10強企業 Produce wholesaler 行業

Kua Kua Yuan [East District]

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No. 389號, Dongxing Rd, East District, Tainan City, Taiwan 70166

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No. 389號, Dongxing Rd, East District, Tainan City, Taiwan 70166

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Tainan City

鄰里: East District

怡昌米店 [Guiren District]

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711, Taiwan, Tainan City, Guiren District, Minzu N St, 15號怡昌米店

電話: +88662301039

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711, Taiwan, Tainan City, Guiren District, Minzu N St, 15號怡昌米店

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Minzu N St

鄰里: Guiren District

台灣上好米糧食供應中心 [Lingya District]

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802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Leshan St, 82號台灣上好米糧食供應中心

電話: +88672233827

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802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Leshan St, 82號台灣上好米糧食供應中心

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Leshan St

鄰里: Lingya District

麗園蛋品--雞蛋專業團購 2011年成立 [Kaohsiung City]

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822, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Alian District, 港後134之24號麗園蛋品--雞蛋專業團購 2011年成立

電話: +88676315811

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822, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Alian District, 港後134之24號麗園蛋品--雞蛋專業團購 2011年成立

業務類別: Produce wholesaler , Chop bar

城市: Alian District

鄰里: Kaohsiung City


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811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, 加昌路953巷10弄6號章和蛋行

電話: +88673615491

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811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, 加昌路953巷10弄6號章和蛋行

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Nanzih District


955, Taiwan, Taitung County, Luye Township, Section 2, Ruijing Rd, 69號稻大原農產行

電話: +886963202181

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955, Taiwan, Taitung County, Luye Township, Section 2, Ruijing Rd, 69號稻大原農產行

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Ruijing Rd

農發肥料行 [Tainan City]

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742, Taiwan, Tainan City, Danei District, 石城里石子瀨75-1號農發肥料行

電話: +88665765377

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742, Taiwan, Tainan City, Danei District, 石城里石子瀨75-1號農發肥料行

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Danei District

鄰里: Tainan City

台東火車頭釋迦 [Section 4]

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 4, Zhonghua Rd, 638-1號台東火車頭釋迦

電話: +886919759449

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 4, Zhonghua Rd, 638-1號台東火車頭釋迦

業務類別: Produce wholesaler , Fruit and vegetable store

城市: Zhonghua Rd

鄰里: Section 4

冠利有限公司 [Yanshui District]

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737, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yanshui District, Nantai Rd, 33號冠利有限公司

電話: +88666526177

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737, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yanshui District, Nantai Rd, 33號冠利有限公司

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Nantai Rd

鄰里: Yanshui District

台東知本阿美釋迦 [Section 4]

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 4, Qinghai Rd, 593號台東知本阿美釋迦

電話: +886977627344

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 4, Qinghai Rd, 593號台東知本阿美釋迦

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Qinghai Rd

鄰里: Section 4

圓益農場-釋迦 [Section 6]

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95062, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 6, Zhongxing Rd, 312號圓益農場-釋迦

電話: +886974182193

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95062, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 6, Zhongxing Rd, 312號圓益農場-釋迦

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Zhongxing Rd

鄰里: Section 6


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802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Kaixuan 1st Rd, 70號蔬果 16樓

電話: +88673105111

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802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Kaixuan 1st Rd, 70號蔬果 16樓

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: st Rd

十股釋迦(自產自銷)王淑美 [Taitung City]

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Zhengqi Rd, 198號十股釋迦(自產自銷)王淑美

電話: +88689320841

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Zhengqi Rd, 198號十股釋迦(自產自銷)王淑美

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Zhengqi Rd

鄰里: Taitung City


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959, Taiwan, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 美蘭19鄰31之1號邊附停車場停車位老樟樹果園【鳳梨釋迦.肚臍柑.香丁】

電話: +886965415419

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959, Taiwan, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 美蘭19鄰31之1號邊附停車場停車位老樟樹果園【鳳梨釋迦.肚臍柑.香丁】

業務類別: Produce wholesaler , Distribution service

城市: Donghe Township


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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 1, Zhiben Rd, 90號大台東釋迦

電話: +886922808212

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 1, Zhiben Rd, 90號大台東釋迦

業務類別: Produce wholesaler , Fruit and vegetable store

城市: Zhiben Rd


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830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Jhonglun Side Ln, 3-23號高雄喆圓農產行

電話: +886966712006

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830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Jhonglun Side Ln, 3-23號高雄喆圓農產行

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Jhonglun Side Ln

麻里釋迦 [Taimali Township]

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963, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taimali Township, Waihuan Rd, 57號麻里釋迦

電話: +88689781396

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963, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taimali Township, Waihuan Rd, 57號麻里釋迦

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Waihuan Rd

鄰里: Taimali Township

台東亞莛釋迦農産行-太麻里必買|在地推薦|宅配訂購 [Taimali Township]

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963, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taimali Township, Waihuan Rd, 248號台東亞莛釋迦農産行-太麻里必買|在地推薦|宅配訂購

電話: +886925783959

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963, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taimali Township, Waihuan Rd, 248號台東亞莛釋迦農産行-太麻里必買|在地推薦|宅配訂購

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Waihuan Rd

鄰里: Taimali Township

張&釋迦農 [Section 6]

950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 6, Zhongxing Rd, 290號張&釋迦農

電話: +886955909318

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950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 6, Zhongxing Rd, 290號張&釋迦農

業務類別: Produce wholesaler

城市: Zhongxing Rd

鄰里: Section 6


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金上賀(大湖草莓)批發 果菜市場 Fengshan 高雄, Taiwan

電話: +886925588733

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金上賀(大湖草莓)批發 果菜市場 Fengshan 高雄, Taiwan

業務類別: Produce wholesaler