翡翠園露營區 - Hsinchu County

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Contact 翡翠園露營區

地址 :

311, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Wufeng Township, 1鄰羅山24-16號翡翠園露營區

電話 : 📞 +889899
城市 : Wufeng Township

311, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Wufeng Township, 1鄰羅山24-16號翡翠園露營區
Hsin Hsing Super on Google

不錯的營地,風景美氣氛佳, 營主會帶我們欣賞大景,很棒的體驗! 惟獨遇到了半夜還在喝酒聊天的一組人, 這一露,讓我成了無法入眠的夜晚?
葉小倩 on Google

雲海夕陽夜景怎麼拍怎麼美 更厲害的是經過營主指導 攝影高手就出現了 真的很讚!下次一定一定要再來
How to take a beautiful sunset night scene in the sea of ​​clouds What's more powerful is the guidance of the owner Photographer is here Really awesome! Must come again next time
ChiTing Shao on Google

這次是過年雨天出遊,選擇小木屋;櫻花已經開完剩下少量,雲海很漂亮,可惜整天下雨,看到的時間大概就是20~30分鐘。 小木屋比較不推薦的點如下 1.木屋前方棧板沒有良好的遮雨設備,老闆雖然很貼心地放了一頂UNRV客廳帳,但風+雨勢會讓桌椅都處於淋濕狀態,當晚因為雨勢不停,一整排4間木屋完全沒有人在外面棧板區煮食,頂多只能在客廳帳下的木桌放些食材,瓦斯爐必須在靠近木屋前大約外推50公分的屋簷下方煮食方可不被雨淋。建議營主應該考慮把整個屋簷外推到蓋住整個棧板區,品質會好很多;不然至少外推的屋簷部分應該加裝集水槽導引屋頂的雨水尋側邊留下,不然下雨時,出門走一步就是滴滴答答的落水,前方空有大片棧板+免費客廳帳卻無法使用,實在是很惱人 2.這點是評價無法抬高的主因: 小木屋屋頂上方的水泥區還可以搭帳棚,屋頂上方卻沒有加厚或加強隔音 囧rz。於是晚上八九點後比較安靜的時段,室內屋頂就是三不五時出現的蹦蹦蹦的腳步聲,一直到半夜12點多才慢慢消失。可想而知,這樣是不會有多好的睡眠品質的,於是空有很大的室內活動和休息空間,這次出遊全家都睡不好。 額外糟糕的一點延伸,樓上的露客大概是搭天幕之類的,下雨搭設不良時天幕積水需要排水,於是從下午到傍晚,共兩次無預警往下方木屋區棧板潑兩次水。幸好我們沒有用棧板區,不然大概正在拍照或是準備食物時就會莫名淋成落湯雞。 或許樓上露客有看到下方是木屋棧板露臺,或許沒有,反正我管不到樓上露客的道德水準。但這樣的營區規劃,的確不是好規劃,老闆應該好好考慮擁有高評價之餘,這樣的營位設計是不是要修改。
This time, I went out on a rainy New Year's day, and I chose a small wooden house; the cherry blossoms have already bloomed and there are a few left, and the sea of ​​clouds is very beautiful. Unfortunately, it rains all day, and the time to see it is about 20-30 minutes. The points that are not recommended for cabins are as follows 1. The pallets in front of the wooden house do not have good rain shielding equipment. Although the boss put a UNRV living room tent very considerately, the wind and rain will make the tables and chairs wet. Because of the continuous rain that night, the whole day In the four wooden houses, no one cooks in the pallet area outside. At most, only some ingredients can be placed on the wooden table under the living room tent. The gas stove must be pushed under the eaves about 50 cm in front of the wooden house to cook. rain. It is suggested that the camp owner should consider pushing the entire eaves out to cover the entire pallet area, and the quality will be much better; otherwise, at least the part of the eaves that are pushed out should be installed with a water collection tank to guide the rainwater of the roof to stay on the side, otherwise when it rains It's really annoying that there is a large pallet + free living room tent in front of you, but you can't use it. 2. This is the main reason why the evaluation cannot be raised: the concrete area above the roof of the log cabin can still be set up with tents, but there is no thickening or sound insulation above the roof. 囧rz. So during the relatively quiet period after 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening, the indoor roof is the sound of footsteps that appear every now and then, and it does not slowly disappear until after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. It is conceivable that this will not provide a good sleep quality, so there is a lot of room for indoor activities and rest, and the whole family cannot sleep well during this trip. The extra bad extension is that the upstairs guests are probably building a canopy or the like. When it rains, the canopy needs to be drained. Therefore, from the afternoon to the evening, water was poured on the pallets in the wooden house area twice without warning twice. . Fortunately, we didn't use the pallet area, otherwise it would have been inexplicably poured into chicken soup when we were taking pictures or preparing food. Maybe the upstairs lukes saw the log cabin deck terrace below, maybe not, anyway, I can't control the moral standards of the upstairs lukes. But this kind of camp planning is really not a good plan. The boss should consider whether to revise such a camp design in addition to having a high evaluation.
黃香瑋 on Google

這次在過年後搭Q區草皮 因有下雨,所以停車地方有泥濘,草皮處反而還好 入口處稍微較小,下午很多車進來營區時塞了一陣子,有人出來指揮,但看不出來是不是營主 櫻花盛開,營區超多櫻花,年後時還沒全開 開了好幾株~很美很浪漫 天氣起霧下雨,很開心有看到雲海跟星空? 離Q區最近的地方營主說只能上廁所,蹲式剛開始還還沒衛生紙,一度以為沒有附,但到很晚時終於來補了~ Q區這洗澡一間,但說水壓不穩,所以大家都走到K區洗澡 那邊的浴室水很大很熱,滿意? Q區草地這邊大帳篷兩個算擁擠~ 收帳時請營主幫忙拍合照,營主很熱情 還帶了超級浮誇的音響出來??? 整體來說能看到這些景色很滿意!
This time, I will take the turf in the Q area after the Chinese New Year. Because of the rain, the parking place is muddy, but the turf is fine The entrance is slightly smaller. In the afternoon, many cars were jammed for a while when they entered the camp. Someone came out to command, but it was not clear whether it was the camp owner. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and there are many cherry blossoms in the camp area, but they are not fully blooming in the new year. Opened several plants ~ very beautiful and romantic The weather is foggy and rainy, I am very happy to see the sea of ​​clouds and the stars ? The owner of the camp closest to the Q area said that he could only go to the toilet. At the beginning of the squatting position, there was no toilet paper. There is a bathroom in the Q area, but the water pressure is unstable, so everyone went to the K area to take a bath The water in the bathroom over there is very big and hot, satisfied ? The two big tents on the grass in the Q area are crowded~ When collecting the bill, ask the owner to help take a photo, the owner is very enthusiastic It also came out with a super exaggerated sound ??? Overall, it's a pleasure to see these views!
Jacky CHEN on Google

Poet Liu on Google

Great view but with insufficient shower rooms. 3 shower rooms for around 60 people (12 tents)
Charka Panditharathne on Google

The views are excellent also the amenities. Clean and cheap.

Nice view with a good shower room. However, if the camp full of tents, it will make people feel too crowded.

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