56咖啡 - Lane 120

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 56咖啡

地址 :

428, Taiwan, Taichung City, Daya District, Lane 120, Xuefu Rd, 47號56咖啡

城市 : Xuefu Rd

428, Taiwan, Taichung City, Daya District, Lane 120, Xuefu Rd, 47號56咖啡
Jim Lu on Google

Very good coffee shop, the owner is also a heavy motorcycle rider, the small shop feels warm, it is a good place for friends to have afternoon tea and chat!
ZoWu on Google

非常有味道的咖啡店~咖啡氣泡飲很好喝!檸檬口味有西西里咖啡加氣泡的感覺~很順口好喝! 另外熱拿鐵也很好喝、檸檬塔夠酸 好吃! 老闆娘人很好~還有招待單品咖啡~ 是間溫暖的咖啡廳 有機會會再來光顧?
Very flavorful coffee shop~ The sparkling coffee is delicious! Lemon flavour has the feeling of Sicilian coffee and bubbles~ it tastes smooth and delicious! In addition, the hot latte is also delicious, and the lemon tart is sour and delicious! The proprietress is very nice~ and the waiter coffee~ It's a warm coffee shop if I have the opportunity to come back again?
Fifi Liu on Google

座位不多但環境滿舒適的 可以好好放鬆?? 餐點飲品部分還不錯?? 抹茶拿鐵是不甜的那種配甜點剛好 提拉米蘇是有酒味的那種?
There are not many seats but the environment is full of comfort. You can relax ?? The meal and beverage part is not bad?? Matcha latte is not sweet, and it goes with dessert. Tiramisu is the kind with alcoholic taste?
David Chen on Google

第一次慕名而來,循著google map,左拐右彎,在不可能有咖啡店的地方,向右一看,突然出現在眼前,不小心騎過頭,前方路口回轉來到了傳說中的 56 garage cafe ?,果然名不虛傳,小小的店,只能停放5、6台車,店內只能容下5、6位客人,我是幸運的第四台車,第四位客人✌️ 說說令我印象深刻的地方: 1. 闆娘很用心,很親切 2. 居然有10個咖啡罐可以試聞,選擇自己喜歡的味道,這很專業,因為自己有在品酒,顏色、香氣、品種和澀度是個很重要的過程和儀式,對酒的尊重和享用,咖啡也不例外? 3. 手沖咖啡,闆娘居然上了一杯熱的和一杯冰的,親切的說同一種咖啡,冷熱味道上有所不同,太專業,點一杯嚐二種味道,賺到? 4. 我點的是最右邊那罐,烘焙的香氣帶點熱帶水果的風味 5. 離開時居然車車沒電,闆娘很熱心的找人要來幫我接電,本以為大燈忘記關,後來多按了幾次關開,突然電來了,可能是搖控設定鈕按到,車發動了,好心人也剛好到,帶著感謝的心離開,結束了此次的探險
This is the first time I came here admiringly, following the google map, turning left and right, in a place where there is no coffee shop, and looking to the right, I suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, accidentally rode my head, and turned to the legendary 56 at the intersection ahead. garage cafe ?, really well-deserved, a small shop, can only park 5 or 6 cars, the shop can only accommodate 5 or 6 guests, I am the lucky fourth car, the fourth guest ✌️ Let me talk about what impressed me: 1. Ban Niang is very attentive and kind 2. There are actually 10 coffee cans to taste. Choose the taste you like. This is very professional, because you are tasting wine. Color, aroma, variety and astringency are a very important process and ritual. Respect and enjoy the wine , Coffee is no exception ? 3. Hand-made coffee, Banniang actually served a cup of hot and a cup of ice. I kindly said that the same kind of coffee has different hot and cold tastes. It is too professional. Order a cup to taste the two flavors and earn ? 4. I ordered the can on the far right. The roasted aroma has the flavor of tropical fruits. 5. When I left, there was no electricity in the car. Banniang was very eager to find someone to help me pick up the electricity. I thought that the headlights were forgotten to turn off, and then I pressed them several times to turn them off. Suddenly the electricity came, probably because of the remote control setting. When the button is pressed, the car is started, and the good-hearted people just arrived, leaving with a grateful heart, ending the expedition
Emily Shih on Google

店面小小的,是由2個貨櫃所組成的小咖啡廳。 1樓是咖啡廳,2樓是不對外開放的辦公室。 天氣好的話,可以在後方的戶外用餐,應該滿享受的。 今天去時外面頗冷,窩回裡面唯一的沙發區。 點上一杯熱奶、拿鐵,配上巴斯克乳酪和充滿肉桂味的磅蛋糕,很幸福的感覺。 闆娘是重機玩家,所以這間店應該也是重機車友聚集之地。 很像在好友家客廳的感覺。但是飲料和甜品也在水準之上。
The storefront is small, a small cafe consisting of 2 containers. The first floor is a cafe, and the second floor is an office that is not open to the public. If the weather is good, you can dine outdoors at the rear, which should be fully enjoyed. It was quite cold outside when I went today, so I went back to the only sofa area inside. Order a cup of warm milk, latte, with Basque cheese and cinnamon-filled pound cake, very happy feeling. Banniang is a heavy machine player, so this store should also be a gathering place for heavy machine riders. It's like being in a friend's living room. But the drinks and desserts are also above the standard.
芬克斯 on Google

久聞這間機車騎士相關的咖啡店,老闆娘本身也是其中的愛好者之一,開在住宅區內要稍微找一下,不是很顯眼,前庭能停放幾台機車的空間,室內也不是很大,但是佈置的很特別有許多闆娘個人的巧思 個人很喜歡咖啡,也很喜歡甜點所以這次也是給他點了幾樣,其中檸檬塔很得我心,那個酸酸的滋味很合我的胃口,讓我又多點了一顆,價錢上個人也能接受,是能再次光顧的口袋店家之一
I have heard for a long time that this coffee shop related to motorcycle riders, the proprietress herself is also one of the lovers. It is not very conspicuous when it is opened in the residential area. The space for parking a few motorcycles in the vestibule is not very large. But the layout is very special, there are many personal ingenuity Personally, I like coffee and desserts, so I ordered a few items for him this time. Among them, the lemon tart was very fond of me. The sour taste was very suitable for my appetite, so I ordered another one. The price is personal. It is also acceptable, it is one of the pocket shops that can be visited again
Winston Chang on Google

LIANG Redway on Google

One of my favorite coffee in Taichung, VIP only.

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