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Contact 吉恩典山丘露營區

地址 :

608, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Shuishang Township, 三界埔段532-4地號吉恩典山丘露營區

電話 : 📞 +88988879
網站 : https://m.icamping.app/store/jed394
城市 : Shuishang Township

608, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Shuishang Township, 三界埔段532-4地號吉恩典山丘露營區
王翌屹 on Google

營主熱情! 唯獨偶爾有野狗光臨,但營主會隨時巡邏驅趕並提醒! 衛浴設備不髒不亂,時常看到營主在打掃! 海拔不高生態豐富!路況很好!
Enthusiasm of the owner! Only occasional wild dogs come, but the camp owner will patrol and chase away at any time and remind them! The sanitary equipment is not dirty or messy, and I often see the owner cleaning it! The altitude is not high and the ecology is rich! The road is very good!
陳安平 on Google

The camp owner is kind and attentive. After camping, the children are clamoring to come. This is a comfortable camp that is close to the city and has a good ecology (there are eagles flying).
Mia on Google

這次遇到下雨,雖然很狼狽,但營主的爸爸為人親切,讓人感覺很好,可惜的是露友過嗨,已到半夜12點仍哈哈大笑、高談闊論,忘記顧及他人感受,建議營區應多處公告宣導,10點過後放低音量。 後續:向營主反應後,很積極處理,是露客配合度問題?
When it rained this time, although I was very embarrassed, the owner's father was kind and made me feel very good. It's a pity that Luyou was too high, and it was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, still laughing and talking, forgetting to take into account the feelings of others. It is recommended that the camp should be announced in multiple places, and the volume should be lowered after 10 o'clock. Follow-up: After reacting to the owner, he was very active in handling it, it was the problem of the cooperation of the robbers?
Kelly Lin on Google

營區離市區採買非常方便,路況也非常好,雖不是高山上的露營區,但感受到一份舒適與寧靜,夜衝的當晚,營區浴室熱水器故障,只好到另一區的衛浴盥洗,隔天一早營主大哥立即請人前來處理,且更換了全新熱水器,謝謝營主大哥的即時處理,超讚! 與其他區不熟識的露友,我們互交換贈予了食物水果,這就是台灣最美的人情味,是最無價的! 是讓人想在前去的露營區!
The camping area is very convenient to purchase from the city, and the road conditions are also very good. Although it is not a camping area on the mountain, I feel a sense of comfort and tranquility. On the night of the night, the water heater in the bathroom of the camping area failed, so I had to go to the bathroom in another area to wash. In the early morning, the eldest brother of the camper immediately invited someone to come to deal with it, and replaced the new water heater. Thank you, the eldest brother of the camper, for his immediate treatment, it's great! We exchanged gifts of food and fruit with friends from other districts who are not familiar with each other. This is the most beautiful human touch in Taiwan, and it is the most priceless! It's a camping area that makes you want to go!
Nanas Lu on Google

Just set up a tent on the commanding heights, with a wide view, beautiful night view at night, and the battalion commander is very kind, probably because we are all over 75 years old and helped to move things to the camp. I was very touched.
Ann C. on Google

夕陽超美,老闆也很親切唷! 有兒童戲水池可以讓小朋友放電~
The sunset is super beautiful, and the boss is very kind! There is a children's paddling pool for children to discharge~
Wang Vuitton on Google

這次的露營體驗還不錯 環境好,廁所還行,只是我們這次去沒什麼人 所以也不曉得廁所量足不足夠 營主很貼心 我們這次訂D區(動物旁) 剛好有兩組鴨家庭產蛋,鴨爸爸很保護鴨媽媽與寶寶蛋 是個很好的教育! 環境優美,沒有很高山,所以春季後比較多小黑蚊 地理位置方便,開車不到五分鐘就有全聯、近市區 又不會被市區的吵雜聲吵到 優點: 1.地理環境好:離市區近,補給方便,附近在地景點,多不想煮飯也可以從市區買上來營地 2.營地環境優:很多可以拍照的景,我們選的D3區在樹林下,很好拍照,還有小動物不讓小孩無聊 3.露營人數不多:很多營地人一多就會有人亂走亂跑,之前有包區還被一家人霸佔的經驗非常厭惡,這次來到吉恩典意外的沒什麼人,所以非常享受天然包區的體驗 4.營主熱心貼心:附近夜晚都會有野狗出沒,第二天下午我們出門前,營主再三叮嚀食物要收好 雖然我們大部分的食材都收好了,只剩調理箱、部分吐司放在袋子內,但回程後還是被野狗摧殘(調理木箱從桌面推下地面造成破損) 營主有看到,即時幫我們把狗驅離,並簡易幫我們整理現場,真的很感謝營主,沒有營主幫忙可能現場更慌亂 缺點: 1.注意小黑蚊:蚊子數量還好,小黑蚊比較多,冬天以外去時記得帶好小黑蚊防蚊液 2.兒童遊樂區荒廢:東西都是損壞的,小孩到了遊樂區也不知道要玩什麼,基本上是荒廢的區域,看似有在整理,但溜滑梯的品質不好,配件容易折損 3.營地鄰近:與其他區的距離有點近,我們與E區的距離只有兩三步的距離,包區的定義不明,雖然營主說我們可以把車停到E區因為這次E區沒人訂,但如果E區有人訂,會變成D區包區裝備要搬運進去,車子無法開進去,會是個問題 4.注意你的食物:附近有野狗,是結群的那種,野狗會翻他能觸及的食物以外,也會翻垃圾桶,就算蓋上蓋子他們也會推翻並把垃圾袋叼出來咬的稀巴爛 食物我們是密封在旅行布袋內與帳篷內,布袋有被咬的痕跡,桌上必須保持清潔不要有任何能夠吃或舔的東西,包含調理罐(有醬油香味狗狗就會把他們都翻倒),我們一開始還天真的把垃圾袋綁死後入睡,隔天一早發現垃圾袋被野狗一路叼到5公尺旁並咬破吃裡面的殘食(看到都快昏厥),垃圾袋真的無解,只能盡量把剩的食物放到廚餘桶,並敞開放在門口讓他們直接來吃,不然就會像我們一樣悲劇發生
This camping experience is not bad The environment is good, the toilet is ok, but we went to no one this time So I don't know if there are enough toilets The owner is very kind This time we booked the D area (next to the animals) There are just two groups of duck families laying eggs, the duck father is very protective of the duck mother and the baby's eggs It's a great education! The environment is beautiful, there are no high mountains, so there are more small black mosquitoes after spring Convenient location, less than five minutes by car And won't be disturbed by the noise of the city advantage: 1. Good geographical environment: close to the urban area, convenient to supply, nearby local attractions, if you don’t want to cook, you can buy a camp from the urban area 2. The environment of the camp is excellent: there are many scenes that can be photographed. The D3 area we chose is under the woods, which is very good for taking pictures. There are also small animals to prevent children from being bored. 3. There are not many campers: when there are too many people in the camps, people will run around. The experience of having a package area and being occupied by a family is very disgusting. This time, there are no people in Ji'en, so I enjoy the natural package area very much. experience 4. The camp owner is warm and caring: there will be wild dogs in the vicinity at night. Before we go out the next afternoon, the camp owner repeatedly urged the food to be stored away Although most of our ingredients have been collected, only the conditioning box and some toast are left in the bag, but after the return journey, it was still destroyed by wild dogs (the conditioning wooden box was pushed from the table to the ground and damaged) The owner of the camp saw it and immediately helped us drive the dog away and helped us clean up the scene. I am really grateful to the camp owner. Without the help of the camp owner, the scene might have been more chaotic shortcoming: 1. Pay attention to little black mosquitoes: the number of mosquitoes is good, and there are many little black mosquitoes. Remember to bring good little black mosquito repellent when you go outside in winter 2. Abandoned children's play area: everything is damaged, and children don't know what to play when they arrive at the play area. It is basically an abandoned area. It seems to be being sorted out, but the quality of the slides is not good, and the accessories are easily damaged. 3. Adjacent to the camp: The distance from other areas is a bit close. We are only two or three steps away from the E area. The definition of the package area is unclear, although the camp owner said that we can park the car in the E area because there is no one in the E area this time. Order, but if someone orders in the E area, it will become a package area in the D area. 4. Pay attention to your food: There are wild dogs nearby, the kind that swarm, the wild dog will turn over the food outside his reach, and will also turn over the trash can, even if the lid is covered, they will overturn and take the trash bag out and bite smashed The food is sealed in travel cloth bags and tents, the cloth bags have bite marks, the table must be kept clean and there is nothing that can be eaten or licked, including the conditioning jar (the smell of soy sauce will cause dogs to overturn them all) ), at first, we naively tied the garbage bag to death and then went to sleep. The next morning, we found that the garbage bag was grabbed by a wild dog all the way to 5 meters away and bitten and ate the leftover food inside. There is no solution, we can only try to put the leftover food in the kitchen waste bucket, and leave it open at the door for them to eat directly, otherwise it will be a tragedy like us.
郝人信 on Google

夜衝阿里山等日出?奮起湖老街吃便當? 接著環島露營第一天吉恩典露營區 離市區很近採購很方便網路很ok 草皮很舒服?夜晚下雨但是還是澆不息我們環島露營?️的熱愛
Night Husband Ali Mountain is waiting for the lake old street to eat Then, the first day of the islands, the first day of Ji Tejie camping area It is very close to the city very close to the market is very ok. The turf is very comfortable to rain, but it is still a favorite of our roundabout.

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