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在一個小小村莊 客家收冬戲是客家聚落重要的廟會慶典民俗活動,此次九讚頭國王宮整修落成後第一次的大戲演出深受鄉民殷愛 三山國王的由來 三山國王是發源於中國廣東粵東地區之信仰,隨著當地移民向外擴展,成為粵東、東南亞、香港及台灣民間信仰之一,為潮州人、客家人移民之精神信仰。三山國王實指現廣東揭陽市揭西縣河婆鎮北面的三座山——獨山、明山、巾山的三位山神。祖廟位於今廣東省揭陽市揭西縣縣城旁,當地舊稱霖田都,故該廟多被稱為霖田祖廟。 三山國王的有不少傳說,一說是宋太祖趙匡胤借得三山的神力幫助,後才將劉張之亂平息,遂封三山國王。 據台灣鄉村禮俗記載,台灣三山國王聖誕定為每年二月十五。而粵東地區三山國王出遊則定在正月,一般是正月初十或十五。 依據「霖田都三山國王顯靈史蹟」之記載:三山國王,原來是有三個山的山神,因為顯靈,有過了庇民獲國的功績,而被朝廷封為護國公王的。這三座山,一名為「巾山」,一名為「明山」,一名為「獨山」,簡稱為「巾明獨」三山,同是在廣東省潮州府揭陽縣霖田都一處地方,即今之揭陽躲屬河婆地方,河婆為霖田都內一個市鎮,以商業繁盛,人口集中,位于三山附近,故今人多通稱河婆即為國王發蹟的所在...隋朝有三神人出現,狀甚奇偉,初出顯於「獨山」的石洞,自稱兄弟,受命於天,分鎮巾、明、獨三山。話完即不見,在其石洞前有一顆古楓樹生連花,苦紺碧色,大者盈尺,眾人往觀,忽又出現三神人, 乘馬迎面而來,向一姓陳人,招之為其從徒,未幾陳與三神人,俱化不見,眾人乃知為有神,遂為摸拜,後於巾山、明山,亦時有出顯,既而降出乩童,言封陳為將軍,並示以巾山為其兄弟聚集之處(巾山位於三山的中間),眾人乃建一小廟,併陳合祀,自此聲靈日著,香火日盛,凡有水旱,疾疫災難求解者,無不應驗,地方奉為福神。 及至唐代,憲宗元和十四年,韓文公任潮州刺使之時,逢霪雨害稼,韓公憂心,率眾乃禱于三山神,果然有應,韓公即以犧牲等祭品,併作文祭祀。到了宋朝,劉振據兩粵抗命,開寶四年(九七一年),韓國公潘美奉旨提師南討,潮守王侍監,愬請山神助佑,天果雷霆大作,風雨交襲,促賊兵大敗,南海告平。又宋太平興國四年(九七九年)太宗率兵親征劉繼元,軍到大原城下,見有金甲神三人,操戈馳馬,飛往助陣,宋師大捷,凱旋之夕,復見神於城上,雲中顯出旌旗,書曰:「潮州三山神」,所以上奏朝廷潮州揭陽二山神之神助,即獲下詔賜封為: 巾山為清化威德報國王 明山為助改明肅寧國王 獨山為惠威弘應豐國王 並賜封廟額曰:「明貺」,勅潮陽郡,廣增廟宇,歲時合祭,嗣於宋仁宗明道二年(一○三三年),再賜加廟額「靈廣﹂兩字,自此廣東潮、梅、惠、屬,均建有廟宇,隆重奉祀。 臺灣的三山國王廟 中山大學教授陳春聲根據各種資料以及田野調查認為台灣的三山國王廟在170座左右。 臺灣人的先祖,決定移墾臺灣,就要選擇作為移墾地守護神,在客家人而言大部份都選擇三山國、觀音娘、媽祖婆等三神香大或神像帶來,或在家奉祀,或在臺灣的墾地建立寺廟奉祀,祈求賜予保佑,或為移民的精神支持力量。待至經濟力量許可時,便在僑居地建立家鄉式的寺廟作為回報奉祀。上文已提過,為了臺灣原住民的出草馘首習俗,因為「三山國王」是「山神」,「山神」定能夠制伏「山中之生番」的聯想之下,而來的選擇。 早期客家人入墾的地方,建立不少奉祀三山國王的廟宇,例如彰化縣溪湖鎮的「霖肇宮」,相傳是明萬曆年間所創建。同縣員林的廣安宮是明永曆年間所建:永曆年間所創建的尚有高雄市楠梓區的三山國王廟、高雄縣橋頭的義安宮、屏東縣九如的三山國王廟。此外,康熙乾隆年間以前所建的:臺中縣豐原萬順宮、沙鹿保安宮、彰化縣員林廣寧宮、社頭鎮安宮、鹿港三山國王廟、埔心的霖興宮、霖鳳宮。台南市三山國玉廟。屏東市林邊忠福宮、佳東千山公侯宮、國玉廟、車城保安宮等。」 如上述,乾隆年代以前已經有這麼多三山國王廟之存在,正可證明客家居民不少,且民有餘財,才會建立廟宇,由寺廟之建築與財產,可察知地方經濟之榮枯。這個情形與﹁諸羅縣志」(嘉義縣志)漢俗考所載:「自下加冬至斗六門,客莊、漳泉人相半......斗六以北客莊愈多,雜諸番而各自為俗」,「諸羅土曠,漢人間上草地.........潮人尤多,名曰客,多者千人,少亦數百,號曰客莊﹂「凡流寓,客莊最多,漳泉次之,興化福州又次之」。「重修鳳山縣志」風土志亦載:「臺自鄭氏擎內地數萬人來居茲地,半閩之漳泉,粵之惠潮民﹂。可見乾隆早期以前來臺的漢人,客家人居半之情形躍於文獻上,才會如此建立這麼多座早期的三山國王廟。 不分年代的三山國王廟的座數如下:基隆市一、嘉義市一、臺南市一、高雄市三、臺北縣二、宜蘭縣二十四、新竹縣十三、苗栗縣四、臺中縣十二、彰化縣十八、南投縣四、雲林縣十、嘉義縣十一、臺南縣一、高雄縣十、屏東縣二十八、花蓮縣一、臺柬縣一、澎湖縣無,一共一百五十五座,在於原鄉僅不過二~三座的三山國王廟,在臺灣之地建立了一百五十餘座的盛況,就能察知客家人移墾臺灣的大概情形。 有句成語:「有三山國王廟之地方,必定有客家人,沒有三山國王廟的地方,未必是沒有客家人。」所以現今在被視為學佬人縣市的中南部:臺中縣、彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南縣等,都存在著多座三山國王廟,就是很多客家人在這等地方生活過的痕跡,反之桃園縣,客家人的約略占半數之鉅,竟然沒有一座三山國玉廟之存在。苗栗縣可以說客家人的縣份,但三山國王廟僅有四座,一座在苗栗市,一座在卓藺鎮,兩座在頭份鎮,廣大而且甚受「番害﹂威脅的公館;頭屋、大湖、獅潭、南庄等地區,也沒有三山國王廟。新竹縣的湖口、新豐、竹北、新埔、關西等市鄉鎮,就中新埔、關西二鎮曾經受「番害」熾烈的地方,也僅有一座三山國王廟在關西鎮而已。這種現象,依筆者的觀察,就是在這等地區的平埔族人,早就懂得漢族人的文化習慣,在於經濟上不輸入墾漢族的成就,在地方領導階級占有地位, 他們雖然是熟番,熟番也是番,漢族方面不方便提議建立防番的三山國王廟,轉而選擇建立其他寺廟所致的結果吧!所以三山國王廟之存在,研究客家人入墾臺灣的,很重要的史料。
In a small village The Hakka Winter Reeling Opera is an important temple fair celebration and folk custom activity in the Hakka settlements. The first big opera performance after the completion of the Jiuzantou King’s Palace was deeply loved by the villagers The origin of the Three Mountain Kings The Three Mountain Kings is a belief originating in the eastern Guangdong region of Guangdong, China. With the expansion of local immigrants, it has become one of the folk beliefs in eastern Guangdong, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and is the spiritual belief of Chaozhou people and Hakka immigrants. The three mountain kings actually refer to the three mountain gods of Dushan, Mingshan, and Jinshan on the three mountains north of Hepo Town, Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong. The ancestral temple is located next to the county seat of Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. It was formerly known as Lintian Capital, so the temple was often called Lintian ancestral temple. There are many legends about the Kings of the Three Mountains. One said that Zhao Kuangyin, the emperor of Song Dynasty, borrowed the divine help of the Three Mountains, and then put down the rebellion of Liu Zhang and then named the King of Three Mountains. According to Taiwan’s rural etiquette records, the Christmas of the Kings of the Three Mountains of Taiwan is set on February 15 every year. The three mountain kings in eastern Guangdong are scheduled to travel on the first month, usually on the tenth or fifteenth day of the first month. According to the record of the "Historic Relics of the Appearance of the Three Mountain Kings in Lintian Capital": The Three Mountain Kings were originally mountain gods with three mountains. Because of their appearances, they had the feat of protecting the people and winning the country, and was named the king of protectors by the court. These three mountains, one is ``Jinshan'', one is ``Mingshan'', and the other is ``Dushan'', which is referred to as the ``Jinmingdu'' three mountains. They are all located in Lintiandu, Jieyang County, Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province. Everywhere, now Jieyang hides in the place of Hepo. Hepo is a town in Lintiandu. It is prosperous with commerce and has a concentrated population. It is located near the three mountains. Therefore, it is commonly known as Hepo where the king was born... In the Sui Dynasty, there were three gods who appeared in strange and magnificent shapes. They first appeared in the cave of "Dushan", claiming to be brothers, and were ordered to heaven, divided into three mountains: Jin, Ming and Dushan. After speaking, there is an ancient maple tree with flowers growing in front of its stone cave. It is bitter and blue, and the big one is full of feet. Everyone looks at it. Suddenly, the three gods appear again, riding on a horse and coming to face the person with the surname Chen. He was recruited as his followers, and soon after Chen and the three gods, they disappeared. Everyone knew that there were gods, so they felt and worshiped. Later, they appeared in Jinshan and Mingshan, and sometimes appeared, and then came out. He said that Chen was appointed a general and that Jinshan was the place where his brothers gathered (Jinshan is located in the middle of the three mountains). The people built a small temple and Chen Hesi, since then, the sound of spirits is rising, the incense is growing, and everything is Those who solve floods and droughts, plagues and disasters are all unsuccessful, and the place is regarded as the god of good fortune. In the Tang Dynasty, in the fourteenth year of Xianzong Yuanhe, when Han Wengong was appointed as Chaozhou sassy, ​​when the rain damaged the crops, Han Gong was worried, and he led the people to pray to the three mountain gods. Sure enough, Han Gong made sacrifices and other sacrifices. , And composition sacrifices. In the Song Dynasty, Liu Zhen rebelled against Guangdong and rebelled against Guangdong. In the fourth year of the opening of the treasure (1997), the Korean public, Pan Mei, was ordered to ask the teacher to discuss the south, the Chaos guards the king's guard, and asked the mountain god for help. Tianguo thundered and stormed. , Promote the defeat of the thief soldiers, and the South China Sea is tied. In the fourth year of the Taiping rejuvenation of the Song Dynasty (1979), Taizong led his troops to conquer Liu Jiyuan. The army went to the city of Dayuan. There were three Jinjiashens who fought the horses and flew to help out. Seeing the gods on the city, banners appeared in the clouds, the book said: "The three mountain gods of Chaozhou", so the gods of the two mountain gods of Jieyang, Chaozhou, were played by the imperial court, and they were given the following edict: Jinshan is the King of Thanh Hoa Weide News Ming Shan assists in the reform of King Ming Suning Dushan is the King of Huiwei Hongyingfeng He also gave the temple heading: "Ming Beng", Chaoyang County, Guangzeng Temple, and the joint sacrifice at the time of the year. It was inherited in the second year of Ming Dao of Song Renzong (1033), and then he was given an additional temple heading "Ling Guang﹂ Liang" Since then, Guangdong Chao, Mei, Hui, and genus have all built temples for grand worship. Sanshan Kings Temple in Taiwan Chen Chunsheng, a professor at Sun Yat-sen University, based on various data and field research, believes that there are about 170 Kings Temples in Taiwan. The ancestors of the Taiwanese decided to reclaim Taiwan, they must choose to be the patron saint of the reclaimed land. For the Hakka people, most of them choose the three gods of Sanshan Kingdom, Guanyinniang, Mazupo, etc. to bring them, or to worship at home. , Or build temples in Taiwan’s reclamation land, pray for blessing, or provide spiritual support for immigrants. When the economic power permits, a hometown-style temple will be built in the expatriate area in return for worship. As mentioned above, for the sake of Taiwan’s indigenous people’s custom of producing grass heads, because the "three mountain kings" are the "mountain gods", the "mountain gods" can certainly overcome the "mountain life fan" association. In the early days where the Hakka people entered the cultivation, many temples were built to worship the Kings of the Three Mountains, such as the "Linzhao Palace" in Xihu Town, Changhua County. According to legend, they were built during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. The Guang’an Palace in Yuanlin in the same county was built during the Yongli period of the Ming and Yongli years: the Sanshan King’s Temple in Nanzi District, Kaohsiung City, the Yi’an Temple at the bridgehead of Kaohsiung County, and the Sanshan King’s Temple in Jiuru, Pingtung County were built during the Yongli period. In addition, the Wanshun Palace in Fengyuan, Shalu Baoan Palace in Taichung County, Guangning Palace in Changhua County, An Palace in Shetou Town, Sanshan King Temple in Lukang, Linxing Palace and Linfeng Palace in Puxin were built before the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong. Sanshan National Jade Temple in Tainan City. Linbian Zhongfu Palace in Pingtung City, Jiadong Qianshan Gonghou Palace, National Jade Temple, Checheng Baoan Temple, etc. " As mentioned above, there were so many Sanshan King temples before the Qianlong period, which proves that there are many Hakka residents and the people have surplus money to build temples. From the temple's buildings and properties, the prosperity and decline of the local economy can be observed. This situation is in line with the "Zhuluo County Chronicles" (Chiayi County Chronicles) of the Han Dynasty: "From the next Jiadong to Douliumen, the people of Haezhuang and Zhangquan are half the same...the more Hakka villages north of Douliu, They are mixed together and each is a commonplace.'' ``Zhuluo Tukuang, the Han people are on the grassland...The trendy people are especially many, the famous are the tourists, the more are thousands, and the few are hundreds. Zhuang ﹂"Fan Liu Yu has the most guest houses, followed by Zhangquan, and Xinghua and Fuzhou." The "Reconstruction of Fengshan County Chronicles" also included: "Ten thousands of people from the mainland of Taiwan came to live in the land, Zhangquan in half Fujian, and the Hui people in Guangdong. It can be seen that the Han people and Hakkas who came to Taiwan before the early Qianlong period Half of the cases jumped to the literature, so so many early Sanshan King Temples were built. The number of blocks of the Sanshan King Temple regardless of age is as follows: Keelung City 1, Chiayi City 1, Tainan City 1, Kaohsiung City 3, Taipei County 2, Yilan County 24, Hsinchu County 13, Miaoli County 4, Taichung County 10. 2. Changhua County 18, Nantou County 4, Yunlin County 10, Chiayi County 11, Tainan County 1, Kaohsiung County 10, Pingtung County 28, Hualien County 1, Tai Cambodia County 1, Penghu County none, total One hundred and fifty-five temples are located in the Sanshan King's Temple, which is only two to three in the original town. More than one hundred and fifty grand temples have been established in Taiwan, and you can see the general situation of the Hakkas moving to Taiwan. There is an idiom: "Where there is a Sanshan King Temple, there must be Hakkas, and a place without Sanshan Kings Temple does not necessarily have Hakkas." So nowadays, it is in the south-central part of the counties and cities considered to be Xueluo people: Taichung County, Changhua There are many Sanshan King Temples in counties, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Tainan County, etc., which are traces of many Hakka people living in these places. On the contrary, in Taoyuan County, Hakka people account for about half of them. The existence of a jade temple in Sanshan Country. Miaoli County can be said to be a county of the Hakka people, but there are only four Kings Temples in the Three Mountains, one in Miaoli City, one in Zhuo Lin Town, and two in Toufen Town. They are vast and threatened by the ``Fan Harm'' mansion; Touwu There are also no Sanshan King’s Temples in areas such as Dahu, Dahu, Shitan, and Nanzhuang. In the cities and towns of Hukou, Xinfeng, Zhubei, Xinpu, and Guanxi in Hsinchu County, the two towns of Zhongxinpu and Guanxi have suffered "partial damage." In the fiery place, there is only one Sanshan King Temple in Guanxi Town. According to the author’s observation, the Pingpu people in these areas have long understood the cultural habits of the Han people, which lies in the fact that they do not import the achievements of the Han people in the economy and occupy a position in the local leadership class. It is the result of the Sanshan King Temple that is not convenient for the Han people to propose the establishment of Fangfan’s Sanshan King Temple. So, the existence of the Sanshan King Temple is a very important historical material for studying the existence of the Sanshan King Temple. .

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