佛祖嶺慈雲寺觀音菩薩 - Lane 177

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Contact 佛祖嶺慈雲寺觀音菩薩

地址 :

20443, Taiwan, Keelung City, Anle District, Lane 177, Anyi Rd, 45號佛祖嶺慈雲寺觀音菩薩

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Anyi Rd

20443, Taiwan, Keelung City, Anle District, Lane 177, Anyi Rd, 45號佛祖嶺慈雲寺觀音菩薩
啟民翁 on Google

1876年創立。列入基隆市百景之一,安樂區10景之一。 特點:很少廟宇有如此精彩的後殿,樓上文物衆多,滴水觀音石壁,及可容香客入遊的巨龍設施。
Founded in 1876. It is listed as one of the 100 scenic spots in Keelung City and one of the 10 scenic spots in Anle District. Features: Few temples have such wonderful apse, there are many things on the upper floors, dripping Guanyin stone walls, and dragon facilities that can accommodate pilgrims.
YuLing Chen on Google

前幾年工作不順利時同事介紹來的寺廟,離活動範圍有點遠。 從市區轉安樂市場緩步走來需要至少20分鐘的腳程,而且不在大馬路上,是大馬路的樓梯下去,要稍徵注意一下指標。 大殿寬闊,氣場舒服,要點燈的話請往左手邊看去,服務台的人員都很親切,後殿有五路財神,過年初二是人潮最最多的地方,參拜時要注意別被香火燙著。 往後殿的路上可見觀音佛祖手持淨瓶,淨瓶口有水流滴落,靜下心來聽著水滴聲有種療癒感。二樓有藥師佛,如果有病厄想參拜可以前往
The temple introduced by my colleagues when the work was not going well in the past few years was a bit far from the scope of activities. It takes at least 20 minutes to walk slowly from the urban area to the Anle Market, and it is not on the main road, but down the main road stairs. It is necessary to pay attention to the indicators. The main hall is wide and comfortable. If you want to light up the lights, please look to the left. The staff at the service desk are very kind. There are five gods of wealth in the apse. The second day of the Lunar New Year is the most crowded place. Be careful not to be burned by the incense when you visit. NS. On the way to the apse, Buddha Guanyin was holding a clean bottle with water dripping from the mouth of the clean bottle. When he calmed down, he listened to the sound of the water droplets and felt a kind of healing. There is a Medicine Buddha on the second floor. If you are sick and want to visit, you can go
YEHHUA on Google

Every year on the first day of the Lunar New Year, you must come to the temple in spring, the incense is very prosperous, and it is the center of local faith
蓁宸 on Google

每年農曆6月19日左右(觀世音菩薩得道紀念日),廟裏會有盛大活動.. 現場會準備仙草,粉條等涼水款待前來拜拜的信徒,好熱鬧! 過年時期也可以看到絡繹不絕的人潮~看到台灣的宗教文化~ 最特別的是,教師節附近的周末,會特別舉辦六佾舞的祭孔活動...好有趣~
Every year around June 19th of the lunar calendar (Guanshiyin Bodhisattva Memorial Day), there will be grand events in the temple ... At the scene, there will be cold water such as fairy grass and noodles for worshippers who come to worship, so lively! You can also see the endless stream of people during the Chinese New Year ~ see the religious culture of Taiwan ~ The most special thing is that on the weekend near Teachers' Day, there will be a special six-hole dance festival ... It ’s fun ~
蔡雅如 on Google

這是一間百年古廟,莊嚴備至,共三層樓,有電梯供需要者搭乘。總共有9爐點9柱香,每爐各插一柱。 順序分別為1正殿主爐,主祀觀世音佛祖,正殿右側為文殊菩薩,左側為普賢菩薩,正殿兩側為十八羅漢尊者,正殿中央有彌勒佛祖。2門外的天公爐。正殿右側第一偏殿為地藏殿,主祀地藏王菩薩。3再往右側第二偏殿為文昌殿,供奉五文昌帝君(梓童帝君、朱衣神、魁斗星君、孚佑帝君、關聖帝君)。4再往右側的第三偏殿為大成殿,祀奉至聖先師-孔子,後依序為濟公殿(濟公活佛)、玉皇殿(玉皇大帝、三官大帝)、聖母殿(天上聖母、千里眼、順風耳),香統一插於玉皇大帝爐。接著繼續往右走,右手邊有騎龍觀音的壁石雕,5往內是財神殿,分別祀奉月老殿、南斗星君殿、三清殿(三清道祖-道德天尊、元始天尊、靈寶天尊)、北斗星君殿、福德殿與財神殿,供奉五路財神(東路財神〔招財天尊〕─ 蕭昇、南路財神〔招財使者〕─ 陳九公、中路財神〔武財神〕─ 趙公明、西路財神〔納珍天尊〕─ 曹寶、北路財神〔利市仙官〕─ 姚少司神尊)。 正殿左側第一偏殿為註生娘娘殿(註生娘娘、十二婆姐)。6第二偏殿為太歲殿。 二樓為文物館,有兩爐要插香,戶外有紫竹林觀音,文物館內有一入口即為神龍的龍頭,內設有一個鑼,可以拿掛在旁邊的木槌敲三次,代表著的意義為:「一響敬天,二響步步高升,三響萬事吉昌」。 三樓為大悲殿,中央設有一座八卦形的亭子,東、西、南、北四面各有一座大型神像,為觀音佛祖的不同化形,正面為端坐蓮花像。大悲殿左側奉祀阿彌陀佛,右側奉祀大勢至菩薩。 後續篇,寺廟提供消災、解厄服務,可向服務台申請登記,安排日期時間,會有道士進行,收費制,至於多少可再詢問廟方,另3月15日財神聖誕,亦有售財神金,很方便。 6月19日是觀音佛祖成道日,從前一日的子時起便不關廟門,陸續可供香客進香朝拜,當天現場亦有法會與進香團恭賀相當熱鬧,廣場有免費提供清涼的愛玉、仙草、米苔目冰水供解渴休息。當天車輛(汽、機車)管制,在巷口前禁止進入,一律步行進入,有開放旁邊的國小停車場供停車。
This is a century-old temple, solemnly prepared, a total of three floors, there are elevators for those in need. There are 9 burners and 9 sticks of incense in total, one stick is inserted into each burner. The order is the main furnace of the main hall, which worships Guanshiyin Buddha, the right side of the main hall is Manjushri, the left side is Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the two sides of the main hall are eighteen Arhats, and the center of the main hall is Maitreya Buddha. 2 Tiangong furnace outside the door. The first partial hall on the right side of the main hall is the Ksitigarbha Hall, which worships Ksitigarbha. 3 The second side hall to the right is Wenchang Hall, dedicated to the five Wenchang Emperors (Emperor Zitong, Emperor Zhu Yi, Emperor Kuidou Xing, Emperor Fuyou, Emperor Guan Sheng). 4The third side hall on the right is Dacheng Hall, dedicated to the Most Holy Master-Confucius, and then Jigong Hall (Jigong Living Buddha), Jade Emperor Hall (Jade Emperor, Three Officials), and Saint Mary Hall (Madonna in Heaven, Clairvoyance) , Shunfeng ear), the incense is uniformly inserted into the furnace of the Jade Emperor. Then continue to the right, there is a wall stone sculpture of Guanyin riding a dragon on the right hand side, and 5 inside is the Temple of Wealth, which is dedicated to Yuelao Hall, Nandouxingjun Hall, and Sanqing Hall (Sanqing Daozu-Taozu Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Ling Baotianzun), Big Dipper Palace, Fude Temple and God of Wealth Hall, dedicated to the Five Gods of Wealth (East Road God of Wealth (Zhao Cai Tian Zun)-Xiao Sheng, Nan Road God of Wealth (Zhao Cai Envoy)-Chen Jiugong, Zhong Road God of Wealth (Wu Cai Shen)-Zhao Gongming, Xi Lu Caishen (Nazhen Tianzun)-Cao Bao, Beilu Caishen (Lishi Xianguan)-Yao Shaoshi Shenzun). The first partial hall on the left side of the main hall is the Zhusheng Niangniang Hall (Note Sheng Niangniang and Twelve Possies). 6 The second partial hall is Tai Sui hall. The second floor is the cultural relics museum. There are two furnaces for incense. There is a Guanyin in the purple bamboo forest outdoors. There is an entrance in the cultural relics museum where the dragon’s head is located. There is a gong that can be knocked three times with a mallet hanging next to it. The meaning is: "A sound of respecting the sky, a sound of rising step by step, and a sound of prosperity for all things". The third floor is the Great Compassion Hall, with a Bagua-shaped pavilion in the center. There is a large statue of God on the east, west, south and north sides, which are different forms of Guanyin Buddha, and the front is a sitting lotus statue. The left side of the Great Compassion Hall is enshrined Amitabha, and the right side is enshrined the Bodhisattva of Da Shizhi. In the follow-up article, the temple provides disaster relief and relief services. You can apply for registration at the service desk and arrange the date and time. Taoist priests will perform the payment system. As for how much you can ask the temple, it will also be available for sale on March 15th. Fortune Gold is very convenient. June 19th is the enlightenment day of Guanyin Buddha. Since the early days of the previous day, the temple gates have not been closed, and pilgrims can enter incense and worship one after another. There was also a puja and incense group congratulations on the same day. It was very lively. The square provided free cool love Ice water from jade, celestial grass, and rice moss can be used to quench thirst and rest. Vehicles (automobiles and locomotives) are controlled on that day. Entry is prohibited in front of the alley. All entry is on foot. There is an elementary school parking lot next to it for parking.
葉傑 on Google

On the morning of the first day of the lunar calendar, there is a free consultation by the Chang Geng medical team, and art and cultural activities every year during the Lantern Festival. It is the faith center of Limin in Anle District.
Jay Wilson on Google

Shirley Pickford on Google

Tze Yun temple has a calm atmosphere and wonderfully intricate details. On the day I visited there were no other tourists, just a few local people calling in to pay their respects.

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