
4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 廣和月子餐

地址 :

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Ligong St, 122號廣和月子餐

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://www.cowa-mother-care.com.tw/
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Ligong St

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Ligong St, 122號廣和月子餐
maggie ma on Google

It was the first time I tried Guanghe in the exhibition hall. I tried a few restaurants before. At first, I felt that the confinement meals were almost the same. Counting or improving backache and adjusting the ingredients of the meal, unlike the outside menus that have a fixed number of days for meals, so I decided to give Guanghe confinement meal a chance. I highly recommend the vegetarian golden duck, which is very delicious, although the last meal was out It's a small situation, but I feel that the waiter is actively handling it, and I also personally deliver the meal to the house. I am satisfied with the service and meals of Guanghe. I highly recommend the waiter to find Peishan and feel relieved.
林凱俐 on Google

當初會選擇這家是在婦幼展試吃後決定的, 當時還有其他家可以選擇,最後決定廣和當然是因為試吃後覺得口味不錯,內容感覺也豐富,雖然ㄏ價格不是很便宜,但想起這是最後一胎了想要好好善待自己一下,所以最後選擇了廣和~ 結果…. 真的開始送月子餐到家(今天第二天) 我就整個沒胃口了….昨天吃到晚餐我就根本沒吃完,不是因為份量多,是因為太難吃了! 首先:飯、菜、肉份量真的超少,而且菜竟然都是梗的部分比較多,肉也是可以用碎肉來形容,飯我就算了因為我本來就吃不多,但是一個碗都裝不滿還有很大的空隙真的就讓人很無言…. 總而言之就是(難吃)兩個字形容了! 再來就是湯品,我沒喝過這麽難喝的補湯? 我本身是很愛喝藥膳湯的,可是能煮的這麼不好喝我也很好奇到底為什麼,裡面的紅棗咬下去都爛了,讓我瞬間覺得好噁心? 還不如我在醫院三天叫的別家月子餐 人家的餐份量多味道好,也完全不會膩 價格又便宜許多⋯⋯還讓人會一直期待下一餐 要是早知道我絕對不會選擇廣和! 該慶幸我只訂15天(等於我還有13天要忍耐?)
I decided to choose this restaurant after tasting it at the Women's and Children's Exhibition. At that time, there were other homes to choose from. In the end, Guanghe was decided because of course it tasted good and the content was rich. Although the price was not very cheap, I remembered that this was my last child and wanted to treat myself well, so In the end, I chose Guanghe~ result…. Really started to deliver confinement meals to my home (the next day today) I just lost my appetite...I didn't finish my dinner at all yesterday, not because of the large portion, but because it was too unpalatable! First of all: the amount of rice, vegetables, and meat is really very small, and the vegetables are actually more stalks. The meat can also be described as minced meat. I don’t care about the rice because I don’t eat much, but I can fill it all in one bowl. There is still a large gap in dissatisfaction, which really makes people speechless. . . All in all, it is (unpalatable) two words to describe it! Next is the soup, I have never had such an unpleasant tonic soup? I myself love to drink herbal soup, but I can't cook it so well, and I'm curious as to why. The red dates in it are rotten when I bite into it, which makes me feel disgusting instantly? It's not as good as the confinement meal I ordered in the hospital for three days. Their meals are large and delicious, and they are not greasy at all. The price is much cheaper...and makes people look forward to the next meal If I had known earlier, I would never have chosen Guanghe! I should be glad that I only booked for 15 days (which means I still have 13 days to endure ?)
紅吱吱 on Google

❤️首先我必須要說,服務的業務細心照顧貼心服務,第二次吃廣和,完全不需要再次說明喜好,業務小姐完全記得你的習慣 ❤️餐點一直讓我念念不忘,以致於就算不是坐月子,是開刀住院的情況下,我還是選擇廣和來當術後餐點 以上是我一直對廣和的喜好與執著 ?術後是完全不能走路的情況,我也知道疫情的關係,以致於各醫院對外送餐點進入病房的嚴格要求,在我訂餐前,已與醫院確認過,廣和司機可送到護理站,再由護理站的送至病房,餐餐熱送 卻發生司機叫我下樓自行取餐,我告訴他,我雙腳開刀,不方便行走,請他送上來,司機還問我:你沒有家人嗎?我傻眼⋯⋯ 達成共識後,司機送餐上樓,第一餐的餐點,一切美好,直到第二餐,飯微波到乾掉(口感像鍋巴感)微波碗的封膜送餐時,七碗破了四碗,我跟業務反應,業務當下立馬發現是微波加熱的過程有問題,向我表示歉意,我說沒關係,也反映了飯微波過頭的口感,由於業務已認識好多年,我也表示我反應並沒有不爽,別在意,希望可以調整一下這個部分,避免以後客人也會遇到,隨即她聯絡司機後, 令人不悅的是,廣和司機在沒有經過業務的同意下,私自打電話給我,對我大小聲,指責著說,餐點封膜會破掉。是顧客取出不善,才會造成封膜破,我跟他說,我打開封膜是開的,司機一直強調是我的問題,我的錯,為什麼要打電話告知業務,讓業務來糾正他,我問他,那你打來幹嘛,他說,他要跟我說是我取餐的順序不對,才會造成這樣的情況 當下承受著腳痛又心裡不爽,於是我直接告訴司機,明天不要送了 沒想到,他立刻對我說,對不起對不起~ 我當下真的覺得很莫名奇妙啊⋯⋯ 雖然善後的業務與客服已跟我溝通完成✅ 我總覺得,應該把這個問題來告知廣和,停餐的隔天,我吃了別家的術後餐,超級難吃,但是司機大哥淋著雨騎著摩托車送餐,送到護理站的時候,滿身雨水,貼心地說,希望我用餐愉快 有時候並不是品牌大小問題,一點點的小細節能夠造就客人印象深刻 當初就是看著品牌響亮的廣和,一開始還擔心負擔不下一個月的費用,但是業務親和力與細心照顧讓我印象深刻,於是訂了40天的頂級月子餐 太可惜了,這次的術後餐,憑著對品牌與業務的喜歡,再次訂購,竟然因為司機,讓我失望了 如果這區的司機沒換掉,我大概不考慮了
❤️First of all, I have to say that the service business takes care of the considerate service. The second time I eat Guanghe, I don’t need to explain my preferences again. The sales lady completely remembers your habits. ❤️ Meals have always been in my mind, so even if it is not confinement or hospitalization, I still choose Guanghe as the postoperative meal. The above is what I have always liked and attached to Guanghe ?I am completely unable to walk after the operation. I also know the relationship between the epidemic, so that the hospitals have strict requirements for delivering meals to the ward. Before I ordered the meal, I had confirmed with the hospital that the Guanghe driver can deliver it to the nursing station , and then sent to the ward by the nursing station, with hot meals However, the driver asked me to go downstairs to pick up the meal by myself. I told him that I had surgery on both feet and it was inconvenient to walk. I asked him to bring it up. The driver also asked me: Do you have no family? I am dumbfounded... After reaching a consensus, the driver brought the meal upstairs. The first meal was all good. Until the second meal, the rice was microwaved until it was dry (the taste was like a rice cooker). When the food was delivered, seven bowls were broken and four bowls were broken. , I responded to the business, the business immediately found out that there was a problem with the microwave heating process, and apologized to me. I said it was okay, and it also reflected the taste of the rice being too microwaved. Since the business has known each other for many years, I also said that I did not respond. I'm not happy, don't worry about it, I hope this part can be adjusted to avoid encountering guests in the future. Then she contacted the driver, What's unpleasant is that the Guanghe driver called me privately without the consent of the business, whispered to me, and accused me that the meal seal would be broken. It was the customer who took it out badly, which caused the sealing film to break. I told him that when I opened the sealing film, it was open. The driver kept stressing that it was my fault and my fault. Why should I call the service and let the service correct him? I asked him, why are you calling, and he said, he wanted to tell me that the order in which I took the meals was wrong, which caused this situation At the moment, I was suffering from foot pain and felt unhappy, so I directly told the driver not to send it tomorrow. Unexpectedly, he immediately said to me, I'm sorry, sorry~ I feel really weird right now... Although the aftermath of the business and customer service has been communicated with me ✅ I always feel that I should tell Guanghe about this problem. The day after the meal was stopped, I ate the post-operative meal from another restaurant, which was very unpalatable, but the driver’s brother rode a motorcycle in the rain to deliver the meal to the nursing station When I was covered in rain, I said intimately, I hope I have a good meal Sometimes it's not about the size of the brand, a little detail can make a deep impression on the guests At first, I was looking at the famous Guanghe brand, and I was worried that I could not afford the cost of a month, but I was impressed by the business affinity and careful care, so I ordered a 40-day top confinement meal. What a pity, this post-operative meal, because of my love for the brand and business, I ordered again, but I was disappointed because of the driver. If the driver in this area didn't change, I probably wouldn't consider it
温承峯 on Google

感謝廣和月子餐 在老婆生產完 積極安排出餐與營養師的細心配餐 不管是豬肝湯 雞湯 魚湯 油飯還是多樣飲品(發奶湯 養肝湯 草本飲品等等)的餐點都讓老婆讚不絕口 還有一個特別好吃的甜點紅豆紫米粥 更是讓原本不喜歡吃甜點的老婆食指大動 坐月子過程中有任何想變動的餐點營養師也都很細心的討論與講解再來更改更適合自己的餐點 讓坐月子的30幾天每個時段都能吃到最符合自己需求的營養 在孕期到生產的階段有任何關於生產和坐月子的知識與要注意的地方 廣和的服務人員更是不厭其煩的講解與交代 而餐點配送到醫院和月子中心的時間更是可以看出廣和作業流程的效率與服務 讓老婆生產完都沒餓到肚子過 也感謝營養師的專業 使老婆坐完月子後 慢慢恢復以前的身材 之後的二寶 三寶 四寶 五寶等等 我相信我一定會再次選擇廣和
Thank you Guanghe Confinement Meal for actively arranging meals and the nutritionist’s careful catering after the wife gave birth, whether it is pork liver soup, chicken soup, fish soup, oily rice, or various drinks (fa milk soup, liver soup, herbal drinks, etc.) Wife is full of praise and there is a particularly delicious dessert, red bean and purple rice porridge, which makes my wife, who doesn’t like desserts, move her index finger a lot during confinement. Explain and then change the meal that is more suitable for you, so that you can eat the nutrition that best suits your needs during the 30 days of confinement period. Any knowledge and attention on childbirth and confinement period from pregnancy to delivery The service staff of Guanghe took the trouble to explain and explain, and the time when the meals were delivered to the hospital and the confinement center can be seen from the efficiency of Guanghe's operation process and service, so that the wife was not hungry after giving birth. Thanks to the nutritionist's professionalism, the wife slowly regained her previous figure after confinement, the two treasures, three treasures, four treasures, five treasures, etc. I believe I will choose Guanghe again.
邱芊芊 on Google

在還沒親身體驗吃廣和時,看了好多評價都是說廣和不好之類的…. 自己親身經歷後⋯⋯並沒有評價這麼糟糕!有一點說的沒錯 選對服務人員 餐點加分很多(目前第三胎、所以選擇最傳統方式進補)、真心蠻推薦我這次的調配的姊姊:(南英姐)非常細心而且教我很多怎樣調理身體對自己最好…. 湯水多..對於哺乳媽媽是最好的方式..補不是吃精緻料理而是針對奶水跟身體需要的消腫跟進補方式….才是對剖腹或者自然產的媽媽最有效果 第二胎自己在家坐月子 根本水腫的跟母豬一樣…而且無奶水⋯⋯第一胎吃好婆婆也是需要額外買中藥跟追奶茶才有效果….因為廣和是用月子水調理 所以根本無需在賣這些去進補 省超多摳摳..但還是見仁見智 每個人體質不同 還是看個人嚕
Before I have personally experienced eating Guanghe, I read a lot of reviews saying that Guanghe is not good.... After my own experience...I didn't comment so badly! It’s true that choosing the service staff will add a lot of points to the meal (currently the third child, so choose the most traditional way of tonic), and sincerely recommend my sister in this deployment: (Sister Nanying) is very careful and teaches me a lot How to regulate your body is best for yourself.... A lot of soup.. It is the best way for breastfeeding mothers.. Tonic is not to eat exquisite food, but to reduce swelling and follow-up tonics for milk and body needs.... It is the most effective way for mothers who have a caesarean section or a natural birth. The second child's confinement at home is basically the same as the sow... and there is no milk... The first child needs to buy Chinese medicine and chasing milk tea to have an effect... because Guanghe uses confinement water for conditioning. There is no need to sell these, tonic, tonic, and tonic
Huang Vita on Google

❤️餐點符合我們的需求,份量足夠,隨時幫我調整需要(如發奶補品?) ❤️服務人員:宜文姊,每次有問題都很迅速的幫我講解的很清楚(從送餐時間、到怎麼配餐、產後如何調養......) ❤️ 這是第二次吃廣和我更推薦,疫情嚴重我認為pp碗更衛生,燉湯、點心我都吃光光,連爸爸都覺得好吃? 謝謝宜文姊 因為她我再次選擇廣和 而廣和也一直進步 每天菜色變化多樣化 餐點不油膩 謝謝宜文姊一直幫我注意飲食禁忌 知道我餵母奶 還特別幫我註記發奶補品(這個好吃?) 很用心照顧我 值得推薦,服務一級棒!
❤️ The meal meets our needs, the portion is sufficient, and you can help me adjust my needs at any time (such as milk supplements ?) ❤️Service staff: Sister Yiwen, every time I have a question, she quickly explains it to me clearly (from meal delivery time, to how to prepare meals, how to take care of yourself after giving birth...) ❤️ This is the second time to eat Guanghe and I recommend it more. I think the pp bowl is more hygienic when the epidemic is serious. I have eaten all the stews and snacks, and even my father finds it delicious Thank you, Sister Yiwen Because of her, I choose Guanghe again And Guanghe has been making progress Daily menu changes Meals are not greasy Thank you, Sister Yiwen, for always helping me pay attention to my dietary restrictions know i breastfeed He also specially helped me to note the milk supplements (this is delicious ?) take good care of me Highly recommended, great service!
Meng Lee on Google

?餐點符合我們的需求,食物清淡帶香氣,份量足夠。 ?服務人員的服務態度佳,說明很清楚。 ?燉湯、茶飲都好喝。飯也裝得很紮實。蔬菜很新鮮,肉類很好吃,用料實在。 ?️廚房出餐還是有失誤,碗數正確但內容有點兒差異。反應給業務人員,很積極處理完成。?。 ?️甜點與活力肉類的調味,相較於三年前,有稍微重一些些~
?The meal meets our needs, the food is light and fragrant, and the portion is sufficient. ?The service attitude of the service staff is good and the explanation is very clear. ?Braised soup and tea are delicious. The rice is also packed solid. The vegetables are fresh, the meat is delicious, and the ingredients are real. ?️There are still mistakes in the kitchen, the number of bowls is correct but the content is a little different. Response to the business staff, very positive to deal with the completion. ?. ?️The seasoning of desserts and dynamic meats is slightly heavier than three years ago~
May Chen on Google


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