林辰盈 on Google

朋友推薦來吃!真的非常棒!看起來很普通的蛋,吃起來卻非常的好吃跟下飯! 老闆跟老闆娘都很有熱情!很推薦各位來吃!而且一定要點炒飯?非常的好吃!
Friends recommended to eat! It's really great! It looks very ordinary, but it tastes very delicious with rice! The boss and the wife are very enthusiastic! I highly recommend everyone to eat! And be sure to order fried rice ? very delicious!
陳清祥 on Google

這家店的老闆,可能是從少林寺修煉回來的,手藝精湛,務必來吃個好料~ 烘蛋,就是功力展現!好好吃?
The owner of this shop may have returned from training in Shaolin Temple. He has exquisite craftsmanship. Be sure to come and eat something good~ Baking eggs is the show of skill! So delicious ?
sakray2009 on Google

The delicious food is very affordable, the atmosphere is good, and it is suitable for friends gathering and family and children to eat.
June Chang on Google

The grill was delicious. I ordered grilled steak and deep-sea rolls this time. The family loved it. However, fried food is not recommended. The fried powder of crystal fish and zongzi crisp is too thick, and the fried color is darker. It feels that the oil may have been fried for a long time.
蔡米米 on Google

I searched it on the Internet and tried it if the reviews were pretty good. The dishes are all ok and the price is reasonable. The pan-fried pork liver tastes quite similar to the dry-fried pork liver in a hot stir-fried restaurant in Guishan~ delicious. .
劉政昆 on Google

感謝宏常旺老闆熱情的招待,菜量超大份CP值爆表,孩子們都吃的超飽? 總結:服務熱情、細心、份量大、便宜! 下次一定會再次造訪???
Thanks to the warm hospitality of the boss Hong Changwang, the CP value of the large portion of the dishes is beyond the table, and the children are very full ? Summary: warm, attentive service, large portions, and cheap! Will definitely visit again next time???
李佳旻 on Google

星期日中午,幸運的話只有我們一家人,享受一頓好吃又豐盛的午餐 分別點了炒水蓮,吻仔魚煎蛋,炒螺肉,糖醋排骨,炸大腸,炒豬肝,烤班甲,烤五花肉⋯道道好吃
Sunday noon, if we are lucky, it's just our family, enjoy a delicious and hearty lunch We ordered fried water lotus, omelette with snailfish, fried snail, sweet and sour pork ribs, fried large intestine, fried pork liver, grilled banjia, grilled pork belly... all delicious
dragon dragon on Google


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