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Contact 萬年鐘乳石壁

地址 :

546, Taiwan, Nantou County, Ren’ai Township, 武界林道 萬年鐘乳石壁

城市 : Ren’ai Township

546, Taiwan, Nantou County, Ren’ai Township, 武界林道 萬年鐘乳石壁
chs chs on Google

Ten thousand years stalactites are called water cut stones that grow on the rock wall by locals! Ten years long and 1 cm long is very special
joling chen on Google

千百年天然形成,很值得前往参觀。整片山壁經年累月堆疊成鐘乳石壁,細看晶瑩剔透,最美的天然裝飾。假日遊客眾多 大家有很守秩序 也不會觸摸鐘乳石 保護的很好。道路雖狹小,路面鋪設良好。??
Naturally formed for thousands of years, it is worth visiting. The entire mountain wall has been stacked into a stalactite wall over the years, and the crystal clear and the most beautiful natural decoration. There are many holiday tourists. Everyone is very orderly and will not touch stalactites. It is well protected. Although the road is narrow, the pavement is good. ??
張炎竹 on Google

武界「鐘乳石壁」的奇景,就位於武界林道 4.5K 處的山壁上。 這片山壁終年流水穿滴,歷經萬年的精雕細琢,鬼斧神技造就出今日的山中奇景! 這是一處戶外天然的「鐘乳石壁」,與大家一般認知的「鐘乳石洞」,是非常不一樣的景觀。
The wonder of the "Stalactite Wall" of Wujie is located on the mountain wall at 4.5K of Wujie Forest Road. This mountain wall is dripping with water all the year round. After thousands of years of meticulous crafting, the magical skills have created today's mountain wonders! This is an outdoor natural "stalactite wall". It is a very different landscape from the commonly known "stalactite cave".
Stephen 夫子 Chen on Google

這片位於產業道路旁的露天鐘乳石,潺潺的滴水令人讚嘆,武界當地人稱 [水洗石],台語叫做 [水波石]。導覽老師表示:這岩壁的泉水中含有二氧化碳,將岩壁上方的石灰石溶解,生成了碳酸氫鈣,並溶解在水裡滴下。長年不斷的大量滴水,讓這片山壁的鐘乳石 (水洗石、水波石)形成得比一般岩洞鐘乳石快 3倍。當水滴落下,每滴水都留下了很薄的一點方解石圈,接下來的水滴繼續留下新的方解石圈。最終,這些方解石圈形成非常細 (0.5mm) 的中空的管子,俗稱「蘇打管」。蘇打管可以長得很長,但是非常脆弱。如果它們因為碎片被堵住,水將從外面流過,沉澱出更多的方解石,形成錐形的鐘乳石。落下的水滴在到達地面後沉澱出更多的方解石,最終形成圓形或圓錐形石筍。導覽老師表示:含有碳酸氫鈣的水順著 [台灣蘆竹] 的枝條滴落,經年累月形成石索。山壁上長滿一叢叢的莖桿中空倒掛下垂,葉子像竹子的植物,是台灣特有種 [台灣蘆竹]。它的根系很深,具有水土保持的功能,可以牢牢地抓住土地,是護坡及綠化岩壁的地被植物。鐘乳石 (水波石、水洗石) 特性質地鬆軟氣孔多吸水性強,很容易孳生蘚苔。植物依附其上只要不缺水很容易照顧,園藝造景常用水泥混合土將其組合,並種植植物成為附石盆栽,因此有不肖人士會來盜採,讓人痛心。
This open-air stalactite next to the industrial road, the gurgling dripping water is amazing, the local people in the martial arts call it "washed stone", and the Taiwanese call it "water wave stone". The tour teacher said: The spring water on the rock wall contains carbon dioxide, which dissolves the limestone above the rock wall to form calcium bicarbonate, which is dissolved and dripped in the water. The continuous dripping of water over the years has caused the stalactites (washed stones, wave stones) on this mountain wall to form three times faster than ordinary cave stalactites. When the water drops fall, each drop of water leaves a very thin circle of calcite, and the next drops continue to leave new circles of calcite. In the end, these calcite circles form very thin (0.5mm) hollow tubes, commonly known as "soda tubes". Soda tubes can grow very long, but they are very fragile. If they are blocked by fragments, water will flow from outside, depositing more calcite, forming cone-shaped stalactites. The falling water droplets precipitate more calcite after reaching the ground, eventually forming round or conical stalagmites. The tour teacher said: The water containing calcium bicarbonate drips down the branches of [Taiwan Luzhu], forming stone ropes over the years. The stalks on the mountain wall are hollow and hang upside down. The leaves are like bamboo plants, which are endemic to Taiwan [Taiwan Arundo]. Its root system is very deep, it has the function of water and soil conservation, can firmly grasp the ground, and is a ground cover plant for slope protection and greening of rock walls. The characteristics of stalactites (water wave stone, washed stone) are soft, pores and more water-absorbing, and it is easy to breed moss. Plants attached to it are easy to take care of as long as there is no shortage of water. In horticultural landscaping, cement mixed soil is often used to combine them, and plants are planted into potted plants with stones. Therefore, unscrupulous people will steal them, which is distressing.
方大頭 on Google

鐘乳石是石灰岩地形的一種,然而該地區之岩質是以板岩為主,為何會有石灰岩地形的出現呢? 推測應該是中央山脈板岩區所夾雜的局部石灰岩層,因此沒有像墾丁國家公園等地區有大範圍石灰岩地形的出現。
Stalactite is a type of limestone topography. However, the rock in this area is dominated by slate. Why do limestone topography appear? It is speculated that it should be a partial limestone layer interspersed with the slate area of ​​the Central Mountains, so there is no large-scale limestone topography in Kenting National Park and other areas.
啾琳 / 90 Jiu ling on Google

就是一個來看自然景觀,大自然的奧妙,然後到此一遊的概念⋯ 這裡不大,小小的一片,然後靠近很清涼,夏天來這能稍微消暑~因為這些自然形成的山壁,會不斷的滴水,像極了愛情?。沿著山壁~小小的一片一直下雨☔️蠻有趣的奇景。可惜面積不大。這裡有專門的地陪可帶領。 路小,開車過去可能要稍微小心及注意路邊遊客很多,都是用走的。
It's a concept to look at the natural landscape, the mystery of nature, and then come here... It’s not big, small, and it’s very cool when it’s close. In summer, it can cool off a little bit~ because these naturally formed mountain walls will keep dripping water, like love?. Along the mountain wall ~ a small piece of it keeps raining ☔️It's quite an interesting spectacle. Unfortunately, the area is not large. There is a special place to accompany you to lead. The road is small, you may have to be a little careful when driving past and be aware that there are many tourists on the side of the road, all of which are used to walk.
Daney Huang on Google

鐘乳石壁就在產業道路旁邊 產業道路大多只能一台車行駛 行駛要小心謹慎 但附近無停車位喔 鐘乳石壁很珍貴 切記勿破壞! #無痕山林
The stalactite wall is just beside the industrial road Most industrial roads can only be driven by one vehicle Be careful when driving But there is no parking space nearby The stalactite walls are precious Remember not to destroy! #无線山林
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