steel-frame wind and rain parking lot November 30, 2002 (2003) Improvement of lighting equipment in 37 classrooms On August 1, 2004 (2004), the first resource class was established In August of 1993 (2004 AD), a multifunctional acrylic court was completed July 1994 (2005)  Won the "Nine-year Consistent Course-100 Benchmarks" in the Ministry of Education's 93 academic year. November 1994 (2005) Constructed the parapet walls on the second and third floors of the classrooms in the South Building and the barrier-free toilets on the first floor of Zhongxiao Building December 1994 (2005) Completed digital multimedia English listening classroom equipment In March 1995 (2006 AD), a lower grade American combination game equipment was added In July 1995 (2006), won the special prize of Changhua County's 94th School Year Bilingual Environmental Evaluation National Team November 1995 (2006) Completed the campus barrier-free facility improvement project In December 1995 (2006), an electronic bulletin board was built April 1996 (2007) completed the reconstruction of the west school wall and the bank protection project of Liuguzhen September 1996 (2007) Completed the renovation of the east side school wall November 1996 (2007) Held the 90th anniversary of the founding of the school In December 1997 (2008), an English village was established, and two situational classrooms in a restaurant and a supermarket were built Wait...(Writing is too late to upload) Chunpu folk school with a long history

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