
4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 菸樓陶藝

地址 :

843, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Meinong District, Shishan St, 24-7號菸樓陶藝

電話 : 📞 +88987
網站 : https://zh-tw.facebook.com/%25E8%258F%25B8%25E6%25A8%2593%25E9%2599%25B6%25E8%2597%259D%25E9%25A4%25A8-106676642745590/
城市 : Shishan St

843, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Meinong District, Shishan St, 24-7號菸樓陶藝
張凱淳 on Google

Teacher Zhong is willing to share his own ideas, creation is full of vitality, and the overall park is very pleasant.
王小胖 on Google

The works and the environment are full of humanistic atmosphere. You can experience pottery in six days. The house is built by yourself. Please ask the teacher to introduce it.
Lun wu on Google

喜歡老闆♥️期待燒窯成品 非假日的小確幸,品嚐了好吃的梅子、自釀高梁、老闆私藏,還有可愛的歐練~ 聊天喝茶~謝謝老闆!
Like the boss ♥️ Looking forward to the finished kiln A little fortunate for non-holidays, I tasted delicious plums, home-brewed sorghum, the owner’s private collection, and the lovely Ou Lin Chat and drink tea~ Thank you boss!
Vicky on Google

The teacher is very serious to explain and guide pottery, novices do not need to be nervous about mistakes, and you can also visit the pottery works inside~
Doris on Google

The teachers are very good, the explanations are very detailed, and they are very patient to help correct the pottery vessel. If there is a chance, I will come to the second brush (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Jim's google on Google

Great quiet smokehouse, full of quaint inner energy, love the teacher's creation! Fill my heart with joy.
陳文魁 on Google

材燒窯、枕木桌、大小數不清的材燒甕/茶倉、 在在散發一股厚樸的氛圍。動輒存放在甕中10-20年的可食用老蘿蔔乾、老茶葉、紅豆;玻璃瓶中不知歲月的黃褐色豆腐乳,除了透露發酵帶來的強力腸道益生菌,似乎也令人聞到神秘的氣氛。如果再聽說主人是個電機科班出身的藝術人,那!這裡看起來是在等待有緣人。
The wood-fired kiln, sleeper table, countless wood-fired ravioli / tea warehouses are exuding a rustic atmosphere. The edible dried radishes, old tea leaves, and red beans that have been stored for 10 to 20 years at every turn; the tan-colored tofu milk in glass bottles for unknown years, in addition to revealing the powerful intestinal probiotics brought by fermentation, also seems to be smelling Mysterious atmosphere. If I heard that the owner is an artist with an electrical engineering background, then! It seems to be waiting for someone.
志翔Samuel on Google

老闆人很親切,懂的東西很多,請我們喝茶並促膝長談的跟我們聊著他經營陶藝的來由,以及許多關於不同陶瓷的特色:) 昨天跟朋友第一次體驗手拉胚,真的很有趣,看老闆花不到幾分鐘就捏出了一個杯子或是一個碗,真心覺得佩服,真的體會到做任何事都需要持之以恆才能成大業! 老闆還說他那邊不只可以體驗捏製自己的陶器以外,也可以去那邊烤披薩? 手拉胚的費用一次是450一個作品,每多一個再加100元,運費再加30,如果人多的話會比較便宜喔!! (很值得再去的地方,體會人文氣息,遠離城市的喧囂?)
The boss is very kind and knows a lot. We invited us to drink tea and have a long conversation with us about the reason why he manages pottery and many characteristics of different ceramics:) Yesterday, I experienced hand-drawn embryos for the first time with a friend. It was really interesting. It took less than a few minutes to see the boss squeeze out a cup or a bowl. I really admire it. I really realize that doing anything requires perseverance. great cause! The boss also said that he can not only experience making his own pottery over there, but he can also go there to bake pizza ? The cost of a hand-drawn embryo is 450 for a work, each additional 100 yuan, and the shipping fee is 30. If there are many people, it will be cheaper! ! (A place worth visiting again, to experience the humanistic atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of the city ?)

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