朱記餡餅粥 新光三越台北站前店

3.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 朱記餡餅粥 新光三越台北站前店

地址 :

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, 忠孝西路一段66號B1F朱記餡餅粥 新光三越台北站前店

電話 : 📞 +88789
網站 : https://www.zhuji.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongzheng District

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, 忠孝西路一段66號B1F朱記餡餅粥 新光三越台北站前店
嚴莉莉 on Google

常來中午用餐。 但發現多次來常都說酸辣湯餃沒有了。 真奇怪,是不會多包一些餃子嗎? 已經3次中午12點來,都說沒有酸辣湯餃,只能點酸辣湯沒水餃,也沒有酸辣餛飩湯的這項。
Often come for lunch. But I found that many times I often said that the hot and sour soup dumplings were gone. It's weird, wouldn't it make more dumplings? I have been here three times at 12 noon, and they all said that there is no hot and sour soup dumplings, so I can only order hot and sour soup without dumplings, and there is no such thing as hot and sour wonton soup.
林Jacky on Google

請問透過uber eats 訂餐的客戶比較不受尊重嗎?為什麼要求辣椒跟胡椒都沒有辦法給?我有勾選需要餐具,因為我這邊沒有筷子。請問這樣提供要怎麼吃鍋貼呢?
May I ask customers who order meals through uber eats are less respected? Why can't I ask for chili and pepper? I have checked the need for tableware because I don't have chopsticks. How do I eat pot stickers if I provide it like this?
張雯婷 on Google

4/17晚上叫了Uber eats 8:50點餐,點了雙人套餐包含餛飩麵+高麗菜+ 牛肉炒飯+蔥油餅。還加點了一份雞湯。一開始兒子吃了餛飩麵狂喝水,想說是怎麼了,我自己吃了一口麵,這也太離譜了吧!整碗根本在喝鹽巴!!鹹到不行…是非常誇張的鹹! 想說好險還有牛肉炒飯可以吃,吃了第四口結果我就這樣吃到了一整口的鹽巴!到底要多鹹?連鹽巴都沒有炒開,高麗菜也是!整碗倒掉根本不知道這一餐在浪費什麼錢 再也不想吃朱記了
On the evening of 4/17, I ordered Uber eats at 8:50, and ordered a set meal for two including wonton noodles + cabbage + beef fried rice + scallion pancake. Also added a chicken soup. At first, my son drank water after eating wonton noodles. I wanted to say what was wrong. I ate a mouthful of noodles myself. This is too outrageous! The whole bowl is drinking salt at all! ! It's too salty...it's exaggeratedly salty! I want to say that there is still beef fried rice to eat, but after taking the fourth bite, I just ate a whole mouthful of salt! How salty should it be? They didn't even stir-fry the salt, and neither did the cabbage! I don't know what money I'm wasting on this meal I don't want to eat Zhu Ji anymore
陳傑生 on Google

The taste is well-regarded and will not step on thunder. The set meal combination is suitable and relatively favorable, and it is worth buying. The overall dining environment is in place, the service staff are friendly, there are about 40 interior areas, and the peak dining time needs a long time.
SP R on Google

The small fish and dried bean curd tasted too dry. Comfortable seating, self-service ordering.
Harry Hwang on Google

2021/8/10 外帶排骨蛋炒飯 結論: 可以吃,但有點貴,缺少配菜 還是為了蒐集大台北區排骨飯,來到這間明明是以餡餅、捲餅見長的店,點他們比較冷門(或許店家不認為冷門)的食物 滿滿一個飯盒的炒飯+排骨,NT170,真的有點貴 但既然是炒飯,我一定要聞聞有沒有蛋香味,說真的,現在台灣餐館蛋炒飯,常常聞到醬油味、或是飯味,但是卻很少可以聞到蛋香味。 蛋炒飯要炒出蛋香味,要熱油,中火,火不能過猛,一下鍋把蛋炒到六、七分熟,再加入飯。(我不知這是不是正統,但至少我在家是這樣炒出蛋香味) 每當我到餐館點蛋炒飯,我第一個動作都是挖一瓢炒飯,放在鼻子前面,細細地聞,聞那蛋香味,聞那炒飯味... 大台北區,蛋炒飯好吃的其實不多。 朱記的蛋炒飯算是及格的(不過略遜某家店),有蛋香味,雖然不是那麼香,但至少炒出蛋香味。飯粒不會太硬,軟硬適中 至於排骨,雖然炸過,但是不會過油,也不會太柴,所以就排骨來說還不錯吃。 只是排骨炒飯,既然店家都這麼明白了,就不要期待便當中有其他配菜。以一盒170的價位,下次還是吃餡餅吧! 2021/5/7 結論: 1.想吃好吃的餡餅,紅油抄手,找朱記就對了 2.懷念以前空總對面那家店 朱記的餡餅皮薄、汁多,吃的時候要小心不要被湯汁燙到。 紅油抄手是我覺得台北地區最好吃的抄手。 2020/11/24 初訪 本來是要吃地下一樓的鐵板燒,結果滿座(有那麼好吃嗎?超級懷疑的!) 轉戰星野肉肉鍋,卻無意間發現朱記 嗯,好久沒吃了,當然要吃一下了 朱記有名的是餡餅,皮薄多汁。 我一向不按牌理出牌,我卻偏愛朱記的紅油抄手 辣到喉嚨的感覺,搭著幾絲黃瓜,好吃極了! 蔥油餅,不會太油,略帶蔥的香味,加上滿滿的麵粉味,這才是麵粉做的餅啊! 豬肉捲餅,只需輕輕咬下,不需要跟豬肉去拔河,也不用擔心肉與餅皮分家,小黃瓜多了些水分,降低了油膩,甜麵醬將肉、餅皮、黃瓜緊緊團結在一起,發揮出好吃的吸引力 只有吃了才知道那種感覺 服務態度一向不是朱記的強項,座味間距也一直能清楚知道鄰座客人的秘密 就看你想吃美食、想享受服務、還是想談論機密囉? 五星:再怎麼貴也值得專程去吃,不會後悔 四星:值得吃,但吃後總覺得還有成長的空間 三星:若是在附近可以去吃吃看,不要太計較 二星:CP值不高,除非主廚調整食譜,否則不值得去冒險 一星:嗯,有事沒事都不要去吃 我的評等是我個人依據上述標準提出的主觀意見,若店家不同意可以提出看法
8/10 2021 Take-out ribs and egg fried rice in conclusion: It's edible, but it's a bit expensive and lacks side dishes Or to collect the ribs rice in the Greater Taipei area, I came to this shop that is known for its pies and burritos, and ordered their relatively unpopular (maybe the shop doesn’t think it’s unpopular). A full lunch box of fried rice + ribs, NT170, really a bit expensive But since it is fried rice, I must smell the egg scent. To be honest, nowadays Taiwanese restaurant egg fried rice often smells of soy sauce or rice, but it is rare to smell the egg scent. The egg fried rice should be fried to give the flavor of the egg, hot oil, medium heat, not too strong, and the egg is fried in the pan until it is about six to seventy cooked, and then added to the rice. (I don’t know if this is orthodox or not, but at least I scrambled eggs like this at home) Whenever I go to a restaurant to order fried rice with eggs, my first action is to dig a scoop of fried rice, put it in front of my nose, and smell it carefully, smell the egg scent, smell the fried rice... In the Greater Taipei area, there are not many egg fried rice that are delicious. Zhu Ji's egg fried rice is considered passable (but slightly inferior to a certain store). It has an egg scent. Although it is not so savory, it at least has a scrambled egg scent. The rice grains are not too hard, and the hardness is moderate As for the ribs, although they have been deep-fried, they are not too oily or too much firewood, so they are not bad for the ribs. It's just fried rice with spare ribs. Since the shop knows so well, don't expect other side dishes in it. For a box of 170, let's eat pies next time! 2021/5/7 in conclusion: 1. If you want to eat delicious pie, copy your hands with red oil, just find Zhu Ji 2. Nostalgia for the shop opposite to the former head office Zhu Ji's pie has a thin crust and juicy, so be careful not to get scalded by the soup when you eat it. I think the red oil chaoshou is the most delicious chaoshou in Taipei area. 2020/11/24 First visit I was going to eat the teppanyaki on the ground floor, but it turned out to be full (is it that delicious? Super doubtful!) Switched to Xingye Meat Pot, but accidentally found Zhu Ji Well, I haven’t eaten it for a long time, of course I have to eat it. Zhu Ji's famous pie is thin and juicy. I always don’t play cards according to the cards, but I prefer Zhu Ji’s red oil handwriting Spicy to the throat, with a few cucumbers on it, it's delicious! The scallion pancakes are not too oily, with a slight onion fragrance, and full of flour flavor. This is the cake made of flour! Pork burritos, you only need to bite it off, you don’t need to tug of war with the pork, and you don’t have to worry about separating the meat from the cake crust. The cucumber has more moisture and reduces greasiness. The sweet noodle sauce unites the meat, cake crust and cucumber tightly. Together, play a delicious attraction I only know the feeling when I eat it The service attitude has not always been Zhu Ji’s strong suit, and Zami Space has always been able to know the secrets of the neighboring guests. It depends on whether you want to eat good food, enjoy service, or talk about confidentiality? Five-star: No matter how expensive it is, it is worth a special trip to eat, and you will not regret it Four-star: It is worth eating, but after eating, I always feel that there is still room for growth Samsung: If you can eat and see nearby, don’t worry too much Two stars: CP value is not high, unless the chef adjusts the recipe, otherwise it is not worth the risk One star: Well, don’t eat anything or nothing My rating is my subjective opinion based on the above standards. If the store disagrees, you can put forward your opinion
蒂芬妮 on Google

不知是為什麼,明明22:00打烊,才20:30就不能內用,一定要拿到外面美食區吃,連朱記門口前方座位區也不能坐,真的是有夠龜毛。 東西好吃,但店員態度不怎麼樣。
I don't know why, it was closed at 22:00, and it couldn't be used inside until 20:30. It must be taken to the food area outside to eat. Even the seating area in front of Zhuji's entrance is not allowed. It's really enough. The food is delicious, but the attitude of the staff is not very good.
Invulnerable artist on Google

招牌的排骨炒飯一樣很好吃 尤其排骨有味又不膩口 餡餅一樣很多汁 牛肉捲餅有點乾還是要配水一類的 整體來說還是很不錯!
The signature ribs fried rice is also delicious, especially the ribs are flavorful but not greasy, the pie is juicy, the beef burrito is a bit dry or it needs to be served with water. Overall it is very good!

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