中國青年救國團高雄市團務指導委員會附設文理技藝短期補習班三民分班 - Sanmin District

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 中國青年救國團高雄市團務指導委員會附設文理技藝短期補習班三民分班

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Dachang 2nd Rd, 270號中國青年救國團高雄市團務指導委員會附設文理技藝短期補習班三民分班2樓

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807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Dachang 2nd Rd, 270號中國青年救國團高雄市團務指導委員會附設文理技藝短期補習班三民分班2樓
盧亮 on Google

Go to class!

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愛走走的小時刻Pakerver on Google

National Salvation Mission in Sanmin District
陳皆宏 on Google

Sanmin Branch of the National Salvation League, with good teaching quality and good learning skills
李蘿蔔 on Google

適合孩子學習,市民學習。 收費平價,環境普通但有冷氣,不好停車。
Suitable for children to learn, citizens to learn. The price is cheap, the environment is ordinary but air-conditioned, and parking is not good.
Unicorn Chien on Google

大約兩年多前開始接觸油畫 當時對油畫一竅不通的我 經陳皆宏老師熱心且耐心教導 開始畫出興趣 也慢慢能將內心想法 藉由色彩呈現在畫布上 陳皆宏油畫老師的教導理念 是希望學生能自由發揮 就如藝術是無框架的 特別適合像我這樣非本科生但對藝術 油畫充滿興趣的人 能在無壓力的環境下學畫 特別的是 陳皆宏老師 會依照學員的程度 給予不同的建議 在我第三幅作品完成後 對畫的想法開始有了轉變 這時陳老師更加鼓勵我 並給予尊重 不再修改畫作 漸漸地有了自我風格 有機會和藝術前輩們一同參展 完成了夢想的第一步 畫難以用話來呈現 一幅畫的結構和色彩 透露著創作者想傳達的理念 每個人觀看同一幅畫 心裡卻有不同的話 這就是藝術迷人的地方 最後特別感謝陳皆宏老師 在油畫的路上替我開了一扇門 門後的道路風景 精彩與否 皆有自己所造。
I came into contact with oil painting about two years ago. At that time, I knew nothing about oil painting. After being taught enthusiastically and patiently by Teacher Chen Jiehong, he began to draw interest I can slowly express my inner thoughts on the canvas The teaching philosophy of Chen Jiehong's oil painting teacher is to hope that students can play freely Just like art is frameless, especially for people like me who are not undergraduates but who are interested in art oil painting, can learn to paint in a stress-free environment. What's special is that Mr. Chen Jiehong will give different suggestions according to the degree of the students. After the completion of my third work, the idea of ​​painting has changed. At this time, Mr. Chen encouraged me more and respected me. Gradually I have my own style, and I have the opportunity to participate in the exhibition with the senior artists. Completed the first step of the dream It is difficult to use words to show the structure and color of a picture, revealing the ideas that the creator wants to convey. Everyone watches the same picture but has different words in their hearts This is the place where art is fascinating Finally, thank you very much Mr. Chen Jiehong for opening a door for me on the way to oil painting The road scenery behind the door is splendid or not.
Chris Wang on Google

我的評論很長,有興趣的人歡迎仔細閱讀。 為了讓社會大眾瞭解救國團某些課程的品質,因為這關係到社會大眾的公眾利益,我有必要在此針對救國團的某位教學者進行嚴正的評論,而我的評論都有實際的證據,絕對沒有不實指控,否則願負相關的法律責任。 一分錢一分貨,很多時候便宜真的沒有好品質, 我極度不推薦陳皆宏的油畫課, 這個陳皆宏以前是在前金分校教課,但現在已經改在三民分校教課了,請大家多留意,如果你不想浪費時間與金錢去救國團上某個毫無意義與價值的課程,真的歡迎大家仔細看完我的評論,然後再自己斟酌要不要去上陳皆宏的油畫課程。 本人在去年2019年3~4月間,曾經在救國團前金分校報名上過他的油畫課程, 我上完一期的課程之後就不會想再去了,每一堂課我都有用手機錄影錄音搜證,所以我的評論絕對沒有亂講。 就我當時上課時碰到的實際狀況來看,陳皆宏這個人的誠信、人品、基本常識與油畫專業知識有很大的問題。 他上課時的態度非常不積極,非常沒有精神,非常懶散,而且非常敷衍,非常沒有職業道德。 他課堂上完全沒有在授課,我從小到大上過那麼多補習班,還沒碰過像他這種完全沒有職業道德的人,根本就是標準的乾領鐘點費不教課,然後打混摸魚。 我所有油畫的知識與技巧,都是我自己另外從網路上的教學影片與其他專業人士身上學到的,沒有任何一丁點是從他身上學到的。 他連最基本的畫筆種類、畫布尺寸,畫什麼物件應該使用什麼畫筆等等,都沒有教。 他上課的方式是,學員一到教室自己畫,然後他再抽空幫你修改畫作,修改時絕對不會告訴你為何要這樣修改,該如何修改,他就是全程不發一語修改你的畫作,開口問他,他不是不回答,不然就是支支吾吾不知道在講什麼敷衍了事,修改畫作時,也是隨隨便便意思意思畫個幾筆就走開。 ========================= 他這個人的繪畫常識與其它基本常識非常不充足, 我曾經問他幾個很基本的油畫常識,結果他都答錯,我事後都有另外再問過其他真正專業的畫家求證,證明他的回答都是錯誤的。 他連最基本的色彩學調色也都講錯, 我曾經問他: 「調色盤可以使用壓克力或是塑膠調色盤嗎?」 他回答:「不能使用壓克力或是塑膠調色盤,只能使用木質調色盤,使用木質調色盤才會有畫家的氣質」 但我問了其他真正專業的畫家之後,事實上卻是不論壓克力塑膠調色盤或是木質調色盤都可以使用,在歐美,早就一堆畫家使用壓克力塑膠調色盤了,而且美術用品社或是網路上,也有一堆人在販售壓克力塑膠調色盤,畫家的氣質不是靠使用什麼材質的調色盤來顯示的,而是靠自己有沒有專業的繪畫技術與充足的繪畫知識來顯示的。 我曾經問他:昂貴的顏料有購買的價值嗎? 他回答:我個人覺得沒有購買的價值。 我另外請教其他真正專業的畫家求證之後, 正確答案是:好的油畫顏料當然有它的價值,不論是顯色、黏稠度、細緻程度、耐久性與耐光性,都比便宜的顏料好。 絕對不是像他所說的沒有購買的價值,真的是外行到了極點。 我曾經在課堂上畫了一幅畫,畫中有角度大約20度的山坡地, 我說:我想在山坡地上畫幾頭牛。 結果他居然回答我:山坡地上不可以畫牛,因為只有山羊才有辦法爬上山坡地吃草。 我聽完之後整個人完全傻眼,我畫的是山坡地不是懸崖峭壁,牛當然可以爬上山坡地吃草,這在南投、台東或是花蓮的山上都可以看到,網路上也有一大堆牛在山坡地上吃草的照片,而且這是小學自然課就教過的基本常識,連小學生都知道。 結果他居然回答我牛不能爬上山坡地吃草,真的是愚蠢到了極點笑掉我的大牙,我還沒碰過像他這麼沒有基本常識的人。 =============================== 這個陳皆宏學歷吹牛, 有一次大家在閒聊時, 我曾經問他: 你是高師大美術系研究所畢業的? 他回答:是啊 結果我越想越不對,如果真的是高師大美術系研究所畢業,怎麼可能連基本的油畫知識都答錯, 然後我就打電話到高師大查證,結果根本沒有陳皆宏這個畢業生 但是讓我意外在高師大進修部查到,原來這個陳皆宏,只是高師大美術系研究所在職專班,剛入學不久的學生, 居然只是在職專班???!!! 很多人都知道在職專班的素質,光是在職專班的入學門檻很低,學生素質良莠不齊,我就不敢領教了。 因為少子化的影響,許多學校某些科系招收不到學生,為了維持科系的開銷,紛紛成立在職專班大量招收學生,一個科系的碩士在職專班,每個年級居然可以像大學一樣招收幾十個學生,能錄取多少人盡量錄取多少人,凡事以學費收入為重,這樣的碩士課程與畢業學生會有什麼品質? 救國團找一個什麼在職專班的學生來教學,加上救國團本身沒有定期評鑑教學者的品質,難怪教學品質會如此低落。 如果找的是大學美術系畢業,或是美術系研究所一般在學學生生來教學,相信教學者絕對有相當專業的程度,果然是便宜的學費只能找到沒有專業知識的人來授課, 後來我又查出,這個陳皆宏居然是海青工商美工科畢業後,就沒有繼續在美術相關科系升學,然後過了幾十年之後才在2017年申請進入高師大美術系在職專班就讀, 但是一個在高師大美術系在職專班就讀的人,居然連最基本的色彩學調色都不知道,我小時候國小上美術課時,就已經學過色彩學調色了 意思就是說,他過去幾十年裡,油畫相關的知識還停留在高職美工科的階段,了不起就是平常在家裡自己畫自己練習,閉門造車幾十年繪畫技巧小有成就而已,難怪我問他幾個油畫的基本問題他都答錯。 真的是便宜的學費沒好貨,居然叫一個美術能力只有高職美工科的人來授課。 ======================== 一個教學者是否盡責,從學員的學習成果就可以看出來,這個陳皆宏的油畫課裡,有些學員至少已經上了幾個月的課程,但學習成果卻還停留在 「畫布上只是幾團顏色」那樣的品質。 甚至有人已經上了快2年的課程,畫出來的作品卻讓人有些懷疑,把課堂上其他學員的畫作拍照,上傳至Facebook油畫相關社團裡,讓專業的畫家與老師評論,不少人質疑為什麼學了快2年卻畫出這種品質的畫作?到底是學員的學習能力有問題,還是教學者的能力有問題? 此外,大家都知道,教學者不應該在課堂上,替廠商與店家打廣告發名片,但是這個陳皆宏卻在課堂上替店家發名片打廣告,上課不教學沒有職業道德,只會進行商業廣告。 =========================== 另外,陳皆宏這個人很沒禮貌,言行舉止的素質不是很好。 課堂上有位女學員開設服飾店,有一次陳皆宏問這位女學員服飾店在哪裡,想去買衣服,這位女學員笑一笑不回答,結果下次上課時,他居然又問這位女學員的服飾店在哪裡,他想帶他老婆去買衣服,這位女學員還是笑一笑不回答。 我想很多人都知道,當你詢問他人私領域的事情,但對方不願回答時,我們就應該尊重他人不要繼續打探了,但是這個陳皆宏卻不懂得尊重他人,一再地詢問打探女學員的服飾店在哪裡,我不知道這個陳皆宏真正的目的到底是什麼。 陳皆宏講話誇大,明明很簡單的事情硬要把它講的好像很困難,藉此來抬舉自己好像很厲害很專業,但畫虎不成反類犬,這樣的行為只是自曝其短,感覺很像是他因為自己程度不是很好,怕被人看穿,心虛故意武裝自己罷了。 他只要知道芝麻綠豆大的常識,馬上很得意急於表現,瞭解芝麻綠豆大的基本常識是應該的,沒什麼好沾沾自喜,也不需要急著表現,會有這種行為的人,通常是因為自己比別人差,自卑感做祟,怕被人發現自己不如人,只好在芝麻小事上迫不及待地急於表現自己,掩飾自己的程度差,替自己漂白,但這樣的行為只會讓人覺得是井底之蛙。 他喜歡自以為是亂講話批評學員, 但真正錯誤的卻是他自己, 講話沒什麼邏輯,前後不一顛三倒四。 陳皆宏他自己知識淺陋,被我考倒了,我不願意認同他那錯誤且毫無價值的論點時,他面子掛不住的情況下,便質疑我的言論故意找我麻煩,但很慶幸的是,我都能以實質的證據反駁他的質疑,他不過只是再一次自取其辱罷了,他藉由質疑我的言論,來掩飾自己不學無術專業知識嚴重不足。 ======================== 極度倚老賣老狂妄自大沒禮貌, 向我借用顏料時,只是一隻手伸過來,連看都不看我一眼,完全不講話,只是指著某顏色的顏料示意要我借給他,我還沒有碰過像他這麼沒禮貌沒教養的人,向人借東西居然是這種態度,連開口說聲【請】字都不會,狂妄自大沒禮貌到了極點。 幫我修改畫作需要顏料調色時,也是不發一語,指著某些顏料示意要我拿給他,連開口講話都懶得開口了,真的是狂妄自大沒禮貌到了極點。 =================== 事後我打電話向救國團前金分校投訴,櫃台人員與主管的處理方式,與講出來的字眼更是讓人啼笑皆非,說什麼會處理,會回電給我告知處理的結果,但是我等了一個多月遲遲沒有等到救國團的回電,我自己又打電話去詢問,前後總共打了4次電話。 結果救國團櫃台的人員與主管,以打官腔敷衍了事,狡辯歪理、避重就輕與模糊焦點的方式回應,甚至講不過我時,還在電話裡面情緒失控,惱羞成怒吼叫,故意像機關槍一樣講話很快很大聲,試圖想要壓制我讓我閉嘴。 一個有幾十年歷史的救國團,他們的員工與主管居然會以那樣的態度與狡辯的歪理,處理學員的客訴,我一直以為只有那些沒有格調沒有智商的人,才會有那樣言行舉止。 同步在FACEBOOK繪畫相關社團,把所有的事情公布,讓更多人知道真相, 我有的是證據且實話實說,絕對不會造謠胡說八道。
My review is long, and interested people are welcome to read it carefully. In order to let the public understand the quality of some courses of the National Salvation Corps, because it is related to the public interest of the public, I need to make a serious comment on a certain educator of the National Salvation Corps, and my comments have actual evidence , There are absolutely no false allegations, otherwise we are willing to bear the relevant legal responsibilities. One cent for one cent. Many times cheaper really does n’t have good quality. I highly recommend Chen Jiehong's oil painting class. This Chen Jiehong used to teach at the former Jin Campus, but now he has taught at the Sanmin Campus. Please pay more attention. If you do n’t want to waste time and money to save a meaningless and valuable class in the National League, really Everyone is welcome to read my comments carefully, and then decide whether to take Chen Jierhong's oil painting course. I enrolled in his oil painting course at the Qianjin Campus of the National Salvation Army from March to April of 2019 last year. I do n’t want to go back after I have finished a course. I have used a mobile phone to record and search for evidence in each lesson, so my comments are definitely not made in random. Judging from the actual situation I encountered in class at the time, Chen Jiehong had a big problem with his integrity, character, basic common sense, and oil painting expertise. He had a very inactive attitude in class, was very unspirited, very lazy, and was very perfunctory, very unprofessional. He didn't teach at all in class. I have attended so many tutoring classes since childhood. I haven't met anyone like him who has no professional ethics at all. It ’s basically a standard job. fish. All the knowledge and skills of my oil painting were learned by myself from teaching videos on the Internet and other professionals. Nothing was learned from him. He didn't even teach the most basic types of brushes, canvas size, what kind of brushes should be used to draw objects, and so on. The way he goes to class is that when the student comes to the classroom to draw by himself, and then he takes the time to help you modify the painting, he will never tell you why you want to modify it, and how to modify it. He just does not send a word to modify your painting, Asked him, he either didn't answer, otherwise he just didn't know what perfunctory things were being said, and when he revised the painting, he just ran away with just a few strokes. =========================== His painting common sense and other basic common sense are very insufficient, I once asked him a few basic oil painting common sense, but he all answered wrong, and I have asked other true professional painters afterwards to prove that his answers were wrong. He missed even the most basic chromatics, I used to ask him: "Can the palette use acrylic or plastic palettes?" He replied, "You can't use acrylic or plastic palettes. You can only use wooden palettes. Only with wooden palettes will you have the temperament of a painter." But after I asked other real professional painters, in fact, it can be used regardless of acrylic plastic color palette or wooden color palette. In Europe and America, a bunch of artists have long used acrylic plastic color palettes. Also, there are a lot of people selling acrylic plastic color palettes on the art supplies agency or the Internet. The temperament of the artist is not displayed by the color palette of the material, but by whether he has professional painting. Techniques and sufficient painting knowledge to show. I once asked him: Is expensive pigment worth buying? He replied: I personally feel that there is no value in buying. I also consulted other real professional painters to verify, The correct answer is: Of course, good oil paint has its value, no matter it is color, consistency, fineness, durability and light resistance, it is better than cheap paint. Definitely not the value without purchase as he said, it is really layman to the extreme. I used to draw a picture in class. The picture shows a hillside with an angle of about 20 degrees. I said: I want to draw a few cows on the hillside. As a result, he actually answered me: no cattle can be painted on the hillside, because only goats can climb up the hillside to eat grass. After I listened, the whole person was completely dumbfounded. I painted the hillside is not a cliff. Of course, cattle can climb up the hillside to eat grass. This can be seen in the mountains of Nantou, Taitung, or Hualien, and there are a lot on the Internet. A picture of a cow grazing on a hillside, and this is the basic common knowledge taught in elementary school nature classes, even the elementary school students know. In the end, he answered that my cow couldn't climb up the hillside to eat grass. He was really stupid enough to laugh at my big teeth. I haven't met anyone like him who has no basic knowledge. ================================= This Chen Jiehong's education is bragging, Once when everyone was chatting, I used to ask him: You graduated from the Art Institute of Normal University? He replied: yes As a result, the more I think about it, the more wrong I am. If I really graduated from the Art Institute of Normal University, how can I even answer the basic oil painting knowledge incorrectly? Then I called the Normal University to check, but it turned out that there was no graduate like Chen Jierhong However, I accidentally found out in the advanced training department of the Normal University. It turns out that Chen Jierhong is just a vocational class of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Normal University. It's just a vocational class ??? !!! Many people know the quality of vocational classes. Just because the entry barriers for vocational classes are very low, and the quality of students is not uniform, I dare not teach. Due to the influence of declining birthrate, many schools are unable to recruit students in some departments. In order to maintain the expenses of the department, a large number of vocational classes have been set up to recruit students. A master's vocational class in a department can be like a university in each grade. Recruiting dozens of students, how many people can be admitted as much as possible, everything is based on tuition income, what kind of quality will this master's degree program and graduate students have? The National Salvation Corps is looking for a student in a vocational class to teach. In addition, the National Salvation Corps itself does not regularly evaluate the quality of the teaching staff. No wonder the teaching quality will be so low. If you are looking for a graduate of the University of Fine Arts, or an undergraduate in the Institute of Fine Arts, the students are generally taught. I believe that the educators are definitely quite professional, and it is true that the cheap tuition can only be found by people without professional knowledge to teach. Later, I found out that after Chen Haihong actually graduated from Haiqing Industrial and Commercial Art and Engineering, he did not continue his studies in the arts related departments, and then applied for admission to the in-service class of the Fine Arts Department of Normal University in 2017 after decades. , However, a person studying in the on-the-job class of the Fine Arts Department of the Normal University didn't even know the most basic color science tinting. When I was an elementary school elementary school student, I had already learned color tinting. This means that in the past few decades, his knowledge about oil painting has remained at the stage of higher vocational arts. It is amazing that he usually draws and practiced at home by himself. His painting skills behind closed doors for decades have little success. No wonder I asked him He answered the wrong questions about several oil paintings. Really cheap tuition is not good, and actually called a person with art ability who only has higher vocational arts to teach. ========================= Whether a teacher is responsible, can be seen from the students' learning results. In this Chen Jiehong's oil painting class, some students have been taking courses for at least a few months, but the learning results have stayed on "the canvas is just a few colors." That quality. Some people have already taken the course for almost 2 years, but the paintings are a bit skeptical. The photos of other students in the class were taken and uploaded to the Facebook oil painting related society for professional painters and teachers to comment. Many people questioned Why did I draw a painting of this quality after studying for almost 2 years? Is there a problem with the learning ability of the students or the ability of the educators? In addition, everyone knows that the teaching staff should not advertise and distribute business cards for the manufacturers and stores in the classroom, but this Chen Jiehong advertises the business cards for the stores in the classroom. There is no professional ethics without teaching in the class, only commercial advertising. ============================= In addition, Chen Jiehong is very rude, and the quality of his behavior is not very good. In the class, a female student opened a clothing store. One time Chen Jiehong asked the female student where the clothing store was and wanted to buy clothes. The female student smiled and did not answer. As a result, he asked the female again next time. Where is the student's clothing store and he wants to take his wife to buy clothes, the female student still smiles and does not answer. I think a lot of people know that when you ask someone about their private spheres, but the other party is unwilling to answer, we should respect others and do n’t continue to probe, but this Chen Jiehong does n’t know how to respect others, and repeatedly asks about the costumes of female students Where is the store, I don't know what the real purpose of this Chen Jiehong is. Chen Jiehong's speech was exaggerated. Obviously, it is very difficult to tell it very simple things. It seems to be very professional to lift himself up, but drawing tigers is not an anti-dog. This behavior is just self-explanatory and it feels like Because he was not very good, fearing being seen through, he deliberately armed himself with a guilty conscience. As long as he knows the common sense of sesame and mung bean, he is very proud of his eagerness to express. He should know the basic common sense of sesame and mung bean. He should not be complacent, and there is no need to hurry to express. People who have this behavior usually because they are better than Others are poor and have low self-esteem. They are afraid to be found to be inferior to others, so they can't wait to express themselves in small things, cover themselves up poorly, and bleach for themselves, but this behavior will only make people feel like a frog at the bottom of the well. He likes to think that he is talking nonsense and criticizing students. But what was really wrong was himself, There is no logic in speaking, and there is no upside down. Chen Jiehong himself had a poor knowledge and was tested by me. When I was unwilling to agree with his wrong and worthless argument, when he could not hold his face, he questioned my remarks and deliberately bothered me, but fortunately, I can refute his doubts with substantial evidence. He just humiliated himself once again. By questioning my remarks, he concealed his serious lack of professional knowledge. ========================= It ’s extremely impolite to rely on the old and sell the old arrogantly, When I borrowed the pigment from me, I just stretched out my hand, didn't even look at me, didn't speak at all, just pointed to a certain color of pigment and asked me to lend it to him. I haven't touched him as rudely. It is such an attitude of a cultivated person to borrow things from others. He ca n’t even say [please], and he is arrogant and rude to the extreme. When helping me modify my paintings that required color adjustment, I didn't say a word. I pointed to certain pigments and asked me to give them, and I was too lazy to speak. It was really arrogant and rude to the extreme. ===================== Afterwards, I called the Qianjin Branch of the National Salvation Complaint. The handling methods and the words spoken by the counter staff were even ridiculous. Whatever I said would be handled, I would call back to inform me of the results, but I waited. I didn't wait for a call from the National Salvation Group for more than a month, and I called again to inquire, and made 4 calls before and after. As a result, the staff and supervisors at the counter of the National Salvation Corps responded in a perfunctory manner, using sophistry, avoiding lightness and obscuring focus. Even when they could not speak with me, they were still out of control on the phone and became screaming with anger, deliberately speaking fast like a machine gun. Loud, trying to suppress me and shut me up. A national salvation group with decades of history, their employees and supervisors will deal with the students' complaints with such attitude and sophistry. I always thought that only those who have no style and no IQ will behave like that. . Synchronize in the painting related communities on Facebook, and publish all things so that more people know the truth, What I have is evidence and to be honest, absolutely no rumors.
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