公有府前地下停車場 - Taoyuan District

3.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 公有府前地下停車場

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Xianfu Rd, 1號 公有府前地下停車場

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Xianfu Rd

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Xianfu Rd, 1號 公有府前地下停車場
SHL H on Google

停車位置雖多,但在上午10-下午3點左右為高峰,可能會沒有車位。行人出口有分向,利於附近辦公或用餐,沒有滿15分鐘,是免費的。上班時段,一小時停車費40元,之後採半小時為單位計費。 靠近警局的行人出口,還有電梯。
Although there are many parking spaces, it is peak time from 10 am to 3 pm, and there may be no parking spaces. Pedestrian exits are divided into directions, which is conducive to nearby office or dining. It is free for less than 15 minutes. During working hours, the parking fee is 40 yuan for one hour, and then half an hour is used as a unit for billing. Close to the pedestrian exit of the police station, there is also an elevator.
柯正國 on Google

10/17 (Sunday) 7:30 in the morning to 6:30 in the evening, a total of 11 hours of parking costs $320. It is $180 more expensive than the nearby Xiamen Street parking lot. This fee has destroyed the good intentions of the Taoyuan City Government: it can provide public tours during holidays, and gather for activities and other activities to ride in front of the city hall. It is recommended that the city government revise the parking fee, and the maximum fee on holidays is less than $200, and the city government resources can be shared. Thank you
Sam (NaNaBallBall) on Google

Yes, the license plate for admission has already been recognized, and there are also vacant seat indicator lights. Cash and induction cards are available for payment. 40 per hour during working hours
羅羅 on Google

10/19號因為在附近繞很久找不到停車位,看到有機車騎下去,想說機車也可以停就騎下去,因為是第一次來根本不了解臨停和月租的停車方式,想說先找位置停好再去問管理人員,沒想到一停好車,管理室的阿姨就像欠她很多錢一樣,態度極差 用很兇的口語說 :這裡是月租的停車格!不可以停這裡!快點跟我去前面繳費! (重點是第一次來也沒有表示說明臨停的位置) 然後想說讓管理員阿姨先騎車帶路 沒想到管理員阿姨用吼的說 看什麼快點騎啊!然後重複了兩次! 原本還想說問朋友有沒有找到位置要不要一起停車 結果阿姨一直不停向討債集團一樣催促 說我沒有那麼多時間等妳!妳快點給我繳費! 後來真的覺得只是想好好找個停車位有沒有這麼莫名其妙要受妳的氣,所以我就拒絕停車 以後我都不會再來這裡 我也不會推薦給任何人 首先阿姨我沒有欠妳錢 我也表示我沒有來過 你的態度不需要這麼兇 重點你們機車汽車都同一個出入口(標示一點都不清楚)也沒有特別說臨停和月租怎麼分 我幹嘛要這樣莫名其妙被妳吼和兇。 還是第一次來的人都要這樣被妳兇嗎? 拜託 我不需要你們態度多好 但是用吼的和兇的就真的太過分了! 真的是連一星都不想給!
On 10/19, I could not find a parking space in the vicinity for a long time. I saw the motorbike and rode down. I wanted to say that the locomotive could also be stopped and rode because it was the first time I did not understand the temporary parking and monthly rental parking methods. I want to talk about finding a place to park and then asking the management staff. I didn't expect that once the car was parked, the aunt in the management room seemed to owe her a lot of money. She had a terrible attitude and said in very fierce colloquialism: This is a monthly rental parking space! Can't stop here! Hurry up and follow me to pay the bill! (The point is that it did not indicate the location of the temporary stop when I came for the first time) Then I want to let the administrator aunty ride a bike to lead the way Unexpectedly, the manager’s aunty said with a roar, see what hurry up and ride! Then repeated it twice! I originally wanted to ask my friends if they found a location or do they want to park together As a result, Auntie kept urging like debt collection group Say I don’t have so much time to wait for you! You pay me quickly! Later, I really felt that I just wanted to find a parking space. Is it so inexplicable to be angry with you, so I refused to park? I will never come here again and I will not recommend it to anyone First of all, Auntie, I don't owe you money I also said that I have never been, your attitude does not need to be so fierce The key point is that your locomotives and cars have the same entrance and exit (the markings are not clear at all) and there is no special mention of how to divide temporary parking and monthly rent. Why should I be yelled and fierce by you inexplicably like this. Is it the first time that people who come here will be murdered by you like this? Please, I don’t need your attitude But using roaring and fierce is really too much! I really don't even want to give one star!
Eric on Google

As a monthly rental user, I have to say that the performance here needs to be strengthened. After all, this is the 3600 paid parking lot in Taoyuan, which is more expensive than the one I used to rent in the Art and Culture Zone. Last year, I encountered the problem of water leakage in the parking space. Once the water leakage was encountered, a pile of scale was directly stuck on the car. Later, it was gradually improved, but it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be encountered in the future. The b2 parking compartment is very unfriendly to SUVs. The personal car is considered small, but when the rear compartment is opened, it will go up directly. That is to say, I have to support the rear compartment with one hand while holding the items, which is extremely embarrassing. Finally, if the entrance and exit gates can be wider, it would be better.
Tracy Tsui on Google

陳傑生 on Google

中規中矩的一座大型停車場。單一出入口(各1線道)及採車牌自動辨識管控進出場。場內照明略不足,場地方整行駛動線單纯,共有B1(限高2.1公尺)、B2~B3(限高1.8公尺)三樓層,設有顯示幕告知各樓層剩餘車位訊息。 停車格空間尚可,惟若車主停靠不當,可能造成鄰車駕駛上下車空間侷促。另車格後側無檔板,停車時需自行拿捏與後方車輛距離,以免碰觸或造成行李箱開啟不便。 繳費機置於B1層各個行人出入樓梯通道間,繳費後需於15分鐘內駛出停車場。進出場不足15分鐘不收费,平日第1小時計費40元,逾時則每30分鐘計費20元。可使用現金(鈔券或硬幣)或悠遊卡繳費,操作屏幕觸控感應靈敏,畫面引導流程友善。 B1樓設有廁間(男女廁及身心障礙者)與管理辦公室(在出口栅欄旁)。 友善提醒:牢記停車樓層及車位號碼(記性欠佳者可拍攝車位號備忘)
A moderately large parking lot. Single entry and exit (one lane each) and automatic license plate recognition to control entry and exit. The lighting in the venue is slightly insufficient, and the entire venue has a simple moving line. There are three floors B1 (limited to 2.1 meters in height), B2~B3 (limited to 1.8 meters in height), and there are display screens to inform the remaining parking spaces on each floor. The parking space is acceptable, but if the car owner parks improperly, it may cause the space for the adjacent car to get off and on is cramped. In addition, there is no baffle on the rear side of the car compartment. When parking, you need to adjust the distance from the rear vehicle to avoid touching or inconvenient opening of the luggage compartment. The toll payment machine is located in the stairway of each pedestrian on the B1 floor. After paying the fee, you need to exit the parking lot within 15 minutes. There is no charge for entering and leaving the venue less than 15 minutes. On weekdays, the first hour will be charged 40 yuan, and overtime will be charged 20 yuan per 30 minutes. Payment can be made by cash (banknotes or coins) or EasyCard. The operation screen is sensitive to touch and the screen guide process is friendly. There are toilets (men's and women's toilets and disabled persons) and management office (beside the exit fence) on the B1 floor. Friendly reminder: remember the parking floor and the parking space number (those with poor memory can take a note of the parking space number)
黃瑞華 on Google


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