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Contact 臺中榮民總醫院-附設產後護理之家

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Section 4, Taiwan Blvd, 1650號六樓臺中榮民總醫院-附設產後護理之家 Emergency buliding

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://moncare.vghtc.gov.tw/
城市 : Taiwan Blvd

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Section 4, Taiwan Blvd, 1650號六樓臺中榮民總醫院-附設產後護理之家 Emergency buliding
呂欣頻 on Google

月子中心分享文? 來到台中榮總的月子中心,一進房門映入眼簾的是溫馨白橡木色的裝潢及充裕的陽光,鵝黃色的牆面上還有擺放些羊毛氈綿羊,帶點童趣。床的部分是電動雙人床,讓產婦可依自己的需求調整床,軟硬度適中,不會容易塌陷,一開始真的會舒適到懶得下床呢!? 電器包含了電視、小冰箱、消毒鍋、溫奶器、熱水壺、大型保溫瓶,在房間內就可以處理寶貝喝奶及媽咪飲水需求,很少需要出房門外裝水啊!每天也都有可替換的哺乳衣、毛巾、奶瓶等等...這裡的浴室雖然小了點,但有老公一直想裝的定溫蓮蓬頭,不用擔心水忽冷忽熱,洗澡處還有設計可收縮式的座椅,設計也是非常貼心,自己居然也有用到的時後,椅子坐起來非常的穩固,完全不用擔心會摔倒。 衣櫃及置物空間也非常充足,房間寬敞到可以把大行李箱放在地上打開,另外也有房務人員每日清掃房間,還有定期紫外線消毒,基本生活的繁雜項目都不太需要煩惱,環境也不太需要擔心,可以安心照顧寶寶,來這裡的第一個禮拜我就決定要再多住一個禮拜? 寶寶照護24小時都有護理師看顧,護理師平日關心媽媽哺育狀況及身體狀況之外,也會循序漸進的對媽媽進行衛教,還有搭配實作演練可以加深爸爸媽媽的印象,例如像是CPR教學、寶寶洗澡洗屁屁等等。產後腦袋真的像金魚腦腦一樣很容易就忘記,還好護理師們都非常有耐心教導跟回答媽媽的問題。月中還有很厲害的乳房個管師羽嫣姐,讓塞奶疼痛問題得以紓解,睡覺也比較好睡? 這裡還有專屬的app紀錄著寶寶的生長及餵食等資訊,也有媽咪的體溫、擠奶等記錄,在入住前及入住過程有任何問題也都可以使用此app提問,都可以很快收到回覆,另外這裡沒有強迫母嬰同室,若想自己的北鼻可以隨時使用app或電視裡的視訊系統查看寶寶目前的狀況喔,真的是非常方便!推薦給以後有需要的媽咪們參考?
Confinement center sharing text ? When I came to Taichung Rong Zong's Confinement Center, as soon as I entered the room, I was greeted by the warm white oak-colored decoration and abundant sunlight. There were wool felt sheep on the goose-yellow wall, which was a little childlike. The part of the bed is an electric double bed, which allows mothers to adjust the bed according to their own needs. The hardness is moderate, and it will not collapse easily. At first, it will really be too comfortable to get out of bed! ? Electrical appliances include TVs, small refrigerators, sterilizers, milk warmers, kettles, and large thermos bottles. The baby's milk and mummy's drinking water needs can be handled in the room, and it is rarely necessary to go out of the room to refill water! There are also replaceable nursing clothes, towels, feeding bottles, etc. every day... Although the bathroom here is a little small, there is a constant temperature shower head that my husband has always wanted to install. Don't worry about the water being hot and cold, there is also a design in the bath. The retractable seat is also very thoughtful in design. When I actually use it myself, the chair is very stable when sitting, and there is no need to worry about falling. The wardrobe and storage space are also very sufficient. The room is spacious enough to open the large suitcase on the ground. In addition, there are housekeepers who clean the room every day, as well as regular ultraviolet disinfection. The complicated items of basic life do not need to be troubled, and the environment is also good. I don't need to worry much, I can take care of my baby with peace of mind. The first week I came here, I decided to stay here for another week? There are nurses looking after the baby 24 hours a day. The nurses are not only concerned about the mother's feeding status and physical condition, but also give the mother a step-by-step health education. There are also practical exercises to deepen the impression of the parents, such as CPR Teaching, baby bath and ass washing, etc. The postpartum brain is really easy to forget like the brain of a goldfish. Fortunately, the nurses are very patient in teaching and answering the mother's questions. In the middle of the month, there is also a very powerful breast care teacher Yu Yan, which relieves the pain of breastfeeding and sleeps better ? There is also an exclusive app to record the baby's growth and feeding information, as well as the mother's body temperature, milking and other records. You can use this app to ask any questions before and during the check-in process, and you can receive them quickly. Reply, in addition, there is no forced mother and baby to be in the same room. If you want your own North nose, you can use the app or the video system on the TV to check the baby's current condition at any time. It is really very convenient! Recommend it to moms who need it in the future ?
藍星潔 on Google

Since she is an advanced mother and has a high risk of childbirth, I thought that a large hospital has more resources, so I chose Rongzong Postpartum Care Home without hesitation at first. I believe Rongzong's medical profession can give me a great sense of security. Fortunately, I made this decision at the beginning. It really saved me a lot of rushes during the confinement period. For example, the return visit of the newborn and the daily tracking of jaundice are all provided by the postpartum nursing home of General Rong to help the baby, so the mother can feel at ease. However, the anxiety of novice parents has been heard long before birth, such as stone milk, not daring to hold the newborn, fear of bathing the baby, handling the umbilical cord, and not understanding why the baby is crying, etc. Thank you very much for the professional and exquisite one-stop service and careful guidance of medical care at the postpartum nursing home of General Rong, which spared us the trouble of running around during the epidemic, and also arranged many courses during the confinement period, so that new mothers can understand their babies better. It is more convenient when taking care of the baby, and it also allows us to have full confidence when leaving the confinement center. In addition, the app of Mr. Rong Postpartum Nursing Home can continue to be used even after leaving the confinement center. If you have any questions, you can ask questions on the app. It really makes people feel very warm. Thank you for the care of the baby these days. This is a beautiful and impressive day for me. Although the babies often cry, I hope that the smiles of the angels of the babies will also heal you!
Tiffany Jiang on Google

想當初確定懷孕、開始找月子中心時,就偏好醫療資源完善,寶寶一有狀況可以馬上處理的醫院附屬產後護理之家。並且最好能有可處理產後媽媽們的惡夢—石頭奶及乳腺炎的泌乳顧問服務。臺中榮總產後護理之家剛好都符合這兩個條件,即使疫情期間無法現場參觀,也毫不猶豫地馬上下訂(房位只有18間,真的很怕訂不到)。 實際從產後到要退房的這段期間,很滿意這裡的環境及服務,讓人有賓至如歸的感覺!從預產日當月份開始,便有院方人員會打電話關心你的情況並詢問飲食禁忌。孩子出生利用APP報喜通知一鍵搞定。出院當天會派人來幫忙搬行李及護送寶寶到月中。寶寶若無法跟媽媽同天出院,可以跟嬰兒室借保冰袋,送母乳給寶寶。因為都在院內,步行就可以到,省去醫院月中兩處奔波的煩惱。 住宿空間雖然沒有很大,但硬體設備充足,裝潢溫馨。門鎖空調燈光都可利用手機APP控制開關。電動床可調整高低讓人坐臥都能很舒適。電視有許多衛教影片可以觀看也可以視訊觀察寶寶(畫質很高)。泡奶用品也都準備齊全,備有奶瓶八支、奶瓶消毒鍋、溫奶器、快煮壺、保溫壺。奶瓶如果不想自己消毒,也可以請護理師代為消毒。 每天都會有人打掃、更換哺乳衣、備品還有裝水。定期也會有一次大清消幫地板打蠟。月子餐有慧馨跟妙伶兩間廠商可選,用APP就可以隨時更換避免吃膩。兩間廠商菜色各有所長,慧馨湯品味道好、妙伶菜色變化多。吃不夠或陪宿者想一起吃兩間廠商都可以加飯加青菜(妙伶是增加份量,慧馨則是多附一碗)。 護理師們每天上午都會幫媽媽們量測體溫血壓、查看乳房、詢問惡露情況。還有做衛教、寶寶洗澡及急救教學。部分團體課程也是由護理師主講,都很清楚好懂。有任何問題也不用遲疑,她們都會親切地為你解惑。也會幫寶寶水洗屁屁跟曬屁股。知道寶寶的乳名跟本名後,一併更換APP上寶寶名字的這點也很窩心。 有塞奶或任何乳房不適的情形,這裡的招牌個管師—羽嫣都可以幫你處理,手藝精湛,疏通乳腺用針挑小白點時不會很痛。 每週兩次兒科醫生及一次產科醫生也會來巡診。醫生查視後,可以給健保卡直接開藥,不用到外面領藥很方便。 在這裏無論是媽媽或寶寶都被照顧得很好。母嬰同室跟哺餵母乳方面也不會讓人感到有壓力,隨時想推回嬰兒室或想餵配方奶都可以。這期間也學到了很多照顧自己及寶寶的知識,回家後雖然可能還是會手忙腳亂,但不會有太大無助或害怕的感覺了!
When I was pregnant and started looking for a confinement center, I preferred a hospital-affiliated postpartum care home with complete medical resources, and a hospital-affiliated postpartum care home that could be dealt with as soon as the baby had a condition. And it’s best to have lactation consultant services that can deal with postpartum mothers’ nightmares—stone milk and mastitis. Taichung Rongzong Postnatal Care Home just meets these two conditions. Even if we cannot visit the site during the epidemic, we do not hesitate to book it immediately (there are only 18 rooms, I am really afraid that we will not be able to book). In fact, during the period from postpartum to check out, I am very satisfied with the environment and service here, making people feel at home! From the month of your due date, some hospital staff will call to care about your situation and ask about dietary restrictions. The birth of a child is done with one click of the APP announcing the good news. On the day of discharge, someone will be sent to help with luggage and escort the baby to mid-month. If the baby cannot be discharged from the hospital on the same day as the mother, you can borrow an ice pack from the nursery to send breast milk to the baby. Because they are all in the hospital, they can be reached on foot, saving the trouble of running around the hospital in the middle of the month. Although the accommodation space is not very large, the hardware and equipment are sufficient and the decoration is warm. Door locks, air conditioners and lights can be controlled by the mobile phone APP. The height of the electric bed can be adjusted so that you can sit and lie comfortably. There are many health education videos on TV that you can watch or observe the baby via video (high quality). Milk products are also prepared, with eight bottles, bottle sterilizer, milk warmer, quick-cook pot, and thermos. If you don't want to sterilize the bottle yourself, you can also ask a nurse to sterilize it on your behalf. Every day someone cleans, changes nursing clothes, supplies and refills water. There will also be a regular cleaning to help wax the floor. Confinement meals are available from two manufacturers, Huixin and Miaoling, which can be changed at any time with the APP to avoid getting bored. The dishes of the two manufacturers have their own strengths. If you don’t have enough food or want to eat together, both manufacturers can add rice and vegetables (Miao Ling is to increase the portion, Hui Xin is to add an extra bowl). Nursing therapists help mothers take temperature and blood pressure, check breasts, and ask about lochia every morning. There are also health education, baby bathing and first aid teaching. Some group courses are also taught by nurses, which are very clear and easy to understand. Don't hesitate if you have any questions, they will kindly answer your questions. It will also help the baby to wash the buttocks and dry the buttocks. After knowing the baby's baby name and real name, it is also very comforting to change the baby's name on the APP. If there is a milk plug or any breast discomfort, the signature caretaker here, Yu Yan, can handle it for you. She has superb skills, and it will not hurt to pick the white spots with a needle to unclog the breast. Paediatricians and obstetricians also visit twice a week. After the doctor's inspection, you can directly prescribe the medicine to the health insurance card, and it is very convenient to not have to go outside to collect the medicine. Both mother and baby are well taken care of here. Rooming and breastfeeding are also not stressful, and you can push them back to the nursery or feed formula milk at any time. During this period, I also learned a lot about taking care of myself and my baby. Although I may still be in a hurry after returning home, I will not feel too helpless or afraid!
hui-juan Chang on Google

During my confinement period in the postpartum care home attached to Taichung Rongzong, I would like to thank the pediatricians, obstetricians and gynecologists and medical staff for their professional care and assistance, so that I can rest well and my baby is well cared for. The environment is clean and fresh, and the meals are nutritious. full. Especially the smart APP and TV design, the interface is clear, the operation is convenient, and the baby's condition can be grasped at any time. During this period, if any problems are encountered, such as: baby's yellow gallbladder judgment, stool color, feeding status, maternal physical condition, etc., the nurses will patiently teach how to judge and deal with them, and also introduce relevant information for inquiry See. Regular parenting classes are also arranged to learn the skills and knowledge of taking care of babies and mothers. Pediatricians and obstetricians and gynaecologists will visit regularly, not only to pay close attention to the condition of the baby and the mother, but also to diagnose and treat immediately. Through smart electronic devices, in addition to introducing prenatal, postpartum, and neonatal health education information, you can also post information on baby feeding, excretion, growth, and maternal physiological conditions at any time. In addition, housing services are diversified, and you can make appointments for bathing teaching, baby first aid The medical staff will actually go to individual rooms to teach in person, so that we will not be in a hurry when we go home and take care of ourselves. There are also humanized designs in ordering meals, lighting, and environmental control, which are simple and convenient to operate. In terms of meal selection, there are two confinement meals, which can be changed according to personal taste, so as not to get tired of eating the same one every day. Another very special thing is to provide QR-Code so that the family can see the baby's condition online at any time at home. In response to the epidemic, a lot of epidemic prevention plans have been made here, so that babies and mothers can receive adequate care and recuperation in peace.
黃健豪 on Google

專業、乾淨、採光好。 如果餵母乳,參考了同期友人的經驗,選擇榮總產後護理之家,是最好的選擇。 當初選擇月中也看了台中幾間有名的,但最後選擇了榮總的產後護理之家。 最主要的考量,就是除了硬體設施和課程之外,我們更看重的是醫療支援的能量,比如說每週巡房的婦產科、小兒科醫師,配合的醫院等。 另外由於我們的產前、產檢、生產都在榮總,所以比較再三之後,還是覺得在這裡最方便,也能得到最好的照顧。 住了一個月,事實也證明,榮總產後護理之家在照顧母乳產婦及新生兒,真的是既專業,又有耐心。 產後馬上遇到的母乳問題,真的慶幸有羽嫣姐,厲害的技術幫媽媽度過艱難的時刻,大約在第二週左右,晡乳的量和時間,寶寶的配合度,就大致穩定了。 新生兒也總有莫名的哭鬧,喝飽、睡飽、換尿布,醫生來看也沒生病,這時護理師的經驗就很重要,這邊遇到的護理師都非常有耐心,也感覺身經百戰,一個手勢就能搞定哭鬧中的寶寶,我們也能接手學習,回家才有個底。 過程中寶寶也有一度臉部長滿痘痘,雖然書上都說很正常沒問題,但實際上遇到,就會希望能讓醫師看一下,說沒問題,新手爸媽才會安心。榮總最大的優勢,就是醫生多,在這一個月的過程中,無論實際上或心理上,都是很重要的支持。 榮總也鼓勵(但不強迫)母嬰同室,媽媽狀態好的時候,可以讓寶寶一直待在房間,媽媽累了也能隨時推回去,對新手爸媽來說非常有彈性,可以學習成長,又能充分休息,嬰兒室就是一個全天候運轉的專業保姆。 對於怕打擾的小家庭,榮總產後護理之家的門禁森嚴,出入都要感應卡,醫院大門也有管制,真的可以為各位解決不少壓力和困擾喔! 房間內的硬體設備,的確比不上許多私人月中的豪華,但這裡就很精緻,白天採光也非常好,且每日換洗衣物、浴巾等等,房間內該有的都有,小冰箱、熱水、消毒機、溫奶器等,公共區域也有微波爐、電鍋、洗衣機等,都是這一個月的時間,非常重要且實用的好幫手。 總之,這一個月時間,真的非常感謝榮總產後護理之家,對我們這個新生兒家庭的照顧,讓我們充分休息,也充分學習,準備回家面對挑戰。
Professional, clean and well-lit. If breastfeeding, refer to the experience of friends in the same period, and choose Yong Zong's postpartum nursing home is the best choice. At the beginning, I chose the middle of the month and saw several famous ones in Taichung, but in the end I chose Mr. Rong’s postpartum care home. The main consideration is that in addition to the hardware facilities and courses, we also value the energy of medical support, such as obstetrics and gynecology, pediatricians, and supporting hospitals who conduct weekly inspections. In addition, since our prenatal, natal inspection, and production are all performed by Mr. Rong, after repeated comparisons, we still feel that it is the most convenient place and can get the best care. After staying for a month, the facts have also proved that President Yong's postpartum nursing home is really professional and patient in taking care of breast-feeding mothers and newborns. The breast milk problem encountered immediately after childbirth, I’m really fortunate to have Sister Yu Yan, who has great skills to help her mother through the difficult moments. About the second week or so, the amount and time of milk and the baby’s cooperation level are generally stable. . Newborns always cry inexplicably, drink, sleep, and change diapers. The doctors did not get sick. At this time, the experience of the nurses is very important. The nurses we meet here are very patient and feel good. After hundreds of battles, a crying baby can be dealt with with a single gesture, and we can take over the study, and we will have a bottom line when we go home. During the process, the baby's face was full of acne. Although the books say that it is normal and no problem, but in fact, if you encounter it, you will hope that the doctor can look at it and say that there is no problem, so that novice parents will feel at ease. Mr. Rong’s greatest advantage is that there are many doctors. During the course of this month, both physical and psychological support is very important. President Rong also encourages (but does not force) mothers and babies to share the same room. When mothers are in good condition, they can keep their babies in the room, and mothers can push them back when they are tired. They are very flexible for novice parents and can learn to grow. With enough rest, the nursery is a professional babysitter that runs around the clock. For small families who are afraid of disturbing the family, the entrance guard of the postpartum nursing home of President Rong is strict, and the entrance and exit must be proximity cards, and the hospital gate is also controlled. It can really solve a lot of pressure and trouble for you! The hardware equipment in the room is indeed inferior to the luxury of many private months, but it is very exquisite, the daylight is also very good, and the laundry, bath towels, etc. are changed daily. There is everything in the room, a small refrigerator , Hot water, sterilizers, milk warmers, etc. There are also microwave ovens, electric cookers, washing machines, etc. in the public area. They are all very important and practical helpers during this month. In short, this month, I am really grateful to President Rong's Postpartum Care Home for taking care of our newborn family, allowing us to rest, study, and prepare to go home to face the challenges.
蔡學洲 on Google

在這裏每一位護理師對寶寶都很細心,尤其兒子又有非常嚴重的紅屁屁,護理師都非常有耐心的照顧我的孩子,真心很感謝??不然回家紅屁股新手爸媽一定會很崩潰!! 每週也有小兒科、產科醫生巡診,也還有團體課程可以上,如果在榮總生產休養3-5天就可以直接到月中,完全不用去室外,真的很方便。最重要的是護理人員都很專業也很有耐心的在回答媽媽的問題,包括這邊有ptt推薦的羽嫣!!媽咪的救星!!產後有可能會到的石頭奶、乳腺問題的情況,她都可以幫忙處理。 在這邊樓下也有藥局,如果臨時要買什麼或是寶貝需要的東西,打一通電話他們也可以及時幫你送上來,解決還要出門買的問題。 疫情期間防護措施也很謹慎,可以不用擔心,這裏真的是會讓您放心的月子中心☺️
Every nurse here is very attentive to the baby, especially my son has a very serious red ass. The nurses are very patient to take care of my child. I really appreciate it??Otherwise, the novice parents with red ass will definitely go home It will be very crashing! ! There are also visits by pediatricians and obstetricians every week, as well as group courses. If you take 3-5 days of production and recuperation in General Rong, you can go directly to the middle of the month, and you don’t have to go outdoors at all, which is really convenient. The most important thing is that the nursing staff are very professional and patient in answering my mother's questions, including Yu Yan who is recommended by ptt here! ! Mommy's Savior! ! She can help to deal with stone milk and breast problems that may occur after childbirth. There is also a pharmacy downstairs here. If you need to buy something temporarily or what your baby needs, they can also deliver it to you in time with a phone call to solve the problem of going out to buy. During the epidemic, the protective measures are also very cautious, so don’t worry, here is really a confinement center that will give you peace of mind☺️
lynn Tsai on Google

月子中心隸屬台中榮總這種公單位醫院 本身並沒有很積極做行銷,是低調的月子中心。 目前營運兩年多,整體很新。 月子中心的風格簡潔、溫馨像日本的商務飯店 餐的部份外包給月子餐公司。 有兩家,傳統月子餐風格的慧馨與擺盤華麗,點心好吃的妙伶。 月子期間新手媽媽們最需要並不是五星級的房間與多高級的月子餐 新手媽媽除了需要休息 還有三大挑戰 1. 泌乳、哺乳 2. 產後荷爾蒙失調產後憂鬱症 3. 新生兒照顧 上面三大挑戰沒顧好 再多星的房間再高級的餐妳都無心享受了 以上榮總月子中心都照顧到 關於乳的問題,月子中心的主管就是很有名的泌乳師羽嫣,底下的護理師都需要對泌乳、哺乳有一個程度的訓練才能進來,每天都有專屬護理師會來關心媽媽乳房狀況。 真有乳房問題要泌乳師處理也無需要額外收費。 月子中心每週都會安排團體課程,內容有產後心情調整、回家後能尋找的資源、寶寶照顧⋯。 也有到房間一對一專屬的寶寶照顧課程。 整間月子中心滿房就收18位媽媽,人數在我最初選擇月子中心時與各家相較相對是少的。 人數少也意味著若有傳染疾病,群聚感染的風險更低。 雖然月子中心位在醫院中,但它有自己專屬的電梯,無需擔心在醫院是不是比較不安全的問題。 相反的因爲在大醫院中,寶寶及媽媽每週都有大醫院該有的兒科及產科醫師來巡房做寶寶健檢及媽媽的產後恢復狀況的關心。 寶寶在月中需打疫苗時也無需舟車勞頓離開月子中心,跑到距離比較遠的醫院。 我本身是高齡、雙胞胎媽媽 屬於高風險孕婦 在孕前期開始尋找月子中心時就有把「萬一」生產或產後有什麼狀況納入選月子中心的考量 我在生產時出現大出血及相關併發症因此產後出院進月子中心後不久又回到醫院 整個過程醫院跟月子中心配合得很好 我得到相當完善的照顧,神隊友也免去因醫院與月子中心距離過遠(要到醫院陪老婆還要到月中看baby還要回家顧病貓)每天疲於奔波的狀況。 以上,大推榮總月子中心給新手媽媽們。
The Confinement Center is affiliated to a public hospital such as Taichung Rongzong. It is not very active in marketing itself, and it is a low-key confinement center. It has been in operation for more than two years now, and the whole is very new. The style of Yuezi Center is simple and warm like a business hotel in Japan Part of the meal is outsourced to a confinement meal company. There are two, Hui Xin, who has a traditional confinement meal style, and Miao Ling, who has gorgeous dishes and delicious dim sum. During the confinement period, what new mothers need most is not a five-star room or a high-end confinement meal New mothers need rest Three more challenges 1. Lactation, breastfeeding 2. Postpartum hormonal disorders postpartum depression 3. Newborn Care The above three challenges have not been taken into account No matter how many stars the room is, or the high-end meal, you don't have the heart to enjoy it The above Rongzong Confinement Center will take care of them Regarding the issue of breastfeeding, the director of the confinement center is the well-known lactation teacher Yu Yan, and the nurses at the bottom need to have a certain degree of training in lactation and breastfeeding before they can come in. Every day, there are exclusive nurses who will come to care about the mother's breast condition. There is no extra charge if there is a real breast problem for a lactation specialist to deal with. The Confinement Center arranges group classes every week, including postpartum mood adjustment, resources to be found after returning home, and baby care… There are also one-to-one exclusive baby care classes in the room. There are 18 mothers in the entire confinement center, which is relatively small when I first chose the confinement center. The small number of people also means that if there is an infectious disease, the risk of cluster infection is lower. Although the Confinement Center is located in the hospital, it has its own elevator, so there is no need to worry about whether it is relatively unsafe in the hospital. On the contrary, in a large hospital, the baby and the mother have the pediatric and obstetrics physicians that the large hospital should have every week to visit the room for the baby's health check and the mother's postpartum recovery. When the baby needs to be vaccinated in the middle of the month, there is no need to leave the confinement center and go to a distant hospital. I'm an elderly, mother of twins high-risk pregnant women When looking for a confinement center in the first trimester, the "in case" birth or postpartum situation is taken into consideration when selecting a confinement center I was discharged from the hospital after giving birth with massive bleeding and related complications and returned to the hospital shortly after giving birth During the whole process, the hospital cooperated very well with the confinement center I have been well cared for, and my teammates are also relieved from the daily fatigue of running around due to the distance between the hospital and the confinement center (to accompany my wife in the hospital, to see the baby in the middle of the month, and to go home to take care of the sick cat). Above, we strongly recommend Rong Zong Confinement Center to new mothers.
Isabelle Wu on Google

當知道自己懷孕後,就開始找生產醫院及月子中心,我是高危險妊娠,有免疫的問題加上高齡,所以選擇醫學中心產檢及生產,後來發現台中榮總有產後護理之家,而且Ptt上許多媽媽推薦的母乳諮詢專家羽嫣就在產後護理之家,在疫情期間無法現場參觀,看著護理之家的照片,我立馬決定產檢丶生產及做月子都要在台中榮總。 生產後,有專人從病房接我們到這裡,一踏進這裡,整體環境溫馨舒服,房間搭配著app,可以用手機調燈光丶冷氣丶開門,尤其是母奶親餵不方便起身,就用app調整冷氣溫度及燈光,非常的體貼媽媽。 我最喜歡房內設施就是電動床,可依照需求調整高度,床墊及枕頭很好睡,兩張單人床併在一起,半夜起身擠奶都不會影響到老公。 另外可以透過手機及電視看寶寶在嬰兒室的即時影像,非常的智能方便。透過app記錄著寶寶的喝奶奶量及成長狀況,護理師每天也會替媽媽及寶寶量體溫丶確認身體狀況,有時會來衛教如何照顧自己及寶寶,也有寶寶洗澡課程及急救術,護理師都不厭其煩的教導我們,直到我們學會為止。 每週兩次的兒科醫師及一次的婦科巡診,有什麼問題也會隨時跟我們討論,寶寶就診打疫苗也由護理人員帶到兒科。我在入住期間腳腫及產後第三週半夜突然出血,護理師都即時處理並確認狀況,也安排我在院區就醫。我打COVID 疫苗,護理師也幫我照顧寶寶三天,讓我休息! 第一次新手媽媽,我有各式各樣的問題,護理人員非常有耐心回答,而且他們哄新生兒真的很有一套!過年期間,還特別送我們有寶寶頭像的紅包袋,真的好有心! 在這裡最厲害的是護理人員的哺乳衛教,讓我能夠成功哺乳,塞奶的時候,專業的羽嫣姐真的是救星,出月子中心沒有他們該如何是好,會非常想念在這裡的時光! 非常感謝所有的護理師們這30天的照顧,也謝謝把我們奕恩在短短一個月養胖了1.4公斤❤️,很開心第一胎就選擇這麼專業的產後護理之家。 #臺中榮民總醫院 #臺中榮民總醫院附設產後護理之家
When I found out that I was pregnant, I started looking for a birth hospital and a confinement center. I was a high-risk pregnancy, with immune problems and advanced age, so I chose the medical center for obstetric examination and delivery. Later, I found out that Taichung Rong always has a postpartum care home, and Yu Yan, a breast milk consultant recommended by many mothers on Ptt, is in the postpartum nursing home. During the epidemic, I could not visit the site. Looking at the photos of the nursing home, I immediately decided that the maternity inspection, delivery and confinement should be in Taichung. After giving birth, a special person picked us up from the ward. As soon as we stepped in here, the overall environment was warm and comfortable. The room is equipped with an app. You can use your mobile phone to adjust the light, air-conditioning, and open the door. Especially when it is difficult to get up for breastfeeding, you can use the app. Adjust the air-conditioning temperature and lighting, very considerate to mother. My favorite in-room facility is the electric bed, which can be adjusted in height according to needs. The mattress and pillows are very good for sleeping. The two single beds are placed together. Getting up in the middle of the night to express milk will not affect my husband. In addition, you can watch the real-time image of the baby in the baby room through the mobile phone and TV, which is very smart and convenient. The baby's milk intake and growth status are recorded through the app. The nurses will also take the temperature of the mother and baby every day to confirm the physical condition. Sometimes they come to the health education to teach how to take care of themselves and the baby. There are also baby bathing courses and first aid surgery. Nursing Teachers teach us tirelessly until we learn. Twice a week, the pediatrician and the gynecology visit once a week. If there is any problem, we will discuss it with us at any time. The baby's vaccination is also brought to the pediatrics by the nursing staff. During my stay, my feet were swollen and I had sudden bleeding in the middle of the third week after giving birth. The nurses dealt with and confirmed the situation immediately, and arranged for me to see a doctor in the hospital. I was vaccinated against COVID and the nurses helped me take care of the baby for three days and let me rest! First time mother, I have all kinds of questions, the nurses are very patient to answer, and they are really good at coaxing the newborn! During the Chinese New Year, we also specially gave us a red envelope bag with a baby's avatar, which is really thoughtful! The most powerful thing here is the nursing education of the nursing staff, which allowed me to breastfeed successfully. When I was breastfeeding, the professional sister Yu Yan was really a savior. What should I do without them in the confinement center, I will miss it very much. time! Thank you very much to all the nurses for taking care of us during these 30 days, and thank you for helping Yi En gain 1.4kg in just one month❤️. I am very happy to have chosen such a professional postpartum nursing home for the first child. #Taichung Veterans General Hospital #Taichung Veterans General Hospital Attached Postnatal Care Home

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