
3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 韓式美味

地址 :

325, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Longtan District, Donglong Rd, 213號韓式美味

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://peihsuan0729.pixnet.net/blog/post/457848935
城市 : 龍潭鄉 Donglong Rd

325, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Longtan District, Donglong Rd, 213號韓式美味
Zenfone5 Asus on Google

The dining space is small, the taste is acceptable, and the price is not cheap. It is worthy of praise that Mr. Service is very kind ...
Sandy Huang on Google

餐點美味,老闆娘親切直爽 我的最愛海鮮鍋。部隊鍋。豆腐鍋…其他烤肉飯。石鍋拌飯。烤肉捲都很熱門…快來嚐嚐發覺您最愛的餐點
The meal is delicious, the lady is kind and straightforward My favorite seafood pot. Troop pot. Tofu pot ... other barbecue rice. Bibimbap. Grilled meat rolls are very popular ... Come and taste your favorite meal
Sophia Chen on Google

整體而言算不錯吃,量偏少 外帶的人好多啊!
It's good overall, but the amount is small There are so many people taking out!
Tenson Chang (Ten) on Google

海鮮煎餅都是粉 石鍋拌飯還行 泡菜鍋很台式 總的來說味道一般 價格也不貴就是了
Seafood pancakes are flour Bibimbap is ok Kimchi pot is very desktop Overall taste is average Not too expensive
詹雲琪 on Google

部隊鍋120$ 辣炒年糕70$ 平價的美味 若吃慣百貨公司的可能會不適合你們的口味
Army pot 120$ Spicy Fried Rice Cake 70$ Affordable delicacy If you are used to department stores, it may not suit your taste
金龍 on Google

Today I ate pork barbecue rice. I don’t know how the store cooks the pork slices, but I only tasted the full table top flavor, without the flavor of the barbecue, like the salty pork slices marinated with sauce. I suggest the restaurant to find out how Processing the grilled meat part to enhance the flavor, two stars I will give you the price and size of the meal.
Hi Kuan on Google

阿官個人評價: 因為身體不太舒服, 又想吃海鮮煎餅... 應該說想吃煎的麵皮~ 離家最近的... 就是這家了~ 哈哈哈哈 ————————————— 停車?️: 轎車?-要找一下, 可以市場旁邊有停車位! 機車?-店家門口有攤販, 邊邊不少~~~ ————————————— 寵物?: 可攜帶, 半開放式的唷! ————————————— 有酒精、無測量額溫。 ————————————— 餐點: 1.綜合海鮮鍋$120- 個人覺得湯頭可以, 海鮮料...真的還好, 透抽我還咬不動...冷凍太久的感覺! 其餘火鍋料也就..貢丸兩個、花枝丸兩個, 鑫鑫腸兩個...魚板...豆腐... (讓我想吃小火鍋了.....) 2.海鮮煎餅$90- 我覺得可以...雖然料很小,也不多... 但面皮有香... 只不過老闆沒戴手套... 直接開冰箱抓食材... 又摸口罩...我真的.... 心寒了一下~ 但是我有吃完?? 3.烤肉飯- 我記得不錯..... 蛋現煎蠻香的! (以前吃過) —————————————— 服務: 阿姨蠻熱情的~ 講話稍微急一點, 不過整體不錯唷!☺️ 叔叔沒戴手套是事實, 但叔叔也很親切! 哈哈哈 —————————————— 環境: 像家庭式的那種餐館~ 環境普普~~ —————————————— 以上,如果喜歡我的評論,對於您有幫助~能否支持我繼續努力為各位撰寫出真心實意的評價按個讚???感恩,謝謝~❤️
Personal Evaluation of Aguan: Because the body is not well, Want to eat seafood pancakes again... I should say I want to eat fried noodles~ The closest to home... This is it~ Hahahaha ————————————— Parking?️: Car ?- look for it, There can be parking spaces next to the market! Locomotive ?-There are vendors at the door of the store, There are a lot of sides~~~ ————————————— Pet?: Portable, Half-open! ————————————— With alcohol, without measuring forehead temperature. ————————————— Meals: 1. Comprehensive seafood pot $120- Personally think the soup is ok, Seafood ingredients...really good, I still can't bite it...it feels like freezing for too long! The rest of the hot pot ingredients are two tribute balls and two huazhi balls. Two Xinxin Intestines...Fish Plate...Tofu... (It makes me want to eat small hot pot...) 2. Seafood pancake $90- I think it can...Although the material is small, not much... But the dough is fragrant... It's just that the boss didn't wear gloves... Open the refrigerator and grab the ingredients... Touching the mask again...I really... I was chilling~ But I have finished eating ?? 3. Barbecue rice- I remember well..... The eggs are fragrant now! (Eaten before) —————————————— service: Auntie is very enthusiastic~ Speaking a little anxiously, But overall it's pretty good! ☺️ It’s a fact that Uncle didn’t wear gloves. But the uncle is also very kind! Hahaha —————————————— surroundings: Like a family-style restaurant~ The environment is popular~~ —————————————— The above, if you like my comment, it will be helpful to you~Can you support me in continuing to work hard to write a sincere evaluation for you, press a like ??? Thank you~❤️
wei wei on Google

餐點好不好吃價位貴不貴每個人的接受度不同,不予評論 但點外送可樂跟芬達一個要價25元,來的是一瓶250毫升罐裝汽水?如果是375毫升的還能接受,250毫升會不會太誇張了?
Whether the meal is good or not, the price is expensive or not, everyone's acceptance is different, no comment But ordering a coke and a Fanta for delivery costs 25 yuan each, and a 250ml can of soda? If 375ml is acceptable, will 250ml be too exaggerated?

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