
4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 日月潭玄奘寺

地址 :

555, Taiwan, Nantou County, Yuchi Township, Zhongzheng Rd, 389號日月潭玄奘寺

電話 : 📞 +8898
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/xuanzangTemple
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

555, Taiwan, Nantou County, Yuchi Township, Zhongzheng Rd, 389號日月潭玄奘寺
ミツ on Google

玄奘寺對面有停車位 玄奘殿有三層樓, 一樓供奉三寶佛與玄奘大師法像,二樓為觀世音菩薩聖像,三樓供奉玄奘大師頂骨舍利。 寺外大牆上,刻有玄奘西域遊行圖與碑文三座。 玄奘寺為一仿唐式建築,寺內懸掛匾額「國之瓌寶」是先總統 蔣公親題。 寺前右側戶外景觀平台坐椅面對日月潭,是欣賞美麗風光的絕佳位置, 平日遊客人數不多,寧靜中特別適合坐下好好欣賞俯瞰日月潭風景。
There is a parking space opposite Xuanzang Temple Xuanzang Hall has three floors, The first floor is dedicated to the Three Treasure Buddha and the statue of Xuanzang, the second floor is the statue of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and the third floor is dedicated to the top bone relic of Xuanzang. On the large wall outside the temple, there are three pictures of Xuanzang's parade in the Western Regions and three inscriptions. Xuanzang Temple is a Tang-style building, with a plaque hanging in the temple, "The treasure of the country", inscribed by the former President Jiang Gong. The seat on the outdoor landscape platform on the right in front of the temple faces Sun Moon Lake, which is a great place to enjoy the beautiful scenery. There are not many tourists on weekdays, so it is especially suitable to sit down and enjoy the scenery overlooking Sun Moon Lake.
Tony Jiang on Google

2022.06.04上午到訪 路旁有大空地可停車走個小階梯上去參訪 寺旁有很多樹木環境很清幽很有日式風味 隨喜功德後取瓶平安水可以去前方觀景台小坐一會沉澱一下快節奏的都市生活 離開後可以去慈恩寶塔或是要消耗體力的 再去走青龍山步道連結玄光寺
鄧小豪 on Google

沿著環湖公路繼續往西走,約4.8公里處,可到玄奘寺。 玄奘大師為唐朝高僧,有感於當時已譯出的經論,彼此差異頗多,令人無所適從,大師欲求得佛法真義,不惜違反當朝禁令,私自排除萬難前往印度取經,歷時十七年返國,得經書六百五十七部,與其弟子共譯七十五部,得一千三百三十五卷,對佛教在中國的發展貢獻卓著。 中日戰爭期間,日人在南京掠走玄奘大師的頂骨舍利,供奉在日本崎玉縣慈恩寺,1955年,始將部分頂骨舍利歸還中華民國佛教會,並擇定暫時安奉於日月潭畔之玄光寺;1965年11月,玄奘寺落成後,靈骨才迎奉入玄奘寺。 玄奘寺為仿唐式建築,碧瓦朱柱,古樸無華,環境清幽具有中國庭園雍容大方的器度;前臨日月潭,後依青龍山,地理勘輿師稱該寺占「青龍戲珠」寶地,是玄奘大師頂骨舍利最佳安奉處所。玄奘法師文物紀念館已於103年3月28日開放瞻仰。
Continue to the west along the highway around the lake, about 4.8 kilometers away, to Xuanzang Temple. Master Xuanzang was an eminent monk in the Tang Dynasty. He felt that the scriptures that had been translated at that time were quite different from each other, which made people confused. The master wanted to obtain the true meaning of Buddhism. He did not hesitate to violate the ban of the dynasty and went to India to learn the scriptures without permission. It lasted seventeen. When he returned to China in 2010, he obtained 655 scriptures, translated 75 books with his disciples, and obtained 1,335 volumes. He has made outstanding contributions to the development of Buddhism in China. During the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese looted Master Xuanzang’s parietal relics in Nanjing and enshrined them at Ci'en Temple in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. In 1955, part of the parietal relics were returned to the Buddhist Society of the Republic of China and temporarily placed on the banks of Sun Moon Lake. The Xuanzang Temple; in November 1965, after Xuanzang Temple was completed, the spirit bones were enshrined in Xuanzang Temple. Xuanzang Temple is a Tang-style building, with green tiles and Zhuzhu pillars, simple and unpretentious. The environment is quiet and has the grace and grace of a Chinese garden. It faces Sun Moon Lake in the front and Qinglong Mountain in the back. Geographical surveyors call this temple a "blue dragon playing pearl". The treasure land is the best place to worship the parietal bone relic of Master Xuanzang. The Cultural Relics Memorial Hall of Master Xuanzang was opened on March 28, 2013.
Ying Lin on Google

玄奘寺分三區:正殿、玄奘紀念館、景觀休息區。 正殿分三層,1樓主祀玄奘大師、2樓觀世音菩薩、3樓安奉玄奘大師頭骨舍利。1樓左側後方,有各式佛教經典註釋、故事書等(含注音版、中英日對照版),免費提供給有緣施主。但印書都是得花銀子滴,能與佛書善知識結緣,已是福報,建議取書朋友還是隨喜新臺幣吧!心靈富有口袋空空的朋友,雖不便隨喜金錢,但建議以勤讀完所取書籍,藉法心隨喜。 玄奘大師的靈骨自日本迎回後,1956年5月28日起原安放在「玄光寺」,嗣蔣中正先生覺玄光寺太小,決定另建較大的廟宇,即現在的玄奘寺(1960年動工、1965年完工)。興建完工後,即將靈骨移置玄奘寺大殿3樓(疫情期間暫不開放2、3樓)。 玄奘寺旁景觀休息區,清風徐來間,臨見山水之曼妙,慢品天地之幽香,耳際傳來輕柔的佛教音樂...霎時間,感覺身心輕盈了,彷如參悟經典的法喜啊! 如果有空的朋友,建議務必參訪正殿左後方的「玄奘法師文物紀念館」,透過大字圖表、地圖等說明,親身瞻仰這位不思議的偉大僧人是如何走過17年的取經之旅。(疫情期間暫停開放) 願意練腳運動的朋友,建議可走竹韻清幽的「青龍山步道」,全長0.85公里,從玄奘寺正前方拾石階而下慢慢走約20-30分鐘,可抵玄光寺,是另一個飽覽湖光山色的景點。
Xuanzang Temple is divided into three areas: the main hall, Xuanzang Memorial Hall, and landscape rest area. The main hall is divided into three floors. The first floor is dedicated to Master Xuanzang, the second floor is Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the third floor is the skull relic of Master Xuanzang. On the left rear of the 1st floor, there are various annotations of Buddhist classics, story books, etc. (including phonetic versions, Chinese-English-Japanese versions), which are provided free of charge to the benefactors who are destined to do so. But printing books costs money, and it is a blessing to be able to form a bond with a good Buddhist scholar. It is recommended that friends who buy books should rejoice in NT dollars! Although it is inconvenient for a friend with an empty heart and an empty pocket to be happy with money, it is recommended that you read the books you have picked up diligently, and you will be happy with the help of Dharma. After Master Xuanzang's spiritual bones were brought back from Japan, they were originally placed in the "Xuanguang Temple" on May 28, 1956. Afterwards, Mr. Jiang Zhongzheng felt that the Xuanguang Temple was too small and decided to build another larger temple, the current Xuanzang. Temple (construction started in 1960 and completed in 1965). After the construction is completed, the spirit bones will be moved to the 3rd floor of the main hall of Xuanzang Temple (the 2nd and 3rd floors will be temporarily closed during the epidemic). In the landscape rest area next to Xuanzang Temple, the breeze is coming, and you can see the beauty of the mountains and rivers, slowly taste the fragrance of heaven and earth, and hear the soft Buddhist music... In an instant, I feel light in body and mind, as if comprehending the classic Dharma Hi! If you have free time, it is recommended to visit the "Master Xuanzang Cultural Relics Memorial Hall" at the left rear of the main hall. Through the large-character charts, maps and other explanations, you can personally see how this incredible great monk went through the 17-year journey of learning scriptures. (Closed during the epidemic) Friends who are willing to practice foot exercise, it is recommended to take the "Qinglong Mountain Trail" with a quiet bamboo rhythm. The total length is 0.85 kilometers. From the front of Xuanzang Temple, pick up the stone steps and walk down slowly for about 20-30 minutes. You can reach Xuanguang Temple, which is another A scenic spot with a panoramic view of the lake and mountains.
周幸幸 on Google

我覺得我應該寫一個「靈氣旅遊雜記」。 1,南投縣玄奘寺 此寺為紀念玄奘大師,我感應到很強的護法結界能量,估計是兩位護法大菩薩的能量氣場,在此地修行,容易入定。一般人到此,除了可以浄化一下身心磁場外,很利于卡到陰的人人淨化。真是一個正氣很強的地方。 在寺內不要靠墻,應生恭敬心。免得被護法神揍。 拍照前雙手合十?念佛號表示恭敬心。說話小聲一點。 日月潭觀景最佳點。
I think I should write a "Reiki Travel Miscellaneous". 1. Xuanzang Temple, Nantou County This temple is to commemorate Master Xuanzang. I sensed a strong Dharma-protecting enchantment energy. It is estimated that it is the energy field of the two Dharma-protecting Bodhisattvas. It is easy to enter into meditation by practicing here. When ordinary people come here, in addition to purifying the magnetic field of their body and mind, it is very beneficial for everyone who is stuck in the yin to purify. It's a really upbeat place. Don't lean against the wall in the temple, you should be respectful. So as not to be beaten by the guardian god. Put your hands together before taking the photo ? recite the Buddha's name to show respect. Speak quietly. The best view point of Sun Moon Lake.
Sunny Lo on Google

仿唐式建築,碧瓦朱柱,古樸無華,環境清幽具有中國庭園雍容大方的器度;前臨日月潭,後依青龍山,地理勘輿師稱該寺占「青龍戲珠」寶地,是玄奘大師頂骨舍利安奉處所。 前方觀景台提供桌椅休憩,可以俯瞰日月潭美景。
Imitation Tang-style buildings, green tiles and Zhuzhu, simple and unpretentious, the environment is quiet and has the graceful and generous utensils of Chinese gardens; it faces Sun Moon Lake in the front and Qinglong Mountain in the back. Geographical surveyors say that the temple occupies the treasure land of "Qinglong Playing Pearls" and is a mysterious place. Master Zang's parietal bone relic is placed on the premises. The front viewing platform provides tables and chairs to rest, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Sun Moon Lake.
才人平賀 on Google

沿著環湖公路繼續往西走,約4.8公里處,可到玄奘寺。 玄奘大師為唐朝高僧,有感於當時已譯出的經論,彼此差異頗多,令人無所適從,大師欲求得佛法真義,不惜違反當朝禁令,私自排除萬難前往印度取經,歷時十七年返國,得經書六百五十七部,與其弟子共譯七十五部,得一千三百三十五卷,對佛教在中國的發展貢獻卓著。 中日戰爭期間,日人在南京掠走玄奘大師的頂骨舍利,供奉在日本崎玉縣慈恩寺,1955年,始將部分頂骨舍利歸還中華民國佛教會,並擇定暫時安奉於日月潭畔之玄光寺;1965年11月,玄奘寺落成後,靈骨才迎奉入玄奘寺。 玄奘寺為仿唐式建築,碧瓦朱柱,古樸無華,環境清幽具有中國庭園雍容大方的器度;前臨日月潭,後依青龍山,地理勘輿師稱該寺占「青龍戲珠」寶地,是玄奘大師頂骨舍利最佳安奉處所。玄奘法師文物紀念館已於103年3月28日開放瞻仰。
Continue to go west along the road around the lake, about 4.8 kilometers, you can reach Xuanzang Temple. Master Xuanzang was an eminent monk in the Tang Dynasty. He felt that the sutras that had been translated at that time were quite different from each other, which made people feel at a loss. The master wanted to obtain the true meaning of the Dharma. After returning to China in 2010, he obtained 657 sutras, translated 75 of them with his disciples, and obtained 1,335 juan, making outstanding contributions to the development of Buddhism in China. During the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese looted the parietal bone relic of Master Xuanzang in Nanjing and enshrined it in the Ci'en Temple in Saitama County, Japan. In 1955, part of the parietal bone relic was returned to the Buddhist Association of the Republic of China, and was temporarily enshrined by the Sun Moon Lake. Xuanguang Temple; in November 1965, after the completion of Xuanzang Temple, Linggu was welcomed into Xuanzang Temple. Xuanzang Temple is an imitation Tang-style building, with green tiles and Zhuzhu, simple and unadorned, and the environment is quiet and has the graceful and generous utensils of a Chinese garden; it faces Sun Moon Lake in the front and Qinglong Mountain in the back. The treasure land is the best place to enshrine the parietal bone relic of Master Xuanzang. Xuanzang Master Cultural Relics Memorial Hall has been opened to pay tribute on March 28, 103.
Siam Hussain on Google

Beautiful, serene, and peaceful. I came here on a weekday so the place wasn't crowded at all. Worth visiting if you are more of a spiritual person. There are several stalls in front of the temple where a variety of souvenirs and food are sold

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