台灣味便當 - Zhonghe District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 台灣味便當

地址 :

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Ren'ai St, 1號台灣味便當

電話 : 📞 +8897
城市 : Ren'ai St

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Ren'ai St, 1號台灣味便當
呂鵝 on Google

這樣子居然只要50還有附湯 老闆非常親切 在這個物價飆漲的時代 能找到這個價位又好吃的店真的不多了
In this way, it only costs 50 and comes with soup. The owner is very kind. In this era of soaring prices, there are really not many restaurants that can find this price and delicious food.
Ariel Shang on Google

外表很不起眼 要不是google看到評價很好不然根本不會有興趣 配菜超多樣 排骨也好吃 外帶附酸辣湯 這樣才70超推
The appearance is very inconspicuous. If it hadn't been for Google to see good reviews, I wouldn't be interested at all. The side dishes are super diverse, the ribs are also delicious, and the takeaway comes with hot and sour soup This is only 70 super push
Eric Chin on Google

A bento shop opposite Nanshijiao MRT Station, with super rich dishes, pork ribs bento, and a bowl of soup, a lot of dishes, rich in nutrients, delicious and cheap, awesome
蘭影山中 on Google

The bento side dishes are diverse and rich, the lady is super good, the cp value is very high, big push~
Ynhandpaint Winnie Chong on Google

菜飯才50元?? 沒錯!你看到的就只需要80元(蝦卷便當)啊!!叔叔阿姨超好的!每次來都加好加滿 豐盛的菜餚??
Vegetable rice is only 50 yuan ?? That's right! What you see is only 80 yuan (shrimp roll bento)! ! Uncle and aunt are great! Fill it up every time you come. Hearty dishes ??
Jessie Chen on Google

叔叔阿姨的店面因為不大很容易被錯過,雖然從捷運站過馬路馬上就到了,但很慶幸能享用到高CP以及溫暖的餐點 排骨飯是古早味沒有裹粉炸的排骨,醃的剛好也不會過鹹,非常美味;炸雞腿飯也沒有裹粉炸,可以吃的出原始鮮味 便當配菜一點都不馬乎,而且種類很齊全塞滿整個便當盒看不到格子,養分很均衡都可以補足,不僅有滷蛋豆腐豆乾海帶筍絲的小菜,還會有一些季節現燙煮的配菜 以這兩款便當加起來只要150元還附贈也不馬乎的羹湯,真的很罕見有這麼溫暖飽足的便當 點餐時原本阿姨手裡正拿著一隻雞腿要準備餐點,很羞怯可愛的說著是要自己吃的 =) 叔叔阿姨煮的餐點都是自己會吃,才會給客人吃的,就像爸媽在照顧孩子一樣,非常有愛跟溫暖
Uncle and aunt’s storefronts are not easy to be missed because they are not big. Although they arrived immediately after crossing the road from the MRT station, I am very fortunate to be able to enjoy high CP and warm meals. Pork Ribs Rice is an ancient style of pork ribs that are not coated with flour and fried. It is just marinated and not too salty. It is very delicious. The bento side dishes are not careless at all, and the variety is very complete. The whole bento box can't be seen without a grid. The nutrients are balanced and can be supplemented. There are not only side dishes such as braised eggs, tofu, dried beans, seaweed, and bamboo shoots, but also some seasonal hot dishes. cooked side dishes With these two bentos combined, it only costs 150 yuan and comes with a soup that is not careless. It is really rare to have such a warm and satisfying bento. When I ordered the meal, my aunt was holding a chicken leg in her hand to prepare the meal. She was very shy and cute and said that she wanted to eat it by herself =) Uncles and aunts cook meals that they can eat before serving to guests, just like parents taking care of their children, they are very loving and warm
陳宜東 on Google

雞腿便當85元,內用還有附一碗羹湯,而配菜也太多種了吧!有豆乾、滷蛋(半顆)、小黃瓜、油豆腐、海帶、洋蔥、小白菜、高麗菜及筍子,第一次看到那麼豪華的配菜,而白飯還有淋上滷肉,這什麼情況?!也太佛心了吧~ 而味道方面水準都不錯,雞腿雖熱度沒那麼足夠,但這樣的CP值算是很可以了,而且老闆娘還主動問我要不要加飯!這⋯怎麼好意思~~ 而附上的羹湯蠻好喝的,裡頭還有白蘿蔔,我只是叫個便當,怎麼可以吃那麼飽呀!誇張~ 內用環境就走家庭式,就比較昏暗凌亂一些,但老闆娘人無敵親切的,禮貌語言一直掛在嘴邊,我跟老闆娘聊天,才知道她開了近20年,最後還主動拿旺旺仙貝請我吃,也太好客了,論價格、論味道、論份量、論人情味,這家肯定是會回訪的店!大推一下囉~
The chicken drumstick bento is 85 yuan, and it comes with a bowl of soup, and there are too many side dishes! There are dried tofu, marinated eggs (half), cucumbers, oiled tofu, kelp, onions, cabbage, cabbage and bamboo shoots. This is the first time I see such luxurious side dishes, and the white rice is topped with marinated pork. What's the situation? ! It’s too Buddha-inspired~ In terms of taste, the level is good. Although the chicken thighs are not so hot, the CP value is quite good, and the proprietress also actively asked me if I want to add food! embarrassing~~ And the soup attached is delicious, there are white radishes in it, I just called a bento, how can I eat so full! Exaggeration~ The internal environment is family style, which is a bit dim and messy, but the boss’s wife is invincible and kind, and her polite language has always been on her lips. I chatted with the boss’s wife and realized that she had been driving for nearly 20 years and finally took the initiative to take Wangwang senbei. Inviting me to eat, it is too hospitable. In terms of price, taste, portion size, and human touch, this restaurant will definitely be a return visit! Give it a big push~
parfait Huang on Google

店面小小一家 外面道路很多等紅綠燈的車流 雖然有弄招牌,但很容易會忽略過的地方 南勢角佛心便當店 70元排骨便當,配菜給很多 花椰菜、高麗菜、筍絲、海帶、豆干、油豆腐、滷苦瓜、半顆滷蛋 排骨沒裹粉的正常大小炸排骨 味道家常味,肉吃起來是真肉 在物價齊漲時代,別的便當店排骨多數在85-100元,能有物美價廉便當,實在很稀有。其他人評價很中肯,沒因便宜而馬虎菜色。內用位置不多,看起來是老舊但算整潔,很合適預算不高又想吃飽的人。

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