10強企業 Place of worship 行業

嘉義順天宮天上聖母 [Chiayi City]

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600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, 林森西路452巷5號嘉義順天宮天上聖母

電話: +88652237492

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600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, 林森西路452巷5號嘉義順天宮天上聖母

業務類別: Place of worship

城市: West District

鄰里: Chiayi City

許厝庄代天府 [Chiayi City]

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600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, 許厝庄31-2號許厝庄代天府號

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600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, 許厝庄31-2號許厝庄代天府號

業務類別: Place of worship

城市: West District

鄰里: Chiayi City