德尚逸墅 [Lane 30]

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Lane 30, Benhe Street, 2號德尚逸墅

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807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Lane 30, Benhe Street, 2號德尚逸墅

業務類別: Townhouse complex

城市: Benhe Street

鄰里: Lane 30


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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 仁武老店煎包

電話: +88673714222

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 仁武老店煎包

業務類別: Steamed bun shop

城市: Renhe S St

台南市歸仁區老人福利協進會 [Guiren District]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 1 評論

711, Taiwan, Guiren District, Ren'ai S St, 台南市歸仁區老人福利協進會

電話: +88662399161

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711, Taiwan, Guiren District, Ren'ai S St, 台南市歸仁區老人福利協進會

業務類別: Social services organization

城市: Ren'ai S St

鄰里: Guiren District


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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 23號張家蒸肉圓

電話: +88673726747

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 23號張家蒸肉圓

業務類別: Deli , Restaurant

城市: Renhe S St


✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 7 評論

814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 23號61 巷愛上逸墅

電話: +88673755507

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 23號61 巷愛上逸墅

業務類別: Real estate agency

城市: Renhe S St


✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 3 評論

814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Lane 27, Renhe S St, 1號私立高登文理短期補習班

電話: +88673744500

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Lane 27, Renhe S St, 1號私立高登文理短期補習班

業務類別: Cramming school

城市: Renhe S St


✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 評論

814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 37號卓家手工麵店

電話: +88673740439

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 37號卓家手工麵店

業務類別: Restaurant

城市: Renhe S St

銓鴻精密有限公司 [Daya District]

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428, Taiwan, Taichung City, Daya District, Renhe N Rd, 93號銓鴻精密有限公司

電話: +886425686179

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428, Taiwan, Taichung City, Daya District, Renhe N Rd, 93號銓鴻精密有限公司

業務類別: Corporate office

城市: Renhe N Rd

鄰里: Daya District

錡明綠能電動車 [Daxi District]

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 121號錡明綠能電動車

電話: +88633803701

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 121號錡明綠能電動車

業務類別: Motor scooter dealer

城市: Renhe E St

鄰里: Daxi District

中華電動二輪車(崇發啓鉅車業店) [Daxi District]

33561, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 121號中華電動二輪車(崇發啓鉅車業店)1F

電話: +88633803701

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33561, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 121號中華電動二輪車(崇發啓鉅車業店)1F

業務類別: Motor scooter dealer

城市: Renhe E St

鄰里: Daxi District

尚亨建設有限公司 [Lane 73]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 1 評論

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Lane 73, Renheba St, 56號尚亨建設有限公司

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Lane 73, Renheba St, 56號尚亨建設有限公司

業務類別: Corporate office

城市: Renheba St

鄰里: Lane 73

弘大科技股份有限公司 [Lane 50]

✮ ✮ ✮ 2 評論

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Lane 50, Renheliu St, 1號弘大科技股份有限公司

電話: +88633075789

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Lane 50, Renheliu St, 1號弘大科技股份有限公司

業務類別: Measuring instruments supplier

城市: Renheliu St

鄰里: Lane 50

捷能達股份有限公司 [Daxi District]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 3 評論

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 97號捷能達股份有限公司

電話: +88633896097

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 97號捷能達股份有限公司

業務類別: Company registry

城市: Renhe E St

鄰里: Daxi District

漢堡大亨 [Daxi District]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 評論

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 95號漢堡大亨

電話: +88633808096

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 95號漢堡大亨

業務類別: Breakfast restaurant

城市: Renhe E St

鄰里: Daxi District

僑愛遊覽股份有限公司 [Daxi District]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 7 評論

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Rende S St, 145號僑愛遊覽股份有限公司

電話: +88633070652

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Rende S St, 145號僑愛遊覽股份有限公司

業務類別: Corporate office

城市: Rende S St

鄰里: Daxi District


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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 85號廣聯資訊工程行(台灣遠傳中華申辦處)1樓

電話: +88673725259

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 85號廣聯資訊工程行(台灣遠傳中華申辦處)1樓

業務類別: Cell phone store

城市: Renhe S St


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814014, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 43號福記鮮茶-仁武店

電話: +886958504889

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814014, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 43號福記鮮茶-仁武店

業務類別: Ice cream and drink shop

城市: Renhe S St

小時: + Wednesday : 8AM–9PM
+ Thursday : 8AM–9PM
+ Friday : 8AM–9PM
+ Saturday : 8AM–9PM
+ Sunday : 8AM–9PM
+ Monday : 8AM–9PM
+ Tuesday : 8AM–9PM


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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 36號寶寶早餐店

電話: +88673746226

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814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, Renhe S St, 36號寶寶早餐店

業務類別: Breakfast restaurant , Restaurant

城市: Renhe S St

小時: + Wednesday : 6–10:30AM
+ Thursday : 6–10:30AM
+ Friday : 6–10:30AM
+ Saturday : 6–10:30AM
+ Sunday : Closed
+ Monday : 6–10:30AM
+ Tuesday : 6–10:30AM

英傑美語 [Daxi District]

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 101號 英傑美語

電話: +88633075399

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe E St, 101號 英傑美語

業務類別: Cramming school

城市: Renhe E St

鄰里: Daxi District

HOT大聯盟 大興汽車 [Daxi District]

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe W St, 22號HOT大聯盟 大興汽車

電話: +88633808172

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335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Renhe W St, 22號HOT大聯盟 大興汽車

業務類別: Car repair and maintenance

城市: Renhe W St

鄰里: Daxi District

小時: + Wednesday : 9AM–7PM
+ Thursday : 9AM–7PM
+ Friday : 9AM–7PM
+ Saturday : 9AM–7PM
+ Sunday : Closed
+ Monday : 9AM–7PM
+ Tuesday : 9AM–7PM