司法大廈 - Section 1

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『打開台北』 活動 可以進入參觀 如果有幸跟到導覽 或旁邊聽的話 會更有感覺 17:00 有外面的點燈 但只有時鐘那邊 規模不大
"Open Taipei" event Can enter and visit If you are lucky enough to follow the guide or listen to it Will feel more 17:00 There are lights outside But only the clock is not large
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The National Monuments Tour of the Judicial Yuan is a very special building!
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憲法法庭還是改名笑話法庭吧 笑死
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這是父親委託財産分配人王志陽律師,為了奪取父親位於新竹科學園區旁大片土地,勾結父親子女以泯滅人性手段害死父親性命,衍生出一、新竹地檢署檢察官詹昭書為了包庇我告王志陽偽造文書一案,王志陽不受司法追訴,復以誣告罪構陷我,詹昭書檢察官利用職權勾結王志陽,同時掉包我告王志陽偽造文書之刑事證物暨供比對之證物,使刑事證物暨供比對之證物都成為格式、內容完全相同的88年10月19 日B4格式2頁財産分配書,詹昭書檢察官並在掉包後之財産分配書上,以鉛筆分別加註「第一財産分配書」及「第二財産分配書」,第一財産分配書上並蓋有「台灣新竹地方法院藍色橢圓形查扣章1枚」,被詹昭書檢察官掉包之財産分配書與起訴書所載之財産分配書有「格式、頁數、內容、訂書針孔位至」都不相符,又我於92年1月24日庭呈詹昭書檢察官之第一財産分配書為88年10月19 日A4格式3頁、第二頁王志陽律師蓄意以父親88年5月23 日A4格式財產分配書第二頁替代,因而有88年10月19日財産分配書第六條內容之記載,我同時奉命庭呈詹昭書檢察官的第二財産分配書為顏色已經泛黃又有摺痕的88年10月19日A4格式3頁財產分配書,詹昭書檢察官再濫權以誣告罪起訴我。二、馮俊郎法官為使我告王志陽偽造文書一案,王志陽不受司法審判,明知92年6月4日並未開庭傳訊我和證人王志陽,馮俊郎法官於92年6月3日下午2時30分在第九法庭傳訊我之翌日,利用職權勾結王志陽,在法庭外共同完成掉包我告王志陽偽造文書之刑事證物,成為88年10月19日B4格式2頁財產分配書,馮俊郎法官並在掉包後之財産分配書第二頁最末行蓋上 「法官馮俊郎92年6月4日紅色職名章3枚」,我不曾以書狀或以庭呈方式提供父親88年10月19日B4格式2頁財産分配書給新竹地檢署或法院。三、法官王紋瑩、蔡欣怡、馮俊郎為了構陷我及枉法裁判,於93年1月9日刑事判決前某日,利用職權共同勾結王志陽,命令王志陽於電腦中列印父親88年10月19日A4格式3頁財產分配書,掉包王志陽以證人身份於92年1月24日庭呈詹昭書檢察官有父親簽名、蓋章、按指印之88年10月19日B4格式2頁財産分配書正本,上開法官並將掉包後之財産分配書內容登載在地院判決書第10頁倒數第五行上,作為枉法裁判依據。四、我在地院審理庭時,多次以書狀或庭呈父親致財産分配受託人王志陽律師自89年7月19日起,至90年2月27日止存證信函共9份,同時陳明父親9份存證信函至少有兩人之筆跡,且全非我撰寫,我的筆跡可以從父親自90年2月11日至同年4月8日致王志陽親筆函共10份之左方,我奉父親指示加註重要事項,該加註的筆跡才是我的筆跡,及父親自89年12月27日至90年4月8日止,致王志陽共17份親筆函,和父親90年1月8日第0219號認證通知書。地院言詞辯論庭上我欲再庭呈父親上開文件並陳明父親9份存證信函全非我撰寫,審判長王紋瑩稱:父親上開文件卷內已有多份,並親自走到被告席上,小聲清點父親存證信函和親筆函份數,同時反覆翻閱父親存證信函和親筆函內容,並對父親90年2月11日至同年4月8日致王志陽共10份親筆函左方加註的筆跡,與父親9份存證信函之筆跡反覆核對,最後取走父親90年1月8日第0219號認證通知書。依據地院判決書第5頁2載明:「再證人王志陽於89年4月7日,將88年10月19日立具之財産分配書寄出後,復接到經父親署名及捺指印,於89年7月19日、同年10月13日及同月18日寄出之存證...有從被告工作地點之中正機場郵局發出之存證信函三份在卷可按,確認上開法官蓄意隱匿父親自89年11月8日至90年2月27日致王志陽存證信函共6份,上開法官觸犯湮滅刑事證據罪;上開法官又隱匿父親90年1月8日至公證處製作第0219號認證通知書函,及父親致王志陽共17份親筆函,同樣觸犯湮滅證據罪;又判決書第6頁倒數第二行捏造「被告於89年7月19日起之存證信函中,代其父聲明無償贈與、擴大贈與範圍及追加副署之條件,」上開法官觸犯偽造公文書。五、地院審理庭和言詞辯論庭,從來沒有法官或檢察官出示或陳明我觸犯誣告罪之證據,依據地檢署93年7月20日竹檢雲度九十三執保一三七字第15179號函,發還我誣告案件案內扣押物為88年10月19日B4格式2頁財產分配書,第二頁最末行蓋有「法官馮俊郎92年6月4日紅色職名章3枚」,確證上開法官為了枉法裁判,蓄意以馮俊郎法官之犯罪證據栽贓成我誣告之證據,而對我判刑,這不是枉法裁判什麽才是枉法裁判。六、高等法院於93年3月15日上午9時30分在第十法庭開準備程序庭,並無檢察官到庭陳述起訴要旨,法官李文成、江振義、周盈文,也沒有調查我觸犯誣告罪之證據,更沒有提示或陳述我觸犯誣告罪之證據,連審理庭和言詞辯論庭都不肯召開,同樣以馮俊郎法官犯罪之證據,栽贓成我誣告罪之證據,旋於93年4月13日駁回我誣告罪上訴,上開法官就是枉法裁判,又上開法官明知在準備程序庭並無檢察官到庭陳述起訴要旨,高院判決書第18頁第二行捏造「本案經檢察官沈世箴到庭職執行職務」,上開法官觸犯偽造公文書。七、檢察官傅伊君98年度他字第2099號,接替94年度他字第2055號昃股及冬股檢察事務官,及97年度他字第2565號夏股檢察事務官密集開庭,偵辦馮俊郎法官勾結王志陽在法庭外共同完成掉包刑事證物觸犯瀆職、偽造文書一案,傅伊君檢察官首次開庭時,找二位法警站在我兩旁,另一名法警在門外來回走動,問完年籍資料後,傅伊君檢察官隨即以恐赫的口吻稱:「蔡先生,你告馮俊郎法官勾結王志陽在法庭外共同完成掉包刑事證物,觸犯瀆職、偽造文書一案,如果你肯徹回告訴,我就當什麽事情都沒發生,我也不會調查,如果你不肯徹回告訴,小心我將你當庭受押。」我馬上稱:「馮俊郎法官於92年6月3日下午2時30分在第九法庭傳訊我之翌日,利用職權勾結王志陽在法庭外共同完成掉包我告王志陽偽造文書之刑事證物,掉包後之財産分配書內容,與起訴書、地院判決書所載財産分配書內容有「格式、頁數、內容」都不相同,又為了與起訴書第5頁第二行所載「訂書針孔位置亦不相符合」吻合,其上已遭不明他人以訂書機加工製造數個不相符之訂書針孔,還特意以鉛筆圈畫起來。馮俊郎法官還在掉包後之財産分配書第二頁最末行蓋上「法官馮俊郎92年6月4日紅色職名章3枚」,而我不曾提供88年10月19日B4格式2頁財產分配書給地檢署或地院,馮俊郎法官觸犯瀆職、偽造文書鐵證如山,我堅決不徹回對馮俊郎法官之瀆職、偽造文書告訴。傅伊君檢察官用手大力往桌子一拍並提高聲量:「你說什麼?你再說一次看看。」我又重覆説一次,當庭請求依法處理。傅伊君法官手一揮不悅稱:「你可以回去了。」確證傅伊君檢察官完全知悉我用瀆職、偽造文書罪名對馮俊郎法官提告。另外在99年1月28日下午3時50分地檢署98年年度他字第2099號在第九法庭的勘驗證物庭上,我重申上開言詞,請求徹查馮俊郎法官在本案中,收受或期約之不法利意,並以貪瀆罪對馮俊郎法官加重求刑。傅伊君檢察官蓄意包庇馮俊郎法官之犯行,明知我是以瀆職、偽造文書對馮俊郎法官提出告訴,且在本案中我不曾對法官王紋瑩、蔡欣怡提出認何告訴,復明知只要內容及頁數相同,從A4格式放大成B4格式,或從B4格式縮小成A4格式,刑法並無竄改格式之處罰。依據地檢署99年4月6日竹檢國勇98他2099字第09488號他結函,傅伊君檢察官捏造我告法官馮俊郎、王紋瑩、蔡欣怡竄改格式及湮滅證據,又未提出湮滅證據之事證,傅伊君檢察官包庇馮俊郎法官鐵證如山,觸犯瀆職、偽造文書。八、依據地檢署99年5月28日竹檢國智99他184字第15344號結案函,第3頁第十行載明:「經調閱本署93年度執保字第137號卷宗,卷附之93年7月20日竹檢雲度93執保137字第15179號函後附之第一財産分配書為 B4格式共2紙(分別對摺後共計正反面4頁,惟第4頁乃空白,詳如上開卷宗第35_36頁所示),且第1至3頁並分別蓋有本署藍色沒收章各2枚,與詹昭書檢察官勘驗結果「第一財産分配書之第3頁紙質,與第1、2頁大不相同,訂書針孔位置亦不相符合」並無不同。又台端所認於檢舉函中證物3所附之財産分配書影本,乃係遭掉包後之財産分配書,然觀之證物3所附財產分配書影本,應係未遭抽換之第二財産分配書影本,是台端據此認詹昭書檢察官有將第一財産分配書其中第2頁掉包之情事,應屬無據。」確證侯少卿檢察官蓄意包庇詹昭書檢察官之犯行,利用檢察官之職權調取與詹昭書檢察官掉包案件全無關連之馮俊郎法官犯罪證據,發現馮俊郎法官在犯罪證據之第2頁最末行蓋有「法官馮俊郎92年6月4日紅色職名章3枚」,侯少卿檢察官乃先將馮俊郎法官的犯罪證物對摺,再利用檢察官之職權,於馮俊郎法官犯罪之證物上,加工蓋上「地檢署藍色沒收章3枚」,以魚目混珠方式欺瞞稱:詹昭書檢察官沒有掉包第一財産分配書,至於詹昭書檢察官同時掉包第二財産分配書
This is lawyer Wang Zhiyang, the property distributor entrusted by his father. In order to seize his father's large area of ​​land next to the Hsinchu Science Park, he colluded with his father and his children and killed his father by destroying humanity. It was derived. 1. Hsinchu District Public Prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu accused Wang Zhiyang of forgery in order to cover me In the document case, Wang Zhiyang was not subject to judicial prosecution, and I was framed by false accusation. Prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu used his power to collude with Wang Zhiyang and at the same time compromised the criminal evidence and confession comparison evidence of the forged document that I sued Wang Zhiyang, so that the criminal evidence and confession were compared. All the exhibits became a 2-page property distribution letter in B4 format on October 19, 1988 with exactly the same format and content. Prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu also marked the "first property distribution book" and "the first property distribution book with a pencil" on the property distribution book after the package was dropped. "Second Property Distribution Letter", the first property distribution statement is stamped with "One blue oval seizure seal of the District Court of Hsinchu, Taiwan." The property distribution statement and the property distribution statement contained in the indictment were dropped by the prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu The "format, number of pages, content, and staple hole position" do not match, and on January 24, 1992, the first property distribution letter submitted by the prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu to the court was A4 format 3 on October 19, 1988. The second page, the second page, lawyer Wang Zhiyang deliberately replaced the second page of his father’s property distribution letter in A4 format dated May 23, 1988. Therefore, there are records in Article 6 of the property distribution letter dated October 19, 1988. I was also ordered to submit to Zhan Zhaoshu by the court. The prosecutor’s second property distribution letter was a three-page property distribution letter dated October 19, 1988 in A4 format, which was yellowed and creased. Prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu again abused his power and charged me with false accusations. 2. In order to prevent me from suing Wang Zhiyang for the forgery of a document, Judge Feng Junlang was not subject to judicial trial. He knew that the court and witness Wang Zhiyang had not been held on June 4, 1992. Judge Feng Junlang made a case at 2 pm on June 3, 1992. 30 minutes on the day after I was summoned in the Ninth Court, I used my power to collude with Wang Zhiyang and jointly completed the criminal evidence of the forged document from me against Wang Zhiyang outside the court, which became the 2-page property distribution letter in B4 format on October 19, 1988. Judge Feng Junlang agreed In the last line of the second page of the property distribution book after the package was replaced, stamped with "Judge Feng Junlang June 4, 1992, 3 red stamps". I have never provided my father with a pleading or court submission. October 19, 88 A 2-page property distribution letter in B4 format to the Hsinchu District Prosecutor's Office or the court. 3. Judges Wang Wenying, Cai Xinyi, and Feng Junlang used their powers to collude with Wang Zhiyang on a day before the criminal judgment on January 9, 1993 in order to frame me and violate the law, and order Wang Zhiyang to print his father October 19, 1988 on the computer. On January 24, 1992, the prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu, signed and stamped by his father, signed and sealed by his father. The original copy of the 2-page property distribution book on October 19, 1988 in B4 format on October 19, 1988. , Open the judge and publish the contents of the property distribution letter after the package is closed on the fifth line from the 10th page of the court’s judgment, as the basis for the judgment in violation of the law. 4. When I was in the court of the Prefectural Court, I repeatedly submitted a written pleading or court to my father to the trustee of property distribution lawyer Wang Zhiyang. From July 19, 1989 to February 27, 1990, there were a total of 9 certificates of deposit letters. At the same time, Chen Ming’s father’s 9 deposit letters contained at least two handwritings, and none of them were written by me. My handwriting can be from the father’s date of February 11, 1990 to April 8 of the same year. Fang, I am instructed by my father to add important matters. The handwriting to be added is my handwriting, and from December 27, 1989 to April 8, 1990, a total of 17 autograph letters to Wang Zhiyang and his father Certification Notice No. 0219 dated January 8, 1990. In the court of the court, I would like to submit the documents to my father to open the documents and Chen Ming that all 9 of my father’s deposition letters were not written by me. The presiding judge Wang Wenying said: There are already multiple copies of the documents that my father opened, and he left by himself. Going to the dock, quietly counted the number of the father's deposit letter and autograph letter, and at the same time repeatedly read the father's deposit letter and autograph letter, and sent a total of 10 copies to Wang Zhiyang from February 11, 1990 to April 8 of the same year. The handwriting added on the left side of the handwritten letter was repeatedly checked with the handwriting of the father’s 9 deposit letters, and finally the father’s certification notice No. 0219 dated January 8, 1990 was taken away. According to the Court’s Judgment on page 5, 2 stated: "The re-witness Wang Zhiyang sent out the property distribution letter issued on October 19, 1988 on April 7, 1989, and received it with his father’s signature and fingerprints. The deposit certificate sent on July 19, 1989, October 13 of the same year, and the same month on the 18th of the same month...Three copies of the deposit letter issued from the post office of Zhongzheng Airport at the defendant’s work place can be clicked to confirm that the judge deliberately Concealing his father from November 8, 1989 to February 27, 1990, a total of 6 letters of evidence to Wang Zhiyang, the judge of Shangkai committed the crime of obliterating criminal evidence; the judge of Shangkai also concealed his father from January 8, 1990 to the notary office The certification notice letter No. 0219, and a total of 17 autographed letters from his father to Wang Zhiyang, also violated the crime of annihilation of evidence; the penultimate line on page 6 of the verdict fabricated "The defendant’s deposition letter from July 19, 1989 on behalf of His father declared that he gave the gift free of charge, expanded the scope of the gift, and added the conditions for the countersignature," Shangkai Judge has violated the forgery of official documents. 5. In the Prefectural Court’s Trial Chamber and the Verbal Debate Chamber, no judge or prosecutor has ever produced or presented evidence that I have committed a false accusation. According to the Prefectural Prosecutor’s Office on July 20, 1993, Zhu Jian Yun Du Ninety-three was granted 137 Zi Letter No. 15179, returning the seized property in my false accusation case is October 19, 1988, B4 format, two pages of property distribution letter, and the last line of the second page is stamped with "Judge Feng Junlang June 4, 1992 red title seal "3", confirming that in order to vain the law, the judge deliberately used Judge Feng Junlang's criminal evidence as evidence of my false accusation and sentenced me. 6. The High Court opened the Preparatory Procedure Chamber in the Tenth Court at 9:30 am on March 15, 1993. No prosecutors came to the court to state the main points of the prosecution. The judges Li Wencheng, Jiang Zhenyi, and Zhou Yingwen did not investigate the crime of false accusation. Evidence, not to mention the evidence that I committed the crime of false accusation, even the trial court and the verbal debate court were not willing to convene, and the evidence of Judge Feng Junlang’s crime was also planted as evidence of my false accusation. It was revolved on April 13, 1993. I rejected my appeal for false accusation. The judge of Shangkai was a verdict in violation of the law, and the judge of Shangkai knew that no prosecutor was present in the preparatory proceedings court to present the main points of the prosecution. The second line on page 18 of the High Court’s judgment fabricated "This case was reported by the prosecutor Shen Shizhen. Court duties perform duties", Shangkai judges violated the forgery of official documents. 7. Prosecutor Fu Yijun’s 98-year Tazi No. 2099, replacing the 94-year Tazi No. 2055 and Donggu prosecutors, and the 97-year Tazi No. 2565, Xiagu prosecutors held intensive court sessions, and investigated Judge Feng Junlang In collusion with Wang Zhiyang to complete the case of surrendering criminal exhibits and committing dereliction of duty and forging documents outside the court, Prosecutor Fu Yijun asked two bailiffs to stand beside me when he opened the court for the first time. Prosecutor Fu Yijun then said in a terrifying tone: "Mr. Cai, you tell Judge Feng Junlang to collude with Wang Zhiyang to complete the case of exchanging criminal exhibits, committing malfeasance, and forging documents outside the court. If you are willing to tell, what will I do? Nothing happened, and I will not investigate. If you refuse to tell you thoroughly, be careful I will imprison you in court.” I immediately said: “Judge Feng Junlang was at 2:30 pm on June 3, 1992. The day after the Ninth Court subpoenaed me, I used his authority to collude with Wang Zhiyang to complete the criminal exhibits outside the court of the forgery document from Wang Zhiyang. The format, the number of pages, and the content are not the same, and in order to be consistent with the “stapling pinhole position is also inconsistent” on the second line of page 5 of the indictment, it has been processed and manufactured by an unknown person with a stapler. An inconsistent staple hole is also drawn in a pencil circle. Judge Feng Junlang also stamped the last line of the second page of the property distribution book after the package was replaced with "Judge Feng Junlang June 4, 1992, 3 red stamps", and I did not provide the 2 pages of B4 format on October 19, 88 The property distribution letter was given to the District Prosecutor's Office or the District Court. Judge Feng Junlang has committed dereliction of duty and forged documents. There is hard evidence that Judge Feng Junlang has committed malfeasance and forged documents. Prosecutor Fu Yijun slapped the table vigorously with his hands and raised his voice: "What did you say? You say it again and see." I repeated it again, requesting that it be dealt with in accordance with the law in court. Judge Fu Yijun waved his hand and said, "You can go back now." It was confirmed that Prosecutor Fu Yijun was fully aware of my complaint against Judge Feng Junlang on charges of malfeasance and forgery of documents. In addition, at 3:50 p.m. on January 28, 1999, at the Procuratorate’s 1998 Annual He Zi No. 2099 in the ninth court’s investigation and verification court, I reiterated the opening statement, requesting a thorough investigation of Judge Feng Junlang’s case in this case. , Accepting or expecting unlawful interests, and aggravated Judge Feng Junlang's punishment for corruption. Prosecutor Fu Yijun deliberately covered up Judge Feng Junlang’s crimes, knowing that I filed a complaint with Judge Feng Junlang on the basis of malfeasance and forged documents, and in this case, I have never filed a complaint against Judge Wang Wenying and Cai Xinyi, and only the content and pages are required. The numbers are the same. If you zoom in from A4 format to B4 format, or shrink from B4 format to A4 format, there is no penalty for format modification in the Criminal Law. According to Zhujian Guoyong 98 He 2099 Zi No. 09488 of his closing letter dated April 6, 1999 by the Prefectural Procuratorate, Prosecutor Fu Yijun fabricated my case against Judges Feng Junlang, Wang Wenying, and Cai Xinyi for tampering with the format and annihilating evidence, but did not propose annihilation. As evidenced by the evidence, Prosecutor Fu Yijun shielded Judge Feng Junlang with iron evidence that he committed dereliction of duty and forged documents. 8. The Prosecutor’s Office dated May 28, 1999, Zhujian Guozhi 99 Ta 184 Zi No. 15344 Case Closing Letter, and the tenth line on page 3 states: "After reviewing the Office’s 1993 Enforcement Zi No. 137 File , The first property distribution letter attached to the volume of July 20, 1993 Zhujian Yundu 93 Zhibao 137 Zi No. 15179 letter is in B4 format and a total of 2 papers (a total of 4 front and back pages after folding in half, but the fourth The pages are blank, as shown on pages 35-36 of the open dossier above), and pages 1 to 3 are respectively covered with 2 blue confiscation seals of the Department, and the results of the inspection by the prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu "The first property distribution book No. The paper quality of 3 pages is quite different from the first and second pages, and the position of the staple hole is not consistent." There is no difference. The photocopy of the property distribution book attached to Exhibit 3 in the whistleblowing letter recognized by the platform is the property distribution book after the package was dropped. However, the photocopy of the property distribution book attached to the exhibit 3 should be the second property that has not been exchanged. The distribution of the photocopy of the book was based on the fact that the prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu had dropped the second page of the first property distribution book. It should be unfounded. It was confirmed that Prosecutor Hou Shaoqing deliberately shielded Prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu’s crimes and used the power of the prosecutor to retrieve evidence of Judge Feng Junlang’s crime that was not related to the case of Prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu’s subcontracting. It was found that Judge Feng Junlang was at the end of page 2 of the criminal evidence. Covered with "Judge Feng Junlang June 4, 1992, 3 red title badges." Prosecutor Hou Shaoqing first folded the criminal evidence of Judge Feng Junlang in half, and then used the power of the prosecutor to process the evidence of Judge Feng Junlang’s crime. Covered with "3 blue confiscation stamps from the Prefectural Procuratorate", deceived that prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu did not drop the first property distribution letter, and prosecutor Zhan Zhaoshu also dropped the second property distribution letter.
maverick4673 on Google

司法大廈は、1998年に台湾の國定古蹟に指定された建物です。特徴的な浅緑色のタイルを貼られたこの建物は、もともとは、日本統治時代の1934年(昭和9年)に、台湾総督府の高等法院、台北地方法院及び検察局等、当時の最高司法機關のビルとして建てられました。現在、正面中央の時計のある場所には、日本統治時代には菊のご紋賞が取り付けられていました。 博愛地区と言われるこの一帯は台湾の中央官庁が集中する「台湾の霞が関」とも言えますが、同時に日本統治時代に建てられた数多くの建物が建ち並ぶ、歴史好き、建築好きの方にはたまらない地帯でもあります。それらの建物が単なる古蹟としてではなく、現役または展示館等に使命を変えて機能しているところが、台湾の魅力的な点と言えると思います。ご参考までに、 ☆モデルコース(所要半日程度)のご提案 台北車站南三門を出て右手方向(西向き)に忠孝西路を進むと右手にある二階建ての赤レンガ造りの建物が【①三井倉庫】。その先左手の【②北門】をくぐった正面は【③台北北門郵便局】。【台北北門郵便局】を左手に見て博愛路を真っ直ぐ南に進むと、右手に【④中山堂(旧台北公会堂)】、更にその先右手には【⑤原帝国生命会社旧廈 台銀文物館】、さらに5分弱進み愛国西路に出ると正面に【⑥小南門】。左折して愛国西路を少し東に進むとすぐに重慶南路と交差するので、左折して北に向かうと左手に【⑦司法大廈】、赤レンガ造りの【⑧総統府】、石造りの外壁を持つ四角い重厚な建物【⑨臺彎銀行本店】と続きます。途中【⑦司法大廈】と【⑧総統府】の間の交差点右手には、【⑩臺北市立第一女子高級中学】があります。重慶南路を北上して、小腹が空いていたら臺北車站が近くまで進んで右手にある「福州世祖胡椒餅」で燃料補給しましょう。小腹が空いていなければ、【⑨臺彎銀行本店】を過ぎて右手にcitybankが見えたら(襄陽路)を右折。そのまま直進すると、左手に【⑪勧業銀行旧廈】、【⑫三井物産株式会社旧廈】、右手は【⑬国立臺彎博物館】や【⑭台北二二八紀念館】のある「二二八和平公園」になります。元気があれば、公園路を挟んで隣接する【⑮国立台湾大学医学院附設医院西址】や【⑯台北賓館】も見逃せません。特に建築好きの方は【⑯台北賓館】は必見と思います。以上、お疲れ様でした。
Judicial Mansion is a building designated as a National Historic Site in Taiwan in 1998. This building, with its distinctive light green tiles, was originally built in 1934 (Showa 9) during the Japanese occupation by the Supreme Court of the Governor-General of Taiwan, the Taipei District Court and the Public Prosecutor's Office. It was built as an agency building. At present, the location of the clock in the center of the front had a chrysanthemum crest prize attached to it during the Japanese rule. This area, called the Boai district, can be said to be the "Kasumigaseki of Taiwan" where the central government of Taiwan is concentrated, but at the same time, there are many buildings built during the Japanese era, and it is an irresistible area for those who like history and architecture. But also. The fact that these buildings function as active or exhibition halls, rather than just historic sites, is an attractive point of Taiwan. For your information, ☆ Proposal of model course (half day required) From Taipei Station South Sanmen, follow Zhongxiao West Road on your right (westward) and you will see a two-story red brick building on your right. In front of it, after passing through [② Beimen] on the left, [③ Taipei Beimen Post Office]. Take Taipei North Gate Post Office on your left and head straight south on Hakuai Road. On your right you will find [④ Zhongshan Hall (Former Taipei Public Hall)] and on your right, you will find [⑤ Former Imperial Life Company Former Xia Xintai Artifacts] Mansion], go for less than 5 minutes and go to Patriotic West Road. Turn left and follow Patriotic West Road a little to the east. As soon as you cross Chongqing South Road, turn left and head north. You will find a red brick brick wall and a stone brick wall on your left. It is followed by a square and heavy building [⑨Taishi Bank Head Office]. On the way, on the right hand side of the intersection between [⑦Judiciary Mansion] and [⑧Presidential Office], there is [⑩ Taipei Municipal Dai-ichi Women's High School]. Go north on Chongqing South Road. If you are hungry, head to Taipei Station and refuel with Fuzhou Seso Pepper Mochi on your right. If you are not hungry, you will pass the ⑨Taky 銀行 Bank Head Office, and when you see citybank on your right, turn right (Xiangyang Road). Continue straight ahead, and you will find "Nanpachi Bank" in the left hand side with "Kanyo Bank Old Xia", "Mitsui Bussan Co., Ltd. Old Xia" and on the right hand the "National Taikei Museum" and "⑭Taipei 228 Memorial Hall". ". If you're fine, you can't miss [⑮ National Taiwan University Medical Center West Site] and [⑯ Taipei Guest House], which are located across the park road. If you like architecture in particular, you should not miss the Taipei Taipei Hotel. Thank you for your good work.
吳育廷 on Google

中華民國國民大會受『全體國民之付託』,依據孫中山先生創立中華民國之遺 教,為鞏固國權,保障民權,奠定社會安寧,增進人民福利,制定本憲法 ,頒行全國,永矢咸遵。 盡義務之下人權平等,在平等狀況下逼男人做兵,看不起女人不把女人列入,其他人也是人,人人平等的盡其義務。人權是否可以挑戰憲法 何謂人權憲法?權利-義(權利)務-權利? 人民展現權利的義務是不是被司法黑箱了?
The National Assembly of the Republic of China is "entrusted by all the people", and based on the legacy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's founding of the Republic of China, in order to consolidate state power, protect civil rights, establish social peace, and improve people's welfare, this Constitution is enacted, promulgated throughout the country, and will always be followed. Human rights are equal under the fulfillment of obligations, men are forced to be soldiers under equal conditions, look down on women and do not include women, other people are also human beings, and everyone should perform their obligations equally. Can human rights challenge the constitution? What is a human rights constitution? Right - right (right) duty - right? Has the people's obligation to show their rights been black-boxed by the judiciary?
Ymt Rina on Google

法律人路過。 遠目小大一時,是史慶璞教授帶我們進入參觀的,還一併參觀了台北地院的開庭。 當時班上同學包括我在內沒有惜福,直到畢業後、補習、考國考、執業實務工作等經歷後,才明白這位教授用心良苦,因為教授完全沒有義務要自找麻煩,帶一群未必考得上的毛躁學生,參觀真正第一線的司法機關。在此慎重向史慶璞教授表示感謝之情。
The legal man passed by. In the first year of Yuanmu Junior College, Professor Shi Qingpu took us to visit, and also visited the opening court of Taipei Diyuan. At that time, my classmates, including me, did not cherish good fortune. It was not until after graduation, tutoring, national exams, practice work and other experiences that the professor realized that the professor had a good intention, because the professor had no obligation to ask for trouble. It is not necessary to bring a group. The frizzy students who pass the exam visit the real first-line judiciary. I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Shi Qingpu cautiously.
王寬仁 on Google

This government building is surrounded by a beautifully designed garden, what is more, this distinct garden opens to all in daytime with no any expenses. If you just pass this government building and have time, taking a leisure walk in this garden may give you a good impression to court.

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