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Contact 頂山代天府

724, Taiwan, Tainan City, Qigu District, 頂山里71號頂山代天府
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Can I borrow a shower?
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nice environment! The miracle is flourishing! There are many believers.
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Daitian Mansion is the Jiaotou Temple here. Chitose of Wu Manor takes care of people who go out here, especially those who are filial.
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Warm local feelings
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Solemn temple~
Chen ZC on Google

My hometown, the faith center of Dingshan people!
Rido Chen (綠豆) on Google

建立沿革: 頂山代天府之創建,首由董事陳丑等發起募捐,自光緒十八年(1892)壬辰開工至二十年(1894)甲午落成,初名為保興宮,奉祀五府千歲。民國二十一年(1932),重修增建兩廂。 古廟歷久星霜,破壞不堪,數次商議重建,均因心力不逮而未果,村長陳進興及耆老等,不惜勞苦,奔走南北,拜訪諸位鄉親,以助一臂之力。果如心願,乃于民國六十三年(1974)甲寅十月五日召集會議,參與者二百餘名,首由陳鳳麟報告廟概況,眾人熱烈贊同,遂即成立重建委員會,擇于民國六十三年(1974)甲寅十月六日開工破土,至民國六十五年(1976)丙辰九月十七日入廟,其未完成部份繼續進行整修,至民國六十八年(1979)九月全部告竣,坐辰向戌兼乙辛分金,改名為玉敕代天府,奉祀五府千歲、觀世音菩薩、天上聖母、中壇元帥、福德正神、註生娘娘列位尊神,威靈顯赫,俎豆馨香,萬世罔替。 吳府三千歲王船來源 本府廟址東南角約一百公尺處,有一深溝向西南延伸,直達青山港入海,清道光甲午年某天半夜,突有一陣大深鑼鼓之聲,熱鬧非凡,驚醒村民紛紛開門探視,看到溝處有一艘三桅大舟,大家誤認海盜前來偷襲,急急又將門窗緊閉不敢出來等到天亮再出來看時,才看出一條約有三尺寬八尺長的小舟泊在溝邊,目賭之下眾村民莫不驚訝,稱奇當時幸承本村池府千歲聖駕降臨指點,謂係一位天神經過此地看出本村地靈人傑有意受本村村民供奉,如有意供奉應速將王舟撈起否則送出港口好了,本村村民聞言均各歡天喜地立即將王舟撈起供奉。於每年農曆四月二十六日、九月十五日各出海巡繞一次、均以斗大將座鎮船頭指揮。 民國二十六年中日戰爭開始,本村四周圍魚塭均被日人強行征收,改闢鹽田水路變更因之王船無法出海巡繞,乃改在廟庭供善男信女朝拜。民國五十三年建醮再次重建王船,現在王船規模較前更為壯觀。 七股鄉雖西臨大海,濱海或臨溪庄頭亦有不少,但田野調查發現,有王船信仰或現象的庄頭,只有頂山村「頂山仔」一地。不過,此地僅有祀船現象,並無王醮或王船祭典,所祀王船還裝置於特製的鐵牛車上,並偶而參與交陪境的遶境活動堪稱一大特色。 「頂山仔」王船原為道光14年(1834)所撿拾的小船,因年久腐壞,乃於光緒20年(1894)重修廟宇時另造一艘較大者取代,後亦腐朽逐,又於1964年「甲辰醮」時再度造,船即今所見王船,木工細緻,造形優雅,平時供於廟南王船閣內,遇有慶典始「出航」到廟前;1987年以後也參與(佳里金唐殿主辦)遶境活動,王船安置於鐵牛車上,隨香陣出巡,這也成為今日王船全貌。
Establishing History: The creation of Dingshan on behalf of Tianfu was first funded by director Chen Chou and others. From the 18th year of the Guangxu period (1892) to the 20th year (1894), the Jiawu was completed. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), a hatchback was rebuilt. The ancient temple has suffered from frost and destruction, and several discussions on reconstruction have failed because of inadequate efforts. Village heads Chen Jinxing and Lao Lao, etc., spared no effort, ran north and south, and visited various folks to help. If so, the meeting was convened on October 5th in the Republic of China (1974) by Jia Yin. There were more than 200 participants. Chen Fenglin first reported the temple, and everyone enthusiastically approved the establishment of a reconstruction committee. In sixty-three years (1974), Jia Yin started to break ground on October 6. Until the sixty-fifth year of the Republic of China (1976) Bingchen entered the temple on September 17th. The unfinished part continued to be renovated until the sixty-eighth year of the Republic of China. (1979) It was all completed in September. It was renamed to Yufu Daitenfu, and it was dedicated to the Five Houses Chitose, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the goddess of heaven, Marshal of the altar, Ford Zhengshen, Zhu Shengniang Respect the gods, the mighty spirits, the sweet smell of cowpeas, the eternal replacement. Wufu Three Thousand Year Old Wang Chuan Source About 100 meters from the southeast corner of the temple site, there is a deep ditch extending southwest to the Qingshan Port and entering the sea. One day in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, there was a sound of deep gongs and drums. It was very lively and awakened. Seeing a three-masted boat at the ditch, everyone mistakenly recognized the pirates coming for a surprise attack, and hurriedly closed the doors and windows and did not dare to come out. When the day dawned and came out again, they saw a small boat about three feet wide and eight feet long Gully, all the villagers were not surprised under the gambling. They said that they were fortunate to accept the guidance of Chitose ’s advent of the village ’s Chifu at that time. Wang Zhou picked it up or sent it out of the port. Villagers in the village immediately heard Wang Zhou and picked up Wang Zhou for worship. Each year on the 26th of the lunar calendar, April 26 and September 15 each cruising to the sea, both under the command of the bow of the town. At the beginning of the 26th Sino-Japanese War of the Republic of China, the fish breams around the village were forcibly collected by the Japanese. The kingship of the Yantian waterway was changed and the ship could not cruise. Instead, it was worshipped in the temple court. In the 53rd year of the Republic of China, the Kingship was rebuilt again. Now the scale of Kingship is more spectacular than before. Although Qigu Township is bordered by the sea to the west, and there are a lot of Zhuangtou in Binhai or Linxi, field investigations have found that Zhuangtou, which has the belief or phenomenon of Wang Chuan, has only Dingshan Village in Dingshan Village. However, there is only the phenomenon of worshipping the ship here, and there is no kingship or kingship festival. The kingship ship is also mounted on a special iron ox cart, and occasionally participates in the detour activities of the border crossing. This is a major feature. "Dingshan Tsai" was originally a boat picked up by Daoguang in 14th year (1834). Due to age, it was damaged. Therefore, when the temple was rebuilt in the 20th year of Guangxu (1894), another larger one was replaced. It was rebuilt in 1964, "Jinchen". The boat is the King boat as seen today. The woodwork is meticulous and elegant in shape. It is usually provided in the Wang Chuan Pavilion in the south of the temple. When the festival begins, it "goes out" to the temple; it also participates after 1987. (Sponsored by the Golden Tang Palace of Jiali) Around the border, Wang Chuan was placed on an iron ox cart and went on a tour with the incense array. This has become the whole picture of Wang Chuan today.
倉田紗南 on Google

純樸的偏遠小村 地廣人稀 美景無限 除了冬天的東北季風 吹到你不要不要的
rustic remote village sparsely populated Unlimited view Except for the northeast monsoon in winter blow until you don't want it

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