范師傅 鐵板創意手作料理

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 范師傅 鐵板創意手作料理

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 3, Minsheng Rd, 56號 范師傅 鐵板創意手作料理

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/profile.php%3Fid%3D126534357678515
城市 : Minsheng Rd
Description : Cozy, informal restaurant where creative meat & seafood plates are prepared in front of guests.

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 3, Minsheng Rd, 56號 范師傅 鐵板創意手作料理
Ken Chung on Google

吃個鐵板燒 吃出滿滿的感動與回憶! 鐵板燒料理好玩的地方除了觀看廚師料理時的身手之外 就是跟主廚的互動! 聊著聊著竟然聊到懂我所說的 西門町最早的鐵板燒圓環連接天橋的百貨公司 主廚 馬上 說 “巴而可百貨!” 這話 接得 讓我感動 那是…….35年前的百貨公司! 讓我最回憶的地方是當時的主廚不是料理好吃否而是他 唱作俱佳!邊炒邊唱歌 還能說笑話逗的客人開心!
Eating a teppanyaki is full of emotions and memories! The fun part of teppanyaki cooking is not only watching the chef's skills, but also interacting with the chef! While chatting and chatting, I even came to understand what I said, the earliest department store in Ximending with a teppanyaki ring connected to a flyover The chef immediately said "Barco!" I was moved by these words. It was a department store 35 years ago! What reminds me the most is that the chef at that time was not whether the food was delicious or not, but he was good at singing and writing! Singing while frying, and making jokes to entertain the guests!
Yen Ming Lin on Google

An exquisite teppanyaki dish with high C/P value. More than 2,000 can eat a whole lobster, a whole horse head fish and abalone scallops. Recommended restaurant in Banqiao area.
Mia Lu on Google

2顆星是給『食材的新鮮度』(至少眼見都是活跳跳的) 不過畢竟我花了4560元吃了兩客鐵板燒 五分鐘後到家兩個人大拉特拉 ?? 還是想要寫一下自己難得的體驗 ---------- 幫男友慶生 沒有準備大禮包,也要請他吃頓好料的 看介紹老闆很自豪自己的食材新鮮 加上想要滿足自己的私心吃龍蝦? 於是興致勃勃訂了 #范師傅鐵板燒 餐廳很小巧,一進門就感覺廚師話很多有點小臭屁 但這個很看個人喜好啦!所以沒有好跟壞~ 當天只有我跟男友做在鐵板燒特區(店家安排喔不是我們指定的) 我跟男友一直都有互動跟聊天,而不是各滑各的手機不講話 師傅卻一直嚷嚷「今天人緣不好,沒人陪我聊天」 (???????? 我們不能自己聊天嗎? 一定要陪聊天嗎??) 但他越是這樣喊,我越是不想回應他? 我又不是來陪你聊天的,我來吃飯慶祝的欸!!! 我們點了兩客鱻享餐 重點就是主餐牛排外還有一整隻的龍蝦? (對!就是為了那一整尾的龍蝦?) 這時候主廚又開始:這個份量很大喔!妳確定嗎? 我被問了好幾次,最後回他「我很能吃請不要擔心喔?」 食材新鮮是完全沒有疑慮的 現撈的龍蝦及鮑魚,活跳跳的沒話說。 第一道-松露鵝肝魚子醬蒸蛋 說真的我覺得很普通 有淡淡的蛋香,沒什麼記憶點? 第二道-海鮮濃湯 個人也是覺得一般般 有個大又鮮的蛤蜊這樣 第三道- 進入海鮮的世界 鮑魚真的好吃,鮮味十足,海膽醬汁很特別! 季節鮮魚一整尾,我覺得這個超多餘 吃沒幾口就交給男友了 不太挑食的男友也說,嗯~很普通。 干貝很鮮美,大顆吃起來爽度100 生蠔?料理的不錯?鮮味沒有被蓋過 一整尾的龍蝦視覺享受就滿分 平常吃飯很討厭剝殼的我 甘願弄髒雙手自己剝來吃 剝開的時候,螯一角的肉垂是下來,還有點生的顏色... 但我想說,廚師這麼經驗老道,用鋁箔紙包覆用『蒸的』應該不會容易不熟吧?? 沒想到螯咬下去一口是生的!!是生的!! 以爲自己鄉下人沒見過世面 還跟男友確認一下「這是生的吧......」 跟主廚反應後,他說這可以吃! 我露出了黑人問號的表情後 他才補了一句,不然我可以再幫妳弄熟一點 ?????????? 第四道-主餐牛排 男友點了澳洲菲力3分熟,但咬下去你就知道他煮到快七分熟了 我的美國無骨牛小排5分熟 勉強就是個及格的牛排?份量也超級普通 完全沒有記憶點可言? 此時的我們已經不想掙扎了.... 甜點上來之前 突然穿插了一盤清炒高麗菜 (? 恭喜他榮登第二道多餘料理 多餘到我連幫高麗菜拍照都覺得害羞? (第一道多餘料理是那條魚) 甜點部分 個人對銅鑼燒的皮有點要求 那個顏色看了就完全不對啊!!(? 甜點的記憶點只剩餐具很可愛沒了! 吃完走出餐廳對感想是 不會再來第二次了! 沒想到回家的途中(還好餐廳離我家近,五分鐘距離) 騎到一半突然覺得肚子不舒服,然後就開始肚子絞痛 連拉了兩次肚子後,本來男友看我拉肚子覺得很奇怪 過沒多久換他衝進廁所拉肚子,狂拉猛拉 ? 根據男友的描述:比他前陣子得腸胃炎還拉的誇張 等到兩個人肚子恢復平靜後,靜下心來想想 欸不是!! 我花了這個價格,結果回家爆拉肚子 再想到主廚臭屁的表情跟不斷抱怨「都沒人要陪我聊天」 真的是很想跟他說....先幫我把食物料理好可以嗎?? XD 不然至少龍蝦的螯要幫我蒸熟吧XD 從來沒有遇過吃完一個料理,兩個人同時拉肚子的狀況 食材新鮮,但還是這樣,確實令人納悶跟不解 加上不算便宜的價格,真的每路過一次店家都想抱怨一次XD
2 stars are for "freshness of ingredients" (at least it's alive and kicking) But after all, I spent 4560 yuan to eat two teppanyaki Arrived home in five minutes, big Latra for two ?? Still want to write about my rare experience ------------ Celebrate your boyfriend's birthday If you don't prepare a big gift package, you have to treat him to a good meal. Look at the introduction, the boss is very proud of his fresh ingredients Plus you want to satisfy your own selfishness and eat lobster ? So excited to order #MasterFanTeppanyaki The restaurant is very small. As soon as you enter the door, you feel that the chef talks a lot and is a little stinky. But this is a matter of personal preference! So there is no good or bad~ That day, it was only me and my boyfriend who did it in the Teppanyaki Special Zone (the store's arrangement was not designated by us) My boyfriend and I have been interacting and chatting all the time, instead of swiping each other's phones and not talking The master kept shouting "Today's popularity is not good, no one will chat with me" (???????? Can't we chat by ourselves? Do we have to accompany chat??) But the more he shouts like that, the more I don't want to respond to him ? I'm not here to chat with you, I'm here to eat and celebrate!!! We ordered a feast for two The point is that there is a whole lobster in addition to the main meal steak ? (Yes! Just for that whole lobster ?) At this time, the chef starts again: This is a huge portion! Are you sure? I was asked several times, and finally he replied "I can eat well, please don't worry ?" There is no doubt about the freshness of the ingredients The freshly caught lobster and abalone are lively and speechless. First Course - Steamed Egg with Truffle Foie Gras and Caviar Seriously, I think it's normal There is a light egg fragrance, no memory point ? Second course - seafood soup Personally feel normal There is a big and fresh clams like this The third course - into the world of seafood The abalone is really delicious, full of umami, and the sea urchin sauce is special! A whole tail of fresh fish in season, I think this is super redundant After a few bites, I gave it to my boyfriend Boyfriends who are not too picky eaters also said, um~ very ordinary. Dried scallops are very delicious, big ones taste 100 fresh Oysters ? The cooking is good ? The umami is not overshadowed A whole tail of lobster is full of visual enjoyment I usually hate peeling when I eat Willing to get dirty hands to peel and eat When peeling it off, the flesh at the corner of the claws is hanging down, and there is a bit of raw color... But I want to say, the chef is so experienced, wrapping it with aluminum foil and using "steamed" shouldn't be easy to undercook, right?? I didn't expect that a bite would be raw! ! is alive! ! I thought my countrymen had never seen the world Also confirm with your boyfriend, "Is this born..." After talking to the chef, he said it was edible! After I made the black question mark face He just added a sentence, otherwise I can help you get familiar with it a little more ?????????? Fourth Course - Main Meal Steak My boyfriend ordered Australian filet 3 medium rare, but when you bite into it, you will know that he is almost 7 medium cooked My American Boneless Beef Short Ribs 5 medium rare Barely a passable steak ? The portion is also super ordinary No memory at all ? At this point we don't want to struggle anymore... before dessert Suddenly a plate of stir-fried cabbage (? Congrats to him for the second extra dish It's so redundant that I feel shy to even take pictures of cabbage ? (The first extra dish is the fish) dessert section Personally, I have some requirements for the skin of dorayaki The color is totally wrong! ! (? The only memory spot for desserts is that the cutlery is so cute! What do you think when you leave the restaurant after eating? Won't be doing it a second time! I didn't expect to be on the way home (fortunately, the restaurant is close to my house, five minutes away) Halfway through the ride, I suddenly feel sick to my stomach, and then I start to get stomach cramps After having diarrhea twice in a row, my boyfriend thought it was weird to see me having diarrhea After a while, he rushed into the toilet to have diarrhea, and tugged wildly ? According to her boyfriend's description: It's more exaggerated than he had gastroenteritis a while ago After the two people's stomachs return to calm, calm down and think about it Nope!! I paid this price and ended up with diarrhea when I got home Then I think of the chef's stinky expression and constantly complaining "no one wants to chat with me" I really want to tell him....can you help me prepare the food first?? XD Otherwise, at least the lobster's claws should be steamed for me XD I have never encountered a situation where two people have diarrhea at the same time after eating a dish The ingredients are fresh, but it's still the same, it's really confusing and confusing Plus the price is not cheap, I really want to complain every time I pass by the store XD
Janice Cheng on Google

The ingredients are very fresh, and the abalone is really popular. For the main meal, we ordered Iberian plum pork (rich in fat) and Matsusaka pork (personal preference recommends garlic sauce or eat it directly), but I don’t think the seafood appetizers are excellent. , may be a matter of personal taste preference, but overall it is very worthwhile.
小七 on Google

點了龍蝦套餐 主餐是牛小排。龍蝦很新鮮,而且不乾 好好吃。牛小排真的好吃,很嫩。洋蔥湯個人覺得還好,蒸蛋有點乾乾的 不是很喜歡。馬頭魚跟干貝很好吃,整體來說還不錯,價格也合理。可以再訪
Ordered the lobster set and the main meal was beef short ribs. The lobster is fresh and not dry and delicious. The beef short ribs are really delicious and tender. I personally think the onion soup is okay, the steamed egg is a bit dry and I don't like it very much. The horse head fish and scallops are delicious, overall not bad, and the price is reasonable. can revisit
Winnie Lee on Google

套餐價格合理 洋蔥濃湯好喝 蒸蛋偏硬調味較淡掉不過下面有松露提味還不錯 鮑魚熟度剛好不會過老 肉質很Q彈新鮮 可以沾取旁邊由內臟調製而成的醬食用 明蝦超大隻也非常新鮮!龍蝦是店內有水箱現撈的 超級新鮮肉質也超級彈牙 (這次龍蝦是友人用點數換來的)而這次點的鮑魚明蝦套餐內還可以選擇一種肉品 選了澳洲菲力 店員建議食用3到5分熟 牛肉品質好 肉質非常軟嫩多汁 且可以沾取旁邊的大蒜醬和蒜片一起做食用 或是配上店家有附的洋蔥粒也非常搭 最後可以選擇飲料和附上一份甜點 套餐份量非常足夠 適合聚餐慶生 老闆親切價格合理會再回訪
The price of the set menu is reasonable. The onion soup is delicious. The steamed eggs are hard and the seasoning is weak, but the truffles on the bottom are good. The abalone is just not too cooked. The prawns are super large and very fresh! The lobster is super fresh and super elastic (this time the lobster was exchanged by a friend with points) and the abalone and prawn set ordered this time can also choose a kind of meat, which is recommended by the Australian filet clerk. Eat 3 to 5 minutes cooked beef is of good quality. The meat is very soft, tender and juicy. You can dip the garlic sauce on the side and eat it together with garlic slices. The portion of the dessert set is very good enough for a birthday party. The owner is friendly and the price is reasonable. Will visit again
Denise Tsao on Google

Ok teppanyaki place if u want some less pricy ones.
Love Ukulele on Google

Not outstanding but acceptable good value For a set dinner cost of NT$688 is reasonable, believe this is the minimum price for dinner course, however compare with the neighborhood it is high Our visit was attracted by the local TV program about the interesting story of the owner/chef The Chef worked hard and assisted by his wife, on top they hire two staff, it is considered a small Teppanyaki restaurant, maximum capacity around 20 people Our dinner course consists of salad, soup, main course, fish and prawn, vegetable, dessert, on top they offer soft drink and garlic bread, the total quantities are very suffice Reservations is recommended Beware that parking is an issue We are interested to try their lunch one day

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