10強企業 Research and product development 行業

凱登智動科技 (Gathertech) [Annan District]

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工業二路31號研二館405室 No, No. 31, Gongye 2nd Rd, Annan District, Tainan City, Taiwan 70955

電話: +88663847381

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工業二路31號研二館405室 No, No. 31, Gongye 2nd Rd, Annan District, Tainan City, Taiwan 70955

業務類別: Research and product development

城市: Tainan City

鄰里: Annan District

惠豐文創公司 [East District]

No, No. 2, Fuli St, East District, Taichung City, Taiwan 40141

電話: +886923030168

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No, No. 2, Fuli St, East District, Taichung City, Taiwan 40141

業務類別: Research and product development

城市: Taichung City

鄰里: East District