光影廣告設計 - Xihu Township

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

便宜大圖輸出_大圖輸出工廠,大圖輸出價格,雷射切割,數位印刷,無版印刷,壓克力印刷,影印 - 光影視覺廣告社 - Lightshadow.com.tw


About 光影廣告設計

Tel : 04-8611128 Facebook : 光影廣告
Fax : 04-8611127
E-mail : [email protected]
門市 : 514 彰化縣溪湖鎮興學街23號

工廠 : 514 彰化縣溪湖鎮東環路345號

Contact 光影廣告設計

地址 :

514, Taiwan, Changhua County, Xihu Township, Donghuan Rd, 347號光影廣告設計514

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : http://www.lightshadow.com.tw/
城市 : Donghuan Rd

514, Taiwan, Changhua County, Xihu Township, Donghuan Rd, 347號光影廣告設計514
Milo Wang on Google

Give five stars a rating! The price of large shells is really ~ Thank you, Wu boss for your help.
林玟璇 on Google

彩色影印一張6塊,今天印了30張, 店員表示大量影印會更便宜!
A color photocopy of 6 pieces, 30 pieces were printed today, The clerk said that mass photocopying would be cheaper!
DORIS on Google

1.價格偏貴 2.說好當天完成,結果到隔天才印好 3.印刷前沒有事先確認起始頁,造成跨頁的圖都被切掉了,整本失敗不能用
1. The price is too expensive 2. Say it is done on the same day, and the result will not be printed until the next day 3. The start page is not confirmed in advance before printing, causing the spread pages to be cut off, the whole book fails to be used
謝芊羽 on Google

My book is printed here
黃臭臭 on Google

影印141頁 封面雲彩紙未封膜 $185 紙沒有裁好 書頁側面不平就算了 想說怎麼周圍髒髒的 整本書旁邊都是膠! (大概是上一本有封膠沒清理好就直接裁別本吧?)
141 pages of photocopy, unsealed cover cloud paper $185 If the paper is not cut properly, the side of the page is not flat. I want to talk about the dirty surroundings. There is glue next to the whole book! (Probably because the last one had sealant and it was not cleaned up, just cut it off, right?)
林關渡 on Google

設備好、價格適中,但成品印刷品質不佳,雖說我並沒選擇高價位印刷,但人為把關品質是必要的。我不會再光顧了。 我離開前有說「如有狀況請連絡我我會過來處理」,第一次發生刷線問題幸沒再次出現,這次印刷品中看到畫素低的成品參雜其中,已不想浪費時間與店家協調自認倒楣
The equipment is good and the price is moderate, but the quality of the finished printing is not good. Although I did not choose high-priced printing, it is necessary to control the quality. I won't go back. Before I left, I said, "If there is a situation, please contact me and I will come over and deal with it." The first problem with brushing has not happened again. This time, I saw that the finished products with low pixel counts are mixed, and I don’t want to waste time and store. Coordinating self-recognition
Cindy Huang on Google

裡面的員工還算親切客氣 價格偏貴跟品質不成正比 一張黑白2元 100張以上九折 紙偏薄 封面膠裝沒上膜卻翹的很嚴重 印刷出來品質不佳 封面印出來墨水不均勻
The employees inside are kind and polite The price is too high and the quality is not proportional to One black and white 2 yuan 10% off more than 100 Paper is thin The cover plastic cover is very serious without being filmed The print quality is poor Uneven ink printed on the cover
王暄 on Google

超誇張,我當天早上9:30到光影預定要膠裝的資料,店家說三點會印好東西,結果我人都到了,三點跟我說還沒好,還要再等一小時⋯ 說機器還沒預熱!哈囉?我早上就預定了,怎麼可能需要預熱那麼久!沒辦法做好,就不要隨便答應客人!
It’s an exaggeration. I arrived at Guangying at 9:30 in the morning to order the materials to be glued. The store said that they would print it at three o’clock. As a result, everyone arrived. I told me that it’s not good at three, and I had to wait another hour... Said that the machine has not warmed up yet! Hello? I booked it in the morning, how could it take so long to warm up! If you can't do it well, don't just promise the guests!

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