Taizhongshishaluquwenguang Elementary School - No. 12斗潭路文光巷 Shalu District

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臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學 - 臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學 - Wkes.tc.edu.tw


Contact Taizhongshishaluquwenguang Elementary School

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No. 12斗潭路文光巷 Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan 433

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : http://www.wkes.tc.edu.tw/
城市 : Taichung City

No. 12斗潭路文光巷 Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan 433
鄭植謙 on Google

It sucks, it sucks, I am their student
葉志祥 on Google

In the implementation of Wenguang Guoxiao: wall wall cancer cracked!
蔡水明(SL323) on Google

I’ve been looking back for half a hundred... I just wanted to have an office in the past, and two classrooms started school!
黃素禎 on Google

環境優美 學生有禮 校長老師很親切
nice environment Polite The principal and teacher are very kind
詹維崧 on Google

民國59年至60年在小金門當兵 曾跟 易其科 先生 當戰友一年多 但退伍後失联快50年 不知是否跟曽任贵校家長會長的易其科先生同一人? 詹維崧上
In the Republic of China from 59 to 60 years, he was a soldier at Xiaojinmen. Mr. Yi Keke has been a comrade-in-arms for more than a year, but he lost 50 years after he retired. I wonder if he is the same person as Mr. Yi Keke, who is the president of your school. Zhan Wei
米樂林 on Google

學校簡介 文光國小「校史簡介」-承先啟後 永續發展 早期咱們社區的學童均就讀沙鹿國校,學童需長途步行求學,頗為不便。民國52年2月25日奉准設立沙鹿國校斗抵分校,讓社區子弟免於奔波之苦。52年8月15日獨立,校名改為文光國民學校;民國57年8月1日配合九年義務教育實施,校名改為臺中縣沙鹿鎮文光國民小學。民國99年12月25日臺中縣市合併升格為直轄市,校名改為臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學。春風化雨56年,期間歷經11任校長、18任家長會長帶領學校團隊及家長會團隊,結合社區資源共創教育事功,奠定永續發展根基。 第1任校長:李樹勳先生(52.08.29~56.09.05);第2任校長:李錦淇先生(56.09.06~60.11.25);第3任校長:陳錦輝先生(60.11.26~70.04.01);第4任校長:陳埵相先生(70.04.02~74.09.26);第5任校長:楊正雄先生(74.09.27~78.07.31);第6任校長:蔡汝叁先生(78.08.01~82.09.03);第7任校長:紀孟標先生(82.09.04~86.08.27);第8任校長:陳埵相先生(86.08.28~90.01.31);第9任校長:張見都先生(90.02.01~97.01.31);第10任校長:蔡振地先生(97.02.01~104.07.31);第11任校長:李豐榮先生(104.08.01~現任)。 第1任家長會長:王再碧先生(52.09~61.09);第2任家長會長:陳進發先生(61.09~77.09);第3任家長會長:陳清松先生(77.09~79.09);第4任家長會長:易其科先生:(79.09~81.09);第5任家長會長:顏詒椿先生(81.09~83.09);第6任家長會長:藍要書先生(83.09~85.09);第7任家長會長:賴演宣先生(85.09~87.09);第8任家長會長:張秋勝先生(87.09~89.11);第9任家長會長:王宏書先生(89.11~91.11);第10任家長會長:何瑞昌先生(91.11~93.11);第11任家長會長:許正忠先生(93.11~95.12);第12任家長會長:蔡志偉先生(95.12~97.11);第13任家長會長:陳維銓先生(97.11~99.11);第14任家長會長:何鴻銘先生(99.11~101.11); 第15任家長會長:王建發先生(101.11~103.11);第16任家長會長:王世和先生(103.11~105.11);第17任家長會長:陳偉源先生(105.11~107.11);第18任家長會長:柯文益先生(107.11~現任)。 感謝政府德政,編列經費逐年改善本校老舊校舍、校園環境及充實各項設施設備等,提供全體師生優質的教與學環境。如設校初期,當時的校舍多因陋就簡,從簡易平房教室開始,一路歷經民國60~80年代的國教整建工程,蛻變成RC結構體,政府都投入相當龐大的經費。其他如74年完成運動場紅土跑道整建,80年完成新建PU網球場及新建專知樓。81年興建午餐廚房並開辦學生營養午餐。82年增設輔導室,88年修繕文曦樓、雋思樓外牆(重貼磁磚),校舍外觀煥然一新。92年完成校園班級網路系統建置。94年整建運動場跑道(合成橡膠)。99年整建綜合球場。100年完成體育館、專知樓校舍耐震補強工程。101年政府核准文曦樓老舊校舍拆除重建、102年度開工,並於104年11月28日辦理落成啟用典禮,105年4月19日(雋思樓、庠序樓、體育館)補領建築執照暨設施設備改善工程開工、106年7月12竣工。以提供師生更安全、優質的生活與學習環境。 此外,陳進發會長於任內樂捐修建安全美觀的花崗岩校門,成立「勵進會教育基金」(現名為「臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學學生家長會獎學金專戶」),獎勵表現優秀的師生。81年成立文光國小母姊會,由吳素靜女士擔任創會會長;《大腳鴨》創刊。83年設計校徽;辦理創校30週年校慶(主任委員:楊清欽先生;家長會長:顏詒椿先生)。87年全校實施英語教學。89年成立教師會。90年票選文光校訓--「活力創新」及「文曦樓」、「雋思樓」教學樓名。91年設置「藝術工作坊」,推展藝文教育;成立「學童關懷委員會」,扶助弱勢學童,激發向上意志。92年開設課後托育班,照顧雙薪家庭學子;辦理創校40週年校慶(主任委員:何金溪先生;家長會長:何瑞昌先生)。93年母姊會改組,成立志工組織。102年辦理創校50週年校慶(主任委員:陳美月女士;家長會長:王建發先生)。105年舉辦53週年校慶暨新建集會表演台「樂學臺」命名揭牌儀式(由蘇慧貞老師命名並經票選後,正式命名「樂學臺」,陳志聲書法家校友題字)。105年10月29日舉行校友會成立大會暨首任校友會張秋勝理事長榮任典禮。106年11月19日舉辦「文光健走路跑嘉年華」2000人大型活動。107年9月29日舉行新圖書室「文悅館」啟用剪綵典禮(由陳文蕙主任命名並經票選後,正式命名「文悅館」,張力介替代役設計題字)。 56年來,文光國小在歷任校長承先啟後、努力不懈之下,讓文光的軟硬體建設能不斷更新,符合教育需求,也在整體教育品質上日益精進,讓文光學子能在優質的教育環境下成長。56年來,文光更在歷任家長會長一棒接一棒的傳承下,秉持家長會襄助學校發展的精神,在經費、人力上不斷挹注文光,讓文光學子能得到最好的照顧。 未來本校將秉持永續發展精神,引領教師全力投入創新教學,落實學校本位課程,有效結合家長會及社區資源,發展學校特色,實現活力創新,以達成學生健康成長、快樂學習、適性發展之教育目標。
School Profile Wenguang Elementary School "Introduction to School History"-Sustainable Development In the early days, all the children in our community attended Shalu National School, and the children had to walk long distances to study, which was quite inconvenient. On February 25, 2002, the Shalu National School was approved to establish a branch school to save the children of the community from the pain of running around. Independence on August 15, 52, the name of the school was changed to Wenguang National School; on August 1, 1949, in conjunction with the implementation of the nine-year compulsory education, the school name was changed to Wenguang Elementary School in Shalu Town, Taichung County. On December 25, 1999, Taichung counties and cities were merged and upgraded to a municipality directly under the Central Government. During the 56 years of spring breeze and rain, 11 principals and 18 parent chairpersons led the school team and the parent association team, combined with community resources to create educational deeds and lay the foundation for sustainable development. The first principal: Mr. Li Shuxun (52.08.29~56.09.05); the second principal: Mr. Li Jinqi (56.09.06~60.11.25); the third principal: Mr. Chen Jinhui (60.11.26~70.04.01) ; The fourth principal: Mr. Chen Daixiang (70.04.02~74.09.26); the fifth principal: Mr. Yang Zhengxiong (74.09.27~78.07.31); the sixth principal: Mr. Cai Rusan (78.08.01~82.09. 03); the seventh principal: Mr. Ji Mengbiao (82.09.04~86.08.27); the eighth principal: Mr. Chen Daixiang (86.08.28~90.01.31); the ninth principal: Mr. Zhang Jiandu (90.02.01) ~97.01.31); the tenth principal: Mr. Cai Zhendi (97.02.01~104.07.31); the 11th principal: Mr. Li Fengrong (104.08.01~ the current post). The first parent chairperson: Mr. Wang Zaibi (52.09~61.09); the second parent chairperson: Mr. Chen Jinfa (61.09~77.09); the third parent chairperson: Mr. Chen Qingsong (77.09~79.09); the fourth parent chairperson: Mr. Yi Qike: (79.09~81.09); the fifth parent chairperson: Mr. Yan Yichun (81.09~83.09); the sixth parent chairperson: Mr. Lan Yaoshu (83.09~85.09); the seventh parent chairperson: Lai Mr. Yan Xuan (85.09~87.09); the 8th parent chairperson: Mr. Zhang Qiusheng (87.09~89.11); the 9th parent chairperson: Mr. Wang Hongshu (89.11~91.11); the tenth parent chairperson: Mr. He Ruichang (91.11~93.11) ; The 11th parent chairperson: Mr. Xu Zhengzhong (93.11~95.12); the 12th parent chairperson: Mr. Cai Zhiwei (95.12~97.11); the 13th parent chairperson: Mr. Chen Weiquan (97.11~99.11); the 14th parent chairperson: Mr. He Hongming (99.11~101.11); The 15th parent chairperson: Mr. Wang Jianfa (101.11~103.11); the 16th parent chairperson: Mr. Wang Shihe (103.11~105.11); the 17th parent chairperson: Mr. Chen Weiyuan (105.11~107.11); the 18th parent chairperson: Ke Wenyi Mr. (107.11~ incumbent). Thanks to the government’s ethics for setting up funds to improve the school’s old school buildings, campus environment, and enrich various facilities and equipment year by year, so as to provide a high-quality teaching and learning environment for all teachers and students. For example, in the early days of school establishment, most of the school buildings at that time were rudimentary. Starting from simple bungalow classrooms, they went through the renovation project of the state education in the 1960s and 1980s and transformed them into RC structures. The government invested a lot of money. Others such as the completion of the red soil runway reconstruction of the sports field in 1974, and the completion of the new PU tennis court and the new building of expertise in 80 years. In 1981, a lunch kitchen was built and a nutritious lunch for students was opened. The counseling room was added in 1982, and the outer walls of Wenxi Building and Junsi Building were renovated in 1988 (re-applied tiles), and the appearance of the school building was completely new. In 1992, the construction of the campus class network system was completed. In 1994, the sports field track (synthetic rubber) was rebuilt. A comprehensive stadium was rebuilt in 1999. In 100 years, complete the earthquake-resistant reinforcement project of the gymnasium and the school building of Zhizhi Building. In 101, the government approved the demolition and reconstruction of the old school building of Wenxi Building, and the start of construction in 2002. The opening ceremony was carried out on November 28, 104, and the building was re-acquired on April 19, 105 (Junsi Building, Xixu Building, Gymnasium) The license and facility improvement project started and was completed on July 12, 106. In order to provide teachers and students with a safer, high-quality living and learning environment. In addition, President Chen Jinfa donated to build a safe and beautiful granite school gate during his tenure, and established the "Encouragement Education Fund" (currently known as the "Special Account for Parents Association Scholarship for Students of Wenguang Elementary School, Shalu District, Taichung City") to reward performance Excellent teachers and students. In 1981, the Wenguang Country Junior Sisters Association was established, with Ms. Wu Sujing serving as the founding president; the publication of "Bigfoot Duck" was launched. Designed the school badge in 1983; handled the 30th anniversary of the school's founding (Chairman: Mr. Yang Qingqin; Parent Chairperson: Mr. Yan Yichun). In 1987, the whole school implemented English teaching. In 1989, the teachers' association was established. Voted in the 90th year of the Wenguang school motto-"Energetic Innovation" and the name of the teaching building of "Wenxi Building" and "Junsi Building". In 1991, he set up an "art workshop" to promote art education; established a "School Care Committee" to help disadvantaged students and stimulate the will to upward. In 1992, an after-school nursery school was opened to take care of students from double-income families; to organize the 40th anniversary of the school's founding (chairman: Mr. He Jinxi; parent chairperson: Mr. He Ruichang). In 1993, the mother and sisters association was reorganized and a volunteer organization was established. In 102, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the school was held (Chairman: Ms. Chen Meiyue; Parent Chairperson: Mr. Wang Jianfa). In 105, the 53rd anniversary of the school and the naming and unveiling ceremony of the new assembly stage "Le Xuetai" was held (named by teacher Su Huizhen and voted, officially named "Le Xuetai", inscription by Chen Zhisheng calligrapher alumni). The inaugural meeting of the alumni association and the appointment ceremony of the first chairman of the alumni association Zhang Qiusheng was held on October 29, 2015. On November 19, 106, a large-scale event with 2000 people was held "Wen Guangjian Walking Carnival". On September 29, 107, a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the new library "Wen Yue Hall" was held (named by Director Chen Wenhui and voted, and formally named "Wen Yue Hall", Zhang Lijie replaced the service design inscription). In the past 56 years, Wenguang Elementary School, under the continuous efforts of successive principals, has allowed Wenguang’s software and hardware construction to be continuously updated to meet the needs of education. It is also increasingly improving in the overall educational quality, so that Wenguangzi can be in high-quality Grow in an educational environment. In the past 56 years, Wenguang has inherited the success of parent chairpersons one after another, upholding the spirit of parent associations to assist the development of the school, and constantly injecting Wenguang in funding and manpower, so that Wenguangzi can get the best care. In the future, the school will uphold the spirit of sustainable development, lead teachers to fully devote themselves to innovative teaching, implement school-based curriculum, effectively combine parent conferences and community resources, develop school characteristics, and achieve vitality innovation, so as to achieve students' healthy growth, happy learning, and appropriate development of education the goal.
Jerry Wow#24 on Google

36屆報到,一所優美 清幽的學校?
Registration for the 36th class, a beautiful and quiet school?
Ben Neal on Google

good school

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