鋸齒堰 - Miaoli County

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 鋸齒堰

地址 :

369, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Zhuolan Township, 西坪鋸齒堰

網站 : https://www.wracb.gov.tw/47846/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 6AM–6PM
Thursday 6AM–6PM
Friday 6AM–6PM
Saturday 6AM–6PM
Sunday 6AM–6PM
Monday 6AM–6PM
Tuesday 6AM–6PM
城市 : Zhuolan Township

369, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Zhuolan Township, 西坪鋸齒堰
黃文生 on Google

Personally, I like to see the overflow scene of Sawtooth Weir. Before I go, I will go to the "Real-time Water Conditions of Taiwan Reservoir" to check whether the water storage rate of Liyu Lake reaches 100%, so that it will not be empty!
周旭銓 on Google

If the water level of the reservoir is full, the sunrise will be beautiful when it overflows, and the green space in the park next to the reservoir is quite cool in summer, suitable for picnics.

看著水流 不斷從鋸齒邊跌下 迎來一陣陣雨霧貼上臉頰 水流聲似規律又無調性的撞擊耳朵 視覺、觸覺、聽覺三種感受齊開 以為巨大的轟轟聲卻帶來極度的安靜 站著我們也就站著 療癒有時候也只是療癒 看著看著 療癒即治癒 治癒匆忙、焦慮、汲汲營營的腳步 停下來的舒心 鋸齒堰體現淋漓 過了會兒 才捨得把視線離開 專注拍攝 累了 可以去待一下 便是悠揚 #用身體記錄台灣 #苗栗 #鯉魚潭 #鋸齒堰
Nuts Y. on Google

The sawtooth weir is quite spectacular. Even if it is not full of water, there are not many people here. You can walk slowly and overlook the Liyu Lake.
Min-Tsun Kuo on Google

Before you come, you must check the water conditions of the reservoir, and the water will overflow when the water level is full.
JOHNNY LIN on Google

鯉魚潭水庫的溢洪道是鋸齒狀的,是台灣很有特色的水庫溢洪道,配合週邊的生態公園與溢洪道前橋梁的規劃,在水庫溢洪時總可以吸引很多遊客。 這是我第二次拜訪這兒,附近有寬闊的停車場,停車通常不會是問題,旁邊的生態公園腹地廣闊,很適合家庭散步,路邊也常聚集一些小販,新聞報導還說有一位老闆常在路邊唱起卡拉OK,歌聲也出奇的好聽。 站在橋上面向鋸齒堰的方向是東邊,很多攝影師會配合日出拍攝,上次比日出時間提早20分鐘到場,結果整個橋邊起碼架起了30支腳架,根本搶不到好的機位。 如果您是來攝影,我有3點可以建議,第一、一定要早點到,上次我問佔到最好機位的攝影師,他說他前一天晚上11點就來擺攤了=_=。第二、腳架要盡可能的架高,才能拍出俯視的視角。第三、橋跟鋸齒堰的距離需要接近16mm的廣角鏡才有機會把整個鋸齒堰拍近來,使用手機接近24mm的焦段是辦不到的。 很推薦大家有機會可以來這兒開開眼界,也記得跟當地小攤消費,為台灣的經濟貢獻一份心力!!! 拍攝日期:2022.04.10
The spillway of Liyutan Reservoir is zigzag. It is a unique reservoir spillway in Taiwan. With the planning of the surrounding ecological park and the bridge in front of the spillway, it can always attract many tourists when the reservoir overflows. This is my second visit here. There is a wide parking lot nearby. Parking is usually not a problem. The ecological park next to it has a large hinterland, which is very suitable for family walks. Singing karaoke on the side of the road, the singing is also surprisingly good. Standing on the bridge facing the Sawtooth Weir, the direction is east. Many photographers will shoot with the sunrise. Last time, I arrived 20 minutes earlier than the sunrise time. As a result, at least 30 tripods were erected by the entire bridge, which was not good at all. 's seat. If you are here for photography, I have 3 suggestions. First, be sure to arrive early. Last time I asked the photographer who had the best seat, and he said he had come to set up the stall at 11 o'clock the night before =_ =. Second, the tripod should be as high as possible in order to take a bird's-eye view. Third, the distance between the bridge and the sawtooth weir requires a wide-angle lens close to 16mm to have the opportunity to take a close shot of the entire sawtooth weir, and it is impossible to use a mobile phone with a focal length close to 24mm. I highly recommend everyone to come here to open their eyes, and remember to spend with local stalls and contribute to Taiwan's economy!!! Shooting date: 2022.04.10
胡椒鹽 on Google

這鋸齒堰是位於苗栗三義鯉魚潭的溢洪道前端,為什麼要以鋸齒的結構設計? 因為受限於原水庫的地形寬度,為設計出排洪較大的溢洪道以溢流排水,如下圖示,鋸齒堰是較窄的,拉直後就很寬了,它們的排洪斷面是一樣大的,因此克服了地形的限制,減少用地面積建造足夠溢流量的溢洪道。 我們昨天到達鯉魚潭剛好遇到鯉魚潭滿水位,溢流排水透過鋸齒堰溢流而下。只見滿是觀賞鋸齒堰溢流的人潮,要找個適合拍攝鋸齒堰溢流的角度也是蠻不容易的。只好到處走走用眼睛紀錄下這難得的溢流畫面。
Bob Hsu on Google

So special design and beautiful view

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