桃大之星 [Lane 88]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Lane 88, Yiyong St, 65號桃大之星

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Lane 88, Yiyong St, 65號桃大之星

業務類別: Condominium complex

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Lane 88

轉角17 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 3號轉角17

電話: +88633763585

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 3號轉角17

業務類別: Restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

登瑞體育用品社 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 137號登瑞體育用品社

電話: +88633778631

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 137號登瑞體育用品社

業務類別: Sporting goods store

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

蜜汁燒烤 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 127號蜜汁燒烤

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 127號蜜汁燒烤

業務類別: Grill store , Restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

晨吉司漢 - 肉排蛋土司 旗艦店 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 16號 晨吉司漢 - 肉排蛋土司 旗艦店

電話: +886955390037

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 16號 晨吉司漢 - 肉排蛋土司 旗艦店

業務類別: Breakfast restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

正宗煎包大王 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 109號 正宗煎包大王

電話: +88633776245

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 109號 正宗煎包大王

業務類別: Breakfast restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

麥味登八德義勇店 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 134號麥味登八德義勇店

電話: +88633777340

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 134號麥味登八德義勇店

業務類別: Brunch restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

老窩咖啡館八德店 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 58號老窩咖啡館八德店

電話: +88632183555

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 58號老窩咖啡館八德店

業務類別: Restaurant supply store , Cafe

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

油飯 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 144號油飯

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 144號油飯

業務類別: Restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

品香台式經典炸雞 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 119號品香台式經典炸雞

電話: +886927767891

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 119號品香台式經典炸雞

業務類別: Deli

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

順利男女養生館 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 56號順利男女養生館

電話: +88633711195

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 56號順利男女養生館

業務類別: Massage therapist

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District


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241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Jiyong St, 21號集勇物理治療所

電話: +886282879897

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241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Jiyong St, 21號集勇物理治療所

業務類別: Physical therapy clinic , Doctor

城市: Jiyong St

桃園眷村 手打麵疙瘩 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 129號桃園眷村 手打麵疙瘩

電話: +886966512302

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 129號桃園眷村 手打麵疙瘩

業務類別: Chinese noodle restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

上海小館 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 123號上海小館

電話: +88633636483

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 123號上海小館

業務類別: Restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

菓點子-桃園八德店 [Bade District]

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334002, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 30號菓點子-桃園八德店

電話: +88633772135

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334002, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 30號菓點子-桃園八德店

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

COMEBUY _八德義勇店 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 116號COMEBUY _八德義勇店

電話: +88632180201

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 116號COMEBUY _八德義勇店

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

我的麵包店 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 147號我的麵包店

電話: +88633646770

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 147號我的麵包店

業務類別: Bakery

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

程家小吃 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 131號程家小吃

電話: +88633749686

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 131號程家小吃

業務類別: Deli

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

銅板滷味(八德義勇店) [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 91號銅板滷味(八德義勇店)

電話: +886920339860

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 91號銅板滷味(八德義勇店)

業務類別: Chop bar

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District

梁社漢排骨-八德義勇店 [Bade District]

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 130號梁社漢排骨-八德義勇店

電話: +88633620389

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334, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Bade District, Yiyong St, 130號梁社漢排骨-八德義勇店

業務類別: Taiwanese restaurant

城市: Yiyong St

鄰里: Bade District