宏願禮儀公司(台中殯儀館)-北區生前契約|禮儀公司|環保葬樹葬禮儀|喪葬禮儀|遷葬服務|塔位火化 - North District

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Contact 宏願禮儀公司(台中殯儀館)-北區生前契約|禮儀公司|環保葬樹葬禮儀|喪葬禮儀|遷葬服務|塔位火化

地址 :

404, Taiwan, Taichung City, North District, Jinlong St, 68號宏願禮儀公司(台中殯儀館)-北區生前契約|禮儀公司|環保葬樹葬禮儀|喪葬禮儀|遷葬服務|塔位火化

電話 : 📞 +889777
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Jinlong St

404, Taiwan, Taichung City, North District, Jinlong St, 68號宏願禮儀公司(台中殯儀館)-北區生前契約|禮儀公司|環保葬樹葬禮儀|喪葬禮儀|遷葬服務|塔位火化
吳柏毅 on Google

趙宛亭 on Google

Thanks to the working team of Hongyuan Etiquette Company for completing the simple and solemn wishes of the family, the team members are very careful guidance, and thanks to Mr. Shi and Nange for their assistance to make the matter come to a successful conclusion
Albert Shouw on Google

We are willing to provide transparent and open service items, considerate the individual needs of customers, and each service item is professional. Mr. Shi's careful and considerate service attitude allows customers to complete the funeral process with peace of mind. I am very grateful to Hongyuan and Mr. Shi.
呂小陽 on Google

Thank you Mr. Shi and the team of Hongyuan for your professional and attentive service, so that my father's later life can successfully complete the final journey, and the cost details are transparent. It is a kind-hearted businessman
A Are on Google

【有感於台中市宏願佛教殯葬禮儀公司,圓滿服務之心歷路程】 約在八年前,因緣聚會;我於台中市參加一次親友葬儀,巧遇到我過去於大學執教的學生>「禮儀師」>「施俊宇經理」,從此結了一項「殊勝因緣」。 民國106年3月5日「家母」96歲往生,遂由他承辦禮儀後事。也由於他的「專業」與「敬業」精神,圓滿辦妥了「家母葬儀」後,我之兄弟姊妹「異口同聲」的加以贊揚,特別是於警界服務之「胞兄」警官偕服務公職之「胞弟」,對「施經理」的印象深刻,贊嘆不凡。 嗣於民國108年8月26日我的「岳母」92歲往生,因岳母之「王家」子女,曾參加先母葬禮,亦目睹「施0宇經理」的「實事求是」之「行事風格」,遂請我引荐他承辦岳母葬儀,圓滿達成任務,自不在話下。 「無巧不成書」逾二年後。家兄之高階警官主管的「岳母」往生,因緣聚會,爰請同於警界服務之家兄,順理成章,舉荏「施經理」承辦喪儀,圓滿完事後,該「高階警官主管」對「施經理」承辦是項葬儀」劍及履及的工作態度,贊譽有加。 旋於今年5月27日,上揭服務公職之胞弟,享壽72歲往生,彌留前,特別交代其妻(即弟媳),其身後葬儀,務必請「宏願禮儀公司」之「施俊宇經理」承辦。類此「優質」事跡,不遑枚舉。 基上論結,「宏願禮儀公司」之「施俊宇經理」,居功厥偉,究何以致之?何以為之?我以過去曾執教鞭之「老師考核學生」觀點,爰「凡走過路,必留痕跡」,特舉「施俊宇經理」五項成功事跡印證之: 一、「施俊宇經理」,取得「禮儀師」證照,身體力行,發揮「專業」與「敬業」精神,彼「高頭大馬」、「鶴立雞群」、「英俊瀟灑」。一接到通知,「風塵僕僕」即與喪家聯繫,特別是於承擔葬儀「司儀」時,彼「口齒清晰」、「聲情並茂」、「引人入勝」,「日起有功」,令人印象深刻! 二、「施俊宇經理」,運用「同理心」從事「殯葬業」,有愛心與耐心,能「換位思考」,處處以「往生者」之家屬「情懷」,去思考渠等之「情境」,特別是他的內心世界,服務是項工作,不把它當成是一項狹義的「職業」,而是把它作為廣義的「事業」,此二者不同處在於;前者係「為生活而」工作,後者係「為工作而生活」,二則之「人生觀」,迥然有別,有以致之,自然「勝利在握」「馬到成功」也。 三、「施俊宇經理」於工作中,能「化繁為簡」,「井然有序」,例如,他能「循序以進」,「多元化」暨「系統化」的分類,令喪家「一目了然」,按表操課,家屬在悲慟中,得到安撫情緒。 四、處於資訊時代,人人「手機」隨身攜帶,「施俊宇經理」能運用「雙向溝通」,在喪禮期間,開始運作前,即先建立-個「Line某某公.媽禮儀之組群」,俾供主.客「雙向溝通」,「隨時發現問題,解決問題」,俟圓滿完成,事後的第三天,始撤銷此「Line組群」,雖然這項「創意」增加其業務量負擔,惟「事半功倍」,對「宏願禮儀公司」之立場,更為公司帶來「正向聲譽」發展,良有以也! 五、「施俊宇經理」,為利其家屬瞭解「葬儀事務」之運作情況,建立於「Line組群」暨印發「紙本資訊」宣導,雙管齊下,以竟全功,例如:「治喪規劃書」、「往生者之治喪流程」、「出殯日流程」、「出殯注意事項」、「陪殮物宣導」、「圓滿後注意事項」、「百年對年日課表」---等「不-而止」,不遺餘力,此乃「專業精神」之逞現也。 忝為其師:「吳助理教授」敬上2022.06.12晨
唐崇彬 on Google

媽媽的往生..讓身為子女的我們免於慌亂無措,由於南哥.施先生等工作人員自安置、法事等相關禮俗,以及告別式現場的安排,每個細節都完美與莊嚴! 也因為團隊的用心,讓所有過程溫暖且隆重,感謝”宏願”團隊讓媽媽可以尊嚴、圓滿走完人生最後旅程,除了感謝,還有感動與感恩~
The death of my mother.. saves us as children from panic. Due to the self-arrangement of Mr. Nan Ge. Mr. Shi and other related etiquette and customs, as well as the arrangement of the farewell ceremony, every detail is perfect and solemn! It is also because of the team's intentions that all the processes are warm and solemn. Thanks to the "Hongyuan" team for allowing mother to complete the final journey of life with dignity and success. In addition to thanks, there are also moving and grateful~
林Cony on Google

Because the relationship between family members is too complicated and there are too many eyebrows that need attention, Junyu etiquette teacher still cooperates cordially and does not do much sales, which reduces the burden on many family members. On the day of the farewell ceremony, the professional guidance of personnel makes the ceremony go smoothly. Mom The graduation ceremony is finally a success~ I would like to express my greatest thanks to your company!
許美瑛 on Google

Thank you ? Mr. Shi Junyu and the Hongyuan Etiquette Company team, when I was helpless, sad, and at a loss, Mr. Shi Junyu was attentive, kind, and carefully arranged to assist our family members to deal with it. Mr. Shi Junyu was very kind and forthright~ Very patient, help our family to achieve the success of each link, the price clearly written in black and white, and will not be overcharged at all, it is really worth recommending

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