Zili Park - West District

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Zili Park

地址 :

West District, Taichung City, Taiwan 403

城市 : Taichung City

West District, Taichung City, Taiwan 403
王郡哲TW on Google

Unite to fight the epidemic and work together. ???
Frank Wu on Google

Located next to Global Studios, a small community park with a children's play area, a large row of frangipani trees, and no park toilets.
chuchu park on Google

The small and lovely park is a good place for leisure activities in the neighborhood. There are a lot of small black mosquitoes in the summer. Pay attention to mosquito prevention.
羅資政 on Google

There is not much space, and there are swings, which are suitable for children in the community.
全權 on Google

優雅恬靜. 遊客稀疏. 環園有數張大型靠背木椅. 適合休息沉澱. 下午四~五點左右. 夕陽餘暉漸下. 中高齡者偏多相聚吹風乘涼. 談天說地. 也有些是接回忠孝國小放學小朋友. 同時親子共處休憩的小公園. 有好幾棵成蔭大樹. 夾雜尚未成蔭的四~五棵緋紅小櫻花. 春天定期綻放. 一個小溜冰場. 偶有小朋友蒞臨溜冰. 入夜總共18盞公園高亮度電燈. 整齊同步通宵亮起. 點亮住宅區周圍一大片. 光明如晝. 有如柳川的路標. 給人十足安全感受! 公德心高漲的今日. 散步的人. 溜狗的人. 都能不喧嘩. 隨時保持地面整潔. 每天早晨皆有專人打掃落葉. 並很頻繁的修平小丘草皮. 梳剪灌木樹枝. 還有環境消毒. 這些我給5顆大星! 讚賞! 反而去年2021年底政府花鉅資重新整理. 還是一樣的沒有創意. 全是低俗罐頭遊戲設施. 重新換位安裝而已. 環園步道依舊是久年失修的腳底按摩石頭路. 高低起伏不平. 造成顛沛. 下雨更是泥濘髒鞋難行. 市府實在是糟蹋了四周大量高素質住宅人口. 共同珍惜擁有的十分袖珍可人自立公園. 這一部分我給一顆星! 不管它們是否看見指責評論. 就是譴責市政府相關單位作事懶散. 便宜鬼混. 不接地氣! 太不應該!
kent keong tan on Google

偶爾踏入的小公園,安靜,偶有小孩狗狗溜躂,是午後的局部,陽光燦爛的綠地。 大家一起守護著,一個溫馨社區的面貌。
Occasionally step into the small park, quiet, occasional children and dogs strolling, it is a part of the afternoon, sunny green. Everyone guards the face of a warm community.
Gemajane Magdua on Google

For me its a Nice place
Upton Lin on Google

Very closed to neighborhood, but not crowded. You can do some workouts, or kids could play around.

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