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博愛蕙馨醫院 - Boaihs.com.tw


Contact 博愛蕙馨醫院

地址 :

813, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Bo'ai 2nd Rd, 20號2號出口捷運凹子底站博愛蕙馨醫院

電話 : 📞 +8878888
網站 : http://www.boaihs.com.tw/
城市 : nd Rd

813, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Bo'ai 2nd Rd, 20號2號出口捷運凹子底站博愛蕙馨醫院
陳花花 on Google

I went to Dr. Huang Lihua from pregnancy to delivery. Dr. Huang took the ultrasound very carefully and always answered all my questions. During the whole pregnancy, I was very relieved to give to Dr. Huang.
chen chi on Google

Because there are particles on the skin on the lower edge of the abdomen, I went to Bo Ai Hui Xin Obstetrics and Gynecology Department for consultation. During the check-in and consultation, I clearly explained the position of the skin I wanted to see with the outpatient nurse and doctor, but I was still asked to go to the internal consultation chair to raise it. The private part is consulted by the doctor, and then the doctor realizes that he is looking at the wrong place. The whole process feels very intrusive and uncomfortable.
林詠潔 on Google

Parking is convenient and health insurance is available. Due to the epidemic, entry is strictly controlled according to government regulations. Some outpatient clinics can only register on the spot, so you need to wait patiently. The back area is very comfortable. There is a pharmacy in the hospital. Building gynecology, the doctor is still attentive, the overall environment is very comfortable.
yurui Chen on Google

本院榮獲中央健保高屏分局評鑑之「經營管理」標竿醫院。優質化經營,以服務品質為第一優先要件,無論在硬體或軟體上均以教學醫院為標竿。種種貼心的服務及設計,都能讓來院者有回家的感覺。 馨蕙馨醫院成立於民國八十九年,五星級的設備及服務,人性化溫馨的設計,讓來院者有回家的感覺。 婦產科、小兒科、內科、乳房外科、整形外科、心臟內科、坐月子中心、美容醫學中心 作為「成為最優質的婦幼醫院、高品質的醫療服務」是本院服務核心宗旨。在這「宗旨與核心價值」之下,本院以超五星級飯店為範本,軟硬體不斷升級,以滿足每一位患者近乎完美的苛求;而在醫療品質上,再再添購最新型、有效而貼心的儀器﹙如4D胎兒全影像攝影、高科技數位內視鏡暨微創手術設備、貼心內診自動伸展台﹚。此外本院並與高醫、高長、高榮等多家醫學中心建教合作,且與社區衛生所、社會局社工人員相互提供醫療支援或電話訪問,或親自拜訪,形成綿密的婦幼醫療照顧網,以提供婦幼產前產後,院內與院外的全方位服務。近年來,本院更把「病患的權利」與「病患安全」的精神元素融合在臨床醫療服務當中,以「更安全的工作流程」、「更隱密的私人尊重」讓婦幼患者享受安全、尊嚴的高品質婦幼服務。
Our hospital was awarded the “Management” Benchmark Hospital by the Central Health Insurance Gaoping Sub-bureau. High-quality management, with service quality as the first priority, and teaching hospitals as the benchmark for both hardware and software. All kinds of thoughtful services and designs can make visitors feel like they are home. Xin Huixin Hospital was established in 1989, with five-star equipment and services, and a humane and warm design, making visitors feel at home. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Breast Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Cardiology, Confinement Center, Aesthetic Medicine Center As "becoming the best women's and children's hospital with high-quality medical services" is the core purpose of our hospital's services. Under this "purpose and core value", our hospital takes a super five-star hotel as a model, and constantly upgrades its software and hardware to meet the nearly perfect requirements of every patient; and in terms of medical quality, we will purchase the latest Model, effective and intimate equipment (such as 4D fetal full image photography, high-tech digital endoscope and minimally invasive surgery equipment, intimate internal diagnosis automatic extension table). In addition, the hospital also cooperates with many medical centers such as Gao Yi, Gao Chang, Gao Rong, and provides mutual medical support or telephone interviews with social workers from community health centers and social bureaus, or visits in person, forming a dense maternal and child medical care network , In order to provide a full range of services for women and children before and after childbirth, both inside and outside the hospital. In recent years, the hospital has integrated the spiritual elements of "patients' rights" and "patient safety" into clinical medical services, and provides women and children with "safer work procedures" and "private respect" for women and children. Safe and dignified high-quality maternity and child services.
真的不想嘴 on Google

從沒想過有人的品行這麼差勁,跟女友去看這間婦產科,等待女友要驗尿的時候,順便詢問了2樓某戴眼鏡的女醫師,過程中女醫師算有專業的回答完我的疑問,但問完問題時回到座位上,卻聽到那位戴眼鏡的女醫師跟裡面的護理師在討論我女友還有我剛剛詢問的問題,討論就算了,還直接講出我女友的名字,不停的在那邊嘲笑,請問貴醫院的素質到底是怎麼教的?把別人的人不安然後在那邊說出來討論嘲笑嗎?就算要說也不會講小聲一點,有夠沒品,在那段等待時間聽到我女友的名字至少有3~5次,整個過程大概10幾分鐘,誇張到一個當下想直接離開,今天我們就是會擔心才會去醫院看診,然後因為不懂才想詢問醫生的專業,結果卻在那邊嘲笑,換作『博愛蕙馨醫院的老闆』,我就想問你,當你聽到有人對妳這樣,你是會開心? 有夠莫名其妙,不要留那種抱歉什麼的罐頭訊息,看了一大堆的人評論也都在說你們訓練人員有問題,是真的有在改善?乾脆直接打掉重練好了,從此之後絕對不會再踏入這間醫院,並且也會跟身邊的人說,你們如此誇張的行徑!
I never thought that someone's conduct was so bad. I went to see this obstetrics and gynecology department with my girlfriend. When I was waiting for my girlfriend to have a urine test, I asked a female doctor with glasses on the second floor. During the process, the female doctor answered professionally. I had a question, but when I came back to my seat after asking the question, I heard the female doctor with glasses and the nurse inside discussing my girlfriend and the question I just asked. The discussion was over, and I directly told my girlfriend. I kept laughing at the name of your hospital, how did you teach the quality of your hospital? Disturb someone else's people and then talk it out over there to discuss ridicule? Even if I wanted to say it, I wouldn't say it in a low voice. It was not good enough. During the waiting time, I heard my girlfriend's name at least 3 to 5 times. The whole process took about 10 minutes. It was so exaggerated that I wanted to leave immediately. Today we I would go to the hospital because I was worried, and then I wanted to ask about the doctor's specialty because I didn't understand it, but I laughed at him over there. I changed it to "the boss of Boai Huixin Hospital". I just wanted to ask you, when you hear someone disagree Are you happy like this? It's inexplicable enough, don't leave that kind of canned message of apology or something. After reading a lot of people's comments, they are saying that there is a problem with your training staff. Is it really improving? Just get rid of it and retrain, and you will never step into this hospital again from now on, and you will also tell the people around you that you are so exaggerated!
Li-Wen Lin on Google

我這個人很少發表評論的,這是我太太第一胎生產,從一開始的產檢到待產到最後生產,整個過程都非常順利? 真的很感謝曾翌捷曾醫生,非常的專業,非常的讓人放心,且非常的柔和,如果說1~100分要給幾分,真的只能選100分了,因為我相信不會有人再比曾醫生還要厲害了,若有第二胎,二話不說一定還是選擇曾醫生? 最後還是很謝謝曾醫生,謝謝您讓我們的生產過程那麼愉快那麼順利,辛苦您了? 雖然門診真的是等很久?,沒辦法,誰叫曾醫生人氣那麼旺呢?
I seldom comment. This is my wife's first childbirth. From the initial inspection to waiting for delivery to the final delivery, the whole process went very smoothly? I really appreciate Dr. Zeng Yijie. He is very professional, very reassuring, and very gentle. If you want to give a few points from 1 to 100, you can only choose 100 points, because I believe not Some people are even more powerful than Dr. Zeng. If there is a second child, I will still choose Dr. Zeng. Finally, thank you very much Dr. Zeng, thank you for making our production process so pleasant and smooth, thank you for your hard work? Although the outpatient service is really waiting for a long time?, there is no way, who makes Dr. Zeng so popular?
謝蘋蘋 on Google

連續在博愛蕙馨生完兩胎,很喜歡醫院的環境跟設備,更重要的是醫師和護理人員專業親切,服務也很溫馨,值得推薦。 ※地理位置 博愛蕙馨醫院位於市區,凹子底捷運2號出口直達(*捷運內有ATM,如果做比較精密的檢查忘了帶現金,可以直接去捷運站領*),附近有公園視野也可散步,咖啡餐飲業也多元豐富,義享天地也開幕;產檢後都可小憩一番。 ※醫院硬體、環境和設備 候診區椅子和診間都溫馨舒適;兩胎很幸運都有住到單人病房,浴廁設計乾濕分離、備有冰箱、消毒鍋(*為了母乳*),還有電視、梳妝台、床頭櫃、電話、櫃子、貴妃躺椅跟可調式病床,裝潢像飯店,可以放鬆休息。月中住河堤麗緻,親餵時備有哺乳枕和沙發及專人教學,也有指導沐浴,大家都很關心剛生產完的媽咪跟寶寶,很充實歡樂。 產檢的超音波影像都很清晰明瞭易懂,也許是醫師解釋詳盡。 ※最重要的專業醫術和溫馨服務 第一胎驗出懷孕後,剛好感冒就直接掛到 王威揚 醫師的診,第一次看診都不知道要說什麼?!很幸運遇到很溫暖又有耐性的醫師,也有跟診護理人員引導,才順利完成。也因為每次產檢都很緊張,想問醫師問題卻詞不達意,謝謝王醫師都很有耐性聽完;加上我第二胎跟第一胎離得不算太久,很多懷孕要注意的資訊也還記得,但王醫師也都不厭其煩地再說明提醒一次,心裡都覺得醫師也太用心了吧! 印象深刻的是有次掛號,剛好聽到櫃台人員在討論有人反應「候診太久」的議題,只要護理人員叫到我的名字都緊張到快步進入診間,有次被王醫師發現,還來跟我說: 孕婦慢慢走就好了,我會等妳....當下超感動的。 加上兩胎都生得不如預期,謝謝王醫師和小兒科林千微醫師幫忙跟關心,身體和心理都恢復得不錯,是一間值得推薦又很棒的好醫院喔!!^^ 第二胎以上出院時,還有贈送尿布一箱唷!!
I have given birth to two babies in Boai Huixin in a row. I like the environment and equipment of the hospital very much. More importantly, the doctors and nursing staff are professional and friendly, and the service is also very warm. It is worth recommending. ※Location Boai Huixin Hospital is located in the urban area, directly connected to Exit 2 of Aozidi MRT (*There is an ATM in the MRT, if you forget to bring cash for a more precise inspection, you can go directly to the MRT station to collect*), there is a park view nearby You can also take a walk, the coffee and catering industry is also diverse and rich, and the Yixiang Tiandi has also opened; you can take a nap after the birth inspection. ※Hospital hardware, environment and equipment The chairs in the waiting area and the consultation room are warm and comfortable; both babies are lucky to live in a single ward. The bathroom and toilet are designed to separate wet and dry, with a refrigerator, a sterilizer (*for breast milk*), a TV, a dressing table, and a bedside table. , telephone, cabinet, chaise longue and adjustable hospital bed, decorated like a hotel, you can relax. In the middle of the month, I live in Lizhi on the river bank. When breastfeeding, there are nursing pillows and sofas, as well as a special person to teach, and there is also a guide to bathe. Everyone is very concerned about the mother and baby who have just given birth, which is very fulfilling and happy. The ultrasound images of the obstetric examination are very clear and easy to understand, perhaps the doctor explained it in detail. ※The most important professional medical skills and warm service After the first pregnancy was detected, I happened to have a cold and went directly to Dr. Wang Weiyang's consultation. I didn't know what to say at the first consultation?! I was fortunate to meet a very warm and patient doctor, and also guided by the nursing staff. , was successfully completed. Also because every prenatal check-up is very nervous, I want to ask the doctor questions but the words are not expressive. Thank you Dr. Wang for being patient and listening to it. Plus, my second child and my first child are not too long apart, so I need to pay attention to a lot of pregnancy. I still remember the information, but Dr. Wang took the trouble to explain it again and reminded me again. I felt that the doctor was too attentive! What impressed me was that once I registered, I happened to hear the staff at the counter discussing the issue of "waiting for too long". As long as the nurse called my name, I was so nervous that I walked into the consultation room. Tell me: Pregnant women just walk slowly, I will wait for you... I am very moved now. In addition, both babies are not as expected. Thank you Dr. Wang and Dr. Lin Qianwei for their help and care. Both physical and mental recovery are good. It is a good hospital that is worth recommending and great!!^^ When the second child or above is discharged from the hospital, a box of diapers will be given as a gift!!
Casper Tattoo Kaohsiung Pawlowski on Google

parking is never available !! Its no possible to park around, no ATM .

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