艸礻手作千層 - Section 2

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Contact 艸礻手作千層

地址 :

70149, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Lane 295, Section 2, Zhonghua E Rd, 56號艸礻手作千層

網站 : https://instagram.com/caoshi0210%3Figshid%3D1e9rqvm285pxc
城市 : Zhonghua E Rd

70149, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Lane 295, Section 2, Zhonghua E Rd, 56號艸礻手作千層
潘婷 on Google

Very delicious layer cake. My cousin Taoyuan came back and bought it for her once before. After returning, she kept asking me when I would like to buy it for them again. I never forget it. Every time I buy it, I think it’s delicious. I used it to make up the evaluation today)
蘇柚子(柚子) on Google

⚠️本人於春節期間去內用的,補po文⚠️ 終於如願的來吃超人氣千層啦??? 第一次要來內用時因為沒有預定 結果店員告知早就完售??? 然後就一直等到今天才來 昨天看店家臉書一放上消息後 我火速的私訊預定內用 等到店家回覆後才放下心 因為千層蛋糕手工製作 數量有限‼️‼️‼️ 所以才剛開店沒多久 最快10幾分內完售??? 所以強烈建議要私訊訂位唷⚠️⚠️⚠️ 很幸運今天的蛋糕有芋泥千層 當然要點來吃啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~ 芋泥千層 芋泥滑順好入喉 千層餅皮細緻綿密 旨い 旨い 旨い(。♡‿♡。) 原味草莓千層 一樣餅皮細緻 草莓酸甜度剛好 搭配鮮奶油入口直叫人點頭 靜岡抹茶千層 抹茶選用靜岡出產抹茶粉??製作 入口微微苦澀 吃起來不會甜膩 想要買整模蛋糕可以私訊店家臉書 上面都會有詳細介紹 每個月更會推出限定組合千層 有時候還要用搶的餒 反正喜歡千層的人一定要來吃艸礻 絕對不會讓你失望????? ?芋泥千層 ?原味草莓千層 ?靜岡抹茶千層 ?鮮奶茶 ?綜合莓果氣泡飲
⚠️I used it during the Spring Festival, supplement the po text ⚠️ Finally come to eat the super popular Melaleuca as you wish.??? When I came to use it for the first time because there was no reservation As a result, the clerk informed that it was already sold out??? Then I waited until today to come Yesterday, after reading the store’s Facebook post, My fast private message is reserved for internal use Don't worry until the store responds Because the layer cake is handmade Limited quantity‼ ️‼ ️‼ ️ So not long after opening the shop It will be sold out within 10 minutes as soon as possible??? Therefore, it is strongly recommended to make private reservations ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Fortunately, today’s cake has taro mash Of course I have to eat something ah ah ah ah~~~~~~~ Taro Mud Melaleuca The taro mash goes smoothly into the throat Melaleuca pie crust is fine and dense Zhi い い い い (。♡‿♡。) Original Strawberry Melaleuca Same pie crust Strawberries are just sweet and sour The entrance with whipped cream makes people nod Shizuoka Matcha Melaleuca Matcha is made with matcha powder produced in Shizuoka ?? Slightly bitter in the mouth Won't taste sweet If you want to buy the whole cake, you can privately chat with the store's Facebook There will be detailed introductions above Every month there will be a limited combination of Melaleuca Sometimes I have to be discouraged Anyway, those who like Melaleuca must come to eat it I will never let you down????? ?Taro Mud Melaleuca ?Original Strawberry Melaleuca ?Shizuoka Matcha Melaleuca ?fresh milk tea ?Comprehensive berry sparkling drink
陳炯元 on Google

口味種類很多,菜單上總共24種口味,這次選水果千層蛋糕! 小朋友也可以吃,水果種類很多,有香蕉、奇異果、藍莓、無花果乾以上確定,火龍果跟芒果就有點忘記了! 如果沒記錯應該這些都有,老闆加的種類太豐富,所以有點忘記了! 但整體味道酸甜酸甜,奶油也不會太膩,水果跟奶油、還有千層餅皮搭配的實在很剛好! 店內環境感覺也不錯,但防疫期間不能內用,也不適合內用! 店內的選項有兩種,一種是單品口味的組合,一次可以品嚐到多種口味,一種是可以訂整顆七吋或八吋的蛋糕!
There are many flavors, and there are a total of 24 flavors on the menu. This time I choose fruit cake! Children can also eat it. There are many types of fruits, including bananas, kiwis, blueberries, and dried figs. The above are ok. Dragon fruit and mango are a bit forgotten! If you remember correctly, you should have all of them. The boss added too many types, so I kind of forgot! But the overall taste is sweet and sour, and the cream is not too greasy. The fruit is matched with the cream and the pie crust. The store environment also feels good, but it cannot be used during the epidemic prevention period, nor is it suitable for internal use! There are two options in the store, one is a combination of single product flavors, you can taste multiple flavors at a time, and the other is to order a whole seven-inch or eight-inch cake!
Lunpei on Google

懷疑客人自己翻倒蛋糕 根本是他們自己有疏失 還不願意承認 表示客人在拿到蛋糕後 不知道發生什麼事 難道蛋糕會在盒子裡移位?
Suspect the guest overturning the cake It's their fault unwilling to admit Indicates that after the customer gets the cake don't know what happened Could the cake shift in the box?
Wendy Chen on Google

很美的小店 比較晚到訪所以只剩草莓千層蛋糕? 額外點了熱拿鐵與熱美式 草莓千層蛋糕非常香,中間有搭配新鮮的草莓切片,非常好吃!
beautiful little shop We arrived late so only strawberry mille crepe cake was left ? Ordered extra hot latte and hot americano The strawberry layer cake is very fragrant, with fresh strawberry slices in the middle, very delicious!
多多-Asher on Google

ㄓ台南小有名氣的千層蛋糕店 菜單上一共有24種口味,開的時間很短,招牌是香草還有芋頭,不過不是每個口味每天都有,而且十分熱門,要吃的人建議要早一點來購買,不然真的很容易賣完,可以的話建議一開店就來(但他開的天數也十分少啦…)內用的話有低消一杯飲料的限制,外帶的盒子是三角形的蠻特別的,吃起來芋頭的香氣很重但感覺有點奶油過重,不過是好吃的千層蛋糕,吃起來是鬆軟而且吃得出層次的,但芋頭味個人希望可以再重一點點,下次來會在希望試試看其他口味!
ㄓ Tainan's little famous thousand layer cake shop There are a total of 24 flavors on the menu, and the opening time is very short. The signature is vanilla and taro, but not every flavor is available every day, and it is very popular. Those who want to eat are advised to buy it earlier, otherwise it is really easy. It's sold out, if possible, I suggest you come as soon as the store opens (but the number of days he opens is very small...) If you use it inside, there is a limit of one drink. The take-out box is triangular and quite special, and it tastes very strong. The aroma of taro But it feels a bit too creamy, but it is a delicious thousand-layer cake. It tastes soft and delicious, but I personally hope that the taro flavor can be a little heavier. I will try other flavors next time I come!
陳昀 on Google

因為時間不足這兩次都是外帶千層,第一次是買平日限定的4入500的千層組合~身為草莓控的我當然不能錯過草莓千層??? 草莓的香氣跟鮮奶油搭配得簡直是soulmate ,今年的草莓都是偏酸甜的,吃起來就完全是酸甜的戀愛感♥️♥️♥️~ 大溪地香草也滿深得我心,雖然是原味但卻不單調,吃起來就是單純的美好??? 芋泥口味對我來說甜了一些,不過也還不錯吃,桂花烏龍是我最驚喜的,完美的將烏龍茶香和鮮奶油融合在一起,不會有茶的澀苦卻也不會被搶走風采! 第二次是為了四葉十勝乳酪千層特地再去購買,雖然單價比較高一點點但吃完真的是大大滿足,根本是奶控跟乳酪愛好者的天堂???
Because of lack of time, both times I took out Melaleuca. The first time I bought the limited set of Melaleuca for 4 to 500 on weekdays~ As a strawberry lover, of course I can't miss the strawberry Melaleuca ??? The aroma of strawberries matches the fresh cream like a soulmate. This year's strawberries are all sweet and sour, and they taste like sweet and sour love ♥️♥️♥️~ Tahitian vanilla is also very popular in my heart. Although it is original, it is not monotonous. It tastes pure and beautiful ??? The taste of mashed taro is a little sweeter for me, but it's still delicious. Osmanthus oolong is my most pleasant surprise. It perfectly combines the aroma of oolong tea with fresh cream, without the bitterness of tea, but also without being affected by it. Steal the style! The second time I bought it especially for the Yotsuba Tokachi cheese layer. Although the unit price is a little higher, it is really satisfying after eating it. It is a paradise for milk lovers and cheese lovers ???
chia chen on Google

Highly recommended

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