金泉浴池 - Lane 2

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 金泉浴池

地址 :

208, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Jinshan District, Lane 2, Wenquan Rd, 2號金泉浴池

電話 : 📞 +88987
城市 : Wenquan Rd

208, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Jinshan District, Lane 2, Wenquan Rd, 2號金泉浴池
945053 jerry on Google

30分鐘老闆就會叫你準備出來,泡40分鐘感覺有點不過癮。 放上浴池照片供大家參考,順序是全家池1hr500元,家庭池40min200元,雙人池40min150元,個人池40min100元
The boss will ask you to prepare for it in 30 minutes. Soaking it for 40 minutes is not a bit fun. Put the bath photos for your reference. The order is 1hr500 yuan for the whole family pool, 200 yuan for the family pool 40 yuan, 150 yuan for the double pool 40 yuan, and 100 yuan for the personal pool 40 yuan.
Po-Chun Liao on Google

The special weathered sandstone spring contains iron ions. When it flows into the bath, it will turn a bit brown. It feels different from sulfur springs and carbonated springs. It is said to have a soothing effect on muscle soreness. I feel quite comfortable when I soak.
Mia Fan on Google

看了評論,老闆似乎會敲門,不喜歡這樣所以沒有泡太久。 這裡經營很久,浴缸還是以前那種樣式,水質黃是這裡的特色。 本來走了一整天腳感到痛,想說泡溫泉舒緩一下,泡完竟然就完全不痛了。 價格便宜,但燈光昏暗了些。
After reading the comments, the boss seems to knock on the door. I don't like it, so I didn't bubble for too long. It has been in business for a long time, the bathtub is still the same style as before, and the water quality yellow is the characteristic here. I had been walking all day and felt pain. I wanted to say that the hot springs were soothing, and it was completely painless after the bubble was finished. The price is cheap, but the lights are dim.
on Google

據有70年古老有歷史的溫泉老店 原始裝潢 帶點復古 便宜又不失品質 泡完湯和老闆娘多聊兩句 老闆娘才說他們的溫泉是有品質保證的 保證不用回收溫泉水給客人再次泡 這樣的品質好~是有良心的好店家! 喜歡泡溫泉的朋友真的值得體驗看看 個人池100(40分) 雙人池150(40分)
According to a 70-year-old and historic hot spring store Original decoration with a little retro, cheap and quality Have a few more words with the boss after the soup The boss said that their hot springs are of quality assurance It is guaranteed not to recycle the hot spring water for the guests to soak again This kind of good quality is a good store with a conscience! Friends who like hot springs are really worth experiencing Individual pool 100 (40 points) Double pool 150 (40 points)
The fish in Ike池 on Google

人生第一次在Google評論就獻給您了 一開始進去的時候沒有熱水,詢問過後老闆很兇的說:“怎麼可能沒有熱水!” 看都沒有去看過,客人只能自己在裡面等,過一陣子熱水才慢慢出來 這就算了,之後有兩位坐在門口等另外兩位泡完出來,老闆也只詢問了:“你們還有兩位沒來?” 我們回答:“我們兩個沒有要泡” 老闆一言不發就坐回他的按摩椅了 等到其他兩位出來詢問過後,才知道原來已經先付了四個人的錢 所以請問,如果我們沒有主動詢問的話,另外兩人的錢是不是就被坑了? 這間真的是從小泡到大的,以前老闆娘還在的時候真的覺得這間很好 老闆娘人真的很好,現在真的很懷念當初的感覺..... 一星送給老闆娘
I dedicated my life to you for the first time in a Google review When I first entered, there was no hot water. After asking, the boss said fiercely, "How could there be no hot water!" I haven’t seen it before. The guests can only wait in there by themselves, and the hot water will come out slowly after a while. That's it. Then two people sat at the door and waited for the other two to come out. The boss only asked, "You two haven't come?" We answered: "The two of us did not want to soak" The boss sat back in his massage chair without saying a word After the other two came out to inquire, I realized that four people had already been paid. So, if we didn’t take the initiative to ask, would the other two’s money be scammed? This one really grew from small to large. When the boss was still there, I really thought this one was very good. The lady boss is really nice, and now I really miss the original feeling... One star for the boss
chang peter on Google

漲價了,個人池150,雙人池250, 時間50分 , 很棒的溫泉
The price has increased, the individual pool is 150, the double pool is 250, and the time is 50 minutes. Great hot spring
Frank Huang on Google

一分錢一分貨 靜謐的下午時光,享受一個人的泡湯池。話說這邊的溫泉有治療肩頸痠痛的功效,實在是太棒了!
you get what you pay for Quiet afternoon time, enjoy a person's bathing pool. It is said that the hot springs here have the effect of curing shoulder and neck pain, which is really great!
許育羚 on Google

老式泡湯環境 環境較為老舊不打緊 溫泉出水量夠 當然只有看到我自己去泡 並無看到其他客人 單泡湯 環境就是古早味濃厚 兼具悶熱不通風 三溫暖效果?一人150/50分 大概沒五到十分鐘我就受不了 出去偷偷氣 東西還在個人池 老闆看到我走出來 就要馬上要關唯一老式電風扇 omg 雖然有開跟沒開一樣 我也馬上跟老闆說 原由 我還要泡不要關 當然也不太想泡了 完全沒辦法放鬆日常工作勞累 以上都是今天泡完所感
Old-fashioned bathing environment The environment is relatively old, so it doesn’t matter. The amount of hot spring water is enough. Of course, I only see myself going to the bath without seeing other guests. The single bathing environment is full of ancient flavors, and it has the effect of being hot and not ventilated. 150/50 points for one person, about five to ten minutes, I can't stand to go out and secretly get angry and the thing is still in the private pool. When the boss sees me coming out, he will immediately turn off the only old-fashioned electric fan omg. Even if it is on or not, I will immediately follow The boss said the reason why I still want to soak or not. Of course, I don't really want to soak. There is no way to relax. I am tired from daily work. The above is what I feel after soaking today.

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