
4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 木柵福徳宮

地址 :

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Lane 204, Section 2, Muzha Rd, 1號木柵福徳宮

電話 : 📞 +8899
城市 : Muzha Rd

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Lane 204, Section 2, Muzha Rd, 1號木柵福徳宮
sepia on Google

建於清乾隆6年(1741), 為木柵地區歷史最悠久規模最大的土地公廟, 歷經數次修建,現貌為民國79年擴大修建而成,福德宮兩旁建有階梯可以往上至廟後櫻花廊道。
Built in the 6th year of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1741), it is the oldest and largest land temple in the Muzha area. It has been built several times. It is now built in the Republic of China in 79 years. There are steps on both sides of the Ford Palace. The cherry blossom corridor behind the temple.
Thomas Yeh on Google

這家福德宮面積不小,算是處在巷子裡面,但是大門離開木柵路三段很近,旁邊是家加油站。 今天不曉得是什麼日子,香客不少,多半是女性長者,有位還帶了孫兒來,讓小朋友見習吧。 這是我看到福德宮裡面很大的,比它大的,我印象裡面是中崙的那家。 我沒看到煙霧繚繞的情境,是點了好幾隻大蠟燭。
The size of this Ford Palace is not small, it is in the alley, but the gate is very close to the three sections of Muzha Road, next to the gas station. I don’t know what day it is, there are a lot of pilgrims, most of them are female elders, and some have brought grandchildren to let the children train in. This is what I saw in the Ford Palace, which is bigger than it. I think it is the one in Zhonglun. I didn't see the smog, it was a few big candles.
Jung-Shih Lien on Google

有緣詣謁 木柵福德宮,覺得氛圍很舒服寧靜,供品金紙價位親民。除了常見的叩答神恩的組合,還有補財庫金紙的選擇,都在50-100元之間,私心覺得是佛心價。非常推薦~
It is a fate to visit Muzha Fude Palace, and I feel that the atmosphere is very comfortable and quiet, and the price of gold paper offerings is affordable. In addition to the common combination of tapping on divine grace, there is also the option of making up fortune treasury gold paper, which is between 50-100 yuan. Selfishness feels that it is the price of Buddha's heart. Very recommended~
范文芳(范風箏) on Google

According to legend, the land man with a long history has been here for 260 years. In the early days, it was just a small land man in the field. Now it is surrounded by the building! The local faith center!
Frank Lee on Google

Originally, he did not accompany the goddess to worship. According to legend, two or 30 years ago, the goddess of the land entrusted the believers to marry a wife, so they offered the goddess of the land for companionship.
Gigi Chen on Google

由於在我住家附近 每年2月櫻花盛開時都會來這裡拜拜祈福順便賞櫻 廟方很用心地維護這個小天地 讓都市裡的居民們有一個可以放鬆身心的美好小花園
Because it's near my home Come here every February when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom The temple is very careful to maintain this small world Let the residents in the city have a beautiful small garden where they can relax
陳誼庭 on Google

The land master and the land woman are very compassionate and effective. As long as you talk with your heart, they will become your support. At least I deeply feel the care and protection of the two old people, thank you???
anna y on Google

不是跟廟方買的蠟燭會被廟方一個老頭子說蠟燭點不起來還有會爆炸!(但實際上沒這些問題 另外,最近廟金爐在整修,不是跟廟方買的土地公金紙會要求信眾自己帶回家處理,除非跟廟方買! 廟方賣的金紙跟蠟燭價格都是外面的兩倍。
Candles that are not bought from the temple will be told by an old man in the temple that the candles will not light up and will explode! (but actually no such problem In addition, the temple gold furnace is being refurbished recently. The land and gold paper not bought from the temple will require believers to take it home for disposal, unless they buy it from the temple! The price of gold paper and candles sold by the temple is twice the price outside.

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