10強企業 Ice cream and drink shop 行業


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640, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Douliu City, Renyi Rd, 49之3號茶太陽斗六大崙店-珍珠奶茶手搖飲料專賣店

電話: +88655220272

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640, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Douliu City, Renyi Rd, 49之3號茶太陽斗六大崙店-珍珠奶茶手搖飲料專賣店

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi Rd

萬丹紅豆餅(剉冰店) [Sanchong District]

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241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Renyi St, 161-4號萬丹紅豆餅(剉冰店)

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241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Renyi St, 161-4號萬丹紅豆餅(剉冰店)

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi St

鄰里: Sanchong District

萬丹紅豆餅(剉冰店) [Sanchong District]

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241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Renyi St, 161-4號萬丹紅豆餅(剉冰店)

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241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Renyi St, 161-4號萬丹紅豆餅(剉冰店)

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi St

鄰里: Sanchong District

TrueWin初韻 基隆廟口店

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200, Taiwan, Keelung City, Ren’ai District, Renyi Rd, 321號TrueWin初韻 基隆廟口店

電話: +886224282421

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200, Taiwan, Keelung City, Ren’ai District, Renyi Rd, 321號TrueWin初韻 基隆廟口店

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi Rd


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201, Taiwan, Keelung City, Xinyi District, Renyi Rd, 1-1號心茶茗品

電話: +886906766668

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201, Taiwan, Keelung City, Xinyi District, Renyi Rd, 1-1號心茶茗品

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi Rd


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717, Taiwan, Tainan City, Rende District, Renyi Rd, 18號魏家綿綿冰

電話: +88662491611

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717, Taiwan, Tainan City, Rende District, Renyi Rd, 18號魏家綿綿冰

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi Rd

小時: + Wednesday : 11AM–9PM
+ Thursday : 11AM–9PM
+ Friday : 11AM–9PM
+ Saturday : 11AM–9PM
+ Sunday : 11AM–9PM
+ Monday : 11AM–9PM
+ Tuesday : 11AM–9PM


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71749, Taiwan, Tainan City, Rende District, Renyi Rd, 100號小仁泉極品豆槳(仁德仁義店)

電話: +88662798801

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71749, Taiwan, Tainan City, Rende District, Renyi Rd, 100號小仁泉極品豆槳(仁德仁義店)

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renyi Rd

小時: + Wednesday : 12–7:30PM
+ Thursday : 12–7:30PM
+ Friday : 12–7:30PM
+ Saturday : 12–7:30PM
+ Sunday : 12–7:30PM
+ Monday : 12–7:30PM
+ Tuesday : 12–7:30PM