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Contact 阿枝油飯

地址 :

265, Taiwan, Yilan County, Luodong Township, Section 3, Zhongshan Rd, 268號阿枝油飯

城市 : Zhongshan Rd

265, Taiwan, Yilan County, Luodong Township, Section 3, Zhongshan Rd, 268號阿枝油飯
CW Wu on Google

Very delicious rice cakes ~ full of sauces and bean skins on top, with fish ball soup super delicious!
李國鼎 on Google

生意很好的在地米糕 之前都神出鬼沒,現在營業時間固定很好找,醬料偏鹹 米糕飯偏硬 香菜給的很大方,老闆臉看起來兇兇的,但很符合宜蘭人的外冷內熱,其實老闆人很好的也很熱情,看到位置就給他坐下去不用怕,有機會經過可以嘗試看看喔。
The business is very good. Before the rice cakes, they were all haunted. Now the business hours are fixed. The salty rice cakes are hard and the coriander is generous. The boss ’s face looks fierce, but it suits the Yilan people. It's cold and hot, in fact, the boss is very good and very enthusiastic. Don't be afraid to sit down when you see the position. You can try it if you have a chance.
Judy Jiao on Google

The long-established local oily rice is served with a little pork and oily tofu to relieve greasiness, and coriander is the icing on the cake.
黎世焰 on Google

The oily rice is soft and a lot of material. Today's normal day is raining again. The crowds are much less than Europe, and you can eat Europe slowly!
Carol Ching on Google

The oily rice is fragrant, the sauce is homemade, and the fish ball stuffing is elastic.
yeoeum Huang on Google

The oily rice is not fully penetrated, the whole is hard, and the ingredients are not rich, except for the sauce. There is nothing to recommend it. As a Yilan native, I do not recommend it. Yilan has more delicious oily rice than him at a reasonable price~ This so-called 50-year-old restaurant is just famous for its reputation~ Especially the boss at night is very unfriendly, and he feels very impatient when he asks anything. If the food is delicious, he can barely bear it, but the food is not delicious. The attitude is still bad, there is really no need to spend money to suffer!!!
Miowowo Kuo on Google

It belongs to the local people's breakfast choice. It has a light taste. The oily rice is topped with oily tofu, and it is just right with the fish ball soup.
Edward Chen on Google

素聞油飯為羅東受歡迎的在地庶民小食之一,著名的約有兩三間,都是主要在早上即開始營業,其中一間在純精路上,開店時間相較晚一些,約六點,而這次造訪的另一家、位在一個市場附近的「米糕枝」則是一早四五點就開始營業,非常適合透早出門吃早餐的在地人或須一早啟程的宜蘭旅人嚐鮮。 米糕枝之前又常被以「幽靈油飯」稱呼(因其之前營業時間經常如神出鬼沒的幽靈般難以掌握,但現在已經遠為固定,營業時間在交棒給後代後也遠為拉長),這反映了很多人提過的問題:米糕枝賣的到底是米糕還是油飯? 米糕或油飯的差別其實本來就有些模糊,主要大概是以對糯米的烹煮方式以及後續飯中配料的工序來做分別。然而,全台灣其實常發生大家混著叫的情況,有時候明明東西看起來是油飯,卻以「米糕」稱之。就以米糕「規格」看似最齊一的中南部(如清水、北港、雲嘉南高屏地區)來說,還是會有台南名店阿霞的「紅蟳米糕」但怎麼看都覺得其實是油飯的情況。 宜蘭羅東更是如此,在地人似乎都混著叫,米糕枝也有人稱之「阿枝油飯」,看來到底是叫「米糕」還是「油飯」,對很多人來說一點也不重要,夠香、好吃順口比較重要 就我的觀察,如果要套用前述的分類方式,米糕枝的油飯其實算是「混體」(hybrid)。How so? 大家可以觀察米糕枝準備油飯的程序,那油飯本身一開始是從一個大鍋中舀起,大鍋中的飯的堆疊方式很像一個超巨大的、出籠的筒仔米糕,店家接著將另放一旁的豬肉、豆腐分別加進飯中後拌和,最後淋上醬汁即成。這程序中有米糕的做法(前段:包括糯米炊蒸方式到淋料),但後段拌料完成時卻是油飯的成品。由此我認為這是米糕和油飯的混體,在這樣情況下,要叫「米糕」或「油飯」就更沒差了 ? 米糕枝的油飯的一特色是配料不多,不似南部油飯中有豐富配料(通常包含香菇蝦米肉等)或北部如大稻埕林合發的彌月油飯,米糕枝的油飯只有簡單的豬肉和油豆腐,其中大又多塊的油豆腐更是少見,目測一個小碗就至少有5-6塊。油飯的飯本身則是口味不過重而帶淡淡香氣,配上淋上的醬料後又別有一番滋味(油飯入口時若醬料比例過高油飯本身的味道就會被蓋過),整體而言則是街頭的、話家常的庶民風格。 一套中唯二品項之一的魚丸湯一碗含三顆魚丸,魚丸滋味普通,湯頭中除了油蔥還有些芹菜末,讓湯頭的香氣略有變化,整體還算可以,主要就拿來搭配油飯 有機會造訪羅東的旅人可以一訪,嚐嚐羅東著名小食之一的油飯(又名米糕 ?)
Suwen Youfan is one of Luodong’s popular snacks for local residents. There are about two or three famous restaurants, all of which are open in the morning. One of them is on Chunjing Road. The opening time is a bit later, about six. The other one I visited this time, the "rice cake sticks" near a market, opened at four or five in the morning. It is very suitable for locals who go out early for breakfast or travellers from Yilan who have to leave early in the morning. Rice cake sticks were often called "ghost oil rice" before (because their business hours were often as difficult to grasp as ghosts, but now they are far more fixed, and business hours are much longer after they are handed over to future generations) This reflects the question that many people have asked: Is the rice cake sticks sold in rice cakes or oiled rice? The difference between rice cakes and oily rice is actually a bit vague. It is mainly based on the cooking method of glutinous rice and the process of ingredients in the subsequent rice. However, in Taiwan, it is often the case that people mingled and shouted. Sometimes it is called "rice cakes" when things seem to be oily rice. In terms of rice cakes in the central and southern regions (such as Qingshui, Beigang, and Yunjianan Gaoping area) where the "specifications" of rice cakes seem to be the most uniform, there will still be "red rice cakes" from Axia, a famous Tainan store, but I feel that no matter how you look at it In fact, it is the case of oily rice. This is especially true in Yilan Luodong. Local people seem to confuse it. Some people call rice cake sticks "Azhi oil rice." It seems that it is called "rice cake" or "oil rice". To many people, it is a little bit It’s not important, it’s more important to be fragrant and delicious From my observation, if the aforementioned classification method is to be applied, the oily rice with rice cake sticks is actually a "hybrid" (hybrid). How so? You can observe the process of preparing rice cake sticks for oily rice. The oily rice itself is scooped from a large pot at the beginning. The stacking method of the rice in the large pot is like a super huge, out of the cage rice cake. The store then added the pork and tofu on the side to the rice, mixed them, and topped them with sauce. There are rice cakes in this procedure (the first part: includes steaming glutinous rice to drenching), but the latter part of the process is finished with oily rice. From this, I think this is a mixture of rice cakes and oiled rice. In this case, it would be even better to call "rice cakes" or "oiled rice" ? One of the characteristics of the rice cake branch oil rice is that there are not many ingredients, unlike the southern oil rice which contains rich ingredients (usually containing mushrooms and shrimp meat, etc.) or the northern part such as Dadaocheng Lin Hefa's Miyue oil rice, the rice cake branch oil rice only Simple pork and oily tofu, of which the large and large pieces of oily tofu are even rarer, and a small bowl can have at least 5-6 pieces by visual inspection. The oily rice itself is not too heavy and has a slight aroma, and it has a special taste when it is topped with sauce (the taste of oily rice itself will be overwhelmed if the proportion of sauce is too high at the entrance of the oily rice). On the other hand, it is the street style and homely common people's style. The fish ball soup, one of the only two items in the set, contains three fish balls in a bowl. The fish balls taste ordinary. In addition to the scallions, there is some celery powder in the soup. The aroma of the soup changes slightly. Use it with oily rice Travellers who have the opportunity to visit Luodong can visit and try one of Luodong’s famous snacks, oil rice (also known as rice cake ?)

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