友信動物醫院 - Zhongli District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 友信動物醫院

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Guang'an St, 10號友信動物醫院

電話 : 📞 +8887
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/pg/friendlytrust4527/%2520community/
城市 : Guang'an St

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Guang'an St, 10號友信動物醫院
張世明 on Google

The doctor is very caring and patient, the cost of diagnosis and treatment is very reasonable, and the medical skills are superb
Min Min on Google

Bringing the ligation, Maomao almost dismantled the hospital. I am really sorry for the doctor...the operation can be accompanied by me! My cat is very afraid of strangers and will run away in the hospital... ? Thank you very much to the doctor ?‍⚕️Almost all five cats in the family are here to see. The doctors are experienced and cost-effective.
Ruby Fan on Google

我們家大大小小的寵物都是來友信看 醫師人雖然講話比較直接 但是都很替動物及飼主著想 收費合理甚至可以說比其他寵物醫院便宜很多 雖然環境上比較舊一些 但是能遇上有醫德有愛心的醫師 真的覺得萬分感謝 醫師說他再做八年就要退休了 很擔心之後找不到像林醫師這麼好的獸醫了
Our pets, big and small, come to you to see Although the doctor speaks more directly But they are very considerate of the animals and the owners The charges are reasonable and can even be said to be much cheaper than other pet hospitals Although the environment is older But I can meet doctors with medical ethics and caring I really appreciate it The doctor said he will retire after another eight years I'm worried that I won't be able to find a veterinarian as good as Dr. Lin.
何渝敏 on Google

My little sausage has diarrhea and is very old. He rushed to the hospital for a check-up 2 minutes before the hospital closed that night. The old doctor did not dislike his mess at all, nor would he impatiently check casually, and comforted us gently. The uneasy mood of the family sausage also provides a very affordable and effective treatment, which makes me feel very at ease, and can feel that I am a really caring doctor ❤️
妃妃兒 on Google

On New Year's Eve, around 4:30 in the afternoon, because I knew that the veterinary hospital was not open much, I specifically called to ask if there was any bird fracture. The person who answered the phone told me yes, and also told me that the business hours would be until 5:30 pm. I was afraid that the time would be too late, so I wanted to ask the doctor to wait for me, but the other party said that they didn’t want to wait because they were going to be around the fireplace on New Year’s Eve, so it was fine, so I took the bird over to see it, and simply gave calcium powder , I didn't even have a bandage... We had to go to another place, and you can evaluate the rest for yourself!!!
小芋圓 on Google

帶家中貓咪打疫苗 醫生非常溫柔很為貓咪著想 能讓主人感受到100%專業 很開心能看到這家 不然在其他家獸醫院 都被亂收費或是不溫柔對待自己的毛小孩感受很差 已經預約這家做後續結紮♡♡非常推薦大家帶自己的寶貝來這家做各種檢查
Take the cat at home to get vaccinated, the doctor is very gentle and considerate of the cat I can make the owner feel 100% professional and I am very happy to see this one. Otherwise, other veterinary hospitals will be charged randomly or the hairy children who do not treat themselves gently feel very bad. I have made an appointment for this one for follow-up ligation♡♡It is highly recommended that you bring it My baby came here to do all kinds of checks
Eddie Yu on Google

醫生雖然說話很直,但其實很幽默也很認真 不會隨便跟你亂報價或要求你寵物生病時打貴的針。。當年我剛領養的小土狗,再被兩三間動物醫院告知沒救叫我退回收容所,甚至還有被騙打很貴的針也無效之後,是去到友信才救了牠一命的。。。很感恩。。?
Although the doctor speaks very straight, he is actually very humorous and serious Will not arbitrarily quote you or ask for expensive injections when your pet is sick. . Back then, the puppy I just adopted was told by two or three animal hospitals that it couldn't be helped and told me to return it to the shelter, and even after being tricked into taking expensive needles that didn't work, I went to Youxin to save its life. . . Very grateful. . ?
太難了 on Google

The dog was uncomfortable for 2 to 3 days. It was normal in the morning and the behavior was different at night. I decided not to wait until the morning after 9 o'clock. I searched this veterinary shop. I was really happy to find this one. The veterinarian was super good and there Patience, it turns out that my dog ​​has rheumatism, and the doctor still prefers me to buy medicines so that I don’t get injections... Said injections are more expensive. The Buddha's heart only charges me for medicine

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