傳說村阿里山二延平民宿 - Chiayi County

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 傳說村阿里山二延平民宿

地址 :

602, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Fanlu Township, 傳說路75-1號傳說村阿里山二延平民宿

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : https://mf.okgo.tw/
城市 : Fanlu Township

602, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Fanlu Township, 傳說路75-1號傳說村阿里山二延平民宿
Chen Liven on Google

民宿週遭景觀很美,屋外設計特別,房內裝潢也不錯,男老闆滿親切的。 不過不曉得是不是山上潮濕?一進房霉味(臭鋪味)很重,鼻子過敏鼻塞了一整晚。 房間燈光昏暗,看東西滿吃力的;有一個不便的地方是沒有桌子,想要簡單吃個宵夜或水果,沒桌面可放,只有一個梳妝台小桌子。行李更沒地方放,房內只有一個收納式的行李架,但只能放小行李箱,隨身包包或其他物品沒有多餘地方可放,只能放床上或地上。 房間報價費用不含早餐,若需附早餐一人須加購100元。
The scenery around the homestay is beautiful, the exterior design is special, the interior decoration is also good, and the male owner is very kind. But I don’t know if it’s wet on the mountain? As soon as I entered the room, the musty smell (stinky shop smell) was very strong, and my nose was allergic and nasal all night. The room was dimly lit, and it was exhausting to look at things; one inconvenience was that there were no tables. If you want a simple snack or fruit, there is no table to put on, only a small dresser table. There is even no place to put luggage. There is only a storage type luggage rack in the room, but only small suitcases. There is no extra place to put bags or other items, only on the bed or on the ground. The quoted price of the room does not include breakfast. If breakfast is required, an additional 100 yuan must be purchased for one person.
徐嘉嘉 on Google

附近環境蠻美的。有盪鞦韆♥♥♥♥院子很大。可以看星星。 房間一般~床墊是3薄的~只有mod 三台。沒附毛巾牙刷早餐都要自備喔!!
The surrounding environment is quite beautiful. There is a swing ♥♥♥♥ The yard is huge. You can see the stars. The room is generally ~ the mattress is 3 thin ~ only three mods. You have to bring your own breakfast if you don't have a towel, toothbrush!
ANNIE on Google

有夠糟糕的..... 2021年的第一天、第二天,就被這間”傳O村民宿”搞到人仰馬翻欲哭無淚… 事情是這樣開始的~~~(文長慎入~~~) 前提:因為考慮小寶尚小,所以預先訂了”傳O村民宿”,讓我們2大1小住宿。 2021年1月1日,爸媽、弟弟夫妻和我們夫妻,加上小寶共7人,開心出遊阿里山,先到了爸媽、弟弟夫妻預計扎營的地點,發現兩個地點相距甚遠,因此有了想退房(傳O村民宿)的念頭,但因為已經是當日,且HOTEL.COM也已經線上扣款了(內心知道是很難退款或改日期的)但礙於長輩不斷鼓吹,只能硬著頭皮打了電話(大約是中午1點)。電話中老闆娘清楚表達不能退款、不能更改日期。所以當下我回答,那我了解了、知道了。(完全沒有說到我們不會過去住了…拜託…連假的房價那麼貴,好幾張小朋友就這樣莫名噴飛…誰會跟自己的錢過不去呢)因此決定把兩老安置好,再駕車過去“傳O村民宿”。抵達該民宿(大約是下午5點),老闆娘一句:「不好意思,我以為你們不會來,已經把房間讓出去了」。就想打發走我們~~~~ 惡行惡狀一:太貪心__未經過房客同意(已訂房已付款),卻把房間轉售出,想要賺我們這筆,再賺別人一筆。已經付款完的房間當天就是我們的了,為什麼還可以一房二賣??這真是太惡劣了!!! 惡行惡狀二:太鬼扯__老闆娘說有打電話給我,我讓她看我手機紀錄,完全沒有未接來電,請她當場打電話給我,居然就打通了,真是太神奇了.. 惡行惡狀三:欠栽培__我問老闆娘,就算電話打不通,總可以傳訊息給我,讓我知道房間已經被讓出吧..白跑這一趟更是生氣氣!!!! 惡行惡狀四:欠整理__最後老闆娘說不過我們,帶我們去看了樓上的雅房(3間雅房共用一套衛浴設備),感覺就是年久失修,沒有床墊、棉被(空無一物),就別再提冰箱或電視等物,老闆娘兩手一攤,問你要不要住…誰知道等一下旁邊的雅房會不會又多了落難房客出來啊?誰敢住阿??阿飄半夜出來都不意外吧… 惡行惡狀五:欠同理心__1月1日的連假房間,說有多難定就有多難定,更何況是當天下午6點,才去找房間?是要去哪裡找阿???無語問蒼天??? “傳O村民宿”的老闆娘覺得只要把我們送走,就沒事了? 她哪會管我們像無頭蒼蠅一樣,瘋狂地在找房間?她哪會管我家的小孩在幾度C的高山上睡在帳篷裡? 她哪會管我們一家老小7人硬擠在4人帳篷裡,不得翻身,整晚夜未眠?她哪會管她的惡行惡狀,就這樣破壞了我們一家7人2021的第一天及第二天!!!! 上述的內容,”傳O村民宿”的老闆娘會在意嗎?不會的,她不會在意的!!!因為她的荷包賺滿滿,所以請大家幫忙抵制這種惡劣的民宿
Bad enough..... On the first and second days of 2021, this "Zuan O Village B&B" made people cry without tears... This is how things started~~~ (Wen Chang Shenlu~~~) Prerequisite: Because of the consideration that Xiaobao is still small, we have booked "Zuan O Village Homestay" in advance, let us stay in 2 large and 1 small. On January 1, 2021, my parents, brother and wife, and our husband and wife, plus Xiaobao, a total of 7 people, happily traveled to Alishan. We first went to the location where our parents and brother and wife were expected to camp, and found that the two places are far apart, so there is I wanted to check out (Tour O Village Homestay), but because it was already the same day, and HOTEL.COM had already charged the money online (I knew it was difficult to refund or change the date). But because of the elders' constant advocacy, only Can bite the bullet and make a call (about 1 o'clock noon). On the phone, the proprietress made it clear that no refunds and dates cannot be changed. So at the moment I answered, then I understand and know. (It’s not said that we won’t live there anymore...please...even the fake house price is so expensive, and several kids just flew out inexplicably...who would have trouble with their own money) So I decided to put the two elders together before driving. In the past, "Zuan O Village Homestay". Arrived at the homestay (about 5 pm), the lady boss said: "Excuse me, I thought you wouldn't come, I already gave up the room." I just want to send us away~~~~ Bad behavior: Too greedy __Resell the room without the tenant's consent (booked room has been paid), wanting to earn our money, and then earn others. The room that has been paid for will be ours on the same day, why can we still sell one room for two?? This is really bad!!! Evil deeds two: Too ridiculous __ The boss said she called me, I let her see my cell phone records, there were no missed calls at all, asked her to call me on the spot, and it got through. It’s amazing .. Evil deeds and evil three: under-cultivation __ I asked the proprietress, even if the phone can't get through, you can always send me a message to let me know that the room has been vacated.. This trip is even more angry!!!! Bad deeds four: lack of tidying up __ Finally, the lady boss said that we couldn’t, and took us to see the elegant room upstairs (3 elegant rooms shared a set of bathroom equipment), it felt like it was in disrepair for a long time, without mattresses or quilts (Nothing), don’t mention refrigerators or TVs. The lady boss spreads her hands and asks if you want to live in...Who knows if there will be more difficult tenants coming out in the next elegant room? Who dares to live? Ah?? It's not surprising that A Piao came out in the middle of the night... Evil deeds and evil status five: lack of empathy __ The false room on January 1st is as difficult as it is to be determined, not to mention that the room is only found at 6 o'clock in the afternoon that day? Where are you going to find it? ??? Silent question to the sky??? The proprietress of "Zuan O Village Homestay" thinks that as long as we send us away, she will be fine? How can she care about us like headless flies, frantically looking for rooms? How can she care for my children Sleeping in a tent on a high mountain of how many degrees C? How could she care about our family of 7 people squeezing into a 4-person tent, not turning over, staying up all night? How can she care about her evil behavior and destroy it like this The first day and second day of 2021 for our family of 7 people!!!! The above content, will the proprietress of "Chuan O Village Homestay" care? No, she won't care about it!!! Because her purse is full, so please help resist this bad homestay
黃耘則 on Google

The parking is convenient, the front platform has a great view, and it is very enjoyable to make tea and chat at night. The owner of the homestay sells tea, which is directly operated by the producing area, which is very cost-effective.
Meg Lin on Google

若是住慣了飯店,這裏肯定不是首選! 但就抱著帶孩子到鄉下住一晚的概念,決定了這間民宿,或許它不華麗也不如飯店,但一停好車她們就像小時候回台南山上阿伯家那樣,親切的招呼,也分享了私房景點,從後山上二延平步道,去看雲海及日出,超級棒的景色,且真的沒有人群打擾,二個觀景亭整個被我們包場,今年不虛此行。 熱水夠熱,水量夠多,有洗髮精及沐浴乳.室內外拖.環境乾淨.棉被有太陽的味道.晚上有星星。
If you are used to a hotel, this is definitely not the first choice! But with the concept of taking the kids to the countryside for one night, I decided on this homestay. Maybe it’s not as gorgeous or as a restaurant, but when they parked the car, they greeted them kindly as they did when they were a child. I shared the private attractions, from the second Yanping trail on the back mountain, to see the sea of ​​clouds and the sunrise, the superb view, and there is really no crowds disturbed, the entire two viewing pavilions are reserved by us, this year is a worthwhile trip. The hot water is hot enough, the amount of water is enough, there are shampoo and shower gel. Indoor and outdoor drag. The environment is clean. The quilt smells of the sun. There are stars at night.
廖育緯 on Google

今日與老婆行經民宿旁,見房屋牆壁是用石頭蓋的,很有特色,想說經過順便参觀一下,改天可以揪團住宿,又因沒有圍牆(開放式的),所以就經過了,此時突然一名老婦推開沙門大聲道:你們是誰,為什麼從我門口經過。 哇勒~當下和老婆有點驚嚇到,心想這是開民宿業者的態度嗎?如果是會做生意的業者,應該會客氣的詢問我們,是迷路了,還是有什麼需要幫忙的地方或是天氣炎熱,進來喝口茶再走吧。 相信我們會因為這樣溫馨的對待,肯定會劃下日期前往住宿的。 PS:當下和老婆還是馬上鞠躬道歉(對不起,我們馬上離開) 要不是因為要留言,連一顆星都不會給的。
Today I walked by the house with my wife and saw that the walls of the house are made of stone, which is very distinctive. I want to say that after visiting by the way, I can stay in a group another day, and because there is no wall (open), I just passed by. Suddenly, an old woman opened Shamen and said loudly: Who are you and why are you passing by my door. Wow~ I was a little shocked with my wife at the moment, thinking this is the attitude of the owner of a homestay business? If you are a business person, you should politely ask us if you are lost, or if there is any place you need help, or if the weather is hot, come in and have a cup of tea before you leave. I believe we will definitely set a date for our stay because of such a warm treatment. PS: Right now and my wife still bow and apologize (I'm sorry, we will leave immediately) If it weren't for leaving a message, I wouldn't even give a star.
ch H on Google

Due to the closure of Eryanping Trail, I came here by accident and felt that many Buddhist stone carvings are very novel, but they just happened to pass by, not for accommodation.
Rafael Rivas on Google

Not even tea in the morning, no AC, quite expensive, and I saw a variety of bug in the shower that I have never seen before.

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